
Tigers Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The great mother legend says her soul continues to pass through the generations of tigers that come after her."
"A staggering statistic: there are more tigers in the U.S alone than there are in the wild."
"Tigers are typically defined by their courageousness and their willingness for adventure."
"One story used to highlight this is the story of the lion and the tiger."
"Tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now. Recently, remote camera traps have captured three young Indo-Chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest."
"Tigers never stop seeing humans as prey, even the humans who raise them from their earliest life."
"Settle in and enjoy the time of the Tigers for the championship again."
"Tigers creep very, very slowly and then they jump. Tigers like to lick themselves clean, but best of all, my tigers are happy, they purr."
"Even if you find yourself in some exotic place where they have seemingly docile Tigers roaming around that you can touch you still may want to think twice."
"You've adopted two tigers, yes I have Roy, yes, are you feed them deuce have a barbecue that's a friend Charlotte Hey how do you?"
"Tigers are nature's majestic striped big cats with fiery eyes and powerful paws. They're great hunters. Wow!"
"Tigers will on occasions visit an animal that is tied up for several nights."
"There's more tigers in captivity in Texas than there are in the entire world in the wild."
"There are now only 3,200 wild tigers left in the world."
"Each tiger has their own unique set of stripes, kind of like our fingerprints."
"I have been interested in tigers from as far back as I can remember."
"White tigers are a really rare variant of the Bengal tiger that can be distinguished from the regular sort by their white fur, pale blue eyes, and their chocolate-colored stripes."
"Cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeups with tigers."
"Tigers are beautiful... they're very graceful, they move quite silently, they swim... but you'd never get in a cage with a tiger."
"Tigers are the largest living cat species and an apex predator."
"Why can't the newspaper think about the tigers nearly extinct?"
"The tiger pairs with out the forest therefore the tigers should stand guard over the forest and the forest should protect the tigers."
"Tigers are stripy and the stripes are actually quite elaborate."
"Tigers are striped even if you shave them."
"Tigers are wild. My favorite animal by far is a tiger."
"The woman says that the tigers rub against her face, and that she can kiss them on the nose."
"Unlike lions, tigers are actually pretty selfless."
"Tigers are endangered, these beautiful animals are constantly under threat from deforestation and poachers."
"More than 95% of wild tigers have already disappeared, they need our help today."
"Every tiger has a different stripe pattern."
"Tigers have amazing retractable claws from the time they're cubs, and they practice retracting them and scratching to keep them sharp."
"Every tiger's stripes have a totally unique pattern; no two tigers are alike."
"Tigers are striped even if you shaved them."
"Tigers not only have striped fur, but they actually have striped skin as well."
"Tigers are one wild cat that love water."
"Tigers are actually aquatic; that's something that not a lot of people realize."
"After their all-time low in 2010, tigers are making a comeback."
"Here come the Tigers, clever play."
"Tigers are making a remarkable comeback here in Nepal."
"With fewer than 4,000 wild tigers left in the world, every tiger counts."
"With their stripes and stealth, Tigers are impressive creatures; they are noticed and command respect."
"We're the Tigers, we're fierce, and we're determined to win."
"We're on the cusp of a new revolution in tiger conservation."
"Preserving the ecosystems of tiger range countries is as crucial as preserving the tigers themselves."
"Every tiger has a different pattern that helps us tell them apart."
"Making these changes in our homes helps protect the homes of tigers."
"Tigers are the largest cats in the whole world."
"Tigers sleep over 18 hours a day; this is just one of many nap times for these big cats."
"Look how absolutely stunning this creature is, the tiger was so close, that was awesome."