
Election Importance Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"This is going to be, and I really believe this, the most important election in the history of our country. Don't let them take it away from you."
"The next president...could have two, three, four, and even five, the next president. This is so important. This is so, whether you're talking about life, whether you're talking about Second Amendment, whether you're talking about military. This is so important. We have to do this. We have to win this election."
"Elections have consequences. If you care about justice—social justice, economic justice, environmental justice, personal freedom—we, the Democrats, have to win this election."
"This is really the most important election because it's kind of our last chance."
"We need to focus on the stakes of this election, it's not just the day-to-day events."
"We have to run through the tape on election day, we have to push as hard as we can as long as we can and get this job done because the whole future of this country is dependent on it."
"That's why November 3rd is our moment. That's why November 3rd is vastly more important than the 25th amendment because we get to decide whether we want him or not."
"What is on the ballot here is the character of this country: decency, honor, respect."
"This is an election about whether there will ever be an election again."
"This is their fight, this is all of our fight, this is what matters in this election."
"The contrast between the two options Biden or Trump has never been clear."
"The survival of American democracy is on the ballot."
"None of that means a damn thing if Rafael Warnock and John Ossof are not elected senator in Georgia."
"We have an important election coming up... don't vote out of hatred, vote out of what you feel is going to be the best for your country, for yourself, for your family, your children, your grandchildren."
"The only poll that matters is the one that you show up to on Election Day."
"Voter turnout is going to be key. This is the bottom line."
"It's the most important election in the history of our country."
"Fighting to win those seats changes the conversation and becomes one about demonstrating progressive government."
"What's at stake in this election frankly, is nothing less, I dare say, than the future of our country."
"The 2020 election may well be about the survival of our planet."
"It doesn't do any good to have great policy if you don't win the election."
"Everybody who cares about the future of this nation should turn out and vote. It's vitally important, it's absolutely important."
"It just feels like it's all been leading up to this election."
"We are getting very close to the 100-day sprint. It is almost 100 days until the most important election of our lifetime."
"This 2024 is at the top of the ticket a choice about are we going to continue to have a democracy is your voice is your vote going to continue to matter or are we going to have an autocracy right the it's that's it."
"Strategically for the left for us to progress as a society, I think it's obvious that you have to get Trump out."
"Every election is important. Every election is crucial. Every election has consequences. Every election matters."
"All that matters is who turns out on Election Day." - Ralph Reed
"One of the biggest issues that Michigan, other than that most people go, is this election."
"Do we want the American experiment?... If we don't get it right this election, I don't think we have a country."
"We need to build the broadest possible coalition to defeat Donald Trump Defender democracy and win back the house."
"Ending abject poverty is literally on the ballot in 2020."
"Practically speaking, the 2020 election is the only way that we will remove him from office."
"This is the most important election I've ever lived through."
"We cannot let this happen this that's why this 2024 election is so important if if Republicans are not back in the White House in 2024 we are going to lose the Supreme Court and we are going to lose our country period full stop."
"You can't underestimate how important this race is in showing where the country's going."
"The only poll that matters is the poll on Election Day."
"Tomorrow's the day. You can go to vote.org to find out where you vote... Please do not miss the opportunity to make your voice heard in this very, very important election."
"We still don't see the value of, hey, you know, we need if there's a garbage collector election, we need to elect the Democratic garbage collector, dog catcher, school board, everything."
"The most important thing really is not who wins an election or who loses but the election happens and the government acts based upon it."
"This is the Year, this is the election when your vote up and down to the very bottom of the ballot is an answer to this one question: is it democracy or is it force and violence?"
"There's a sickness here, there's going to be an intervention, and that intervention has to be the election." - Nancy Pelosi
"The most important thing in any election is the spiritual and moral welfare of the citizenry."
"We do not win if we sit back and we wait for November."
"If the court is corrupted, it makes the November third election all that much more important."
"This isn't the election cycle to try to make a statement about third parties or whatever. If you truly want to keep your second amendment intact, at least for another four years..."
"The election of 24 is the single most important election in the history of our country."
"The choice in this election has never been clearer but the stakes have never been higher."
"This November 3rd, one of the most hotly contested elections in U.S. history. An unprecedented White House race. Who will lead the nation?"