
Reconstruction Quotes

There are 614 quotes

"Rwanda celebrates passion, care, and creativity, marking a period of reconstruction and ethnic reconciliation after its tumultuous history."
"This is going to be a long-term build. It'll be a build that's going to require every facet and every aspect of our society."
"We talk a lot about the Civil War and our history classes, but we don't really ever talk about Reconstruction."
"Together, we can reconstruct the past like never before."
"It's hard to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Weaving cities back together, rebuilding them is going to be really challenging." - Professor Deborah Archer
"We will rebuild and that's really what we have no choice but to do."
"We will need a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine."
"The West needs to have a Marshall Plan for Ukraine."
"That's gonna need to be rebuilt, and I think that's gonna be a topic that everyone can get behind."
"The United States federal government who made money from slavery helped the south to rebuild."
"The country of Ukraine is destroyed, so in all likelihood, they're going to ask us to rebuild Ukraine."
"Nigeria has been destroyed, it has to be rebuilt and you have to reimagine it."
"We can't just build back to the way things were before, we have to do it better."
"It's just unbelievable. Well, the idea that they won't let Syria rebuild after the war is over... You don't not let a country rebuild."
"We'll not only build back, we'll build back better."
"Legacy is about how you pick up the pieces of everything around you and construct it into something meaningful."
"An ancient Roman arm guard has been reconstructed like a jigsaw puzzle from over 100 fragments."
"Lincoln in his proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction in 1863."
"We are in the midst of a third reconstruction in America."
"Things are falling apart so that we can rearrange them and bring them back together at a higher level."
"There's too many divisions, you can't put this country back together."
"There's the pain of reconstruction... there has to be a reconstruction, a reconfiguration of your internal order."
"We have a lot of work to do, a new world to make, towns, cities, and sites to rebuild."
"The Marshall Plan was an American program to provide aid for the reconstruction of western European cities, industries and infrastructure."
"Seeing the rot or the things that aren't standing up structurally in your life can be quite damning, but it offers you the chance to then rebuild something that's a little bit stronger."
"There may be a disintegration and the need to put the country back together from pieces that remain after breaking."
"Your country is calling you to rebuild America." - Great American Build ad campaign
"Let us rise up and build again." - Victoria Espiato
"I thought it'd just be like the same demolish place but they're going back and rebuilding everything."
"A post-war rebuilding effort like the one in Western Europe or Japan following the end of the second world war is entirely possible in Ukraine and Russia."
"If you're a fan of ruining the past and hopes of building a brighter featuring there's tons of bright terracotta blocks that you can take out of the structure too."
"Be willing to destroy whatever it is that you have in order to rebuild it into something better."
"We pray dear God that you allow this community to work together as so many have said today. We need to rebuild, we need to reconstruct."
"Sometimes it's easy to think that a certain piece of gear is like, 'Oh, that's the solution to this problem,' but a lot of the times, you don't need it."
"The special status is over... reconstructing what we had before is impossible."
"Ukraine will build Bachman back better than it was before."
"The world is finally over, and the time had come to rebuild the country and its institutions."
"It seems absolutely morally and financially sensible that we don't just freeze that money but we should redistribute it to rebuild Ukraine."
"We could rebuild under this City's leadership."
"Under the city's leadership, do you trust us to rebuild?"
"Why am I coming in here to rebuild this club at its lowest point in 30 years but you're telling me I've got to use players that have proven failures because you spent a lot of money on them? It's not logical."
"Let it go. We don't need it. We can rebuild it. They can't."
"The only solution is to remove the Glazers from the football club and rebuild that football club. That's what needs to happen."
"To deconstruct everything is to rebuild it again stronger."
"Let's cut this country in half and let's build it up for the Queen!"
"We're rebuilding our country, recognizing that so many people have died. That's the one thing we can't do anything about."
"Beauty is not fearing the rebuild, it is the rebuild."
"Various kinds of futures are possible, but the number of good possibilities increases when those of us beyond Ukraine are thinking in terms of reconstruction."
"The establishment of order in Europe and the rebuilding of national economic life must be achieved by processes which will enable the liberated peoples to create democratic institutions of their own choice."
"Thousands of people were trying to make a home within the rubble."
"And when the fighting has stopped, and the fallout has settled, you must rebuild."
"It's amazing to think that because of this YouTube channel, the deck of the hotel will be rebuilt with wood given from a viewer."
"We're slowly replacing bits, creating something completely brand new."
"Move forward, don't settle. Reform, reshape, and rebuild for true strength."
"Disrupt and dismantle is the precursor to reimagine and rebuild."
"Joe is actually going to be the president who rebuilds the country."
"If you are committed to deconstruction, you also better be committed to reconstruction."
"One dollar from 380,000 people would rebuild this thing 100."
"We're gonna build back better, you could say."
"We shall rebuild the empire in time. We shall become greater than what even the greatest empire once was."
"Every single country, although we can't find money for social programs in our own countries most of the time around the world, they will come up with the money to send to Ukraine to start rebuilding."
"Deconstruction is beautiful if we're going to rebuild."
"Building back better means building back greener."
"For black people to be equal in this country will call for a major reconstruction and a major reorganization of this nation."
"To truly rebuild the ancients' vision, we need to find every kingdom upon the lands and befriend them as common allies."
"Their mission is now to help locate survivors, rehabilitate renegade monsters, and rebuild a better world."
"Deconstruction is beautiful when there's reconstruction."
"Ruined keep: restore it, have your own stronghold."
"Bricks have fallen but we'll rebuild, we're gonna build back better."
"We have won a Champions League title and successfully rebuilt Huddersfield Town."
"We will come together around Baltimore and we will rebuild."
"We need to rebuild, and that is exactly what we're doing right now."
"He began to build. His work was a building work versus a tearing down. Babylon tore down, and now Persia's inviting them to build back up." - David Butler
"Some years later, Tokyo is finally rebuilt, and Shu, now visually impaired with a mechanical prosthetic right arm, celebrates Hare's birthday with his friends."
"The failure of reconstruction was a major injustice to black people in America that we're still dealing with today."
"We're in a rebuilding process this is a Marshall Plan for our community."
"Nobody else on the planet was really deconstructing or destroying and reconstructing music like that."
"I think there's going to be a ton of opportunities here moving forward as we rebuild these new systems."
"We're not only have to build back, we have to build back better than it was, better than it was before."
"We are sucked into this new area, needing to reconstruct what civilization had ruined."
"Newton Knight was given work in the Reconstruction administration."
"The possibility for reconstruction of this building is very complicated so people live in half destroyed buildings without windows without hitting without wall water."
"He completely rebuilt Middle-earth after the end of the Third Age."
"He's the only one that actually committed to a rebuild."
"There's only value in deconstruction if you're willing to construct something new in its place."
"Chaos and crisis are necessary for things to get built back up into a new, improved version."
"In the rebuilding of a broken earth, may we keep in our hearts this ancient prayer."
"It's a rebuilding time in Liberia, it's a real building."
"Everything that we have known is being torn down systematically to build something else up."
"Entire districts are being raised and then reconstructed."
"BlackRock volunteered to lead the rebuilding effort in Ukraine."
"We've got to rebuild our country from the ground up."
"Ukraine reconstruction will not happen unless we find the cash, where's the cash gonna come from?"
"I am optimistic if financing is assured from frozen Russian assets, Ukraine has a wonderful opportunity to build back better."
"These places not only tell the history of Hiroshima and the struggle to rebuild after the bomb but also serve as a warning."
"Once we have the red heifer, we'll be completely pure and we'll be able to rebuild the Temple."
"There's something you're gonna have to tear down and rebuild in this play."
"An incredible effort and what was then the largest Salvage and ship rebuilding effort yet undertaken."
"At the end of the day, I can still sit here with a smile on my face and say this is one of my favorite rebuilds I've ever done."
"Good old human greed will move mountains, or at least rebuild things that can."
"The process thoroughly reconstructs you from the inside out, bringing radical metamorphosis physically, emotionally, psychologically, energetically, and spiritually."
"With a bright future on the horizon, the reconstruction of the world could begin."
"Priceless golden chariot decorations painstakingly reconstructed."
"The rebuilt temple is now a world heritage site."
"You learn something when you really go all the way from the ship find through reconstruction of the hall form through building of the full-scale reconstruction and then sailing the ship find in its original waters."
"Tokyo is burnt down and destroyed and rebuilt from the zero multiple times."
"Literally generating a new Jedi temple like they're trying to rebuild the entire religion/society."
"Hippo's goal was to encode signals online and reconstruct them efficiently."
"Reconstruction was over by the mid-1870s, and the federal troops were gone, leading to mass killings and coup d'états across Mississippi."
"The Oceanside City Council recently voted to completely rebuild the bridge that connects the pier to the street along with the Lifeguard headquarters."
"I think it's only right that I reconstruct this entire kingdom."
"Modern technology has given us the opportunity to bring ancient faces back to life."
"We've now reached the stage where we've produced enough new information to allow us to picture how Baron Williams' home appeared when it was first built in 1400 AD."
"The ceasefire held, the humans rebuilt once destroyed planets and colonies, and the cavari did the same whilst militaries were restored to their former might."
"Complete gut job, taking it to the studs."
"A crime scene reconstruction is especially useful in cases where there's a question as to what might have taken place."
"They rebuilt the temple of God according to its original design."
"Montpelier, I think I can say, is the best house reconstruction and restoration in the US if not maybe the world."
"The war must end not only with the defeat of the Confederacy, but with a new nation being created, one based now on equality."
"What system of labor was going to replace slavery what political system was going to replace the political system of slavery and what rights would the 4 million emancipated slaves have?"
"To walk through the door of the house they'd chosen to reconstruct as the farmhouse was another incredibly surreal feeling."
"In 1967, though, a year after Walt Disney died, the area was completely rebuilt from the ground up."
"Reconstruction was our shining moment."
"Reconstruction might not have been a proud achievement but it actually set an example to democratic government and the labor movement today."
"Reconstruction is perhaps not as popular a subject not as dramatic in some ways but a very very important period in American history and we ought to do something about it."
"We have to remove the edifice and start building from the foundations again and build the whole thing upwards."
"The city, too, has changed. Destroyed and reconstructed more than 20 times in as many centuries."
"Everything you see in here is new, but we reconstructed everything to be as similar as the original as we could."
"Classical hero's journey... you descend into chaos and then you have to reconstruct it."
"The continuing shortage of petrol in what was the world's second-largest supplier of oil is perhaps the biggest testament to the failure of the coalition's reconstruction efforts."
"Successful treatment of the dangerous nanite illness brought an era of peace and reconstruction, the world's population was now more concerned with recuperating from the destruction brought on by the nanite catastrophe."
"They had won the war, but now they had to win the peace."
"2020, 2021, there was a belief that we were on the brink of some third reconstruction."
"...reconstruction requires the currency of attention the price of reconstruction the price you have to pay is you have to pay attention."
"Recovery is not enough; you need reconstruction because you can recover from some effects of trauma itself, but you will still be destroyed, demolished."
"We don't just learn how to think positive; we learn how to dismantle, recreate, and rebuild our thoughts."
"...are the refugees who come West going to go back to Ukraine to rebuild it?"
"The lanterns then quickly move on to rebuilding."
"the Republic would rebuild with a new Chancellor as Bale Organa won the new election and began to rebuild the Jedi"
"Civil wars break kingdoms apart regularly, only to reform in the rubble just as quickly."
"Lincoln wanted this lenient reconstruction policy that allowed the southern states to come back relatively easily... Lincoln saw that that was a possibility. Had Lincoln lived... American history might have been so different."
"What Happy has done is to produce a document on economics that presents a blueprint and a set of patterns for black people anywhere in the world to begin to reconstruct and rebirth the economic system wherever they live based on the model of the Happy River."
"Armed with John’s X-ray pictures of the module, Ken was then able to precisely reconstruct what was inside."
"This could see you working very, very hard to deprogram that, to reconstruct that, to really rebuild from the ground up."
"The final Dragon has finally been slain, and now I can start thinking of a massive rebuild of the system to make it all more permanent."
"We think that we do urgently need to rethink the world, reimagine the world, reconceive the world from first principles."
"It's trying to reconstruct what a garden or a natural space would have looked like at the time."
"...what we did is we used to as best we could...based on the size of the bones the musculature that kind of thing."
"We were able to actually reconstruct the brains of a large number of different people."
"They rebuilt him better, stronger, faster."
"The most notable and well-known of the rebuild program and also most common took place in Baltimore at the Penn Central railroads DeWitt Works hence these locomotives which were rebuilt rs3s were known as DeWitt Jeeps."
"This is not your regular boob job. This is a reconstructive surgery."
"Nobody has ever replanned, rebuilt a whole city in this way."
"So Solomon rebuilt Gezer and Lower Beth-horon."
"America saw the importance of its occupation to ensure both the Reconstruction of the country and the creation of an ally."
"Making sure that you have enough photos with different angles to cover the scene that you're planning to reconstruct."
"You're creating the most stupendous productive force ever made, and what are you going to do with it at the end of the war?"
"Since for the photogrammetry we dont capture beauty images but pure data, sharpness of this data is a key factor affecting the final reconstruction quality."
"Little thought had been given to the needs of the newly emancipated slaves."
"The main advantage of delayed reconstruction is that it's lower risk."
"No Man's Land: Gotham's divided, territories claimed, but slowly Gotham starts becoming a city again."
"Knowing how people lived before the war can help the wasteland tremendously. Scavengers and research teams dig up all sorts of things that can't be identified."
"Deconstruction without the intention of rebuilding is a dangerous thing."
"We could actually start to reconstruct a society that would help us address climate change and the other ecological challenges we face as well."
"The Coalition, galvanized by its victory against the voidborn, faced the monumental task of rebuilding and reconciliation."
"Reconstruction is a tragedy... the tragedy was not that it was attempted but that it failed."
"Reconstruction remains one of the most misunderstood periods in American history."
"You can't understand America today without knowing something about that period of Reconstruction which followed the American Civil War."
"If that's your definition, in some sense, reconstruction never ended because we're still a hundred and fifty years after the end of the Civil War still trying to come to terms with the consequences of the abolition of slavery for this country."
"Rebuild our cities in a much more egalitarian kind of way."
"There's no way to reconstruct history by looking only at the event - a campaign, a military campaign here, a construction there."
"Memory is this reconstructive phenomenon where we're thinking on the fly as we're retrieving a memory."
"Reconstruction is possible. Even when things are metaphorically burned to the ground, God will give you beauty for ashes."
"... here is a reconstruction of what police believe happened to Sharon Erikson in the early morning hours of June 30th 2003."
"Reconstruction requires operating with a mindset willing to make adjustments."
"Reconstruction was a noble if failed effort to establish for the first time in American history interracial democracy."
"Reconstruction is not merely an attempt to return to the previous state."
"Reconstruction requires you to re-establish gates: the ear gate, the relational gate, and the mouth gate."
"Each forensic test was a piece of the mosaic and when put together showed clearly what occurred during Brad Brisbane's last moments alive."
"Your body does not need to be reconstructed. Our culture needs to be reconstructed."
"The trouble is exactly like the U.S flag raising over Mount Suribachi on the Iwo Jima, this photo is a reconstruction, for propaganda purposes, because the original flag raising was not captured during the heat of battle."
"The rebuilding of the walls was not an easy proposition. Rubble had to be cleared, supplies had to be gathered."
"This is the age of reconstruction."
"The detectives examine the timeline's sequence of events to precisely reconstruct it."
"You can't just completely criticize gender into non-existence without it having to be re-erected."
"She constructed and then rebuilt the story until there was a fully lit diorama where we could witness the past while we remained in the intimacy of the present."
"An alternate myth system that was built from the fragments."
"The process of reconstructing it... is where you do a lot of your problem solving."
"From this point forward, we can start putting it back together again."
"So I decided that I would need to take them apart and reassemble them in a way that would help blend."
"Once we discover once we work out the sound change rules, we can do as I mentioned before, we can begin to reconstruct something of an approximation of what the original word would have been and what its meaning would have been in the proto-language."
"Out of this can come a new refounding of the Republic."
"Join me in the next one where we start getting this thing put back together."
"I think for the church to remain strong, it has to reconstruct its narrative. The dominant narrative is not true. It can't be sustained."
"Your memories are going to get constructed out of you revisiting them, other people revisiting them as well, and also just how they were made in the first place."
"The city is actively being rebuilt."
"Part two is focused squarely on putting things back together."
"Belgium rebuilt so many towns that were wiped out in the world wars."
"The city of Johnstown rebuilt after the disaster within a year."