
Crossroads Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Morocco lies at the crossroads of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East, and the elements of these different cultures are visible in everyday life."
"Crossroads represent choice and consequence."
"The safer Hechalot seems to stand at the crossroads of many divergent forms of ancient Judaism, Gnosticism, early Christianity, maybe even Mandaeanism."
"We are at a crossroads; we have a common cause that is leaving to our children a world with a better social environment."
"Relationship between the United States and China is the most consequential one in the world today and one that is at a crossroads."
"The Republican Party stands at a Crossroads."
"When you find yourself on a crossroads, you just need to understand this is absolutely brilliant."
"An awakening is at hand; I feel like you're at the crossroads here."
"We are at a crossroads in the United States."
"You need to be open to the crossroads that show up in your life."
"I'm at a crossroad, Lord. I need a new start, a fresh beginning."
"Spirit is trying to help them out through this crossroads to get to a place where they can offer you love."
"Find yourself on a crossroads and feel enthusiastic to explore."
"We are at the crossroads in choosing what sort of society we want to be."
"I think we're at a crossroads with both of them now, right?"
"America is at a Crossroads because both sides seem to not like the country that much anymore."
"Choosing a path in life is that fork in the road."
"Dak's journey marks a midway point, sort of a crossroads in his career."
"You're at a crossroads. Go with who you're attracted to, there is something of value."
"The United States is at a crossroads. The Confederacy and Confederate symbology stay as this dark infection at the center of the American experience."
"You have this offer being presented to you and some sense of justice or a decision you have to make but you're a little bit of a Crossroads about what to do."
"His soul will now belong to him. 'This is not just any crossroads,' the devil said. 'I put this X here for a reason. I've been waiting on you.'"
"Being at a crossroads, wondering what direction to take."
"You're at a crossroads, you'll have to bring things into balance."
"Your paths crossed in a very serendipitous way."
"The U.S. is once again at a crossroads of her destiny."
"America is at the same crossroads right now... which way do we go?"
"They're at a Crossroads, either we're going to move forward in something long term or we're just going to end this all together."
"Every single decision you make in life is a pivoting point upon which you can embark on two different journeys."
"At every major personal crossroads, a choice is made."
"He was pale and confused, but he knew he had to make a choice."
"They're at a crossroads, making a decision to leave something behind to pursue this connection with you."
"You're sitting at the intersection of Destiny and Future."
"I'm at this weird Crossroads in my life where I don't know what I want to do or where I want to go."
"For thousands of years, Pueblo has been a crossroads for many different people."
"You're at a crossroads, making a big decision."
"You're at a crossroads in your life, but there's protective energy around you."
"You're at the crossroads where you're deciding to make major changes in your life."
"We stand at a Crossroads... the path we choose will Define the future of our civilization."
"This person secretly watching you is at a crossroad."
"When we come to the crossroads in big moments and in small moments, two roads diverge in the wood and we have to make a choice."
"You're a Crossroads maker. It's like you enter or re-enter someone's life and energetically it creates this timeline split for that person, and therefore presents them with a Crossroads where they have an opportunity to veer off or stay as they are."
"It's that crossroads in the day where wow."
"We've reached the fork in the road. We must now choose."
"Some perceive you as being at a crossroads in life, uncertain about the future. You might give off an energy of being lost, yet introspective and reflective."
"...most of us have come to a point at some point in our life where we're at what I call a crossroads do I continue or do I do something different."
"Spirit's really strongly telling you or giving you this, that it may be a time where you're going to have to make a decision once and for all."
"Before we hit that fork in the road in the earth system, we must ask ourselves this question: Where on earth are we going?"
"There comes a time when a man has to make up his mind what's it going to be."
"But as authoritarianism finds itself re-emerging in Russia though this new world order ends up threatened with the U.S finding itself at a Crossroads between returning to their traditional isolationism or continuing on as the new great power."
"It's just one of those like life moments, sometimes you hit like a Crossroads."
"At some point in your life, you're going to have to make a choice."
"She is still always being worshipped by someone in some way, usually at a Crossroads, and that's pretty constant, I mean, all those decisions, that's just life."
"Sicily, an island at the crossroads of History."
"...and thus Crossroads and liminal spaces she was one of the few who could this we'll talk more about this but she is one of the few deities ever who were able to move between worlds that's cool..."
"You're at the crossroads in your life."
"We've sort of hit a fork in the road."
"Our tour starts in the city of Barstow near the junction of major travel routes interstates 15 and 40."
"Papa Legba stands at the spiritual crossroads, deciding whether or not to grant or withhold permission for communication with other spirits."
"As the decade drew to a close, Duran Duran's fortunes changed, and the band found themselves at a pivotal crossroads."
"Georgia is a beautiful country at the crossroads between Europe and Asia."
"I reached what my book calls the jumping off place where I could no longer imagine life with or without alcohol."
"Germany stands at a crossroads; it boasts the world's fourth-largest economy and is the de facto leader of the Euro Zone."
"Little does he know he also stands at the crossroads of history."
"Crossroads are where you get great stories told and where weird magical things happen."
"It's like us standing here and there's like 20 roads for us to take."
"At that moment, Gamba had reached the crossroads."
"Southeast Asia sits at the crossroads of a global economy, one in which the European kingdoms had remained along the fringes for centuries."
"At the wilderness crossroads of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Basin in the heartland of North America."
"Life has a way of leaving you at a crossroad."
"God, I receive your comfort and my grief. God, I receive your assurance in this crossroads."
"We are at the crossroads right now of a major transformation."
"Dreams are going to begin to appear at the crossroads of your life."
"Tbilisi is no other place like it in the world, where East meets West, sitting on the crossroads, neither Asian nor fully European."
"Georgia is a transcontinental country at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia."
"It feels to me like a very existential moment and crossroads around work, identity, home, and family."
"The city of Sigil is a great crossroads of the planes, home to creatures of every type and alignment."
"We are truly at civilizational crossroads right now."
"Batman always makes the right choice when it comes down to the crossroads."
"Humanity is at a pivotal moment, at a crossroads like never before."
"Everybody has a turn back moment. You can either decide to continue or to quit. To go forward or to go back."
"We are at something of a crossroads."
"Baghdad at the crossroads of three continents became a wealthy city not only economically but culturally and technologically."
"This is the part where you're going to choose which route you're going to take."
"There's a decision that has to be made."
"We're at a crossroads right now, this moment."
"We are at a crossroads as a species, you're at a crossroads in your life, we're all at a crossroads. Let's be kind, let's be gentle, growth is happening at this time."
"You could go any which direction; you just didn't know which one to pick."
"Life is full of occasions when you meet a crossroads and according to what turning you take at the road junction, the whole of the rest of your life is going to depend on."
"With every decision we make, we stand at a crossroads of destinies."
"You've reached a fork in the road."
"Hill Cross occupies a unique position between eastern and western halves of the realm of the mammoth Lords, making it a sacred haven for Khalid culture."
"Ogden has a nickname of Junction City, and when back when railroad travel was very popular, it was known as the crossroads of the West."
"We're at a crossroads... we're going to need a universal worldview that everybody shares."
"Caught between a lifestyle she's always known and the future she's only just realized is possible."
"You have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose."
"Imagine yourself standing in the middle of crossroads; there's only one path you can go down."
"Apollo 14 was no longer just another routine science mission; it now represented a crossroads for NASA."
"We are at a Crossroads as a nation."
"There comes a time in everyone's life where you reach a fork in the road."
"Being at a crossroads, looking in another direction, evaluating your options, making a decision about where to go, what to do next."
"The lyrics tell the story of a person feeling like they're at a crossroads when they have to make a choice."
"Imagine yourself at a crossroad. Do you choose the path that heads towards the sea, the deep forest, or the castle?"
"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road."
"We're always at a crossroads and there's always a choice to take the other road."
"It's you who must decide whether to stay or go."
"Ugarit was at a commercial and cultural crossroads."
"We are at a crossroads. This is the time for action."
"Sometimes in life, you've got to make a decision."
"You have two choices: you can either continue going down this path... or you can actually start exploring this interest of yours."
"He stands at the crossroads of history and excellence."
"We're out of crossroads, and we're either gonna take the road to destruction or we're gonna take the road to turning this around."
"The crossroads represents a decision. There's an important decision coming up and you need to decide carefully."
"You know how that be like in life, you got a choice which way you can go."
"It's time to start making some decisions."
"Banks are currently at a critical crossroad."
"After six years in Japan, I came to a fork in the road in my life."
"...she was at a crossroads in her life because even though she just earned her degree, she really didn't know what she wanted to do with her life."
"To stand at a crossroads is to choose the path of one's own fate."
"There's always a fork in the road in somebody's life where you either do or you don't."
"You are at a crossroads. What are you going to choose to do? What are you going to choose to manifest?"
"You're always at an intersection in your life, the intersection is what do I choose right now."
"She is associated with crossroads, entryways, nighttime, light, magic, witchcraft, herbs, and plants."
"Look at Hecate standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction."
"Turkey or Anatolia has always been a crossroads between the East and the West."
"Heartland came right at that moment in my life when it was sort of when everybody is trying to make that decision of what next and where to go."
"There comes a point where you need to make a choice."
"It means that you are at a monumental crossroads in your life."
"Now, Broly's at a crossroads. Will he be the doom of Planet Vegeta or its greatest defender?"
"I suppose when I do think about it, one feeling that I come back to is the feeling of being at a point of crossroads."
"The crossroads was so much fun for me because it's so incredibly simple and wonderful."
"German immigrants came here in the late 1830s, and this place was established at the crossroads of two Indian trails."
"As Christmas approaches, Noel is at a crossroads in her life."
"Now they're in a place where they're trying to figure out which path to take."
"This is what is known in both psychology and philosophy as a crossroad."
"I think all crossroads kind of go through you."
"You stand at the crossroads and watch it happen."
"You've been given life to live once and now you at the Crossroad, Crossroad."
"Someone's at a Crossroads, they have to make a choice."
"It seems that you are at a crossroads."
"We're at a bit of a crossroads here, you could say a crossroads for humanity even."
"Sometimes in life, you reach a crossroads where you're not sure which path to take."
"When my brother was murdered... I was at a crossroad between retaliation or forgiveness, and I chose forgiveness."
"In the world today we are at a crossroads."
"We are currently at a crossroads within community pharmacy."
"Crossroads often referred to as accident black spots can cause quite a bit of confusion amongst new drivers; however, if you understand them and treat them correctly, they really are quite easy."
"Scotland is at a crossroads... we need to be able to determine which path we want to take."
"There is some kind of destined path that you're on, and there's some kind of big shift or fork in the road that's coming up."
"This is a major crossroads of civilization as a whole."
"We're quite literally at a crossroads. Which one do we want more, adventure or romance?"
"Sometimes in life, there's two roads you can take."
"And so I was at the crossroads literally, of life and death, and I just had an open vision of Jesus visiting me."
"My situation is pretty unique; I've got a big decision to make."
"Would you like to make a deal? You could say you're at a literal crossroads."
"It's time to make a decision about the path that you're about to take in your life."
"I think that I'm at a crossroads, and I feel like the message that people are sending me..."
"The Central Bank is at a crossroad and I think understanding this new world may be very useful than to be tweaking around zero."
"Ancient Bactria and Sogdiana can be described as the crossroads of Eurasia."
"There will always come a fork in the road."
"This is truly a pivotal moment, and you can see two paths: a path of promise and growth, and a path of peril."
"All Christianity concentrates on the man at the crossroads."
"I'm at that crossroads in life, big decision awaits."
"You're at a crossroads in your life, either you want help for your drug issues or you don't."
"I was at a crossroads and I knew I had two options. I could either choose to embrace what was going on with me and open myself up to it and possibly find some answers OR I could choose to keep trying to ignore it."
"Everyone sees it; oh, we had a crossroad, she is back."
"There is an angel that is guiding you, especially if you may be at a crossroads."
"If you are at a crossroads, your initial gut instinct is the right direction."
"There's a choice that some of you have to make, and this has to do with the path that you're going to walk down."
"Fiji is kind of like the crossroads to the Pacific."
"You're going to have a choice or a decision to make."
"Women will eventually come to this fork in the road where their identity needs to be redefined."
"It's time to make a decision. Choice, multiple options, turning point."
"This could make or break me; this is where my life goes this way or this way today."
"Once you start learning for yourself what the truth is, that's when we meet a crossroad."
"I'm at like a pivotal point in my life where I have to decide who I want to be for the rest of my life."
"Decisions, decisions, decisions... we're at a crossroads here right now."
"It's a decision, it's a crossroads."
"This is a fork in the road, a crossroads in your life. It's a decision point for you."
"There's a choice to be made at a crossroads."
"We're at this very interesting crossroads in dealing with the issue of obesity."
"Once you find yourself on a major crossroads in your life, the answer is going to be in your past."
"You are coming to a crossroad that requires you to make an important decision."
"It comes to a point where you got to make a decision."
"They reach a crossroads, which is to say that they reach a crucial point where they must make a decision."
"You got to make a choice, you got to make a decision here what do you want to do."
"It's a crossroads, a path, and a choice going down a different path."
"I bear my soul, I stand on the precipice of this crossroads."
"It's an energy of Crossroads, making a choice about a life path."
"You are aligned with your purpose even though you feel at a Crossroads, you are not on the wrong path."
"We act like we don't have a choice or we're not at a crossroads, and we are."
"Crossroads: Choice, multiple options, turning point, and indecisive."
"You're going to have choices and decisions here."
"It's time to make a choice, this is a life path."
"The Judgment card is a crossroads; you have made a good decision here."
"Crossroads, making a choice between two. This is a life path choice and decision."
"You're at a crossroads in your life, trying to choose a new direction."
"You're at a crossroads, or someone is at a crossroads having to do with you."
"He stood at a crossroads facing a choice between material wealth and spiritual fidelity."
"In exactly four weeks' time, when you find yourself at a major crossroads of your life, you are going to go for the path that you would never normally go."
"You are at a crossroads; you are trying to decide where you want to invest your energy."