
Rocket Science Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's not brain surgery, but it is rocket science."
"SpaceX's investigation pinpointed the attempted boost back burn as the beginning of the complications."
"Starship is massive, standing at 121 meters tall, it’s not just the most powerful rocket ever made, it's the biggest."
"Thank y'all so much for making this possible, thank you for being a part of the rocket loving community."
"Direct to geostationary orbits means the rocket has to do a lot more work."
"The faster you get that gas, the more efficient the rocket engine is."
"It's like a heat shield and it's funny funnily enough lighting the engines can actually help protect the rocket from some of the reentry look at that god that's cool."
"The pointy end of the Falcon Heavy is up and the Flemmi end is down."
"I think I can finally say that I built a working electroplated 3D printed liquid-fueled vortex cool ceramic rocket engine."
"Rocket scientists are supposed to do. If you don't get excited about rocket launches, why are you building Rockets?"
"You don't throw your hands up in the air and say, 'Well, I guess rockets don't work.'"
"If you ever have any doubts about these rockets, just go see them for yourself. The burden of proof from people that say this is like a fake launch, I don't understand, 'cause you can just go see it. It's right out there in Florida."
"It's rocket science for a reason. So great job as always, guys, amazing work."
"It's important to see some failures occasion like this because the idea is we want these Rockets to be as reliable as possible... If you're not failing, you're not innovating enough."
"It's one of those videos where I ask myself that question of like, well how much payload performance would it increase if you turned, you know, Mechazilla into a, you know, like had it Yeet Starship off the pad and I ran those numbers."
"A rocket that doesn’t break up while pulling high G turns during flight is pretty much over-engineered."
"Mad Mike Hughes' Liberty One may not have reached his intended goal, but it sparked conversation and inspired future rocketeers worldwide."
"Unlike Falcon 9, which performs a backflip allowing you to only worry about the x and y-directions, super heavy yaws away from the x-y plane into the z-direction."
"The very act of landing on a comet means you've given your rocket the exact orbital trajectory of the comet itself."
"I think the rocket just was alive—it was less, I think it was more the rocket than..."
"It's not always a marrying together of what is the maximum that the rocket can do versus who signed up for this mission."
"You too could build your own rocket. It is rocket science but you can figure it out."
"We need more and more engineers and we need more and more people working on freaking rockets to get humans into space."
"The rocket kinda did what it's supposed to do."
"When you're building rockets, things that spontaneously explode are actually a good, very useful property."
"When you have a really high thrust vehicle you pitch over way early."
"Rockets are incredible feats of engineering, and they're already pretty close to the edge of what's physically possible."
"The goal of the nozzle is to take those hot gases inside the combustion chamber and accelerate them to a supersonic velocity or above Mach. That's part of why we call these things 'air mock diamonds' and this is like fundamentally why rockets work."
"Rocket engines need to be extremely efficient... otherwise there would not be any payload that goes into space."
"I'm happy to learn along with you guys. Why don't I point out some of the fun features of the Soyuz rocket?"
"There must have been some thought that there was a great experience at the end of it because you got to start building another rocket."
"I want to push things to the limit, I want to know how tall of a rocket can I build."
"Starship will generate a staggering 16.5 million pounds of thrust during liftoff as a result of all 33 Raptor engines operating simultaneously."
"It's not like it's rocket science. Hey, it is rocket science!"
"Turbo pumps are just honking big fuel pumps, but they are the great unsung heroes of the rocket age."
"The idea of travel to the Moon is very old... only answer is to use a rocket which works by what Isaac Newton called the principle... every action has an equal and opposite reaction."
"Rocket processing activities are sequenced to the T clock."
"...I think the best part for me was getting to see three different rockets on their pads at the same time."
"Launching hybrid rockets is said to save a whopping 50 percent compared to conventional kerosene-based rockets."
"The rocket lifts up, accelerating under thrust. Motor burnout starts to decelerate, drag and gravity cause it to slow down, and it reaches what we call Apogee."
"The CBU manuscript... appears to show exactly how to create multi-stage Rockets."
"In a liquid rocket, you can control the flow into the combustion chamber, which lets you control the thrust of the rocket."
"In rocket propulsion, exhaust velocity determines propulsion efficiency."
"It's also rocket fuel -- hydrogen and oxygen -- the same rocket fuel that powered the space shuttle."
"It's a Saturn V rocket; you can use any rocket of your choice, obviously the concepts will remain the same."
"The missile was sometimes described as the world's first multi-stage rocket."
"The rocket has a smaller mass and bigger velocity; everyone understands that."
"I want to make rocket science less confusing, less intimidating, and just simply more fun."
"The current iteration of Falcon 9 block 5 is crew rated."
"In the words of NASA, the greatest rocket scientist in history."
"If you're not excited about the biggest rocket of all time, that's mad."
"Chance always favors the prepared, especially with rocket science."