
Biblical Authority Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Let the Bible be your authority... if you would commit to it being your authority, it will shape you beautifully for His glory."
"Scripture is the word of God, that's our standard for absolute truth."
"I want to say that the Bible is the only source of divine truth, and Jesus is the only Savior."
"I believe the Bible is the infallible inspired inerrant Word of the Living God. I believe it from cover to cover."
"Jesus Christ authenticated it for us. He quotes from it, quotes from each of the books."
"The only authority I possess at all in the church is the delegated authority that comes through the Word of God." - JOHN
"The church listens to its Lord through his word."
"We don't understand why we would treat this book this way because literally the Lord Jesus makes the claim that the scriptures they held in that day contained God's speech."
"The Bible is the only book in the world that fully answers these ultimate questions."
"The Bible is the constitution of the entire creation."
"May your word remain alive and active in our hearts forever."
"You can't get your theology from Noah Webster's dictionary. Get your theology from Scripture."
"God is sovereign over all things, and it's the Bible that tells us that."
"The Word has power. The Word of God is what sets our spiritual boundaries."
"We shall not adjust our Bible to the age; but before we have done with it, by God's grace, we shall adjust the age to the Bible."
"When we elevate experience to that level and say that there are things about spirituality that I can learn that are right and true apart from scripture, we've now taken a stance on the Bible. We've said it's not sufficient."
"Everything the Apostle Paul wrote is scripture."
"Expository preaching and teaching, the sufficiency of God's word."
"God's Word should be the foundation of everything if it goes counter to Scripture it's just not from God and that's really it."
"The sufficiency of scripture: when scripture makes something clear, making exceptions is dangerous."
"Either we have the inspired preserved authoritative word of God, or we don't."
"The Bible is the ultimate authority on how we should live our lives."
"Scripture saying that settles it, it's the authority."
"The Bible says that, I believe it. That's a pretty good idea."
"Apostolic tradition and Sacred Scripture must be accepted and honored with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence."
"What we're telling you is not some mystical, you who doctrine, we've made up, this is in your Bible."
"As Christians, we must loudly, clearly, and boldly declare no to vaccine passports and no to the tyranny of this government."
"If you believe the Bible is the authoritative inspired inerrant Word of God then what it says is absolutely true and binding." - John MacArthur
"The Bible is sufficient and we use the Bible to critique all other books and not other books to critique the Bible."
"Theology is dictated by the Bible, not the other way around."
"The pathway through which the Holy Spirit follows in speaking to believers is to convict them through the word of God. Any voice that speaks to you contrary to what is written in the Bible is not from God."
"Don't let anyone deceive you, for many will come in my name."
"Folks, in all these things, the Bible has to be our pattern, It's got to be our source for truth."
"God has said everything in his word. Jesus Christ."
"The church always goes beyond national boundaries."
"The church does not create the Bible, the Bible creates the church."
"The Bible is the unique inspired accurate Word of God that tells people who God is, what he's into, and what he's up to."
"If we have a question and we go to the Bible to answer the question we go to the record of Genesis... either God is the authority or he isn't."
"The Bible authoritative, the Bible clear, direct, the Bible you don't have to worry about believing in God and science. Don't ever think you have to decide between the two."
"Let's stand on the authority of scripture in every single area."
"Find your identity in Christ. The Bible is the final Authority on my identity."
"The Bible is always the final Authority, higher than any Prophet, any conspiracy, any information."
"It's ultimately not how you settle these disputes, we settle them with the Word of God."
"When individuals prioritize their personal experiences and feelings over the Bible, they risk veering away from the objective truths it contains."
"You either have the inspired word of God or we don't."
"The Bible is my ultimate standard. We should interpret all evidence in light of what God has said."
"Stand on God's Word and point out that the unbeliever has to stand on God's Word too in order to make sense of anything."
"He disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them triumphing over them."
"The Word of God is the only absolutely trustworthy and accurate account of human history."
"If I say something and the Bible says something else, the Bible is right and I am wrong."
"Many times in the Bible, we see demons actively submitting to Jesus' authority."
"Jesus gave authority over unclean spirits to his apostles."
"The preacher is thus to preach all that the Bible contains, not to selectively decide that this is what the people need. For the people need what God has said."
"Is biblical authority an important issue? If something undermines biblical authority, is that a really important issue?"
"From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible says that all scripture is inspired by God. That includes what it says about antichrist."
"If it is not in the Bible, you don't need it."
"A tsunami of evidence of biblical authority."
"If I can't prove it out of this Bible there's no hope there's no hope because the Bible is the final source of appeal."
"The word for authority in the bible is exousia and it means the right to act."
"Theologically conservative means believing the Bible is the word of God."
"I came to a subtle conviction by the end of seminary that the Bible was the final authority for faith and practice."
"The Bible was the final authority in the way they reason about it."
"The Bible is true. Even Catholics, they say we are the only ones that can interpret it. That's when they actually put themselves up to be a higher authority than Scripture."
"All of the words and all of the laws, regardless of their origin, are equally canonical, authoritative, and biblical."
"The Bible is sufficient in Christ."
"We have a high regard for the authority and infallibility and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures."
"The bible is the word of God... we must never let go of the word of God."
"The Bible is my final authority in faith and practice, and when I could not find King James onlyism in my even King James Bible, I had to let it go."
"They use the Bible as their source for believing or not believing anything that was said."
"God will have a people who will use the Bible and the Bible alone as the standard for all doctrine and the basis for all reforms."
"...the Bible was the very word of God and he said 'Thy word is truth' and he said 'not a jot or tittle will be removed until all is fulfilled'."
"The only true Reformation is that which emanates from the word of God."
"The Bible is the authority, and if it's unaligned with the Bible, you can't say it's a Christian thing."
"What we mean when we say the Bible is authoritative is that Jesus is the risen King."
"The only legitimate way anyone can say 'thus says the Lord,' or 'I've received a Word from the Lord,' is if the next words that follow come directly from the biblical text."
"The most basic principle of the Protestant Reformation was the supreme authority of the Bible, supreme over church councils and church tradition."
"The Bible is the final authority in matters of faith and practice."
"All Scripture is breathed out from God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."
"The entire Bible is inspired by God and it is the final authority in religion."
"We're committed to the authority and the accuracy of the biblical text as God has given it to us over the ages."
"It's really about the authority of the Word and the reliability of Jesus's leadership as being loving and wise."
"Jerome's translation would in due course of time become the approved and authoritative Bible of Western Christianity."
"We don't build our Doctrine on History, we build our Doctrine on the word of God."
"Sola Scriptura: Only scripture, don't go by what man says, go by what the Bible says."
"The supremacy of the Bible and the teaching of justification by grace alone through faith alone, in Christ alone were Luther's passions."
"There is no substitute for the Word of God."
"It is the word of God itself as it does self-authenticate."
"We have no ritual but the Bible; we have nothing but God's holy word and that's where we stand."
"The Bible gains its ultimate authority from itself."
"The ultimate court of authority is not any particular teacher; it's what the Bible says."
"The Bible is the sole Authority for Faith and practice not because it is factual or even because it is true but because God has spoken through it to us and still does so by his spirit."
"The Bible is inspired, clear, sufficient, efficacious, and the final authority."
"Men were departing from the Word of God and exalting theories of their own invention."
"The Bible is the word of God because it tells you the way, the truth."