
Divine Control Quotes

There are 293 quotes

"God is sovereign. He controls kings, He controls scouts, He controls the future."
"We don't understand why these things happen, but we know God's in control."
"Every aspect of our lives is in the hand of God and will divinely be used by the Lord not only to manifest His glory but to work out our own ultimate blessing."
"Apocalyptic literature was an attempt to uncover and reveal a hidden world. It was an attempt to encourage people and to let them know that God was somehow still in control, even when it seemed that He was not."
"Let's not lose hope; God's got this, God is in control."
"God controls everything good, bad, evil, calamity, disaster, happiness—everything is under God's control."
"We pray for God's will, we don't control things, He does."
"God is in control, President Trump can't fight the swamp by himself."
"The heart of the king is in the hand of God, and He turns it whichever way He wants to." - Proverbs 21:1
"When God commands us to be still and know He is God, He's commanding us to release control of the situation to His sovereignty."
"Life is not about us. Our lives don't belong to us. It's God's prerogative when life begins, when life ends."
"God is still at the steering wheel of Heaven's agenda."
"It's very important that we never forget that almighty God is in control."
"At the end of the day, God is in control of everything."
"God is above everybody. He lets them think that they can pull the strings and call the shots, but eventually, he's laughing."
"God wins. Fear not, because God is in complete control."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"If you eat the bread of life, drink from spiritual rivers of living water, and taste and see, you will know that God is in control."
"God is in control and God was not surprised by anything that is happening right now."
"God says, 'I'm the one that sets it up and I'm the one that takes it down.'"
"Fear not, God the Father and Son Jesus Christ are firmly in control."
"No matter what happens, I know that you're in control."
"Fear not, God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are firmly in control."
"Have faith. God is in charge of how this will happen."
"When life treats you wrong, God is still in control."
"God is in control of all events in the past, present, and future." - "He will open some doors and close others; no power on earth can change this."
"Remind yourself that God is in charge even when it seems like everything is spinning out of control."
"God is always in control, but he doesn't always take control."
"If I could convince someone today of one thing it would be that God is in control, that is He is still working, He is still there, just as He always has been."
"Our times are in your hands... nothing is out of control as God is always in control."
"God's on the throne, His plans win, even when you're out of control."
"Nothing's happening outside of God's will right now, people, so just relax, know that you're good enough, know that you're worthy."
"Isn't it comforting to know that the God who created the universe is in control and working everything for good?"
"True dependence upon Allah is knowing He is in command of everything."
"I declare that nothing shall hold me back from you and you will have total control over every area of my life and every step that I take."
"I want to do something that integrates all facets of who I am."
"God is in control and He will complete His good work in you."
"God is on his throne, everything happening in the world is under his watch and control."
"Trusting God's plan requires us to acknowledge his sovereignty over our lives."
"We've got to remember who we serve folks, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's who we serve, and we always have to remember that God is in control, even when it looks like utter chaos. God's in control. Don't ever forget that."
"Don't be afraid, God is in control of the future."
"God is still in charge. God is still on the throne."
"Fear not. Look who is for us, look who is in control, what a revelation, what an unveiling."
"Jesus is in charge... It's all under control."
"I am so thankful the Lord is in control of things."
"I know God is in control and his word will always be with us."
"Life is full of changes and challenges but God governs them all."
"God's in control; He's had this all planned."
"Your destiny is not in the hands of men, it is in the hands of God."
"Fear not because God the Father is in complete control. He had this all planned from the beginning."
"If you don't take anything else away from these videos, God is certainly in control. God's grace is greater and God does love you." - Craig
"God's promises will come to fruition because he is in control of the timing."
"Fear not because God the father is in complete control."
"In the midst of the storm, notice that the cockpit is occupied and Almighty God is in control."
"Take absolute control and turn things around for my good. Heavenly Father, I know in my heart that you are sovereign and strong."
"God is in control, not man, not the devil. So, with what was delayed, it doesn't mean denied. Glory to God!"
"Nor can any alter the music in my despite, for he that attempted this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined."
"We don't know why these things happen but we know God's in control."
"In the storms of life, Jesus was still in control." - Assurance of divine presence in difficult times.
"Jesus never falls off the throne. There's never a moment where Jesus is not on the throne. There's never a moment where Jesus is out of control."
"Trust in the Lord, the one who is in control."
"Jesus, who calmed the storm and walked across the waves, is still in control."
"In the end, He will wipe away every tear and all pain, including yours. No matter what happens, God is in control."
"God is on the throne, controlling everything, and the beauty of prophecy is that He's told us everything in advance."
"I'm all in with that god's in control and he's the ultimate healer and no matter what happens we're good."
"The flying carpet didn't fly, Allah controlled the winds."
"God got everything in control, and he will position you at the right time."
"God is in complete control and he will get the glory."
"God is on the throne, okay, God is in control."
"Things are not out of control as God is always in control."
"The Holy Spirit gives us self-control, witchcraft gives us people control."
"God is still in control, no matter what happens."
"God wins God wins God wins God is in complete control."
"God is in charge of all this, He's in control of all this."
"Everything that we're witnessing is scriptural and biblical and prophetic all by the hand of God God is in complete control of what's going on in this world there is zero to fear."
"When we trust in God's timing, we can find peace amid uncertainty, knowing that He is in control and working all things for our good."
"God wants people to wake up to ultimate reality, that there is a Living God in control of everything." - Dr. Renald Showers
"If you want freedom in life... you have to go to your Creator. He's the one that's in control of everything."
"I believe that there is a spiritual revival happening around the world, and the best laid plans, I think, it doesn't matter because whether they're man's plans because I think ultimately God is in control."
"How could you? Does anything happen in this world that your God doesn't make happen? Anything?"
"God is in control, God is in charge, God loves us, and this is all going to go well."
"A sovereign God is in control and God has already given us the end of the story."
"God is in control he always has been he always will be."
"Every aspect of your life is in his hands. Our life is in his hands."
"Jesus is God, he's not some hapless victim... this is Jesus saying 'no one takes my life from me, I willingly lay it down.'"
"Jesus is in control even on his way to the cross."
"Life and death are in Allah's hands. Your words are not that toxic or powerful."
"If he really wanted to be judge, jury, and executioner of his world, then maybe this God should not have allowed his location to have been discovered."
"God is in control, his secret will is his business."
"When all seems lost, God is still in control."
"People don't control my future, God controls my future."
"How could there be a God who could control all that?"
"You never know how things will turn out when God is in control."
"God is firmly in control, God is all-knowing, God is Almighty."
"God is in control, and you have to trust Him."
"Trusting and believing that God is in control... He works all things for the good."
"Everything that happens ultimately is in the control of the Creator."
"You're connected to the most high, a spiritual union. That's why they can't control you because God controls you."
"God is in control, he's just not controlling."
"God is in control not just of your life, He's in control of your enemies."
"...God is still in control, God is still gonna move behind the scenes."
"There's complete unity in Judaism, everything is controlled and designated by God."
"Recognizing that God is in full control of earthly events, are you willing to let him have full control of your life?"
"God not only controls all of nature, he controls all of history."
"God is always in control, and it doesn't matter the situation, it doesn't matter how chaotic things may look."
"Behind the outward show, the scenery of cause and effect, there is the reality of the total unopposed divine control, and when we have that, tranquility comes and again the healing ensues."
"God is in control of absolutely everything."
"I don't think nobody in control but God, you hear me?"
"Theism says God not only created the world then, but he controls it now."
"I talk about God and I give him all the praise and the glory because it's his, he's in control of everything."
"Allah is in control of everything."
"God has got it all under control."
"God is controlling everything, but everything inside seasons controls time and purpose."
"God is in control of time and history."
"God is still on the throne and the program is still under His control."
"Nothing out of God's control happens to us."
"Nothing is greater than you. Everything is under your control, God."
"Your position is even worse than that...you are absolutely in the hand of God."
"It will get better. It will get better because God is in control."
"Thank God that God is still in complete control even when it looks like midnight in our lives."
"I prayed to God: 'This will be the shortest prayer of my life because I ask you for nothing. I love you, you're in control.'"
"Fear not, all things are subject to his immediate control."
"God was in charge of the situation."
"There's nothing to worry about you are safe and the situation is under perfect control of the Divine."
"God's in control... it shall happen exactly as it's written."
"God laughs at the enemy so really what have we got to be worried about? He's in control, he's in charge, he knows what's happening in this world."
"Life goes on. If you're a Christian, you know we believe God is ultimately in control of all of this."
"There is the Lord who is in control of it all."
"...God's providence is in charge of everything."
"You have no control if you live or die. God controls if we leave this earth or we stay on this Earth for another 40 years. We have no control over that."
"God has the last word when it comes to the outcome of my circumstances."
"I believe in God like heavily bro so whenever they feel like out of control it's like I know that God got what's going on."
"The winds obey Him, the weather patterns obey Him."
"Instead, it relies on God being in control, on God governing everything and having authority over everything."
"The prophetic word is a light that guarantees that God is in absolute control."
"It's almost midnight, but God is still in control."
"God is in control of our future, and what He started, He will finish."
"You will feel it, you will know that indeed God is in control of this."
"The heart of the kings is in the hand of Hashem, like the path of the water."
"God is already in control, leave it with Him."
"We need to trust God because He is in control and He knows what He is doing."
"God controls the affairs of my life."
"God is in control of world events."
"God's got my life under His control."
"If God can control the forces of nature, He can command them to all come over here to one spot, right now."
"I'm not in control, but I'm with Him, and He is in control."
"But God is still in control. He is the ascended Christ. He is the living Lord. He is fulfilling His purposes."
"God is in absolute control of everything and God has ordained everything."
"Father, help me to remember that you control the outcome, I trust you more than my own efforts."
"God controls the outcome; you control your obedience."
"That's a daily reminder to remember that God's in control."
"God's message to you is a comforting reminder of his divine control, tender care, and loving provisions."
"God is fun, God is faithful, and God is in control."
"Life and death is in the hands of Allah."
"God is still in control, and He would not bring us this far just to abandon us."
"There's nothing to worry about. You're safe, and the situation is under perfect divine control."
"We can climb right up on top of that pile of worry and frustration that we're thinking about dealing with and know that God is in control of it."
"God is in control, he can take the lowest men and elevate them to a point, and then take them down."
"God's in charge, He knows what He's doing, He's sovereign."
"Everything is really in God's hands."
"God is in control. God's hand is upon your life."
"The Bible calls us to live by faith and trust that God is in complete control."
"Keep believing God, keep having faith, keep praying, keep stretching your hand because God is in charge of the pause."
"May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ control our tongues and our mouths."
"I'm not going to leave this planet a minute sooner or later than God says because God's the one in charge of my life, not the devil."
"Have faith that miracles happen every day and that God is in control."
"Moses my servant is dead, but God still lives and God is in control and He can handle anything."
"Life and death are in Allah's hands."
"Over all is Jesus Christ, and He is good, and He is in control, and He has a plan for everyone and everything."
"You hold our future and our past."
"I will not doubt, God is in control."
"The winds and the waves do obey Thy will."
"That's all I can rest on, God is in control."
"Just to keep the faith because God is in control and God has all the ways on how to bless us."
"God's in control, working all things, and he will provide for us beyond what we could imagine."
"He who holds the future, God is the one that holds the future; He controls the future."
"When things around you seem to be falling apart, don't worry; God's got everything in control."
"God is really in charge of all time."
"May we trust God in the circumstances of our lives, knowing that He's in control."
"Let's rest in the truth that God is in control in the events of our lives."
"What we read in the pages of Scripture, that blank page between the Testaments, was true history and God was in control."
"Your life is in my hands, and I am the master of restoration."
"God is there. God is real. God really does have a hedge about you. God really is in control."
"Knowing that You're there causes every day to be alright; knowing that You're in control causes us to simply depend on You more and more."
"The world is restored and it's back under God's control; it's the kingdom of God."
"The hearts of the children of Adam are between the fingers of Ar-Rahman; He moves them how He wills."
"God is still in control and the government is still on His shoulders."
"God's in charge of Justice luckily, but man, that system's broken."
"No human being is in charge of the future; that belongs to God and God alone."
"The word of God calls us to live by faith and trust that God is in complete control."
"The story of Michael in Revelation is a promise that God is in control, that good will always win over evil."
"God is sovereign; He's got this whole thing rigged."
"God is in control, so just give everything to Him."
"At the end of the day, God is in control, and everything is done for your greater good."
"A quiet life is one where it is evident that God is in control of your life."
"No matter what happened, God was in control."
"Let's have confidence that God is really in charge and He really will save us."
"God will sometimes lead you into dangerous situations so that he can show you just how much he's in control."
"Whatever comes, we know that God's in control."
"God agrees with the fact that you have very little control over the future."