
Fitness Benefits Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Nothing compares to exercise; nothing compares to having a high VO2 max, high muscle mass, and high muscle strength."
"If it wasn't for fitness, I would not be alive today. And that's facts."
"Muscle burns more fat and it also burns fat throughout the day."
"Having strong abdominals is going to help and assist you in every exercise."
"Fitness is a great thing that clears your mind."
"Education is so essential; you have to be educated on fitness and health to become more fit and more healthy."
"What lifting helped me do was shift my focus on my body away from what it looked like to how it felt to be in my body."
"For me, the real functional benefit, what really makes the squat interesting, is the way it improves jump height and running speeds."
"Fitness is a tool in helping me with my mental health struggles."
"Fitness is like the cure to so many different things that you can be struggling with."
"Instructions for ditching were given... the entire crew assumed ditching stations and calmly awaited contact."
"Fitness is about energy level, mood, fun, and community."
"It gives you this real sense of 'I am getting stronger, I'm getting more powerful, and I feel so good.'"
"High cardiorespiratory Fitness is the single most potent correlate with longevity but a pretty close second is high strength and muscle mass."
"Working out consistently will absolutely raise your natural testosterone levels."
"Improving your range of motion is not only gonna lead to heavier lifts and more control of your body, but it's also gonna reduce the risk of injury."
"One of the biggest benefits to doing these movements is going to be making you more resilient to the demands of the high-intensity fitness method that is crossfit."
"Working out instills discipline and work ethic in you."
"Resistance training improves general factors of functionality."
"Lifting is the panacea. It does everything right."
"I'm not just saying it because the cardio is good for you it's going to make you leaner year round you're going to be able to eat more food you're just going to have a better time training."
"Fitness is so important for your mental health as well as helping you reach your goals physically."
"You can look younger if you eat healthy and work out."
"The benefits of being in a higher body fat percentage outweigh having more defined abs."
"You feel better when you're fit and healthy."
"Fitness is about mental health benefits, feeling powerful and confident, releasing endorphins."
"Working out will essentially help enhance your physical appearance and it will also boost your endorphins and make you feel better about yourself."
"The people that this benefits most aren't famous... people who are running way beyond their means."
"Fitness, because when you have a good body, you can wear cheap clothes and it's gonna look good on you regardless."
"Exercising six days a week... it's way better for you than you realize."
"Remember, you are getting fitter and stronger, you are going to look better, you're going to feel better, you're going to look younger."
"Every time you exercise, you're investing in your health, your mental well-being, the way you look, absolutely everything."
"The more toned your muscles, the higher your metabolism."
"We need more people lifting weights for their muscle mass to sustain, to grow, for their strength to be up."
"There is a huge value in getting to a higher fitness level when it comes to improving your movement and your brain's ability to rewire."
"All things being equal, the strength training promotes lean body mass and burns body fat; cardio promotes stamina."
"Working out is just going to make me a better person."
"Weight training, if done correctly, provides cardiovascular benefits which also aid in burning calories."
"The key to long-term Fitness success is to realize all of the benefits of Fitness that have nothing to do with building muscle, burning body fat, or improving physical performance."
"You don't need to squat, you don't need to deadlift, you don't need to bench press... but it brings so much value, not just for the metabolism and sculpting your body, but even just the pursuit of trying to get good at those movements."
"As scores on fitness increase, there's an increasing likelihood of falling into the happy group."
"...it's not just for how I look in the mirror, it's for all the other benefits it gives me mentally outside of the gym and what it's doing for me."
"Unilateral exercises like split squats can be extremely beneficial when you're trying to balance out your body."
"I realize my mental clarity and mental health just in general has skyrocketed since I've been working out consistently."
"Sumo deadlifts are legit. It might look less impressive, it might have less range of motion, but it is still a legitimate lift with legitimate benefits."
"But most importantly, you'll feel better; that's what it's all about."