
Satiety Quotes

There are 660 quotes

"Exercise increases the sensitivity of your brain to satiety hormones."
"The most important thing that has to happen for you to feel satisfied when you're eating is that you're full and you feel satiated."
"We must control hunger and be satiated in a way of eating if we are going to lose weight sustainably."
"Eat whatever doesn't make you hungry after you finish eating."
"The way you satisfy your hunger primarily is by filling up your stomach."
"Nutrient fulfillment is a key factor in making you satisfied with the right amount of calories and preventing overeating."
"Fatty foods are actually crucial because they increase satiety and decrease fat accumulation."
"High-protein diet is more for being full and not craving food."
"Eating the higher protein, higher fats, you feel full quicker, you're not hungry all the time."
"Eating a hard-boiled egg fills you up rather than grabbing a bowl of chips and gorging, because eggs have that filling effect and one egg's only about 75 calories."
"By focusing on getting more protein in the diet, not only is that super healthy in general, but also it's very filling."
"Breaking your fast with something that is really rich in protein fat and fiber right away... helps to boost satiety."
"This low carb, high protein meal is really going to help keep us full and not thinking about food."
"One of the easiest ways to make your diet more satiating and to feel less hungry is by eating your calories instead of drinking them."
"If you eat enough fruit in a meal, you will not feel like snacking."
"If you want more oil to feel full try flax seeds and walnuts."
"Increase your protein intake because protein is very-very satiating."
"Pumpkin is a great low-calorie food that is super filling, so this can be very helpful to keep you full."
"Water, they're going to fill your stomach up, they're going to take up a lot of that stomach space so you're going to feel full, but it's going to be unless."
"Fiber reduces hunger and causes you to stay full for longer."
"Protein is awesome protein is the most satiating of all of the macronutrients."
"Low carb high fat... allows us to eat less without getting so hungry."
"These things keep you full throughout the day, packed with protein and fiber."
"I was full, really full, and I stopped obsessing over food because I'm not hungry. When you're hungry, you obsess over everything."
"They'll make you feel full while being low calories but they also contain the right vitamins and minerals."
"Extra fat tastes better, helps you achieve satiety, and keeps you full for longer. Butter, especially grass-fed butter, is full of vitamins and minerals."
"The nice thing about the ketogenic diet is... you don't need a large volume of food to stay satiated."
"When you chew your foods really, really well, you eat less because you become fuller faster."
"This will keep you full longer, the calories are way less, and it has no sugar in it."
"Whole grain carbohydrates keep us full for a long time like protein does."
"Just eat real food, eat low carb food, eat until you're comfortably stuffed. That's how simple this is."
"The good news is that there are foods that taste great and can help fill you up for almost zero calories."
"Eat fat and protein to help keep you full longer."
"I could eat that in one sitting and I probably wouldn't even be full."
"You can eat till you're full and you can have a satisfying lifestyle for the rest of your life."
"I'm not like full full full but I'm like the comfortable, I do not need to eat more."
"Healthy starchy carbohydrates, you can feel full and you're not going to be having so many cravings."
"Fiber keeps you full and you want something that keeps you full."
"Protein provides satiety and prevents cravings for foods that don't align with your goals."
"Setting yourself up for success means having a really easy, fast, simple option at lunch that will also keep you satisfied and have the protein needed."
"Protein and fat are generally more satisfying."
"I like to actually have food that has nutrients in it so it holds me over till my next big meals but also keeps me full and nourished."
"Your body will do that on its own. You really just have to fill up your stomach to a point where you feel satiated and full."
"Among all the foods tested, olive oil had the biggest satiety effect."
"Reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein helps you with satiety."
"It's hearty enough that you're not going to get hungry again in an hour."
"Fats keep you full. Don't skimp on healthy fats in your diet."
"Unlike a donut or a danish, these are actually going to stay with you for a while and keep you feeling satisfied for much longer than those much faster-burning processed pastries."
"Just go by your taste. Eat until it stops tasting good, then you've had enough."
"Have a low calorie dense voluminous filling meal so that you're actually full in the evening."
"Prioritizing protein... will promote a greater sense of satiety..."
"Drink coffee...the fluid stretching out your stomach sending signals to the brain saying hey you're pretty full..."
"Super easy and fiber fueled breakfast. It keeps me full for hours."
"Now talking about the macros on this this will keep you full because it's..."
"The best weight loss drug on the planet is really just affecting satiety and satiety per calorie."
"If you continuously chase pleasure, very soon you will find nothing pleasing anymore."
"This is gonna add lots of protein and it has healthy fats which keeps you fuller longer."
"When you eat a whole apple, it leaves you feeling fuller for longer; it doesn't spike your blood sugar."
"I can say that I truly felt the power of the art of eating enough."
"Music be the food of love, play on, give me excess of it, that surfeiting, the appetite may sicken, and so die."
"It's really about the hormones in this case, the satiety hormones that are so important."
"Fatty foods were actually crucial for weight loss because they made you full."
"Eating is not about just being full, eating is about actually being able to have bioavailable nutrients."
"Exercise can also help us to regulate our hunger and satiety signals."
"The fiber happened, the fiber made the fruit self-limiting."
"The fiber moves the food through the intestine faster to get to the end of the intestine where the satiety signal lives."
"Good fats can help keep you full and stabilize your blood sugar."
"Fat will take you to the next meal so that you don't snack in between."
"The second thing that's amazing about protein is that it's extremely satiating."
"Eating highly satiating foods like potatoes, pasta, fruits does make eating a lot of calories a lot more difficult."
"...ignoring hunger and satiety cues can make it difficult to eat a reasonable quantity and quality of food in relation to your nutrition goals."
"Well, why don't you wanna give yourself- I'm full."
"So if I'm eating 120 grams of protein, I'm pretty full, pretty full."
"Fat gives the feeling of satiation or satisfaction."
"Three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer are fiber, protein, and fat, so if you eat a substantial meal, you will not need to eat again for six hours."
"Protein triggers mechanisms that allow for satiation."
"If you're on a low carb diet, if you're on your keto diet, you can eat a lot of fat, you're going to control your weight, you're not GNA be hungry."
"When it comes to satiety, protein is so key."
"We want to be so well-fed that we've fallen and we can't get up, are you with me?"
"You can see it looks an awful lot like a latte. You drink this, you're just not hungry for hours and hours and you're energized in a way that you'll never get from a piece of toast."
"Fructose blocks the ability to feel full."
"Just by eating more protein you inherently express the hormones necessary so that you can feel full."
"I'm full. I don't know how I'm gonna keep eating, but I'll try."
"Oatmeal is packed with fiber, keeping her feeling full and preventing hunger."
"In adolescent girls who are overweight, eating a beef and egg protein breakfast was much better from a satiety perspective."
"Fiber is also crucial if you're on a weight loss journey because it's going to help keep you fuller for longer."
"If you're eating low carb, uninflammatory food that is not hyperpalatable, you're going to stop eating when you're satiated."
"A spike and then subsequent drop in blood sugar tends to promote cravings. Eating the protein first tends to result in better satiety and makes us eat less."
"Having a high protein breakfast really keeps you full throughout the day."
"I am so full, man, that was black gravy on that."
"Respect your hunger and your satiety. Learn to listen to your body."
"The more you incorporate protein into your food, the less hungry you'll feel throughout the day."
"I feel like it actually fills me up for longer."
"...you're probably going to end up relatively lean, relatively fit because they're so nutrient dense, they produce satiety, and they're very valuable."
"Fat adds calories, it adds flavor, but most important, if your money's tight, fat is what fills you up so people actually eat less if there's fat in the food."
"Your body has a system in it that after 20 minutes, your brain gets signals from your stomach that says, hey, enough is enough."
"You have to realize when I'm consuming more protein, I'm doing it because I'm trying to increase satiety and control hunger."
"It's going to satiate you. You won't have any problems with overeating because you won't have any desire to overeat on this type of food. I can promise you that."
"Mindful eating slows down eating speed, allowing the vagus nerve to send signals of fullness."
"Foods with a high satiety score are expected to spontaneously lower our overall calorie intake."
"Eggs, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese have very high satiety scores."
"Food that takes longer to digest generally makes you feel fuller."
"I'm into lowering your calories but with satiety not energy restriction..."
"I can't eat anymore, I'm so full."
"...they take longer to chew in general, so that means that, once they hit our stomach, they're already more broken down..."
"...fiber-rich foods also take longer to digest, so that means that, when we're eating a diet rich in fiber and fibrous foods, we are able to stay fuller for longer..."
"We are stuffed to the max. I don't think I could have one more bite of anything."
"If that weren't bad enough by itself, ghrelin, the hunger hormone, actually increases. So now you may have eaten a standard meal that normally otherwise would have been satisfying, but it doesn't feel satisfying and you still wanna eat more."
"If you want more sweet potato, just eat more sweet potato. If you're still feeling hungry, add more veggies."
"Let me tell you, game changer, it keeps me full for a long time."
"You've got to have the fat to satiate you. Also, your body uses that fat to build hundreds of different things."
"Per volume or per calorie, those foods tend to satiate more than other foods."
"100 grams of mushroom was found to be more satiating than 100 grams of beef."
"This satiety per calorie model just looks at any tweaks you could make to your diet that would give you the same sense of fullness uh for less calories"
"I'm full all day long. I'm never hungry."
"those are not only the lowest in caloric density but they are the most satiating"
"If you're healthy, if your body fat is doing its job, you are not going to be hungry."
"Honestly, guys, I'm pretty full right now. I ate a lot of food today. I can't keep filming this video."
"Protein really helps keep me satiated for longer so I feel like not like I'm ravenously wanting to eat more food."
"I like to eat the foods that satiate me the most: potatoes, lean meat, fruits, and a little bit of chocolate."
"Fiber intake influences hormones that regulate hunger and satiety."
"High-fiber diets lead to increased release of satiety hormones."
"Fiber-rich foods like tofu can promote satiety compared to low-fiber alternatives."
"Stop eating when you're 80% full. Don't get off the table when you're only stuffed."
"The great thing about eating fat is that it really keeps you feeling fuller for longer."
"Drink more water, particularly during the meal, helps expand the rouge of the stomach which triggers the signal for satiety."
"Short chain fatty acids have a role in influencing satiety."
"Oh, it's so good, I want to keep eating, but I'm getting too full."
"If we lost our ability to know when we were satiated, why wouldn't we have elderly people starving to death because they didn't actually get enough?"
"I think when you eat and the message to the brain is that you've been fed, you don't desire anything else. And the one thing about raw food, when, or either, and especially juicing, once the nutrients reach cellular level, you're not hungry. That's the thing."
"It's the same kind of concept during our bread video... it's everything that satiates your hunger and doesn't really spike your blood sugar as much."
"Honestly kept me full for so long."
"Just eat until you're full and naturally want to stop."
"Dinner was good but now I feel like I'm in a food coma."
"Potatoes are incredibly filling; in fact, studies have found that they are like the most filling food."
"Calories are calories wherever they come from, but when you're eating very high-fat foods versus very carbohydrate-rich foods, then you're going to have a lot more satiety from less energy."
"Prebiotics supplementation improves satiety and weight management."
"I try and listen to those signals in my body that I've had enough I've eaten enough I don't need any more."
"So about 25 minutes after you eat those couple bites of pizza, your brain experiences that same old whole pizza feeling."
"Satiety and micronutrients are the next consideration after calories and protein."
"I'm so full from that pizza I don't think I can eat anymore."
"Sushi is like kind of scary 'cause you don't notice yourself getting full. It's light but it's carbs creeps up on you."
"You're designed by nature to be comfortable. The higher calorie density foods impact satiety mechanisms more intensively than lower calorie density foods."
"It does keep you full up for a good 3 to 5 hours."
"You wouldn't have to have anything else with this meal. You could fill up as much as you could eat of this until you were satisfied."
"Protein and fat are highly satiating it's very hard to overe eat what I want you to focus on is to eat until you're comfortably stuffed at every single meal."
"Sugar does not trigger satiety hormones. Remember how we were talking about that?"
"It's a new problem on the wilderness living challenge, being overly full."
"So when I talk about being a plant-based person, I'm not really just focusing on vegetables...you need a source of protein still, you need a source of calories, and you need something that's going to make you full and satiated."
"The more satiated you are, the less likely you are to eat excess calories."
"So because of that, I have to find ways of keeping myself full. So fiber, veggies, which is things that are super low in calories, help out a lot."
"I feel like whenever I have full meals, I don't do too much snacking in between."
"Yeah, I like to try and eat things that are wholesome and that are going to fill me up as much as possible."
"I was never hungry; I was always on a full bloat."
"I just like eating when I'm hungry and stopping when I'm full."
"When it comes to feeling satiated on a low budget diet, fat is where it's at."
"Protein is very satiating, it also preserves muscle."
"Satiety: how long do I stay satisfied after eating particular meals? It's extremely important for maintaining a healthy body weight."
"When I target foods that are higher in protein and fat as the primary source of calories for my diet it's just easier not to overeat."
"So at the end of the meal you feel like, oh I ate so much."
"If you eat protein at the beginning of your meals, you're less likely to overeat."
"Eating protein first and then waiting 5 to 10 minutes can dramatically reduce blood sugar spikes, make you feel satisfied, and reduce overeating."
"Solids will slow the emptying of the stomach, and anything that slows the emptying of the stomach will tend to induce satiety."
"The gastric bypass is triggering that emergency procedure so that you're getting that satiety signal a lot."
"I have purposely done a bigger lunch in the hope that this will fill me up until dinner."
"Adding healthy fats makes your meals higher calorie, but the good news is when you have a higher fat meal and a higher calorie dense meal, that avocado, like that full avocado, is going to keep you full for a long time."
"The trick is how do I eat in a caloric deficit while being full, while getting enough protein..."
"The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the more it fills you up."
"But like a lot of things in life you love it to the point where okay next don't need to do that anymore."
"It's all about simplicity. You just eat when you feel, okay I'm eating enough, I don't really need to eat anymore."
"Ice cream is neat is the easiest cuz I think ice cream you can eat even when you're really full that's cold."
"When you're feeling full, you cannot then be craving something else."
"Breakfast seems to help people to stay satisfied and satiated more and to actually be able to have a sense of, like, an ability to gauge when they are actually full during the rest of their meals and snacks."
"I just eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full."
"It was so full, filling, yes, and I was very full because I ate a lot."
"...satiety might be the single most important factor in determining long-term compliance."
"You get to eat when you're hungry, you get to stop when you're comfortably full. That is a huge weight off of a lot of people's shoulders."
"Serve that main dish over a starch. A starch will help you to feel fuller longer and it absolutely will stretch that main dish."
"Hard-boiled eggs are great again because of that high protein it's lean protein it helps with satiety."
"It takes about 10 to 20 minutes for your hunger and your fullness signals to kick in."
"Being very present while you're eating, paying attention to what you're eating and when you're actually full is important."
"It tastes like a dessert, but it's going to keep you full and fuel through the day."
"When you eat a whole food plant-based diet, you can stuff yourself with fruits and vegetables and lose weight."
"Very full bellies, a load of empty plates."
"This looks really small, but it has a huge amount of chicken. So if you eat this, you're gonna be full."
"I was really looking forward to spending some time at home, but now I've had enough."
"A great way to lose weight, if not the best way to lose weight, is to make sure that you are eating when you're hungry and stopping when you're full."
"Almost all groups stop eating at about 80% satiety, so they don't eat until they're totally gorged and full."
"Don't eat for future hunger. Your body has plenty of fuel onboard already."
"I didn't feel hungry, you know, it was all these amazing things that you hear from people in this community."
"The more leptin you have binding to the arcuate nucleus, the more satiety should be produced, and the less hungry you are."
"Protein is very satiating; it keeps you fuller for longer."
"Protein plus fiber slows down stomach emptying and that helps you feel fuller longer."
"We are done with lunch. Didn't even eat dessert, and I don't feel deprived."
"Eating low on the calorie density scale means you can eat a lot and get completely satiated without gaining weight."
"The metabolic advantages of nutritional ketosis... it reduces hunger and therefore it's easy to reduce your food intake."
"If you lose weight slowly with a highly nutritious high fiber diet that stretches your stomach receptors, it sends vagal nerve signals back to your brain, you actually get full, and your metabolism doesn't slow."
"The potato is the most satiating food... there is nothing better than a potato to control hunger."
"A diet that will allow us to achieve and sustain a healthy weight without hunger is critical."
"Fiber has no calories effectively, and yet it fills you up."