
Abolition Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"I think they should abolish the death penalty and instead add a new form of punishment where someone is tied down and forced to watch 'To Boldly Flee' every single day until they die."
"One of the final political acts of his life was to send a slavery abolition petition to Congress in February 1790."
"Abraham Lincoln fought and again sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives for the great cause of abolition."
"The abolitionists...were largely the most religiously dedicated people."
"The only appropriate regulation on slavery is its abolition."
"Why reform mass incarceration? Why not abolish it?" - My Angel
"I think if just enough places get rid of it then everybody will feel like they have to and I guess that's kind of the goal is to abolish it once and for all but there could be a good reason."
"White men didn't invent slavery but they did abolish it."
"Intellectual movements played a role, but what ended slavery was mobilization and conflict."
"Abolition is less about what we don't want... It's more about the world that we do want."
"In 1807, Britain passed an Act that abolished the British slave trade."
"We need to smash this thing to pieces do we need to talk about reforming prisons we need to abolish prison the way it is because it ain't working."
"If we want to change things to make abolition irresistible, we need to change everything."
"She helped the Union win the war. She freed, like, at least 1,000 slaves in her lifetime."
"The bitter worldwide struggle which lasted for more than a century to destroy the elaborate systems and institution for the ownership and sale of human beings."
"I want it to be abolished because people realize that it is stupid."
"Bold reimagination is so important. DHS shouldn't exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status and more."
"Abolishing slavery by constitutional provision settles the fate for all coming time."
"We wish to be free on this show, we wish to free you on this show, we wish to stand free and to eliminate slavery in this world."
"Abolishing serfdom should hopefully make an adjustment with regards to radicals as well."
"A reformer and strong leader, he approved of the abolition of slavery."
"This system needs to not be reformed but it needs to be abolished."
"We have to abolish rather than fix the system." - Angela Davis
"He announced an end to the war to the death and soon declared that slavery would be abolished in the republic."
"Police abolition works, police reform doesn't. Period."
"Abolition means creating an entirely new world where things like this do not exist, cannot exist because we've abolished the things that create."
"Every black person should be a prison abolitionist."
"The abolition of slavery was almost entirely the work of people who believed they were taking orders from something higher."
"I think we actually have to end this guy's life because if we do that I believe slavery will come to an end."
"Abolition is rooted in a black radical tradition in which the word is used precisely because it echoes the fight for the abolition of slavery."
"I can't accomplish a goddamn thing of any human meaning or worth until we cure ourselves of slavery and in this pestilential war."
"Lincoln recognized that abolition was the only path forward."
"No matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost, slavery had to be abolished."
"Liberia became the only country on the continent of Africa in 1822 that said no to slavery"
"The British then installed their puppet as Sultan, and as one positive takeaway, the British forced him to outlaw slavery."
"Once animals have rights, they can no longer be enslaved and murdered so you can eat them."
"Massachusetts Senator Charles Suner...one of the most powerful voices for abolition in the United States Senate."
"Thus, when Douglass arrived back in America in the spring of 1847 he did so as a completely free man without the fear of capture hanging over him."
"Pennsylvania is the first state to legislatively abolish slavery."
"I believe it's one of the worst things going on now is the abolition of police or even the partial abolition of police."
"Thank God that I have lived to witness a day in which England is willing to give twenty million sterling for the Abolition of Slavery."
"It was time to act openly against slavery."
"Dismantling the slave system bit by bit would result in more sustainable success."
"I will begin the process of discontinuation of human slavery,"
"...what we see in George Washington that I think is admirable is an evolution of thought over the course of his life to where by the end, at least in private correspondence, he was advocating for the abolition of slaves."
"The central issue of that election was slavery. Lincoln had long believed that slavery was morally wrong but he saw legal and practical impediments to its immediate abolition."
"John Brown wanted to spark a second American revolution, a civil war that would end slavery once and for all."
"Eight months after Lincoln's assassination, the 13th Amendment is ratified, finally abolishing slavery and permanently freeing every enslaved person in America."
"Abolishing right to buy shouldn't be remotely controversial."
"What system of labor was going to replace slavery what political system was going to replace the political system of slavery and what rights would the 4 million emancipated slaves have?"
"The unwary, unostentatious, and inglorious Crusade of England against slavery may probably be regarded as among the three or four perfectly virtuous pages comprised in the history of Nations."
"Slavery's got to end, you can't be profiting off the backs of humans like this, wow."
"The fight against slavery has only just begun, but John Brown's crusade is over."
"Abolition is central to the process of imagining new forms of safety and security."
"George III made it very clear to his ministers that he would not support abolition as a cabinet measure."
"The final Triumph of humanity would be the abolition of man."
"The ruthless criticism of all that exists means abolition as well."
"Slavery was a retro aggressive institution and it would be a dying institution."
"The abolition of slavery became the British project; it captured the hearts and minds of the entire country."
"The war would soon bring a victory that shall give to our whole country a millennium of universal Freedom by sweeping the last message of slavery forever from the soil."
"Lincoln had run on a platform of prohibiting the spread of slavery with the goal for its ultimate extinction."
"Thirteenth Amendment abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, marking a pivotal change in American society."
"Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1807."
"My dad always used to say, it wasn't just the Black abolitionists. There had to be good white people too to help us get where we were, or it wouldn't have happened. That's just a fact."
"The United States could no longer deal with the stain of slavery."
"Posterity will owe Everlasting thanks to John Brown... slavery is a system of brute force it must be met with its own weapons." - Frederick Douglas
"No war but an abolition war, no peace but an abolition peace. Liberty for all, chains for none." - Frederick Douglas
"I'm so glad Britain stepped in and abolished slavery. I've learned a lot today."
"Lincoln thought the best way to get rid of slavery was state-by-state slavery is created by state law states can abolish it."
"Thomas Paine wanted the abolition of slavery."
"Black abolitionists, white abolitionists, and slaves interacted to create abolitionism."
"Granville Sharp's victory: 'A slave becomes free the moment he sets foot on English soil.'"
"The Thirteenth Amendment: not just a one-stop thing, but an ongoing process."
"The abolition of slavery opens the door to a more vigorous assertion of people's rights."
"The project of abolition doesn't only focus on issues of incarceration. It focuses on economic issues, housing, education. It's actually about a revolutionary approach to restructuring society."
"The Slavery Abolition Act in 1833 set the way to abolish the heinous, terrible, dehumanizing crime of slavery."
"In 1833, the Emancipation act abolished slavery throughout the British Empire."
"The last enemy that will be abolished is death."
"However, Texas actually abolished the right to have a last meal by then, so Threadgill was given the same meal as everyone else."
"Slavery ends because of war--and a war that's started by enslavers themselves."
"For the abolitionists, his death was seen as martyrdom for the cause and recreated him as a heroic figure."
"The agitation leading to the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade is emblematic of how long-standing relationships of production and consumption can suddenly become a problem."
"Congress passionately debated Kansas-Nebraska, abolitionists like Eli Fair began to enlist immigrants to settle Kansas and keep it free from slavery."
"The New Testament created a tonic tension that would ultimately erupt in the abolition of slavery."
"Lincoln understood that slavery was not going to die a natural death."
"The slaves' stubborn actions in pursuit of their faith gradually turned faith into reality. It was they who taught the nation that it must place the abolition of slavery at the head of its agenda."
"If you restore the Union then you can strike slavery."
"The emancipation proclamation is in some ways the best evidence of the radicalization of anti-slavery policy."
"War becomes revolution; it is now the policy of the federal government to destroy slavery completely."
"The total abolition of such an institution...operates with the intent of curtailing our fundamental rights."
"Radical direct action helped end slavery."
"Without this direct action by John Brown, without this violent, direct action, specifically armed direct action at that time, Insurrection, I think that without John Brown we would not have a speedy an end to slavery in this country as we did."
"War is violence, anarchy, slaughter but sometimes good comes from it. And in this case the good that came from it was the destruction of slavery which couldn't have happened in any other way."
"That preliminary Emancipation Proclamation said that slaves in the United States, in the states in rebellion, would be freed on January 1^(st)."
"Slavery in some shape or form is still being practiced, and I'd love to see a world where it's completely abolished and no longer practiced."
"This is going to confirm this idea that northerners want to stop slavery now."
"Brown's going to be one of those abolitionists that advocates going beyond the law to end slavery if necessary."
"The war steadily becomes a war to end slavery as the white North understands that it has to in order to put the united states back together."
"The war will not end unless slavery is destroyed."
"We know it ended with slavery being undone."
"Defunding or even abolition of the institution of policing is the only way to prevent future violence and death."
"Lincoln did fight to preserve liberty against the monstrous injustice of slavery."
"The abolitionist movement's core argument was the idea of natural rights, in particular, the right of property that each person had in him or herself."
"Free labor became a clarion call of the abolitionist movement."
"Lincoln's battle against slavery and the threat it posed to our nation's survival."
"The 13th amendment would legally end slavery everywhere in the United States in 1865."
"America was one of the world leaders in trying to end slavery."
"America was not founded to protect and extend slavery."
"I fought during my life to find a practicable means of ending slavery without splitting the nation in half."
"All the Western World got together and they made sure that they abolished the slave trade."
"The time had come, men and women on both sides of the Atlantic knew that the horrible, degrading, and hateful business of slavery had to come to an end."
"Franklin's last public act is to write and sign a petition to Congress proposing the abolition of slavery."
"Frederick Douglass traveled to Ireland in the same year that his narrative was published in 1845, providing a prism through which Douglass could use suffering and oppression everywhere and articulate the demand for abolition."
"Britain demanded Spain, Portugal, and Brazil to declare slave trading to be piracy."
"They're calling for the abolition of jails and prisons."
"The strongest abolitionist work has been abolition feminist work."
"Abolition is about the building of community capacity, not just about the closing of prisons."
"Abolition is not just about reducing the number of people under the control of the criminal legal system; it's about building opportunities for freedom."
"I consider myself an abolitionist. I'm for a different system of addressing harm, a different system of justice."
"I have to believe that there is possible for a world without slavery and I passionately believe that."
"Simcoe made Upper Canada the first province in the British Empire to abolish slavery."
"Her execution played a major part in the movement to completely abolish the death penalty in England."
"The struggle did cost 600 000 american lives to bring about the abolition of slavery legally in this country."
"For all of those who had fought so hard to see the slave trade abolished, there was this looming sense of unfinished business."
"His speech on the abolition of the slave trade in 1792 was regarded by contemporaries as one of the great feats of oratory."
"We believe that prisons, police, and all their institutions on Black people must be abolished and replaced by institutions that value and affirm the flourishing of Black lives."
"The law is not abolished, the location of the law has changed."
"Women were central to the anti-slavery movement."
"Abolition ultimately, if we really, really mean it, is the abolition of all forms of oppression, subjugation, and exclusion."
"Abolition alone represents a challenge."
"It was the day before Maxine Gunn's 21st birthday, and she stood outside the prison gates dressed in morning black as a large crowd, including the wealthy abolition campaigner, waited for the notice of execution to be posted."
"John Brown was a crusader for freedom, a fanatically religious man who believed he was a holy warrior appointed by God to end slavery."
"He is the one that abolished slavery in Mexico."
"At one stroke the whole rotten edifice of slavery will be cast down in ruin."
"Abraham Lincoln pledged to stop the growth of slavery by prohibiting its expansion into the new western territories."
"For the Union, strategy becomes goals to restore the Union eventually without slavery."
"Lincoln saves the Union and he wins the war and he ends slavery forever."
"She introduced the Western legal systems, she abolished death by a thousand cards."
"He continued to write impassioned essays in support of the abolition of slavery, indigenous rights, the right of adults to vote, the right for workers to form trade unions, and condemning the disenfranchisement of women generally."
"And by the end of the series, Damen has gone from a liberal who just believes that enslaved people need to be treated better to a king who has vowed to abolish slavery entirely."
"Eventually, slavery was abolished in 1807 with the Slave Trade Act."
"What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? It ended slavery."
"It's crazy to think about how Abraham Lincoln fought for abolishing slavery and he was assassinated."
"Thomas Jefferson is one of the loudest voices in American history about ending slavery."
"The Emancipation Proclamation... will liberate all slaves in the States still in rebellion and make complete abolition the North's chief policy objective."
"Slavery is wrong, no matter what riches can be amassed, no matter what power can be gained, no matter the cost."
"Was the Abolition Act really passed in philanthropic spirit, as an act of pure altruism, or for the good of humanity?"
"The abolition committee set about this task by mobilizing a campaign that would gather the support of millions across Britain."
"The British Empire also abolished slavery across the empire by the 1830s."
"The man who perhaps more than any other stirred the conscience of the world to see the horror and evil of slavery was William Wilberforce."
"...he did want to remove slavery, he just wanted it to be a surprise."
"Slavery is a horror that should be ended at once. War is a horror that should be ended at once."
"Without the actions that Lincoln took, slavery would have continued to exist for decades and decades in the United States."
"It's historical and it's real, strong black women fighting to end slavery."
"The campaigning MP William Wilberforce turned public opinion against the slave trade and it was eventually abolished in 1807."
"We've got to work together... to abolish this."
"You must do justice, you must put an end to slavery; the poor have every right to live freely."
"Harriet Tubman, a very famous figure who helped rescue a lot of slaves."
"The boys in blue voted to finish the war on the terms of ending slavery for all of time."
"Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, making the abolition of slavery in the Confederate states a stated war goal for the Union."
"The 13th amendment... abolish slavery, bringing about the war's most dramatic social and economic change."
"They announced, directly, that they would, quote, 'destroy slavery wherever Federal jurisdiction reigned.'"
"...Richard agreed to the abolition of serfdom free tenancy Arrangements a lifting of all restrictions on buying and selling and agreed to pardon the Rebels for their actions."
"Part moral rallying point, part strategic war measure, the Emancipation Proclamation is one of the most important documents in American history."
"In the document, eradicating slavery became a concrete goal of the Union and its bitter military struggle with the Confederacy."
"There is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it."
"The title of property in man would no longer be recognized in British law."
"It would take some time, but in 1833, Britain would abolish slavery in its dominions."
"John Brown was already fairly well known as one of the most zealous, staunch abolitionists you could ever find."
"This man dedicated his life to the ending of slavery within the United States."
"Abolition is not ultimately about destruction; it's about creation."
"Brazil was one of the last countries in the world to abolish slavery in 1888."
"Slavery is an abomination that must be brought to an end."
"The mere friction and abrasion of the war is going to destroy slavery."
"Abolition is not an absence but a presence, a presence of justice and creating those institutions."
"The slave trade is outlawed in Washington D.C."
"Somewhere within that black heart of darkness of the slave trade there were glimmers of light, and those people urged the madness to stop."
"Slavery will never return to Meereen... we will give you seven years to end the practice."
"He's done it! After all these years, he's done it! The governor general. He's abolished sati!"
"The abolitionist movement... argued that all slavery was a gross and intrinsic evil that had to be gotten rid of immediately."
"Slavery is transhistorical moral evil and it needs to be removed from the face of the earth."
"Abolition means getting rid of the institution of slavery as a whole."
"The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution outlawing human enslavement except in cases of crime."
"It seems to me that its result must be the extirpation of slavery from this whole continent."
"The UK abolished capital punishment in 1965 for murder."
"The most important job that I think anyone has ever done with our Constitution is to abolish slavery once and for all."
"In 1801, Toussaint Louverture arrived in Santo Domingo, proclaiming the abolition of slavery on behalf of the French Republic."
"The British Crown abolished the company in 1858 in the aftermath of the Indian rebellion, also known as the first war of independence, which happened the previous year in 1857."
"The abolition movement gained more support."
"The secret police were disbanded, the death penalty abolished, they even planned to hold elections."
"The abolition movement... ultimately led to the end of the slave trade."
"By 1872, the Republicans had made significant reforms starting with the 13th Amendment in 1865, ending slavery."
"The abolition of slavery is a titanic achievement of liberalism."
"The abolition of the slave trade was a monumental event in British history."
"The coalition ministry is dominated by those who supported abolition."
"Its abolition was also brought about by millions of Africans who continually resisted enslavement and rebelled against slavery in order to be free."
"Denmark... was the first country to ban the trade through legislation in 1792, which took effect in 1803."
"Abolish inheritance tax; this hated grief tax raises less than 1% of total tax revenue."
"Ultimately, this case played a significant part in the abolition of the death penalty."
"The cause of ending slavery is worth any price."