
Educational Strategy Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words."
"Your voice and opinion matter. Not only teaching curricula needs to be based on factual, evidenced information, but they need to adapt their teaching strategies."
"Learning how to learn is the biggest difference between millionaires and everyone else."
"It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Build meaningful projects outside of coursework."
"Revisit skipped questions at the end of the passage problem set for better recall."
"You trick them into studying for what's good for them, and it pays off over time if they study enough."
"Ask yourself, how does this unit plan advance my students' thinking about equity, power, and anti-oppression."
"German schools are airing the classrooms every 20 minutes."
"Learning how to learn is actually so important and it literally supercharges all of the rest of your time that you spend studying."
"By focusing on the most important and core topics first and moving out from there, we can help to prioritize what we're actually studying."
"You've just started on your journey to speaking English fluently because now the first step was to understand how to hack the brain of an American."
"Figure out how you study best and go from there. Play to your strengths."
"Incorporating humor into language learning can enhance the learning environment."
"We do not need to do trial and error all the time."
"The more connections we make to a piece of information the more likely we are to retain that information over time."
"You make your studying more effective so you could be twice as much in half the time."
"Games based learning... is really key to keep everyone involved."
"Just putting it all together to really solidify everything that we've learned."
"Active recall is what the best students use worldwide for a reason."
"Colleges don't want well-rounded students; they want a well-rounded class."
"It will restore the faith of many Catholics if more do speak out."
"Wow, 10 grade, we've got to spread this out."
"Know them well know how to draw them know how to use them in both analysis and evaluation you will smash it you'll impress your examiners."
"It implies that if you can teach people at any given cognitive level to work harder, that is one pathway to genuine success."
"Learning phrasal verbs in context, full ideas, possibly a full story, will help you truly understand and use them."
"Focus on language content that is relevant to you."
"Maximize the amount of learning per unit of time."
"Improve the value of your study by building a solid foundation of content knowledge."
"The wisest thing if you're a school district, the smartest thing that could happen right now is you just do nothing."
"Try to understand one chapter before you go to the next one."
"What I love about this is you can target specific skills each week."
"The minor should really be complementary to your major." - Enhancing your skill set.
"Binge-watching a TV series can be a great way to learn English, especially for advanced learners."
"You can profoundly transform your experience of school or college or university by treating studying as a multiplayer game."
"Keeping the little ones busy is key to successful homeschooling."
"The goal is that whenever you come back to note and you do touch it you have to see it again make it better leave it better than how it was."
"I want to make sure that I set my students up for success and for not misbehaving before that misbehavior happens."
"If you really want a good indication of how well you're going to be doing in math, take a look at your notes."
"Science says that the best way to learn something is to actually teach it."
"It's a brilliant way to teach your players in a bubble where there's no serious consequences. I love it and more people should leverage this kind of thing in their games."
"What instruction should she give to her students to maximize the chances of receiving a correct answer?"
"It's about solving three or four problems but really extracting the key lessons."
"By shifting your focus to the princess and treating your life's challenges like video games, you can trick your brain and actually learn more and see more success."
"The best way to begin learning French is to start with simple words."
"To get good at programming, the most important thing you can do as a beginner is to stick with one language and learn that language very well and understand it."
"It was always the same method, just slight, tiny variations in each question."
"If we want to be effective in our study period or our ability to retain information or learn something new, this pyramid here is something that we should all study and live by."
"Memory is only built when you learn something and then have time to forget it and then revisit it."
"The first step to accomplishing this is to make whatever the learning is sticky and easy to process."
"I'm going to give you this simple practical plan for classroom management success in seven days or less."
"It's not meant to stop unwanted behaviors; it's meant to encourage behaviors that you do want."
"That's our whole purpose, right? To make kids better and to get the right strategies in the right place at the very beginning."
"Pre-brief, the enactment, the debrief, and the assessment are just paramount when you're doing any type of educational activities."
"Language learning is a multi-faceted system, so it would be wise to have multiple viewpoints in order to provide better balance."
"I think the reason I got an A was because I used the basic knowledge and then applied that."
"Use case studies. People are always going to be more engaged with that example."
"Make sure you understand why the right answer is right, why the wrong answer is wrong."
"Training can become content marketing for your design system."
"I prep my students way far in advance and have them make 90s plus."
"I think one thing I know has been shown to be important for learning is spaced repetition."
"Breaking down key curriculum content into smaller chunks and ordering it supports pupils to know more and do more."
"Teaching students to search smart ensures that they save time, become critical thinkers, and access information easily."
"We want to make sure there is that alignment of assessments that all learning objectives are being assessed in some way."
"We would promote both very intentionally, very systematically, supporting home language development."
"I am huge about modeling how to use a skill using the graphic organizer so that my kids feel prepared."