
Medium Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"It is quite a difficult endeavor to adapt a story faithfully in a completely different medium."
"Animation is not a genre for kids; it's a medium. Animation is film. Animation is art."
"It's all about being able to tell stories, no matter what your medium is."
"Marianne has certain unique abilities; she is a medium and possesses the ability to see things that other people wouldn't."
"Friendship ought to be the medium as well as the message."
"Animation is a medium for creative expression."
"Animation is not a genre for kids, it is a medium." - Guillermo del Toro
"The medium that everything is happening is consciousness."
"Comics are a fantastic medium to tell stories."
"Hi, I'm a medium named Bree. I talk to the dead for a living."
"It stood toe to toe with films, novels, and poems and did so to roaring critical and commercial success."
"Video is a powerful medium of art, but it is not the only medium of art."
"The only thing that has changed is the medium has changed."
"As long as the story is good and the medium serves the story and it works, then who cares."
"Watchmen is the best example of the unique elements and limitations of the comic book medium."
"It opens your eyes to what you can do with the medium."
"It was like this is the least likely movie that needs an anime."
"This style works great for the story that they were telling and for the medium that they were telling it in."
"The medium of Animation makes the homogenization of certain symbols much more seamless."
"AI-generated art might actually be the single most authorful medium ever created!"
"What's the point? Why make this a cartoon?"
"It's literally just like paint sponges and like random colors... I feel like no, this definitely is done with acrylic."
"...so what I do is I use the floating medium..."
"Comics are a medium that have faced a variety of challenges through its existence."
"Photography is just a medium like painting, film, or music. At the end of the day, you need to decide how you want to use it, what you want to say with it."
"This is one of those albums that helps you understand why the medium is so great."
"So in order to imitate all of this line variety, I have to use a charcoal pencil on newsprint because it's really difficult to get the same exact line quality if you're not using this combination."
"Why can't people understand the potential of the medium instead of trying to make interactive movies?"
"Medium works on a royalty scheme, which means that you're not getting money from advertisers, you're getting money from your readers every time that a paying Medium member reads one of your book reviews."
"We have to be careful about the types of connections that we make and the medium through which we make those connections."
"Watercolor tattoos are a thing in the first place because of the versatility of tattooing."
"Tattooing is an extremely versatile medium."
"It's no longer rare in the center. All right, so that is medium."
"When a work gets adapted from one medium to another, there's always going to be something lost in translation."
"This is a technique I've only been able to get with my watercolors."
"The work that I produce is through the lens of fashion but what's so beautiful about fashion is that it's an all-encompassing medium."
"Negative painting transcends into all artistic mediums."
"'Cause the medium doesn't have any body to it, but it will extend your paint."
"Comics are about telling a story. I'll just sit down and make myself tell a story. It's open, all it really is is a medium, and then it becomes as strong as potent as the artists within it."
"The other cool thing about gouache too is that you can rehydrate it."
"Anime is a medium that rarely hits on the 'scary scale' and most mangakas and directors typically stray away from the genre."
"Never has to be perfect. Doesn't matter if you're doing a drawing with pastel like we're doing here or a colored pencil drawing or pen and ink drawing or graphite or whatever medium you're using."
"Some of you guys, your purpose is to be a psychic, a medium."
"Your articles don't need to be original to Medium. You can republish your own original work here."
"A good storyteller can still be a good storyteller regardless of the medium. True."
"Animation is clearly the medium where this IP shines the brightest."
"It's the perfect example of adult animated mediums."
"I never cease to be impressed by the power of that medium."
"A great villain introduction is also one that makes full use of the medium that they're in."
"Film is able to take like the best parts of every other medium and combine them."
"... the problem is that you know I mean we're not a youtube show right we're a radio show..."
"Different mediums have different strengths and different weaknesses."
"Is Medium still worth it even as a total beginner? The answer is 100% yes."
"For more professional writers or those who want to become professional writers, Medium offers an amazing opportunity to get exposure to new audiences, get freelance opportunities, grow your network, and build your own audience."
"Arcane was one of those stories that needed to be told in animation."
"The more of the story is there's a huge difference between a book and a movie."
"Each medium has its own character, especially watercolor, but the design concept or even the painting concept is exactly the same."
"You can't do just start painting on this. Unless it's encaustic."
"Vinyl offers more purposefulness in how you listen and you're more involved in the experience."
"A record re-emphasizes the album format, designed to be listened to track by track in the order that the artist intends."
"Vinyl: where the journey becomes as important as the destination."
"Vinyl: an immersive experience that connects you with the artist and the music."
"Vinyl: bringing back the art of intentional listening."
"Vinyl: not just a format, but a lifestyle."
"Alan Moore's unbelievably disturbing 'From Hell'... is a viable medium to convey horror and enhance a horror story."
"I like to use matte medium to help keep the paint wet longer."
"Gouache is a very convenient mix between watercolor and acrylics, demonstrating and combining key characteristics from both mediums."
"Those big shapes are what make the medium of watercolor so unique."
"I love glazing medium, it slows down the drying time of paint and lets you glaze."
"The grow media is the key to success, first of all."
"The essence of a medium cannot be negated."
"It's just such a versatile medium."
"It's still a dry medium but functions like a paint, paintable and allows artists to mix dry colors for the first time."
"I love the texture of colored pencils."
"There's this amazing transparency, this ability to mix like paint although it's still a dry medium."
"I think the important thing, even though this is a completely new medium, the traditional color mixing rules from any painting medium apply."
"Instead of giving the audience what they want, you sometimes give them what they need to understand the medium."
"Comics can tell any kind of story there is."
"I find this a wonderful medium developed by Steinberg. Absolutely lovely, lovely."
"Animation is a medium rather than a genre."
"Adaptation is called adaptation for a reason because it's never about keeping everything exactly the same but more about helping the story survive the transfer to another medium by leveraging the unique strengths of that new medium to service the spirit of the material."
"Ceramics is such an extraordinary medium, it finds itself in this beautiful privileged space where it's caught somewhere between sculpture, fine art, and the world of craft."
"You can't rely on radio to do that, right?"
"The way I got my first 100 subscribers is I wrote a popular thing on Medium."
"Tom, if you look at you, you have to know what Medium you're working."
"The first media was simply the word. The word is the medium used by God to communicate."
"During the first session, the medium went into an unusual trance, speaking about the hundreds of bodies buried underneath the house."
"We were all new to the medium at some point where everything seemed fresh and exciting and a multitude of series left a lasting impact on you even years later."
"Every medium has its own strengths and weaknesses. Play your idea on the strengths of the medium."
"Comics is just a medium like any other one."
"It's super important to explore the medium to explore what the medium allows to its full capabilities."
"Encaustic wax is actually an ancient medium... first adopted by the Greeks in the 5th century BC."
"Yeah, I like it, it's theatrical, I think it uses the K-pop medium to say something."
"Thanks to him being the medium, she now had a genuine connection to the past world."
"Model railroading is a storytelling medium."
"With this technique, we did the most that we could with the acrylic and now as we're building with the oil, we have the advantage."
"Sometimes non-visual stories can be better told through animation than live-action."
"Understanding the mechanics of the medium is crucial."
"Now we're finished with our medium Spike."
"But these are a pigment-based pencil and the basic idea of these is instead of a watercolor pencil that washes out into watercolor, they actually when added, when water is added, turn into ink."
"Choose a paper best suited to the main medium you plan to use."
"Cinema is something that's made. And it has nothing to do with the capture medium."
"I'd be very surprised if this isn't one of the very best that the medium has to offer."
"Paper is the art part of this whole process."
"The medium itself encouraged a certain profundity."
"Functional will always be better than fashionable, and animation is a medium that works best with purpose."
"Propaganda isn't inherently a bad thing; it simply means that you're using a chosen medium to influence somebody's opinion with your own."
"It's an undeniable fact that film is a superior medium and it makes everything better."
"This to me is part of the language of comics because it's inherent to comics. Why would you not use it?"
"If you have want to express something, you should express something through whatever medium you enjoy."
"You can't exceed the speed of light in a vacuum, but things can move through other media faster than the speed of light in that medium."
"Animation is a beautiful medium for telling stories in such a way that you can't really do to the same extreme in live action."
"When you're reading the story, your experience of some of the actual things that the movie is talking about, you're experiencing aspects of the medium that is the subject of the story."
"It's said to be the general all-purpose growing medium for all sorts of plants."
"This is photography, this is the medium."
"It's definitely a lot of fun to draw on it, handles the ink really well, it doesn't bleed."
"Relax and just trust the process because this really does come through you, you're just literally the medium."
"I love dry medium, I love working in black and white."
"Animation is not a genre, it's a medium."
"It's thoughts like these that make me grateful for a medium like this."
"I'm using Flotrol as something to thin my paints down to be able to pour with."
"I just want to express myself, and film is just a medium in which I express myself."
"Digital art is not real art? Digital art is as valid a medium as watercolor, as acrylic, as oil paint, as gouache."
"Comics are a medium onto themselves; they shouldn't be a stepping stone to something else."
"Your art matters more than your medium."
"Make whichever medium you want to use yours and use it in a way that makes you happy."
"It's important for creators to come in and say, 'Look, I've got this medium; how best can I utilize this?'"
"Electromagnetic waves can travel without a medium, which means that light can travel through space."
"Animation is just a medium, it's a tool, it's a way to storytell."
"It passes on from generation to generation, all we need to do is provide the medium for it to keep going."
"Zines are a great medium to be able to share that information with the world."
"This is everything that I want in the medium, it has it all."
"It's one of the best examples of what the medium has to offer."
"Animated or live-action, it's about the experience."
"If you love precision, colored pencils are a great medium for you."
"Finding your own voice with the medium is what I call pushing the medium."
"Gouache is basically a mix kinda between acrylic and watercolor."
"I'm impressed that you found out the monster incarnated using a medium."
"Don't expect canvas to be like paper; it's different, but it's great."
"Consciousness is the medium by which the scientist does natural science."
"The grail is just like a cup, literally; it's the medium of communication of something from outside to inside."
"I'm just going to add one drop or two of just pure flow aid."
"The grey paper does most of the work in this sketch."
"Art by definition is a visual medium."
"If you've ever used glazing medium with acrylic paints to make them transparent and shiny, you can do exactly the same with gum arabic here."
"It's the best thing about gouache and so much fun to play with."
"Experiment. I suggest trying to find every single way you can use the medium."
"I think it's critical for a watercolorist to not forget it's a water-based medium."
"Comedy is just my vessel for change."
"Connecting people with their lost loved ones is truly a talent."
"That to me is what's fascinating about video games as a medium."
"Animation is a medium, not a genre."
"Medium is a perfect place to start your career as a blogger."
"A book is not paper, it's words. It doesn't matter whether those words are on an electronic screen or on a computer monitor or on the page."
"Alcohol ink is designed for non-porous surfaces."
"I like adaptations that use their new medium to their fullest."
"It's a fantastic absurd premise that fits the cartoon medium just perfectly and could only work as a cartoon."
"Recently I wrote this blog post called 'The Rise of the Data Engineer' that's on Medium."
"It's really cool that Medium has this data pipeline and this data product where, as an author of a post, you can see how many reads you got."
"Watercolor is the medium of light; it's fluid, it's translucent, it's vibrant."
"Comics are sequential art... It's not a genre; it is an art medium."
"Anime is often a very, very interesting medium."
"To the artist, light is more than energy; it is their medium."
"Watercolor is such a beautiful medium in its own right."
"It's been a really great medium for visual artists, especially over the pandemic."
"Was she cursed in some way? Desperate for answers to unanswerable questions, she consulted a medium."
"Watercolors are just best on watercolor paper; it's their comfort zone, it's where they work best."
"You are the only medium here. We can hear spirits, but none of us can see them."
"Acrylic gel medium is basically clear acrylic paint that you can apply to artwork to give it texture and depth."
"...the poet has not a personality to express, but a particular medium."
"It's just the perfect medium for these type of stories."
"We talk about VR as a medium of infinite possibility."
"Water is the conveyor of Consciousness."
"Not too thin but not too thick, not too strong but not too weak, you know, it's like a happy medium."
"Comics are better than novels, comics is a medium that you can only do certain stories in."
"The true content of a book or a film or such things is the information it contains, and not the form in which it exists."
"Putting the targeted message into an appropriate medium is called encoding."
"The architecture is a medium or an instrument for me to help making a better world."
"You have to really understand what the medium provides you before you choose what medium you want to focus on or use."
"That's the magic of collage medium, really, that's the beauty of it."
"We hope that it continues to keep pushing this art medium forward."
"If you have a common medium like air and all signals have to be transmitted across the same medium, then the most obvious way to distinguish between them is to use different frequencies for different signals."
"I think the books do a good job of using that medium of being able to explain and elaborate more."
"The type of medium that you use can really change how you approach making art, which also changes your art style."
"The velocity of sound is controlled by the medium in which it travels."
"It's a very creative medium of telling a story."
"Painterly means that you can see the art medium when you look at the piece."
"I actually have been a medium since birth."
"Infographics are popular storytelling medium across industries and channels."
"In today's video, we explore a space so haunted, we needed to call in a medium."
"Sound is a perturbation of the medium, and nothing is actually moving."
"The use of ink reinforces the principles and habits introduced here in ways that digital tools simply cannot."
"It's up to you to define what this medium means for you."
"Embracing the layered nature of the medium is something that I always responded positively as a critic, and now I get to do it as a creator."
"Horror is almost more of a medium than a genre."
"Purity in art consists in the acceptance, the willing acceptance of the limitations of the medium of the specific art."
"He makes such a good use of the medium of film."
"The truculence with which Tacita Dean is refusing to replace the medium is the total brilliance of the work."
"This is a fantastic film and it takes full advantage of the medium."
"What is Medium? Medium is a reading platform; you write content, you put it out onto Medium, and you get paid when people read your writing."