
Source Material Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Fans of the source material are rarely happy with the way an adaptation turns out, and most of the time, that disappointment is justified."
"The cartoon is a good adaptation of the source material."
"I want to prove that the source material can be adapted in an awesome yet faithful way."
"What makes a sequel bad or awesome often comes down to how the source material is treated."
"The figure itself is excellent. It's highly accurate to the source material, it's huge relatively speaking, and it articulates very well."
"The success of the show kind of outweighs the success of the source material."
"He was more interested in being true to the source material."
"They need to realize that there's a ripple effect when you change one detail when adapting already existing source material."
"Watching 'Dororo' has left me wishing that more adaptations would reinterpret their source material quite so radically."
"There's no substitute for passion and familiarity with the source material."
"It's the idea of making something if let's say you're not a fan of something and you make it based on pure reasons because you've discovered the source material not because of your reverence to the source material."
"Sometimes deviating from the source material isn't such a bad thing."
"It honors the source material and it honors the fandom, and that's what we need in entertainment."
"The game's plot pulled from an obscure area of the source material."
"The reason it works so well is that the preceding scenes still feel true to the source material and the narrative."
"The Last Airbender I mean how could you fuck up so bad with such source such great source material"
"This setup brilliant faithful to the source material both in story and even in gameplay and then you finally see the damn thing and it still takes them a."
"You gotta know the source material. Yeah, I'm gonna get naked."
"But it was fascinating to kind of see actor by actor who decided to engage with the source material and who didn't."
"From the fans' perspective, you're irrelevant and without the source material so is your show."
"All adaptations should strive to be respectful and loving of their source material because that's what works for Sonic."
"Just this year we've already seen two great examples of taking Liberty with the source material."
"A testament to how great the source material was in the first place."
"A1 pictures and while it wasn't 100% faithful, it was about 98-99% faithful to the actual manga."
"They did it so well. They had respect for the source material."
"This elevates the source material in a way that I haven't seen other adaptations do it."
"We were incredibly lucky to have that as source material."
"You should be able to respect the source material."
"If you are one of the people who has read original Source material you cannot do yourself the disservice of going into the live screen adaptations just expecting the same thing."
"What mistakes might Disney make that they should probably avoid? Oh boy, um I mean just deviating from The Source material I would say."
"You have to deeply, deeply respect the source material."
"But like, there are some situations where the adaptations improve upon the source material."
"This live action was gonna be good because the creators are actual fans of the source material."
"You can't have a Lord of the Rings story without Hobbits, and that's just not true."
"Hollywood needs a change where I go get the source writer get the people who made it in the first place to be ahead of it"
"When you have so many adaptations of one certain thing then all relatively stay true to the concept of the original source material you're definitely bound to have some crossover."
"...it's a beautiful recreation that does justice to the on-screen source material."
"If you want to grow in your faith, you have to go to the source material and not just read somebody else's interpretation of it."
"The most important aspect of a video game to movie adaptation is the commitment to and respect for the source material."
"He's not a significant villain by any means but he's a great example of how the writers on the show changed the source material to suit their needs."
"Most of Shellstown actually goes down very differently in the manga."
"It's both a huge expansion of the books and the film but also it's really true to his original artwork." - Balancing innovation with honoring the source material.
"You have to feed it good source material as with any premium audio system."
"...the greatest selling point I think of this adaptation is that it's more faithful to the source material."
"The neat thing is there's a source material. There's a book on which this film is based. Enzo Ferrari: The Man, The Cars, The Races, The Machine by Brock Yates. I imagine you devour that book, correct?"
"Hiring people who actually like the source material is really a good start too, what a concept."
"...our version of the Joker was drawn very much from the earliest of the comics."
"Additional materials should expand, not be a crutch to the source material."
"Stay close to the source material. Find out what made it loved and treasured in the first place, and don't deviate from that."
"When you change the source material, you take away the magic and the value and quality that made the source material so successful to begin with."
"You need to obsessively love the source material; you can't just go, 'Oh, it's an IP.'"
"This show respects its audience so little, respects its source material so little."
"This could be the thing we need to finally prove that video game adaptations need to stick to the source material."
"It's not only an adaptation of the games but of the graphic novels attached to those games."
"There are a lot of changes made to the source material."
"I appreciated that way more when I did read the source material. So there's a part of me that's like, 'Well, maybe I should just go read the source material and not expect the movie to cover everything that makes it satisfying.'"
"The movie does a pretty good job of staying close to the source material."
"Maybe people should start reading the book first before deciding to make a movie about it."
"Adaptations are never the same as the source material, but there is a right way to do it and there is a wrong way to do it."
"It's just been like good and I don't feel like I don't need to know the source material it's just like perfect."
"Whenever the show veers from the source material, it almost always has a worse outcome."
"What qualifies you to direct a Marvel project? One of those qualifications has to be: they know the source material."
"Daredevil misses the mark with the source material and is offensive to fans."
"The best thing about this satirization is that it clearly comes from a place of love and adoration for the source material."
"Whoever is doing this stuff is actually paying attention to the comics, and I appreciate that stuff."
"It's basically what animes or the top animes that you've seen, it's what the source material is."
"Dune part two not only honors the source material but surpasses expectations."
"The emotional ownership of the source text grounds fan identity."
"For those of us fantasy lovers out there, for those of us that like the source material, I think there is a lot to enjoy within The Sandman."
"He respected the source material."
"Fanfiction can be better than the source material."
"Respect the comic books, respect the source material, and expand on that."
"The books are the source material; the films are what's currently being produced."
"It treats the source material with respect but isn't afraid to poke fun at it."
"It's worth watching for the moments that it nails because they legitimately elevate the manga material."
"We ought to really respect and honor the source material and the fans that have kept that IP going for so long."
"These are pretty much as close to the source material as we're going to get."
"We're very very committed to that source material."
"It is a labor of love that builds and expands on the source material in some weird and fascinating ways."
"We want to get to the original source because it may give us more information than what the index or some of the brief information that has been extracted."
"Superhero movies started really getting good when the filmmakers had a connection to the source material and decided to actually honor that."
"It did not feel flimsy at any point along the way and it does feel like it does pretty good justice to the source material."
"You have decades of source material; just pick one."
"Is it better to watch an adaptation having read the source material or going in blind?"
"We're not just trying to do what we did before; we're making something which fits the source material."
"They show a hell of a lot of respect for the source material."
"The thing I enjoy about the source material is the ambiguity."
"It did a really good job of paying service to the source."
"If you have formulated your opinion about the history of the Muslims and earlier times and how they expanded their empire and about the Prophet of Islam, if you haven't read the source material, then your information comes from where? It's questionable."
"You need someone at the executive producer level who has respect for the source material."
"It really shows a true love for the source material and respect for the movies."
"I have really high hopes because they can pull from so much source material that we already know."
"There's something to be said for staying true to the source material."
"American Splendor... it's such a great adaptation of the source material."
"It's a fantastic adaptation of the source material."