
Personal Sharing Quotes

There are 304 quotes

"Just showing that you're willing to share something more personal about yourself can help make the other person want to spend more time with you."
"I share my thoughts and my feelings and my bad days... because it's honest."
"I'm just a person on the internet sharing my life with you guys."
"Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing those stories."
"The goal in this is this is going to be a life memory you will never forget this that's the goal I don't want to ever forget it and I want to share that with you."
"It's gonna be a really eye-opening experience for you guys, probably, and also a good emotional, spiritual experience for me."
"Less than one tenth of 1% of the people on the planet have ever seen what I'm showing you right now."
"What a 2018 had happened and it happened for all the right reasons it happened to a great guy that the entire time has never had much to say but he loves playing Starcraft he did it the right way it's amazing."
"I just enjoy it, you know, I love business, I love e-commerce, and I just want to share it with you guys."
"Thank you for allowing us into your space, this is really special."
"Share the parts of yourself that make you happy."
"I'm so excited to share with you my characters that I've been spending all day creating."
"I love talking about my girlfriend, it makes me more of a real man."
"And I feel like social media is just more fun when you are more personal and when you share a little bit more about yourself."
"I honestly feel so much lighter. I feel like I just needed to talk today."
"Every day is so different, like I have a lot of ups and downs and the emotions are just coming out at random times so I appreciate you guys bearing with me."
"After everything, after all the running away, all the trying to escape, all the thrill and adventure, the true beauty of Uncharted ends up being the ability to share that story with someone you love."
"Love how you keep us in the loop for a lot of your personal things that you don't have to."
"Share the financial struggles you're dealing with, share the fact that you're trying to escape the nine to five."
"I remember being really nervous about posting this, but I was really proud of how far I've come."
"He talks about some personal stuff on it so I liked it I did like that."
"I thought this view was too nice for you all, but that means it's time to cue those credits, bye guys."
"The day I share anything about my relationships is only because I was able to tell my dad about my relationship."
"I started taking it... had nothing to lose... couldn't really go on anymore like that."
"It's not a pity party, it's talking about your allottee."
"For people that follow me, they're pretty familiar that I had a miscarriage earlier this year."
"Thank you guys for listening to me thank you guys so much for watching and for letting me be vulnerable on the internet like I'm literally scared to edit and post this because I just am."
"I really wanted to show you guys some cool things."
"I just really wanted to do a video that is really opening up."
"You cannot be stopped if you want to be tall you can be tall."
"Thanks for watching and listening to me talk about the most cringy things but what better time to spend the holidays than talk about that."
"I really can't wait to show you guys some of the stuff."
"I really hope you enjoyed my jewelry collection video."
"I've loved my experience online... sharing my life with you guys... has been a really wonderful experience."
"I've been trying to use my platform to show you should embrace your scars."
"When you share the deepest parts of your soul, criticism hurts even more."
"So I think now I've shown you almost everything there is to show you."
"Never hide when you're sad, but always share when you're happy. You may even end up helping yourself when things get tough to see that sliver lining."
"So I kind of thought that was interesting so here goes another picture let me pull this back up..."
"I have the responsibility to share with them everything that I come across."
"These are adorable when they come, so I have to just show you these before we start."
"I'm going to be sharing my top finds from 2022."
"I just want you guys to know where I'm at, how I feel."
"I actually get a lot of nice comments, like 'Nick, I just went through a divorce.'"
"I'm so excited that I can share this and it feels safe now."
"Let's talk books. I have no movies or TV shows or anything like that to share with you guys."
"If you can talk about your hopes, your fears, your anxieties, all that jazz, you're going to be alright."
"Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed and maybe you learned something about me or maybe even about yourself."
"Get a copy, read it, share it with your friends and family... it can be your way of witnessing to people."
"Thank you seriously thank you for everybody that watched my video that I titled I've been terrified to tell you this"
"Sharing my thoughts and feelings with others seems kind of magical to me. Oh, and who knows, maybe one day I'll stumble upon something truly priceless: real love."
"This is just me trying to share my story, so some people feel less alone and to destigmatize something that is very, very stigmatized in the best way that I can do that."
"I hope you can hear me. I haven't even checked the audio or anything but I've got a really cool dream to share with you today."
"Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about the Oxboxtra team."
"I do not say that to boast or claim that I am better than any other YouTuber. I say that because I want you guys to know that this is 100% of me."
"His struggle with cancer and frank sharing of the experience inspired many of his admirers."
"Be bold about it, share your story with somebody else."
"Elliot and I are just so overwhelmed with gratitude."
"I just give you all everything I give y'all man it's pure."
"I was dealing a lot with my depression which I've talked pretty openly about my sort of mental health journey on my channel."
"It's time to bear it all guys. It's time to show you what we do."
"So just thought that was kind of cool and worth sharing."
"Marcos is on his way, my sister got the dog, she sent me so many cute videos of her."
"It's incredibly revealing, I mean you really let people into not just your home, or backstage or into the studio, you let people into your heart."
"I think it's important to be fully human and to share."
"I want to show you something that I think Doc's done."
"So yeah, like I said, it's some dark stuff a lot of the time but that is why a lot of people love her."
"Thank you for your vulnerability... thank you for the gift of your story."
"I'm no longer allergic to dogs in fact if you guys follow me on my youtube channel or on my instagram."
"Had a good time doing this, I hope you enjoyed watching it."
"We share so much of our lives with you that to hide this would feel so hypocritical. If doing my hair that day gets me excited, it makes me feel good. I want to do that."
"Sharing my diagnosis was a vulnerable thing in itself."
"I'm trying to be as open as I possibly can with you guys about this."
"I'm doing what's called a Mediterranean Keto diet and I want to share it with you I want to share what it's all about and I want to share how to do it."
"I want to be 100% transparent with you guys and share exactly how I do things."
"I didn't recognize how much better I would feel after talking about all these things."
"You've got to be vulnerable, you've got to really share who you are otherwise people have no idea who the real you is."
"Remember, you don't need to share everything about your personal life online."
"Are you going to show us a little bit of what you got, my grocery haul?"
"I will always be 100% open with whatever is going on in my life on my terms."
"I love my job I love sharing my life with you guys like I said I want to get back into vlogging and sharing more stuff but it's just hard like it's hard to have that balance."
"Here is dizzy for those of you that may not have seen her before."
"So I always felt like, well, I wanna be generous and just honest and say here's where I came up with these ideas."
"Sharing a piece of me in this form with you guys is real special, and I hope you love it."
"I'm really glad that you're coming on right now and like saying the true reasons why you're even pushing this lifestyle."
"They develop influence by challenging other people and they demonstrate courage by sharing their real thoughts, feelings, dreams, visions, ambitions, and needs with other people."
"When you talk about the things that most people don't talk about... then you feel like more of a dimensional person versus a cartoon character."
"Share all sides of yourself... you can actually be vulnerable."
"My cozy day at home vlogs aren't going anywhere."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this little homemaking vlog."
"It honestly feels good telling someone about this."
"I'm looking forward to coming back and sharing the bits that I actually want to share again."
"I found like the perfect combination and I'm so excited to share it with you guys."
"I wanted to sit here and talk with you guys a bit share my experience and share what I believe to be some much-needed context."
"Excited for it, excited to be sharing with you, making sure that I stay in the flow."
"Cheers huh? I'm sipping early, great day ahead. I want to tell you all about it."
"It takes a lot to actually come on a video and talk about things that are really difficult to discuss."
"Thank you, Ashley, for sharing this incredibly brave story."
"I hope to make more videos where I'm open and talking about my personal experience and like my emotions with things that are currently kind of currently happening."
"If you're a sleepwalker there we go, please tell us more about your sleepwalking."
"Share your thoughts on this stuff if you guys have anything that you ever want to send me."
"That's all I want to show you, a bit of this beauty, because I think you guys are my best friends."
"I really just want to show this because it's beautiful."
"Just come around. If I got something on my mind, I'll share it with you."
"Thank you for watching this little piece of my heart and life that I just shared with you."
"I am presenting to you that which the Lord has presented to me."
"I'm sharing this with you guys because it's really been helping me and I've lost two pounds in the last two almost two weeks."
"All right, I hope you guys enjoyed the video. Thank you so much for allowing me to share our home with you. I love you guys, I'll see you in the next one. Bye!"
"The old internet used to be a very open and friendly and brutally honest place where you shared your literal diary with people."
"I don't know what I would do if I didn't have y'all to talk to you and that's weird."
"Every product that rolls through the door, I get excited about it." - "I get to share it with you."
"Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us today."
"I just did it... We're talking about being vulnerable and telling me something that is new to you."
"Thanks so much for watching my night routine, that's literally it."
"We have arrived! I finally get to share these with you, and I could not be more excited."
"I'm so happy to be here. I had a really rough weekend."
"Hi guys, my name is Brazil. I'm 20 years old and I am so excited to be here."
"I used to really believe that if somebody went on there and said bad stuff about me, alright, I used to think that that comment had the power to influence people."
"Connect with people and share where you're at."
"Relationships are about relating with someone you can ship things with. It's about shipping a piece of you to the future."
"Welcome back to [ __ ] Jack! I've been waiting to share this video for such a long time."
"I wanted to share with you guys because it was something I recently picked up."
"Cheers to all of you and just got my tea here as well. I'm very much so looking forward to my background being done and really sharing that with you."
"By exposing yourself sort of revealing some of your humanity it makes it like easier for people to be like oh damn he's an actual human being and like that connection is like what really like builds with people."
"I hope this helps some people, I mean, hopefully some of you guys found some things that were similar to me and you or someone you know."
"Alright guys, so that is it like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders because I've been waiting to show you guys these things for so long."
"Don't be afraid to share what's in your heart because authenticity resonates and people want to see you living authentically."
"I lent this book out to this person like five years ago... five years later it's back."
"Talking to the camera and talking to you guys is such a therapy for me."
"This is real, this is raw. Today we just wanted to kind of show you what our life has kind of been like, what we're up to."
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's little Vlog and that you find it motivating and helpful and you enjoy it."
"It feels a little weird to show this, no one's ever seen it before, it's like Alfred let Vicky Vale into the Batcave."
"I've always liked just filming my workout that I did that day and then just posted it."
"I've been having gas like horrible gas, so long. Like I said before, one good fart and I'm blessed."
"I thank you so much for that. With that being said I'm going to show you a little snippet of part three."
"When a guy opens up to you by sharing his hopes, his dreams, his fears, his insecurities, he is investing in you. By investing in you, he is committing himself to you."
"This is just for us guys, this is just for us."
"The goal of the conversation is to share the truth of your experience and to hear the truth of somebody else's experience."
"I am super excited to share with you guys. I think this build turned out so cool and it was just so much fun to do."
"He shares himself with you... he lets you see the real him."
"Definitely make sure to check it out and I'll show you guys all the pieces that I got because I know you're eager to see everything."
"We're just sharing this at home, you know, raise awareness to some extent. I know that this is a fairly common thing and I wish I had known about it more."
"OMG, did you hear all of what Chanel shared?"
"It's my first get ready with me from the afterlife apparently."
"I hope you gained something from my experiences."
"I put that car together on camera for you guys, that's for you."
"This is a super fun project you guys and I am so excited to share it with you."
"We're in London but y'all, y'all our cruise ship room, you know the one that we've all just know and love at this point, it got an upgrade."
"Thank you for stopping by at our little campsite here at Camping Horrors to hear your story on the show."
"I'm an open book. I don't mind sharing, so if it's helping one person out there, that's great."
"Thank you for spending this time with us and sharing your truth."
"Hopefully when I share my life... others would look at me and say you know what it doesn't even matter."
"Don't be afraid to shine a spotlight on some of those pieces of your life where you feel like others might benefit."
"It's been an honor and a privilege to share part of my story with you."
"I never would have preached things; it's more of just like as I'm learning stuff, sharing with you guys."
"You can just do it on your own and send me a picture."
"I asked people this question because I wanted to give people the opportunity to maybe for the first time in their life share what they want to share."
"I love sharing my life, and if you don't like how much I show online, then I'm not the person for you."
"It's so much cooler to me than just showing you guys the trucks and the toys."
"It's totally important to share this part of ourselves with people close to us."
"If this video gets one view, 100 views, a thousand views, 10,000 views, whatever the case may be, I don't really care as long as I know the people that genuinely fuck with me and love my shit watched it and know what's going on with me today."
"A lot of what we stand for is inspiring people, sharing a little bit of ourselves."
"Because it's really hard to relate to someone who seems like they have a perfect life and I'm just letting you know that I don't."
"Is anyone else having a day? Just one of those days, 'cause I am."
"I really hope you enjoy this video and you learned a little bit more about me."
"Thank you, thank you for letting me bear my heart, something I don't like to do, something I don't like to expose to the internet because, holy, that's a dangerous thing to do."
"I am going to be sharing all of that with you guys pretty much how my whole life and body and mind and everything has been since having my little baby."
"That's what this has been about, it's been about sharing my life with you."
"Thank you for listening to a very vulnerable video."
"If you truly are yourself and you're sharing something valuable to others."
"My husband took a video... every time somebody asks me how it was giving birth, I'm like, 'Do you want to see a video?'"
"Looking forward to your most embarrassing stories."
"Let's do it, I'm going to share a story with you guys."
"If I'm going to show you the good days, I have to show you the bad days as well."
"I can't wait to share this thing with you guys i can't wait to show you guys all about it."
"headed into motorcycle missions right now and I'm going to share with you all exactly what it is that they do."
"I wanted to share for a long time about what happened to Landon."
"I find it a little humorous that I sometimes start out my videos with these little weather reports, but this is my favorite kind of day in Florida. The sky is crystal clear blue, it's warm, it feels so good, so you know, just gotta share it!"
"Putting myself out here like this is really embarrassing... but I know it will help someone."
"It's time for me to share my experience on YouTube and to talk about a little bit but really just so you guys get to know me better."
"I like to just sit down and share with you what my emotions are doing what's on my heart how I'm doing spiritually... hopefully you didn't mind it too much."
"I hope you enjoyed the process of me doing this."
"I've been sharing my life online for over 15 years. I've poured my heart out to you."
"I love making these videos, I love sharing my life with you guys."
"I usually share a birth story after my babies are born."
"Honestly, it's something that I've... I've dealt with a lot. I spoke about my social anxiety on social media."
"I'm updating you guys on everything: Wedding, life, a friend's body confidence, all of that good stuff."
"Sharing something personal can help ingratiate yourself."
"I literally thought I'm gonna take this big horrible thing to the grave, and I'm not gonna be okay when I die. For my money. Yeah, this was a hard video to film. It might be rambly, it might be jumbled, but it's important, so I'm gonna put it out there."
"I always love taking you guys with me on my adventures and showing you guys what it's like."
"...so of course I'll be linking Emma's olives down below let me know what you think I can't believe I just said that that is so exciting and so cool oh my God I'm freaking out okay bye."
"Don't put all of your business out there, just put what you want people to know."
"I want to open up and share how I feel."
"Guys, I just want to share with you because I've got to be public about this."
"Thanks for watching that video on why I do what I do. It was a special one to me."
"...I just wanted to kind of show y'all an updated video of how we do things now."
"Well you guys, I just appreciate getting to share with you my life, things that I've done."
"Sharing your life online is sort of a weird path that we're all currently on."
"Talking about it with y'all is like therapy for me at this point."
"Everything I have to share today comes from my heart, it really comes from my heart."