
Vocabulary Quotes

There are 671 quotes

"Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words."
"Respare: an old, rare word meaning the return of hope after a period of despair."
"Avoid the use of 'very' and 'really' by choosing stronger adjectives to level up your vocabulary."
"It gives you the vocabulary you might not potentially have until reading this."
"Memorizing grammar and vocabulary doesn't lead to intuitive language ability; it leads to language acquisition through understanding."
"People don't read books anymore, and so they aren't exposed to a wide vocabulary; they spend most of their time overstimulated by screens and videos."
"The purpose of vocabulary is to help you express your thoughts."
"This will be a good opportunity to learn new words and some specific vocabulary that is not so common to hear but that will definitely help you gain English fluency."
"The bigger your vocabulary, the better your communication is gonna be because you can say what you actually mean."
"I think a lot of times when our vocabulary is limited, we end up defaulting to judgments."
"Synonyms are words that mean the same thing."
"Antonyms are words that mean opposite things."
"Having a broad range of vocabulary is essential in achieving truly advanced English."
"Expand your vocabulary... makes you sound more elegant and eloquent immediately."
"It's 100% possible to achieve a high native level vocabulary in a language."
"Media is a great resource for your learning. Ultimately, knowing the appropriate vocabulary to use for each situation will really help you sound more knowledgeable."
"In the first scene you'll get to learn a lot of colloquial American slang and expressions, while in the second scene you'll learn some more complex scientific vocabulary."
"Du Bois, like all great intellectuals, gave us the vocabulary to explain ourselves to ourselves."
"And I realize not many people really truly understand what that word means."
"Just read, read, read and look up words like crazy."
"The wider your range of vocabulary, the better your scores are going to be."
"Now that you've created all of these amazing opportunities to learn new words and new vocabulary, you need to find a way to use it, right?"
"So there you have it! My tips to learn new words and to expand your active vocabulary."
"Vocabulary words from real English conversations can be used in real life situations."
"Squirrel, I can do that. Anemone. Yeah, so it's really difficult to pronounce. It's one of those words, looks like vowel consonant vowel consonant vowel consonant, so there's a lot of syllables with few letters, and it's difficult."
"Your goal for day number one is to master new English vocabulary words and use them in real life."
"Watching TV shows is a great way to learn English because we get exposure to a new and very interesting vocabulary."
"Writing is powerful - it helps you practice grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure."
"The problem is not your vocabulary, the problem is your attitude, your idea of what good vocabulary looks like."
"Gratitude is a great word, it's nice, it's fluffy, a solid 11 points in Scrabble."
"That's almost as descriptive as our foodie terms."
"Vocabulary is very important. It can make you look very smart, very professional, and also very confident."
"Politicians who use the word unprecedented... unprecedented in the extent of incompetence, ineptitude, stupidity, dishonesty, and corruption."
"Simplicity is one of the most overlooked and underrated vocabulary in the American Dictionary."
"Add that to your vocabulary. You'll use it all the time."
"It'll be a shame not to learn a new word and not use it."
"Communication clarity is key; vocabulary is one of the very few things that human beings do when they form groups to bond."
"Directed energy Weapons Systems is something that people need to get into their vocabulary fast."
"Follow recipes in other languages, learn food words and give commands."
"The pandemic this year has meant that we now all use words we hadn't heard of this time last year."
"The weirdest part, that they explained, was that a three-year-old shouldn't know the word 'vex.'"
"Reading books regularly can help you widen your vocabulary."
"Reading is the best way to discover and record new vocabulary."
"How do you beat hatred with more hatred? That stuff should never come up in your vocabulary."
"He waxes eloquent, his working vocabulary is impressive."
"I forgot how good of a word underwhelming was."
"It all starts with vocabulary. If you know your vocabulary, all the rest of learning will become much easier."
"I'll help you with any vocabulary and grammar questions."
"Moist is a beautiful word, it's whatever you could make of it."
"Take notes, write little interesting vocabulary words you find."
"Several means a few of something, so think of several as higher than a couple or a few but it's not quite at many yet."
"Factorio should be added to the list of those good words."
"I hope you enjoyed these words and got to add at least a handful to your own vocabulary."
"Some of these words, jejunum, that's right out of my undergraduate degree."
"Curse words are part of vocabulary too, they just shouldn't be your default."
"Some words are just objectively fun to say like salubrious or titular."
"Shenanigans. Cheers to the word of the year." - Rocky Waters
"Increase your vocabulary just by adding a little bit at the beginning."
"I don't use the word cannot, forgot I don't use. I don't believe it is respectful to use the word cannot, forgot."
"Every chapter has a word that's unique to that chapter, not duplicated anywhere else."
"Flesh is one of those words that's on my Hit List."
"The carefreeness of summer... that's a word, right?"
"Learn to play Scrabble; it's a great way to increase your vocabulary without wasting time."
"I really learned 100 new English words every day."
"I really acquired a phenomenal vocabulary."
"I really learned 100 new English words every day. I know this because I counted them."
"Effect with an 'e' is a noun, so that is what we need there, a negative effect."
"It's a dictionary of emotions; it gives you lots of words for the way that you're feeling."
"She has such a good vocabulary, she thinks a lot, she absorbs things really easily."
"We move beyond purely descriptive vocabularies."
"Learning some of these unfamiliar terms will help you enjoy plants more."
"By the end of this master class, you're going to have all the vocabulary that you need to express your ideas fluently and confidently."
"Start building your vocabulary today. Click the link in the description below to download your free English ebook before it's gone."
"Netflix shows introduce you to an insane number of new words and phrases every minute."
"Thoughts are the vocabulary of the brain, feelings are the vocabulary of your body."
"Developers who can understand the vocabulary of the industry."
"...widening your input exposes you to new vocabulary..."
"...vocabulary in context helps me to remember that vocabulary a lot better..."
"Hyperboloid, whoo! That's my new word for today. Thank you, Titus."
"Reading helped me learn more vocab than I did through Anki. Also with listening as well, reading of course helped me gain that vocab which I was then able to pick out in listening. So I feel like reading is so important."
"So if you really like anime and you want to ride that wave as far as it can go, well anime can take you all the way to the highest peaks available when it comes to vocabulary and grammar comprehension."
"The main role of the SRS is to help you memorize the meanings of words... memorization really means learning not acquisition."
"...if you're regularly immersing enough then immersion alone is going to be enough to maintain memories for all the words which you regularly come across..."
"Focus on teaching her new words and expanding her vocabulary through the play that she's already doing."
"...I'm sure that's absolutely not how they would like that to be described, but that's what my lack of vocabulary can give you at this time."
"Reinforcing these terms across different content areas will expose them to the words in a new setting and increase the likelihood that they'll remember the words, their meaning, and how to use them in a sentence."
"Boosting your emotional intelligence skills and having the vocabulary you need for discussions on emotional intelligence are critical."
"There's no word for something that's the opposite of fragile in common vocabulary, even though we're aware of that property of antifragility intuitively."
"It doesn't matter how you learn the vocabulary. It's just, do you understand the vocabulary or not?"
"This is the end of the lesson. In this lesson, you improved your listening and mastered key vocabulary for everyday life conversation."
"Study phrases in addition to single vocabulary words. Using a word in a phrase helps you understand the nuance of that vocabulary word."
"Reading is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary, and that's how blogs will help you."
"Life isn't guaranteed, nothing's guaranteed, and 'forever' is not a word that should be in the vocabulary."
"Using words that you're learning - not just writing them down and staring at the lists - but actually trying to use them is important."
"Your passive vocabulary is much bigger than your active vocabulary."
"Thank you for doing so, and because you have done so, you have now learned that plethora means an excess and overabundance."
"Congratulations on adding 21 new English expressions to your vocabulary."
"The word 'escape' was not in her vocabulary and would never appear."
"So how do these free vocabulary lists increase your fluency?"
"The word bank is your personal collection of key vocabulary where you can also create printable vocabulary study sheets."
"I truly believe that if you are able to allocate more time to building your vocabulary, learn new words, review old ones, that's going to help you more easily grasp the meaning of different words and phrases."
"I'm hopeful that in the end, people will realize how important and valuable it is to build your vocabulary."
"Reading can increase your vocabulary in more ways than you can possibly imagine."
"It's okay to practice words out of context."
"If a word doesn't come up in the answer, I'm not going to teach it."
"Focusing on high frequency vocabulary is key."
"Whoever taught you the word mesopredator didn't do a good job of explaining what that means."
"They would use a crazy word for that. It deserves a crazy long hard to spell word. Episiotomy, like you don't want an episiotomy, you don't want to have to spell episiotomy, you don't want to give the definition of episiotomy."
"You can actually create your own dictionary of words that you might use."
"Reading is its own form of spaced repetition, and this is basically still to this day how I study new words, new vocabulary. I read, I write down, I repeat until things start to stick."
"Nothing expands vocabulary as much as reading does."
"Is sailing difficult? No, it's not difficult. It's a lot of vocabulary and it's kind of intimidating vocabulary because it's brand-new."
"What does fulcrum mean? I actually have no idea."
"Transformational vocabulary can change your life."
"...becoming more eloquent and having a better vocabulary so a lot of you say that I use the same words and exquisite is my favorite and it will remain my favorite but becoming more eloquent and using different words for different meanings..."
"A person who reads good books has a better control of language and can express his own feelings more adequately as a result of having an adequate vocabulary."
"Now you have this in your vocabulary, the invitation, the tool, the choice to release."
"Your vocabulary makes a great deal of difference in your success in life."
"Who the fuck uses this word normally? Soliloquy."
"Your mind looks up every possible word."
"Little Marcus's vocabulary when he is talking and when he has strong opinions or thoughts on something is vast."
"Just reading through this can be really beneficial. It can also help you target some vocabulary you don't know."
"Value yourself high enough to have a good vocabulary."
"Incorporating vocabulary incidentally helps students learn in context, fostering deeper understanding."
"For people like us, for whom defenestrations are apparently a regular part of our lives. Thank god I know this word."
"Removing words narrows the scope of vocabulary over society."
"Our active vocabulary, those are the words that we are actually using regularly, is a hell of a lot smaller."
"Having phrasal verbs in your vocabulary will help you sound more advanced, more natural, and will also help you understand native speakers because we use phrasal verbs all the time."
"Did you know that only 5 verb tenses make up over 96% of a native speaker's vocabulary?"
"The point of this is more like an adventure where you're actually learning more about vocabulary and you're developing fluency as you do it rather than what people typically do with studying which is just repeating something again and again."
"The goal is not to just try to learn more and more and spend more time learning what you really should be doing is actually focusing on vocabulary because this is how people get fluent."
"The thing that's really stopping people from communicating it's not their vocabulary again you might have uh like a child that knows 100 words and an adult that knows 1 000 words but the better Communicator will be the one who knows that vocabulary really well all right."
"You get fluent when you know vocabulary extremely well."
"I didn't know Mel's vocabulary was so extensive."
"I highly suggest you jot down these 25 stunningly beautiful advanced phrasal verbs."
"I said, we call that a polder-- P-O-L-D-E-R."
"I've actually never heard anybody say the word pasmo I've only written it down."
"Let's get to the first of these amazing and interesting words."
"Shakespeare used 31,000 different words."
"The more vocabulary you know, the greater your comprehension. The more vocabulary you know, the greater your comprehension."
"There's no need to cut corners when it comes to building your vocabulary, learning new words, and phrases."
"I make it a practice now to write down and learn three new words per day."
"Lugubrious: state of being sorrowful and verbose."
"If something's funny, laugh, have fun with it, and then we're going to see how much vocabulary you have."
"The most common slang word I go to use there's a few but one of the most common ones is Servo."
"You know how much I love my words. I give you a couple of new ones."
"There's a contrast between techniques where you teach vocabulary and where you're trying to get the vocabulary from the students."
"Synonyms and antonyms work well if words have a similar or opposite meaning."
"Students learn new vocabulary and instructions by physically acting them out."
"When your teacher teaches you a new word in your class, just say, 'Are there any synonyms for that word?'"
"I love this method because over time you expand your vocabulary."
"If you don't know what conflagration means I I didn't when I originally read this it basically just means great fire."
"However, the more English vocabulary you learn, the more connections you'll be able to make to new words you didn't know before."
"Understanding how they feel about things and letting them express themselves so that they start to have a vocabulary for different events in their lives."
"The thesaurus is a great way to help to cut down on the redundancy of the same word being used over and over again in your notebooks."
"The vocabulary that is introduced in one chapter tends to be repeated in the other chapters, which helps with exposure in context of a given word as well as memorization because you are exposed to it several times."
"I've never tried very hard to build up my vocabulary, but I've always loved words, loved reading, loved talking, and you know, I try to do so in a fairly conscious way."
"The better you get at a language, the easier it is for you to learn more words in that language."
"Once you get fluent, you start learning rare words, and it's the rare words that the SRS actually teaches you."
"You have to be willing to increase your vocabulary."
"They are words for various forms of harassment. They're sort of synonyms for each other. Very well done, Barons."
"Just having a vocabulary for understanding what Chatter is, I think is crucially important."
"I heard that you used to read the dictionary I want to be able to have all these words at my disposal in my vocabulary at all times."
"A richer vocabulary means a richer life."
"Mastering English phrasal verbs is the best way to increase your vocabulary and become a fluent English speaker."
"These words were extremely advanced for her vocabulary, even if she had only learned from memory."
"...now that you can see his whole body you can tell that he's in better shape now than ever and his vocabulary is growing at an astonishing rate."
"Well done. Alleviate means to ease, to make less."
"I really believe in the building of one's emotional vocabulary and range... it creates a certain anti-fragility."
"Just do the basics. Learn new words, know them inside out."
"I'm probably the first customer in the hotel who ever had a vocabulary."
"Learning Arabic in an accessible, easy, enjoyable way, and focus on building vocabulary."
"One new word or phrase a day, guys."
"Chaser: a dog with a vocabulary of 1,022 toy names, a testament to canine intelligence."
"You don't become fluent by learning more words."
"The point of this video is to say don't just get some random vocabulary, take the time to understand."
"So I could continue like this is one word one one one one one I'm continuing to learn more more and more and more but fluency is a different thing than vocabulary."
"I can't believe I won the award for most expansive vocabulary. This makes me feel nice."
"Fluency doesn't come from building a larger vocabulary."
"It's the sort of introspection that you wouldn't have had before, and it's really interesting because without the right vocabulary, without people talking about it, without even the society considering these things, it's very difficult for people to consider it themselves."
"All of this is really just going to help you build your vocabulary."
"The more words you know, the better you can express yourself."
"Your vocabulary is one of your strongest points because uh you were using a range of collocations in some idiomatic language in different topics."
"The reason people don't feel confident is because they don't review vocabulary enough."
"The goal is not to have a large vocabulary, the goal is to have a large vocabulary that you can use fluently."
"These are the words that I would say are essential."
"Well, I have a plethora of... one of them using words that I don't know the meaning or how to spell."
"Duplicitous, that is such a fun word."
"Threw in that word 'differentiate' and some students, if they didn't know a particular word, they'll go 'I don't know what that means, I'm just going to pick a different answer.'"
"When you do know a language, if you maybe have a little bit of smattering of Spanish or French or something, you can use that to really help you to gain vocabulary as you learn the language."
"Shakespeare's much-enormous vocabulary might be a result as much of his longevity as a writer in the number of different subjects upon which he wrote."
"Prepare to add radiant being to your lexicon."
"Improving both passive and active vocabulary is important."
"Pretentious vocabulary allows this. William Shakespeare had a pretentious vocabulary of 30,000 different words."
"That's where I get all them big words. Always try to better myself, get ahead, man. That's the thing."
"My vocabulary is about 50% bigger if I hang around with Alfie Brown for more than three hours."
"You do have a pretty expansive vocabulary, I respect that."
"Vocabulary is important, but it's also important to show restraint and pick the right word for the situation instead of just using the smartest sounding word you know."
"What is this vocabulary? This guy's vocab is exquisite."
"It's such an effective way of activating all this wonderful vocabulary you're building up."