
Creative Challenges Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The process of adapting one text into another and producing something that makes sense, that feels like its source material, that feels real, it's super complicated and tricky."
"I have a lot of sympathy for filmmakers making their first films because it's so much work to pull it together."
"It's really hard every time I make a song to make a song and like the song might be like totally milquetoast and it was still really hard and that's like the funny thing about like actually creating anything."
"One of the most impossibly difficult tasks any writer or director can ever undertake."
"It's not about what could we improve upon, it's like how can we challenge ourselves? Where can we take this story? How can we do something that even surprises us?"
"Finding a balance between creativity and financial motivation is hard."
"But trying to get past album out trying to think about..."
"Great art requires some friction, some resistance, some frustration."
"The real work is always sitting in front of the blinking cursor and writing things."
"Making games, especially new IPs, will always be one of the hardest entertainment challenges."
"The set was so expensive and bizarre and impossible to build."
"Writing is a hell of a lot harder than animation."
"These creative dead ends that franchises embark upon, you know, like all these different things that could have been that might have taken us down really interesting paths and it's just like they never really got to be."
"If you can't deal with criticism you are going to struggle if you want to do any creative Enterprise."
"It's no small task to build a studio and reinvent a beloved franchise."
"I want to thank all of the sponsors for the challenge of the month who make these challenges so exciting with their prizes and services that they provide."
"I think almost all of us in the room have experienced this maybe in different ways say we're making an adventure game and we have two rich environments where we each want enough textures and models to fill memory."
"We're eating our creators and that's the dumbest thing we can do."
"We got stuck in this cycle of believing that was our job, was to top whatever we did in the previous one."
"Creating compelling villains has seemed to be a major problem on both Netflix and in the MCU."
"You start hitting diminishing returns then you start to get stuck right like on both sides you can get so fixated on productivity your work starts to become formulaic."
"It's not the movie that I set out to make, but it's also completely tied in with this just dire emotional devastation."
"Sometimes that inspiration can be a little difficult to find, especially if you've been stuck in an art block for a little while."
"If we gone a different direction, the show would be the only thing that doesn't fit with that Universe. Obviously, there's challenges there."
"These writers seem like they looked into Tolkien and then they're like the night before they're like oh crap man we're supposed to we're supposed to go into Amazon Studios tomorrow tomorrow and start writing like the script."
"It's a challenge for even the masters to get that style down."
"It's hard to bring back that magic for like whenever you go back and try to redo something it's never as good."
"Said Hino: 'Although the character and world design, as well as actions like stick, throw, and carry, had been decided, it took us a while to finalize the gameplay loop.'"
"Nothing is linear about developing a game, nothing is logical about developing a game."
"Sometimes things look better in your mind than they do on the canvas, and that's okay."
"Creative challenges and productivity classes can be a great way to help you structure your time and set up achievable goals."
"How do you tell the origin story of a character that has never had a definitive origin?" - Todd Phillips
"For a movie that was obviously very like slap to get like they had to rewrite a ton of stuff obviously with Chadwick passing away it felt it didn't feel like that to me at all."
"He was like, 'How do you make all that music with them tiny ass ears, bro?'"
"If you're really lazy, don't bother; creating cities takes time and dedication."
"Making a good movie is really hard, and oftentimes people just fail, but not from a lack of effort."
"An artist's life is especially prone to this."
"It's not easy to pick a direction for this series so many years later."
"You really gotta delve into your own imagination for it to work and look authentic. This [expletive] is really hard!"
"The most challenging parts of Bastion were really just that we didn't know what the game would look like."
"Wow who'da thunk it turned out great if not better you guys act like my career's not at stake when I make these."
"Scarlett Johansson's marriage and Parenthood plans led to some interesting conundrums for the MCU creative team behind the scenes."
"Finding a map for this animation was kind of difficult."
"These writers are basic, obvious, non-creative, pathetic people."
"I wish all content creators blessings because it is a difficult journey, and I wanted to give up."
"The classic line for me is, 'We love your work, we want to work with you, just not this, you know whatever it is just not this.'"
"This is a story about creative interference."
"I think it's one of the most creative bosses they've ever made."
"Don't give up Pisces because this fire that you hold especially with this creativity we see that you are being tested okay where it's almost like how bad do you want it how bad are you willing to get to the other side."
"Shoo for the skies, even if I worry that they're going to be able to pull off everything."
"It's as extraordinary and difficult in painting to express joy as it is to express drama."
"Creators are struggling right now, and as a person who derives their well-being from creativity myself, it's just so wonderful to know that I can give you guys something."
"I wanted to do some real [ __ ] [ __ ] and I barely made it, barely will make a [ __ ] dollar on this album because I used so many samples and I was so true to form and so true to sampling and hip-hop and everyone that's inspired me, you know."
"Two things: time and effort, two things most creators already spend a lot of elsewhere."
"Writing can be a long, frustrating, and humbling process, and the story we end up with often looks very different from its earliest version."
"No, I didn't know. But what I think we're doing something films like 'Oh, we'll find someone else.' But I think he'll create problems for us. And this is our 9 billion dollars investment."
"I had never felt so defeated as an artist and so humiliated as a person."
"The dry period was excruciating at times for people trying to make content for this game."
"You've gotta look out for yourself sometimes because you can get caught in a creative slump."
"You know, when you're not making mistakes, then you know that you're not out of your comfort zone. As soon as you start making mistakes, as soon as you start doing crappy artwork, you know, because that's what it's gonna take."
"It's so easy especially for creative people to just defeat yourself constantly in your mind."
"All you have to do is make great content. Okay, making great content is really hard, but it's not hard to attempt to make great content."
"I think art is probably good when it's like pushing boundaries and pushing boundaries is inherently uncomfortable and involves a lot of failure."
"Sometimes I'm just kind of get bored with them you know so I hope we don't go around that route"
"Realistically though, it's quite hard to honestly criticize your own work."
"Trying to come up with new stuff that people like, trying to be creative, it's difficult."
"The problem is you still ultimately have to make something great." - Jon
"It's not an impossibility, it's just a lack of taking advantage of a lot of things from a writing standpoint."
"It's a lot of work that goes into the shit, that not even we do, you know what I mean, just everybody out there, like creators, anyone creating stuff."
"Every time we make a record, it's not that there's less to draw from, it's just the stuff that you get to draw from is more fundamental."
"The work that scares people? Often in the rewrite process where you have spit out that first draft."
"Definitely a pain in the ass to do even in creative mode."
"Creating things is hard, and getting this far with the game deserves a level of respect."
"Self-aware meta comedy can work but it requires Nuance."
"Imagine being a part of WWE creative and all of this news that comes out about a certain story or a storyline and it receives nothing but negative attention. How does that make you feel?"
"I think the most difficult stuff for an artist is to create your own identity because when you look at a painting when you don't know the painting but you know who made it that's where the artist is really great."
"My challenge to you is figure out a way to tap into your creativity."
"That's deep, they say that it has to do with writer's block."
"Thank you so much for the support guys, I couldn't make outro because my mom was being super annoying."
"The relentless highs and lows... seems the more experience I gained the less inclined I am to go out and take photographs."
"Right, and I can tell you that painting with a tube as opposed to a brush or pen is tricky as well, and controlling the flow requires a steady constant."
"Batman has a dearth of villains that are easy to adapt without being silly."
"Writing's not easy, but reaching one million subscribers can help."
"They also can't outdo the original because again if they do why wasn't it made first?"
"Nothing is destroyed more great artists than the thought that they can do two mutually exclusive things at the same time."
"I'm so funny because I would kill someone and then someone walked out of the room like, 'Well, I'm screwed,' and they would be Poona every single time."
"Building within constraints might result in some weird things but I really, really enjoy the challenge."
"Citizen Kane may have brought people lots of joy in its now 80 years, but it was a very rough journey to get there."
"It's a craft, it's making the unconventional choice, it's like, it's a lot scarier."
"It's always going to be days that you just struggle with what it is you're trying to actually achieve."
"The words would form in my brain, travel down my arm, and then get stuck in my hands."
"We all have creative blocks, we all have creative ruts."
"Filmmaking cinematography can be the art of compromise."
"Making an animated show during a pandemic that got undeservingly cut short is even harder than that."