
Scientific Communication Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"This is definitely a stunning study. I wish this study is sent to folks in CDC and FDA."
"Data is the language of scientists and makes the unexplainable explainable."
"Science should be simple, something that anyone can understand. Anyone can make things complicated and complex, but it takes a genius to make something simple."
"Citizen science... close to my heart... connect to the public... share the excitement... exploration and discovery."
"How do we teach the lay public to talk about the matter in a scientific way?"
"For all this blame on Fauci... Fauci gave his educated analysis based on data."
"How do we know the shape of the earth? Well, I'm happy to let scientists share our best answers from the 21st century."
"In any science and in psychology specifically it's really important that we use precise language and we say what we mean."
"You know one of the reasons there's a conspiracy, there's a conspiracy by scientists to tell you to not think about it, which isn't like it's being driven by anybody behind the scenes right?"
"Science itself must communicate, you have to have a free exchange of ideas, that's how things progress."
"From a Doctor Varvara from the Start Institute who has seen the picture of Astr that she sent."
"Remember everything is in service of the audience and I actually have the misfortune of working on three genes, all of which have names that end in two and none of which are memorable by anyone who doesn't work on them."
"Phenomenal interest in this topic, scientist Avi Loeb, came in guns blazing."
"Sharing scientific progress on COVID very rapidly and openly."
"Science is an absolutely essential foundation, and it behooves all of us who are involved with science to do everything we can to communicate the science clearly."
"If a theory cannot be explained to a child, then the theory is probably worthless." - Albert Einstein
"Science should be simple... it takes a genius to make something simple."
"It's easy, you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy while you're in school there you watch Bill Nye saves the world on Netflix listen to Ross Anderson at the Atlantic and you listen to Startalk and turn it up loud bingo."
"The physics of climate, how the greenhouse effect works... bridging the gap between a Wikipedia entry and the peer-reviewed literature."
"The best path forward is to be honest and show the data to everyone."
"You can't spell Sabina Hossenfelder without the letters N-O-B-S. She's beloved for her No Nonsense no BS attitude towards science."
"Scientists communicate on Twitter... a paper that I think had I not tweeted it nobody would have read."
"The research has to be rigorous, open, transparent, and well communicated."
"Journalists push narratives all the time, but so do scientists."
"If he had told you the science maybe you wouldn't behave the way that is best for you."
"Nobody has argued that forelimb structures are homologous because the bones have the same names. Labels only exist for the purpose of streamlining communication."
"The only disaster is that an astrophysicist would ever present to you is the threat of an asteroid, for example, or an attempt to further communicate what's going on on Earth as a planet climactically."
"This is not revolutionary stuff but still cool science."
"If it isn't possible to explain the scientific principles and predictions associated with climate change in a straightforward and accessible fashion, then what hope is there for rational public discourse and decision making on the subject?"
"I've been sort of repeatedly surprised by how often I see statements in the press attributable to scientists that have an unwarranted level of confidence associated with them." - Dr. Binnas
"US House Leader Nancy Pelosi says it's not encouraging that scientists need White House approval to speak on coronavirus."
"Initiatives like infographics and interactive websites help make scientific data accessible."
"When it comes to science and medicine, I tend to caveat my statements very carefully."
"Philosophical Transactions allowed more people to read about new inventions and discoveries."
"The communication of scientific results is critical to success in academic settings and non-academic settings."
"The media hype... triggered strong public controversy and an immediate debate about modern human behavior but also about the way in which scientific work is communicated and perceived by the public."
"It's not enough to do the good science; it's very important to communicate it."
"It's more focused on the seriousness and the science aspect than it is on the comedy."
"Slides make more of a difference for the success, and I would say more often the downfall, of scientific presentations than people realize."
"What is Quarto? It's an open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc."
"LaTeX is the de facto standard for communication and publication of scientific documents."
"Phylogenetic networks are really great to show that sort of information."
"We should talk more because we've found out a lot in the last few years."
"The full scientific method is broken down into a couple of steps: observation/the question, research the topic area, your hypothesis, tests with experiments, analyze the data, and report your conclusion."
"There's no point doing an experiment if you can't share what the results are and what they mean in a scientific context."
"It's organized like a YouTube page where you can see a central slice and if you click on this one, you see a movie of that reconstruction."