
Health Communication Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"A positive test is not a bad thing. There's no shame, there's no stigma."
"Film and other media are a powerful way not only of communicating important health messages but of administering one of the most powerful medicines: hope."
"Be reassuring to the kids and let them know that the doctors and the researchers are doing as much as they can to help us."
"Sometimes you just gotta get a good clear look at your life and see when something is causing more harm than good."
"We're in the third year of the pandemic and I get it, a lot of us are tired of hearing about it. But indulge me for a moment because this is important."
"It's important for WHO to reach people where they already are."
"I guess a 21 year old is old enough to decide for himself but that person has to be able to judge what is the risk that I'm going to do myself harm with a vaccine that I would not suffer if I stayed away from the vaccine."
"Erectile dysfunction used to be tough to talk about. Now there is Roman."
"If the worry for not being able to get it up gets you to put a mask on your stupid face let's talk about it let's do it."
"RFK Jr challenging Dr. Peter Hotez to a debate."
"I'm asking each of you to reach out to your unvaccinated patients."
"At WHO, we're not just battling the virus, we're also battling the trolls and conspiracy theorists that push misinformation and undermine the outbreak response."
"You want to build trust with the public? You know what you don't do? Lie to them about the vectors of transmission."
"We're all passing this to one another vaccinated or unvaccinated."
"Thank you for continuing to keep the American public informed about what's going on."
"I think reducing it down to Fauci and the Surgeon General lied is... pretty reductive in my opinion."
"Most cases now appear like a severe cold. Omicron appears to produce a fairly mild illness." - Professor Tim Spector
"There's no guarantee that your child's not going to get it, and I hope parents don't actually fully believe when these medical professionals say like, 'Oh hey, it's free and clear over here,' like they don't know for a fact, they don't know 100."
"Let's have a public open debate about the vaccine side effects trial dates placebos and the yellow card reporting system."
"Remember, this isn't a novel coronavirus, or coronavirus at all."
"The prognosis is looking really good, it's the message."
"Stigma can make public health concerns worse rather than better."
"Villainizing particular kinds of nutrients doesn't help."
"So here we are everybody again... we decided to bring Dr. Victory in here."
"I want people to stop feeling ashamed to say that something acts as a placebo."
"Let me introduce Dr. Deborah Burks to speak about that patient experience and about the importance of the right people seeking the testing in the days ahead."
"Regardless of what else might be true about this paper, we have been advocating for mask wearing and hygiene and social distancing and all of these things."
"Please stop but the more you go into Panic Zone about it that's again not how you change health behavior you're gonna have to show some kids that have some bad outcomes from it that then they'll change."
"Every symptom is a conversation, a dialogue that we can join, guide, and learn from."
"The more open and honest dialogue you can have with your doctor, the better it's going to be long-term for you."
"Language is powerful and important here, especially when talking about wellness and health."
"Now this is huge. I mean having worked in healthcare for 40 years, we've always dreamed about an antiviral."
"I hope that now in my job as a doctor, I can use my YouTube channel to help bridge that medical knowledge gap between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals."
"Food isn't just calories. It's information. It's instructions."
"The more we make this a common easy to talk about things because it should be because it's normal the more we're going to advance how we're doing in helping make those things that we feel are pain points in our life a little bit better."
"At the point that the narrative had come apart and it became clear that the masks were not effective at controlling this virus, they decided to lift them."
"What you see is a steady decline in the number of confirmed COVID deaths."
"I think our skin is amazing. It's a communication tool to us that something isn't going right."
"We've published on it an enormous number of times in the last 18 months. It appeals to everyone because, like you say, everyone is happy to know if they're testing."
"Fauci is a pathological liar. There isn't anything to do with covid that Fauci hasn't lied about."
"If Trump had been stronger on his messaging on masks, more people would wear masks."
"I think the vaccines are safe and effective."
"It's nice to make people feel like I'm not this isn't abnormal this is something that a lot of people deal with and it's not something to be ashamed of it's just part of life."
"Please do not take medical advice from people on TV or from people like me. I probably will get things wrong, and I implore you to make sure you're talking to your own doctor."
"Just talk to your doctor. But the point I'm trying to make... Just talk to your doctor."
"Are we starting all over again? Three years ago we didn't pay attention when it first broke out in China. Now we cannot afford to make the same mistake."
"CDC is really missing the mark here... It's like ignoring the smoke detector and waiting for your whole house to be on fire before you call the fire department." - James Lawler, Infectious Disease Specialist
"What's wrong with confirming cases and not putting forward the other data and just only showing the confirmed case data? What's the problem with that? Well, the problem is, it minimizes the threat, it minimizes what could really be happening."
"Find ways to teach that sex is a healthy gift and hot."
"Just don't get in that extremely important thing if you have a depression issues or mental issues talk to someone seek some help."
"trust in the vaccines is a very important aspect."
"Talking, communication, those things are healthy."
"Twitter suppressed early COVID-19 treatment information and vaccine safety concerns according to cardiologists."
"We've got to communicate to the American people, this is for real."
"You can still get it, you can still transmit it, therefore it's not preventing anything."
"Millions of cases, small amount of death, and you will see that in every state."
"This is not to cast doubt on the protectiveness of the immunizations especially for high risk the elderly."
"Good news: it's so good to finally get a health warning that is useful."
"The idea of lying to your doctor is so fascinating to me because your life literally is on the line when you're talking to your doctor, right?"
"I did a shirtless solo cast and talked about gut stuff. I went down the rabbit hole and summarized how to get your gut to kick ass."
"You can still get infected with Delta even if you're vaccinated."
"I'm Cologuard. I'm noninvasive and detect altered DNA in your stool."
"I'm going to phone the GP very shortly to let them know that I'm a diabetic type one and I've just found out that I'm positive for pregnancy."
"Food is not just calories but it's information."
"Public health would dramatically improve if we can ever get to the point where we change the name of Gleason 6 prostate cancer."
"Communicating with your doctor and being conservative with your medication use is the safest and healthiest thing you can do."
"I come and I chat with all of you about your health and do what I can to make sure that you have the knowledge, the answers, the encouragement to do what you need to do to have a happy and healthy life."
"We're not trying to scare people... but to just raise awareness of what gastroparesis is."
"If you are feeling any symptoms from the vaccine, do not worry, it is okay."
"The more understandable the health information is for the patient, the closer the care is coordinated with the client's needs."
"Health authorities must be honest and transparent with what is known and what isn't known."
"We still are seeing negative consequences, so be careful with all these comments about how mild folks think Omicron is."
"Just a reminder, I'm not diagnosing by this video, only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this."
"It's just important to obviously be truthful but to not downplay for whatever reason what you're experiencing."
"My goal is to bridge that gap, go in between and explain the clinical side, explain the data that we have, and also explain things that are realistic that you could be aware of."
"Tell me more about the reasons that are keeping you from following your diet."
"Any language about diet nutrition that's in absolutes is going to be wrong 99% of the time."
"It's also your job to provide structure because let's face it, if we're a patient going to see a health professional, we want the information presented to us in a clear way that we can understand."
"We need to do better at getting facts and tips and how to live with the disease out to patients."
"The palace has proven in the last few months they are willing to be much more open and honest with the public about medical conditions that members of the royal family are struggling with."
"If you're experiencing IBS-D symptoms, it's important for you to speak openly and honestly about them with your doctor, so he or she can make a confident diagnosis and identify the treatment that's right for you."
"Make sure that you're taking care of yourselves and also just making sure that you're in communication with your doctors if anything is concerning you."
"Not for you to self-diagnose because this is not a diagnosis tool but to share with medical professionals."