
Strategic Approach Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"You cannot run, you cannot sprint to COVID-normal. You've got to do this in a measured, steady, and safe way."
"We need to come up with a specific and a smart plan for this uncertain future that lies ahead."
"Interesting approach to divide and conquer like that."
"What are you going to do? Of course you're going to plan first. You're not going to start writing."
"The opening salvo is to establish your target and open the door for further conflict."
"You defeat the stronghold not by going up but by pulling it down."
"Simplify everything and then just start to address from there."
"I'm determined that we should use this process as a means of healing the Labour Party."
"The key here is focus on this low-hanging fruit first."
"Law enforcement is taking a safety approach."
"Jimmy Hoffa recognized. This is the way to go, this is the way to rise to the top."
"Quiet leverage... what we need without putting the heavy hand of government down."
"The thing I think that Stanford has done well also is that they haven't gone into a shell and played too conservatively..."
"Prediction: how to go about it, how to make it happen."
"This is a very strategic methodical process."
"Always start by pushing them backwards before you pull."
"Let's get there by the shortcut so that we can actually get peace and take away this unbelievable risk of escalation to a world conflict."
"Get a base hit first and then go for home run."
"We need to navigate this path in a way that doesn't result in destruction."
"Your revolutionaries should embrace the fact that the struggle would benefit from a plurality of strategies to attack the Big Bad from different angles."
"A resounding win through the use of mixed force tactics."
"Risk is the obstacle I want to control and minimize in as many ways as possible."
"The master's primary skill really shows off the builds flexibility."
"Nike's lawsuit strategy: a war of attrition?"
"Negotiations aren't a break in fighting; they're a form of war themselves."
"I'm really saying my life, what I'm really doing, and I'm really breaking my opponent down."
"They had three appeals that they tried to file and were denied all three of them."
"We're not trying to go through them, we're showing that we don't need to go through them."
"The drowned necromancer should be inside and I'd have the most chance of survival if I snuck inside to fight him."
"We take the fight to everybody, we don't let them take the fight to us."
"We feel our weapon is a shield until it needs to be a weapon."
"It's not a Sprint, it's a marathon. We're not doing it the quick way, we're doing it the right way."
"You gotta play the game to win, not to lose. At that point, you're going in with all your chips and your face. Girls play the game, yeah, but men play to win."
"We've got a plan and we're going to go execute our plan."
"I believe I've got a really good chance in beating him. There's always a way of beating Tyson Fury."
"Agitate, educate, inoculate, organize, and finally, unity push."
"There's a lot to explore and learn, so start small, learn the game, and then work up from there."
"Let's make this wave a tsunami for Age of Empires 2, and let's do it the right way."
"Get serious about a better plan to pay off your debt."
"The only thing that matters is the objectives. Kill anything that stops me from getting to an objective."
"Knowing Dom's anger and his incredible superhuman strength, I would have led with that."
"Let them chase you, Leo. That's the stage that you should be in right now."
"Victory could be achieved relatively easily."
"Having a following on Instagram isn't like a superficial thing, it's freaking smart."
"They're truly using a kind of deterministic chaos in doing this."
"Start with practical content that can get you discovered and then you can do things differently once you're known."
"I think my approach is actually going to be more successful in lifting up more black Americans."
"Whenever we go to the bottom, loading up tends to be the best way to go."
"Push back, be realistic, focus on overall security."
"You never enter into a room without scouting at first."
"We want to take the Blood Eagles down. Killing the sheep isn't gonna do the trick. I need to go after the Shepherds."
"Immediate and continuous loyalty to the concept of unity is basic to victory."
"Fantastic results, great recovery, great strategy."
"We should also take this opportunity to fight all these idiots because we'll get a decent reward for that."
"We have to approach this as if we can lose because we can, and everything else is noise."
"A business plan is a written road map for the firm for marketing, financial, and operating standpoints."
"Patience and stealth... believe it or not, it's kind of the same thing, but it's not."
"99% of the work here is done upfront with research, there's no tricks, there's no gimmicks."
"When you see in Alberta that we are going to take a posture more like Quebec... that's the approach that we're going to take."
"He showed the way. The next guy won't be looking to hold hands with our enemies."
"He's done this for six years, the exact same step-by-step playbook."
"Social media is a game, and the faster you realize that, the more equipped you'll be."
"It's not about winning, it's about not losing."
"Killing them off individually shouldn't be that difficult."
"At a glance, you pass for a horse, and that is how you march up to the gates of all Haven."
"You have to rest control back and it has to be one Temple at a time one fight at a time."
"Unlike the 3.14 ultimator method, it's something that's likely to continue working into the future."
"We need to calmly resolve to restore America in embarking on this effort. We need to keep a few things in mind. First, truth and nature are on our side."
"Elon Musk said, 'We're not going to fight this battle. We're going to hit the elite where it hurts.'"
"The best way to approach a big project like this is one Squad at a time."
"Start off small and then build your way up. That's what you have to do."
"For most of us, rather than being the master of one opening, being that well jack of all trades as they say, knowing a lot of different openings till a very decent level, I think for quite a strong level, that does work."
"You should realize that you destroy your enemies when you make peace with them."
"Accommodation and trade would get them more than active resistance."
"We try to look at what we'd call like a performance solution."
"Execution is how you get there, no matter what your path is."
"It's better to try to engage without your boosters by walking the enemy down."
"That's like ballsy and I think that's what you need. You need to be like out there and that's a great approach at it."
"It's a cinematic quid pro quo. This approach has catalyzed the careers of directors such as Jordan Peele, Rob Savage, Mike Flanigan, and Christopher Landon among others."
"Victory is achieved by slowly winning hearts and minds."
"Quality not quantity this time, that's for sure."
"Even his safeties are aggressive, you know what I mean?"
"Everything can funnel and it's been working so far."
"Doing less first is some of the best strategy that you can use."
"In order to make any success in the markets, you've got to have a plan."
"The cunning warrior attacks neither body nor mind, but the heart."
"I think they're aggressive, so let's just start running the clock and start fishing."
"I was able to weasel my way into a one-on-one with the CEO."
"All roads lead to the risk-based approach."
"Take a holistic approach to compliance and say, 'What are the things that you want to do as a business? What are your business priorities? How does security fit into that?'"
"If it creates longevity, then it's definitely the right way to take on the situation."
"It's really just a matter of figuring out, setting a plan, and going after it."
"It's about following a plan and sticking to it."
"They can be beaten, and there is a method to piggybacking on their trades."
"Succession planning is the systematic approach to building a leadership pipeline to develop potential successes that fits them and fits the organization."
"It was the right approach at the right time."
"We got to take it one game at a time."
"When I like to approach openings, I like to find lines that are very simple."
"We're going to be using something called the PSA framework, or Problem Agitate Solve."