
Public Health Policy Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"This is definitely a stunning study. I wish this study is sent to folks in CDC and FDA."
"You can't fix the economy and repair the damage that this virus has done to the economy until you deal with the virus."
"The policy priority is total harm minimization."
"The Biden Administration seeks new mask and vaccine mandates as they wildly misconstrue the data on the Delta Variant surge."
"The government will only ease border restrictions when it is appropriate and when it is not a risk to the health and safety of Canadians."
"Any decisions on vaccine passports must be based on firm evidence, such as the effect of vaccinations on transmission."
"Lockdowns are harmful lockdowns are destructive lockdowns do not work."
"We have an actual obesity crisis... stop pretending that making people feel validated about how they look is somehow more important than protecting their health."
"Chinese government should no longer treat public health crises as a state secret."
"Any move right now to reduce levels of testing by changing guidelines is a step in the wrong direction."
"Absolutely mandatory mask mandates. Too many people are defiant of masks."
"I'm announcing that I will direct all states, tribes, and territories to make all adults people 18 and over eligible to be vaccinated no later than May 1st."
"Moving away from mask mandates, especially in school, is the right move."
"We must have this national mandate... we must do it." - Advocating for a national mask mandate to combat the spread of the virus.
"This is not an anti-vaccine stand... it's a pro-freedom stand."
"This isn't an anti-vaccine stance... it's a pro-freedom stand."
"I think the policy of herd immunity is the right policy."
"Ron Desantis saying florida is not going to require kids to mask because there is no rationale for this."
"It is time for the government of Canada to revisit COVID-19 pandemic restrictions."
"Why should people who have had the vaccine be locked down because a minority by the way who can't give you a logical reason why they don't want the vaccine they just don't want it."
"Chicago police officers defying vaccine reporting mandate."
"More Americans will soon be unmasked again. We're not going to manage COVID to zero. We have to learn how to live with COVID." - Governor Phil Murphy
"It's not a wise policy, it's not going to get us anywhere meaningful because the virus is going to spread." - Dr. Joseph Latapo
"China has changed the categorization of COVID from infectious disease category B level 1 to level two."
"Prior immunity should not just be wholesale discounted like it seems to be right now in the general conversation."
"Segregation of the population based on vaccination status completely makes no sense, it's just unnecessary damage to the society."
"The FDA okaying boosters for kids 12 to 15, also shortening the booster wait time for many others as we return from holiday breaks."
"California requires proof of vaccination for all state employees and some health workers."
"You never quarantine healthy people; you quarantine sick people."
"Vaccine requirements work, and recent polling indicates 60 percent of companies are moving forward with a vaccine requirement."
"States should eliminate non-medical exemptions."
"There is now mounting evidence that when you weigh the negative consequences and side effects of lockdown up against its negligible benefits, the whole thing was an error."
"A federal judge yesterday ruled... that the Biden mask mandate via the CDC did not comport with the enabling laws of the CDC."
"China is showing more civil instability even as its economy continues to decline due to its zero covet policies."
"Sweden didn't do a full lockdown and right now the capital Stockholm is expected to reach herd immunity in a few weeks."
"Pushing masks on kids... is irrational anti-science and abusive."
"At the tip of the spear of these failed approaches was the WHO."
"The Supreme Court has blocked a mandate from President Joe Biden that would have forced large private companies to have their employees vaccinated or take a weekly COVID test."
"If everyone in your circle that you're seeing is vaccinated, then do you still need to quarantine?"
"Medically speaking, not passing funding for boosters and treatments now is stupid and nuts. Is that right?"
"Public health interventions should be positive, they shouldn't be coerced, people shouldn't feel like they're being punished."
"Lockdowns cost lives and they cost a lot of problems. The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself."
"I want to see America feeling comfortable, the best way to get there is to say look, we're only letting you in if you're vaccinated."
"What we want is for the poor to have access at public hospitals."
"Vaccines reduce transmission, that's the YouTube's official policy."
"CDC's testing guidance ignored by 33 states."
"The Canadian truckers' convoy is saying it's time to end the mandates and give Canadians their freedoms back."
"Never in the history of this great Republic have we quarantined the healthy."
"We're not anti-vaxx, we're anti-mandate and anti-blaming your neighbor for the Covid pandemic."
"Forced vaccination of millions of people who don't want it promises to be the issue that brings everything to the boiling point."
"Millions of lives can be saved in the next decade if we pressure our governments and other institutions to invest more in research."
"The idea that countries should shift from containment to mitigation is wrong and dangerous."
"Late word tonight: New York City's mayor says he is poised to end mass mandates in schools and vaccine mandates at restaurants, bars, and theaters."
"Masks will not be required anywhere in Maryland starting July 1st." - Governor Larry Hogan
"Is the omicron variant an argument for ending vaccine patents? Yes, the answer is yes to that question."
"I will put an end to it we will stop funding drugs and start funding treatment and Recovery to bring our loved ones home drug [Applause] free"
"Finally, we're now allowed to hug people thanks boris."
"Even if we didn't care about the solidarity aspect, there would be a blowback to our own countries."
"Vaccination segregation is disgusting. Vaccination slavery is disgusting."
"CDC backs an eight-week ban on gatherings of more than 50 to fight coronavirus."
"...it's the 20th anniversary of the smoking ban in public places in Ireland."
"There are though especially in light of COVID, clearly very important consequential questions about how broadly that kind of pandemic preparedness work should apply."
"I applaud his statement and urge him to back it up by issuing a nationwide mask mandate like Michigan's."
"I think where self-isolation, and particularly repeated self-isolation, is likely to be part of the state's response to a major public health threat, it is an important issue that needs to be taken into account."