
Public Quotes

There are 405 quotes

"The American people have a lot of questions. They want accurate, reliable information."
"When you realize you've gone the wrong way in public, look at phone, act surprised, turn around."
"The American people will hear my story very soon."
"The powers that be are treating the general public with contempt."
"Perhaps centuries later he still can't shake off the embarrassment of his blunder in front of Millions on stage."
"Nobody likes being yelled at, beat up, assaulted on the subway system."
"There's nothing good about a misinformed public."
"Spontaneous moments when the public just starts dancing."
"I am definitely now more concerned about my personal space in public than what I ever have been." - Marcus
"They cannot count the ballots without the public being permitted to view the proceedings under Georgia law."
"We truly believe that it's important for the Christian Church to have an engagement in the public square with the Word of God."
"We're extremely desensitized to seeing atrocity and depravity on the streets."
"We're witnessing a public breakup. It's almost like we're watching a Hollywood split."
"How did it come about that NASA still has the public trust when it comes to such things as UFOs?"
"There's nothing wrong with public disagreement."
"There's like some type of public recognition coming through here."
"We're just exercising our freedom of speech in the public venue."
"Telling the truth to the public is paramount."
"The only way that we can have a real representative democracy, a functioning democracy, is if we have an informed public."
"Public disrespect needs a public apology."
"It's open to the public, but I'm glad I did it; it was also my first real important work."
"They're going to let the public know."
"Isis temples tend to be like in the middle of the city; they're big, they're bold, they're very public."
"Everything about the Parade's timing is precise and made public."
"Justice must be rescued by something deeper than justice, that's the love. And justice is what love looks like in public, but justice is not identical with love. The love is that irreducible stuff that keeps spurting out no matter what circumstances."
"Whilst most of us could only dream about calling such magnificent houses home, we're fortunate that nowadays a lot of these places are open to the public."
"If you want a good government and you want good politicians you need a public that concentrates is informed cares."
"It was extremely embarrassing for Karen to just be called out in front of everybody."
"The great challenge of our age is to make good ideas available to a wide public."
"A true Super Saiyan has at last debuted among the public."
"Everyone that Jesus calls, he calls openly and publicly."
"A public declaration of love depends where. If it's public and it's not because of other people watching, sure, cute."
"'What vibe we on, the good one or the negative? And if it's gonna be the negative, then that's fine. Cause I'm always public, so there's no fear in my heart.'"
"What are you gonna do? You're gonna poop in public? It's not really public, you're gonna poop out in the open and let nature take its course."
"I find it really refreshing when particularly men model vulnerability in public."
"There's no right to privacy in public. Yeah, but this, in public, is private."
"Investigators asked the public to come forward with any sort of information."
"I felt like every time I was in public, people knew I was struggling, people knew, they could see it."
"This is the first time I'm sharing my story publicly."
"If you're gonna fail, you might as well do it in front of everyone."
"Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths."
"Our endeavor is the way we are in private. That's how we're going to be in public."
"Public has lost all trust in the money, in the government."
"Your friend was rude as hell it would be one thing if she spoke to you in private still rude but much less so but in front of everyone like that not cool."
"Hey can I ask you a question can we talk outside can I no I'm gonna do this here in front of everybody okay are you even alive?"
"Public education is the first institution that is going to be spectacularly doomed."
"It absolutely captured the imagination of the public."
"The singularity and steadiness of this threatening gesture in so public a Thorofare attracted my attention."
"Be willing to be wrong and be wrong in public."
"Life of an actor belongs to the public. They're scrutinized, praised, obsessed, and hated by the public."
"I just want to make a Public Service Announcement."
"I love smoking weed and being high in public."
"It's crazy that you couldn't smoke weed out in public, you know?"
"This is likely the best public par three course I've ever played."
"Hey, it's interesting if we can encourage people and the public to finally innovate and encourage them to continue like this in this process and this approach."
"Economic rent is unearned income. They don't earn it. It is a result of privilege, and you almost always inherited it, but otherwise, monopoly privilege or the right to appropriate for yourself something that really should be public."
"Vlogging in public never gets less awkward." - Hannah
"They're going to propose in public, something public like a public venue, outdoors kind of thing."
"For in fact we cross our arms mostly in public because it provides us comfort."
"We don't really make the [ __ ] well I can't speak but everybody else already make a lot of [ __ ] public."
"The scandal is public; hence, the redress must be public. We cannot be collaborators in sacrilege."
"It's the knowledgeable, it's the informed public."
"Never really exposed my feelings publicly like this in this venue, but I'm doing it because... I want to."
"You don't have to clear your name for the public. The situation you're going through is traumatizing."
"One of the greatest accomplishments you can do is to release information to the public that they benefit from."
"Are you going to wear these out in public?"
"The public is right to question how this is allowed to go on. It's absolutely reckless."
"It is simply the first public step of true confession of Christ openly."
"The American public's morale surged."
"The fact that a means of communication is traditionally open to the public is not the only way that the speech can be protected."
"Some people will never get to the point where they want to share their story publicly and that is okay, that is perfectly okay."
"There's no expectation of privacy in public, sir."
"Follow public records, you have a good day."
"This is the DNS part that a lot of people doing private have a harder time with because public, it makes sense that you need your public DNS not to point to your internal IPs of your servers."
"What is culture war if not just the contest over what kind of manners people are allowed to have in public?"
"The internet should be a public utility and removed from the private sector,"
"Public initiatives like Chattanooga's internet system can inspire change."
"She left her legacy for the education and the enjoyment of the public forever."
"No public by default is the more practical approach for doing things."
"We don't see the public reading of scripture often enough."
"If you want privacy in public, you have to create your own privacy."
"I like the idea of calling somebody out for doing something stupid in a public place."
"When people talk on the phone in public really loud, it bothers me. And what's even worse is when they put the other person on speakerphone."
"Tonight's only award voted for by the British public is the Orange Rising Star Award."
"The public is due and deserves an honest account, the good, the bad, and the ugly."
"I was thinking we might have some public performances."
"You serve so that we would be secure in our person's papers and effects research so that we could be able to do what we do in public."
"A gaslighter can be smiling, joking, being the life of the party in public, but a tyrant in private."
"It takes three entities to make a sighting: the sighter, that which is cited, and whoever makes the sighting accessible to the public."
"It's so that God can reward you publicly for what you do privately."
"The American people can't be blamed for wondering why the government seems more intent on focusing its efforts on the law-abiding public than on doing the hard work of enforcing the law on people committed to breaking it."
"He's a wild boy in public too, he don't give a [ __ ] anymore."
"The odds of being upset that you did it in public are higher than if you do it in private. There's, like, a reason and it's sentimental."
"Kim has got to do it, apologize in public."
"I love when I vlog in public because people look at me like what the [ __ ] is this kid doing holding a camera talking to himself?"
"After that day, he cemented his status as a legend for the general public as well."
"Once I enter a public place, I become incredibly rude. I turn into a huge assh–e...and that's like my only way of defending myself."
"Communication is a trait that I think is vastly underestimated by other health professionals and the general public alike."
"Once you wet the public's appetite for the truth, the sky's the limit."
"There's a lot of things you got the embarrassment that your wife slept around, and it's public, right?"
"Some of these people think they can come out in public and have an attitude."
"She [ __ ] publicly humiliated the [ __ ] out of you."
"It was very bitter, I mean it was very publicly played out."
"Real mathematicians working on this, it's all there in public. You can go and see."
"Once you're perceived as unreliable in public particularly with alcohol you're shot."
"If the public come in and put in, we're not going to make a complaint."
"The public is full of it. There are a bunch of ants that want to eat me up and they feed on fear and things they're insecure about."
"There's a real danger with almost a kind of a priesthood of scientists telling the public what to do, and I think it's understandable that the public says 'bug off' - no one likes being told what to do."
"If a government really screws up, is there a fundamental mechanism by which it can be held accountable by a broad part of the public?"
"The show gradually won over the public notably without any major changes to its format or resorting to gimmicks."
"I appreciate your willingness to be public."
"The sheer amount of public attention at that age was distressing."
"90 percent of the golf played in the United States is played on a public facility."
"He has earned the respect of the public, of the press worldwide."
"There is no expectation of privacy in a public place."
"It's not just the government, I think some of the public too."
"You're already in the camera. I'm already in it. Yeah, you're already on it. I don't want to be on it. It's, you're out in public, ma'am."
"To the public, they're glamorous, but to the authorities, they're a security risk."
"For me, it's just the idea of doing it in public, whether it's a bathroom or not."
"The sphere of offense, if it is private, should remain private. The sphere of offense, if it is public, needs to be dealt with in a public fashion."
"...if you are bold enough to do it in private I'm big enough to do it in public."
"...Wendy along with her boys made her way to the front of the synagogue."
"...the science was drastically outpacing the public’s understanding of it."
"It's so funny what you can do in front of a room full of people that you can't seem to do in front of one person."
"I think the identification of the public with the fact that one of them, an ordinary citizen, happened to be aboard this mission, broadens the tragedy."
"...solitude in public is a way to know oneself."
"I heard insults from different neighbors as the policemen walked me into the van and different phones capturing the moment."
"YouTube is part of the move towards public scholarship."
"There's a big move in universities for public scholarship."
"When you go out in public, you want to look your best."
"And especially, it's important that you smell your best."
"I finally decided to go public with my experiences after nearly three decades."
"I think it's fine for people to have natural opinions about others, but putting them out to a million people, I don't think it's appropriate."
"So that would be good for everybody and the public to be able to enjoy."
"It is time for paganism to take its place as a public religion in the UK."
"Everywhere I go, people laugh when they see me."
"I did the Ric Flair 'Woo' in public, absolutely."
"Public reaction to the death of Giovanni Falcone took on the dimensions of a national tragedy."
"Public recognition of Shab's work."
"...make its way to the public which is what has largely happened..."
"For though it was hardly appropriate to do so in front of an audience, that was the only reaction a lady can give upon hearing the man she loved claim her as his own."
"Let wisdom cry out in the streets."
"The IRS has a lot of work to do to repair the trust that is broken with the public over the last decade."
"I know what the people, the public want to hear."
"It's the British public that will decide who wins."
"An aroused and organized public can carve out space for real concern for human rights."
"Be compassionate privately and be compassionate publicly."
"The safety of the flying public is our mission."
"You can't beat the great British public to come out and do their stuff."
"Without the great British public, this program wouldn't be quite the success that it is."
"Public perception at this time was quite high for Shane."
"Everything that I'm about to tell you all was meant to be told to the public."
"Jacob's private bond with Mary becomes a public testament, inspiring millions."
"This rule gives the public, regardless of where you live, you own part of this public land."
"The importance of communicating science to the general public."
"Everything about her had two sides to it, one for home and one for anywhere that was not home."
"Now it's an intolerable restriction on the general public, controlled principally by the publishers in the name of the authors."
"If he calls you publicly, then he wants to heal you publicly."
"It takes the support of the public to keep these ships going."
"Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident."
"Public displays of affection, okay, all right."
"They're out in the street, and they're out in the daylight, and they're declaring Christ everywhere they go."
"If you're going to open your businesses to the public, you can't discriminate based on race."
"If you're at a coffee shop doing these problems, people think you're some brilliant mathematician."
"It's Safety First for us; it's safety for the public and it's safety for the workers we're putting out there."
"The general public mindset of 'no one is out to get you' quickly switched to 'they really are out to get us, and we won't realize it until it's too late'."
"Wisdom cries out in the street; she raises her voice in the public squares."
"The general public doesn't really ever need more than two to five credit cards."
"We need to have that trust to the public that we're going to take care of this information."
"You obviously have the right to film in public, people don't know that."
"We're rebuilding trust with the public."
"Towards the top you have things that are generally well known by the public... just the tip of the iceberg."
"Members of the public often act with a courage that surprises even themselves."
"It's a real entertaining thing for everyone there."
"The public will readily understand that there is an excellent reason for my reticence."
"We were vibing so hard that even strangers were filming us."
"Despite the presence of other customers during this alarming situation, thankfully no injuries were reported."
"I don't want to do stuff that the general public can't do. I want to be united with my fellow man."
"This is what people who come to our website from the public are going to see."
"Are you ready to tell the truth in front of all of America tonight?"
"It's so nice to get together in public again for these types of events."
"Host a live event. It's entertainment for the public, very powerful."
"My dad is the type of person who watches Netflix with full volume in a waiting room."
"If you see me in public and you want this, ask me for it, and I will give it to you."
"The music has to sound big, big, grand, public."
"I looked at the crowd, they know what's coming next, they've read in the papers that I went to see a very sick boy in hospital."
"The coolest thing that's happened this year is two people in public have recognized me."
"You cannot fool the public... they are the greatest barometer of the truth."
"Marriage is not just a private relationship; it is both very private and very public at the same time."
"I miss when people could have love lives without everyone wanting to be a part of it."
"It feels great, you know, I can hold her hand and kiss her and hug her in public."
"The Greeks made their laws publicly available, differentiating them from customary norms and traditions."
"The American public totally stands with you."
"It shows a dimension of therapy that's been largely invisible to the public."
"I still expressed support for him publicly in a very public manner."
"We're really talking about public perception."
"Capes would be cool to wear in public like Lando Calrissian."
"Faze Clan is officially going to become a publicly traded company."
"A street war that played out in the newspapers and on the television news every night."
"Make sure to tell friends where you'll be, meet in the public location."