
Reinvestment Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The church takes in $80 million a year, but all of that gets plowed back into the church."
"When Mr. Beast makes millions, he spends it on others ingeniously. He figures out how to make more money from spending it so he can do it again."
"Invest the money you make back into your company. You want that to compound."
"This is not something that we're making money with; anything that we do make goes right back into the business, and you're buying all of this at our own cost."
"It brought in a lot more revenue, which was helpful, totally. So we were able to do more tours, and we just really reinvested everything into the company to help build it."
"If I can make more money out of the YouTube channel or my coverage, I have to reinvest it back into chess."
"But finally, we're going to reinvest in our country, you know, in the education system."
"This is an important time to get reinvested in politics."
"Nine out of every ten dollars that we make goes right back into the content that we are creating."
"Every dollar that we make from the crypto industry, we're going to put back into the crypto industry."
"Just keep going. Make sure when you sell one of these shoes, whatever money you get from that, you buy another shoe. That is the best advice."
"Keep reinvesting, don't trick off on none of this to you later."
"Step one is to create more income, step two then is to reinvest in creating and ensuring that you got more income coming in."
"Keep working, keep earning money to reinvest, hedge the risk."
"I've been doing that I never touch the money from a sale the money gets reinvested into the next deal and that kind of forced me to grow."
"Every single dollar since we've started, like, it's gone. We just invested back into something. If it can make content, then it's great."
"Any extra that you make, you can reinvest. The dream is to invest the money you earn by working and live off the money that comes in passively."
"If small business makes money, they don't go on vacation, they hire more people."
"You made your money. Now it’s time to use that money to improve the quality of the experience."
"All we're doing is we just take it, we reinvest it in you guys."
"That yield gets reinvested and purchases more assets."
"We take that money and we invest it back into what we love to do into filmmaking."
"You are cutting off the communication with this person and reinvesting time back into yourself."
"The moment that I actually started making money on Youtube, I then reinvested that money back into outsourcing and actually hiring an expert video editor to do my videos."
"That money does go back into the talents obviously, that's where the marketing budget and the new debut budget when that eventually starts rolling around will come from."
"Every bit you make just reinvest reinvest and before you know it your capital will have grown a lot of patients in the property game."
"We take the money that we've earned from our previous film and once we pay off the investors we then put that money into the next movie."
"Every dollar that we ever made, we've always put right back into the films and the videos."
"All this money reinvested turns into more snowball. That's what I'm all about here, that is the channel goal."
"The true power of compounding: take your dividends, reinvest those."
"When he made money, he put it back into the business."
"Resist the temptation to pocket dividends; reinvest them for long-term gains."
"Invest back into your business in the form of making better content."
"Clip. Co does 2 million bucks a year in Topline and then we take basically all the profits from that and we make these crazy animated shorts of our own."
"Once you start making money from your first book, obviously you're not going to take it out and spend it on personal things. You're going to reinvest the profit back into making the next book and the next book and the next book."
"I always told myself that I'm not smart enough to spend it in a good way so just reinvest it back into the business and that's always what I did."
"Your business needs to make a profit to reinvest in the business."
"Every penny that I made I reinvested to try to make things bigger and make things a little better and a little more user friendly."
"It just allows us to re-invest our energy into the things that are important to us."
"The whole idea is to reinvest in the organization in service of its beneficiaries."
"If you don't need cash at that exact moment, I would definitely reinvest the dividends."
"As you make money, you can reinvest it back into your business to do the things you truly, truly want to do."
"Anybody that's watched the show for any period of time knows that I like to invest back in the company by buying equipment and stuff."
"Take that cash flow, reinvest it. Don't ever spend your Airbnb money unless you just want to keep working harder to make more money to make up for the money that you spent."
"I'm probably gonna put it in my reinvestment fund. So next time I go to an auction, I have a little bit of money there to buy something else. But not in storage this time, it's going to go in pride and place in my home."
"Reinvest that money so that you can be better talent and/or prepare for transition when you no longer have that talent."
"This is fairly common amongst DTC businesses that they will reinvest the profit that they're making into customer acquisition cost."
"You should not be thinking about what you can buy, right? I made eight grand this month, man, all of its net profit, all that money should be reinvested in people."
"By having scale by having incredible profits by and then by reinvesting it in R&D creating jobs innovating it's the only way this kind of stuff is going to get done."
"I'm just incredibly excited to not only feel the progress of everything we've been working on up to this point starting to pay off but then also seeing the company aggressively reinvesting, doing that exact same process with a whole new product category."
"Every single penny that we make from this goes right back into the channel."
"...dividends is going to be your free cash flow payout but what's left over can go to things like reinvesting back into the business."
"Dividend reinvesting: The Snowball Effect."
"So I was happy to get these items moved out onto a new home so that I can reinvest in some faster moving inventory."
"The ultimate goal is for our portfolio to generate income for us and then use that income to buy more shares."
"Everything we've always made has always gone back into the business. Even today."
"It's not a money grab. I'm literally going to be reinvesting everything back into the channel."
"I began to find my footing by reinvesting in my research and recommitted to my hobbies, not because it supported my income, but simply because I love this form of creative expression."
"This is the tangible actionable piece of reinvesting loving. Everybody say love yourself. They just talking about lighting candles and taking yourself out on dates and bubble baths, man. They don't do [ __ ]."
"...we've made profit for the last pretty much every year apart from one year where we just reinvested everything."
"It's time to reinvest. Transition number one is to reinvest either into the same mentor for the next level product, the next level service, year two, whatever it is, or to reinvest into a different mentor."
"...I respect people that reinvest back into their business it's a must it's a necessity especially if you plan on having longevity in any business so a salute to you."
"...the only way to get consumers reinvested is to force them to remember that their respective food IPs still exist."
"Just look at the dividends you're bringing in, $2334 in dividends reinvested. That's like adding an extra $200 a month into your investments. It just helps you compound even faster."
"Now that's pretty damn significant, and if you don't need to live on these dividends just yet, well then you'd be reinvesting $2,000 every month. And this is the dream, this is the position you want to get yourself in."
"You're constantly reinvesting in yourself all the time."
"So long as you roll that gain into another deal."
"The good thing about America is that they allow you to um they allow you to reinvest profits into the future so that's really useful as a reseller you can buy stuff that you're going to sell next year this year and defer the tax that's not tax evasion that's business 101."
"It's important to remember that when you're running a business at the very start, you're not really making a profit for yourself, you're not really taking money away from the business, all of the profit you make goes back into the business."
"The total return is with the dividend reinvested."
"You make the money, you take that money, invest in your business, and make your business better."
"Remember that the knowledge has a lot to do with it, and the reinvestment is a must in any niche."
"The dividends get paid the dividends buy more stock."
"The snowball can get bigger a lot quicker with dividend reinvestment."
"The dividends get reinvested again to buy more stock so on and so forth."
"Every single successful person that I know has reinvested it all. Everything they do is about getting that to the highest level they can."
"A lower dividend payout ratio means the company is retaining a larger portion of its earnings for reinvestment in the business."
"That's why also like yeah like you're like we our hente works so much we we make like I said like three TR 3.2 trillion dollar every year where does that money go imagine if we put it back into our community."
"hustle promoted black empowerment through business ownership and reinvested his earnings"
"You take the money that you've made and then you put it back in to get more value to flow."
"...pretty much all this income here is just going to go back into this Channel and back into my businesses to grow and then reach more people over time."
"Success in business comes from reinvesting wisely and working diligently."
"Dividends are an important component in your total return and they give you an important opportunity to reinvest your cash flow in a very effective way."
"Once I started seeing those sales generate, it made so much more sense for me as a business owner to reinvest my profit into my business."
"...what sometimes people do is they'll reinvest the money... they'll get paid a dividend by commerce bank... and they'll say instead of giving me the cash can you use that same money to buy more shares and come off bank."
"College athletics is revenue producing and that revenue is reinvested in all athletic programs across the board."
"Companies that can consistently reinvest their money and generate a high return on capital will be able to compound their profitability."
"You cannot grow for the long term by just becoming more efficient; in the long term, to grow, you need to reinvest money."
"I always like to try and reinvest some of the money that I make from YouTube back into what we're doing here."
"Every time I do a brand deal, I throw that money back into the channel."
"It's reinvested, reinvested, reinvested, growth, growth, growth."
"Every single penny we earn on YouTube goes straight back into the school."
"The faster you get above break even and start making profit, that profit can be put back into the business and scale much faster."
"When we make a video, we generate income from the ads, from you guys watching, and then we take that money and we put it back into our adventures."
"The more money I make, the more I just put it back into riding."
"The difference between a Berkshire Hathaway and an Amazon is in the case of Amazon, the redeployment of the cash generated is mostly done with internal projects."
"I would always plow the money back into my small business."
"Dividend reinvestment is critical to grow your wealth."
"Reinvesting in private sales is the best way to sustain the ecosystem."
"When you do get that $500 score, you got to go right back to the store and buy quality items."
"All the money that we make from this goes right back into the business to make this world a more accessible place."
"We're reinvesting 10% of our Google AdSense Revenue back into projects here in the Finger Lakes Community."
"We sell coffee at castbrew.com, and we make profit on that coffee, and you know what we do with that profit? We reinvest it into expanding the business."
"We're going to make you 1 to 10K in the first month for free, and we're going to use that money that we've made for free and then reinvest it back into ads so we can keep on scaling."
"We need to reinvest in our society to make people happy to live and be alive."
"Stay innovative, man. Stay creative, man. Reinvest in your money into your business, into yourself."
"When you become profitable, that's when you start reinvesting in your business to step up your game."
"One of the easiest ways to do that is not just by investing your own money again and again but also reinvesting those dividends."
"Every year you're going to be able to generate more cash flow, and you can reinvest this cash flow to keep buying more shares which pay you with more cash."
"Maximize profits in the beginning, you reinvest; it's as simple as that."
"That's the way you build a business, you build it gradually year on year. You make a little bit, keep a little bit for yourself, you give majority back to the business."
"If he just keeps getting more extravagant with how he gives stuff back, then he'll never actually hit billionaire status because he'll just keep reinvesting what he's making."
"Most companies do not pay all their earnings as dividends; they keep some back because they need some cash to buy new machines to expand the company."
"I make money on YouTube... I put every dollar right back into the business."
"Any kind donations will be reinvested back into the channel."
"The higher the return on capital employed, the more effective the company is at reinvesting that capital."
"Money from fines will go back into the environment."
"Reinvestment rate times return on capital."
"Tying growth rate to reinvestment makes your terminal value calculation actually a much more straightforward calculation."
"I reinvest a lot of the profits back into the business."
"Fundamental growth comes from looking at how much a company reinvests and how well it reinvests."
"Reinvest back in your core business."
"All the money that we make from YouTube goes straight back into the channel so we can go on these crazy trips."
"That's how you grow a brand, by putting the money back into your business, not into yourself."
"We've got to reinvest in those schools, taking some of the good things we've learned about how we can use online tools."
"When you reinvest dividends, the growth starts to build upon itself and really just catapults your portfolio into that next stratosphere."
"Everything we make goes straight back into the product."
"I'd love to earn more money to reinvest it back into the communities that I visit."
"If you don't need the cash flow right now, using this dividend reinvestment plan allows you to keep buying up more shares of the company."
"If you stick with it and you stay consistent and you keep reinvesting your profits, well in 10 years you're going to surprise yourself."
"Your earnings will go up, and your reinvestments will be higher, so your reinvestment rate might change, my return on capital might change, but the free cash flow should never change."
"This is all about the future, right? To estimate growth for the future, you need to estimate how much your company is reinvesting and how well it's reinvesting."
"Booming is when you use your resources solely to gain new resources."
"Reinvest back into the content, I think is like the best thing to do."
"Take that money that you're making and put it right back into getting more stuff for your business to make it better."
"I challenge you to start your own local brand, and then take the profits from that and reinvest them into local manufacture."
"You take your original investment, whatever you earned, and you reinvest it the next day or the next session."
"That's why people like this strategy because it allows them to get a property, go in, do the work, and get enough money out to go again."
"All the money I'm making on YouTube is going straight back into the channel."
"As long as you continue to reinvest dividends and buy shares of dividend growth companies, this should always continue to increase over time."
"The whole name of the game is to reinvest that business's free cash flow at a profitable and a high rate of return."
"...we need to retain and reinvest."
"Everything that came into the channel just got reinvested."
"All the money that we get for advertising, we put it all back in to go on trips."
"Thank you so much, that money goes right back into the studio."
"He's not motivated by money, he's basically reinvesting every penny into philanthropy and back into his channel."
"You're going to work a lot and you may sell a lot, but you're going to have to reinvest that to really grow what you want to do."
"Once the business had enough sufficient profits, the business invested all the profits back into the business to expand further."
"The hallmark of a non-profit isn't that they don't care about how much money they make, but rather that any profit made gets put directly into the organization instead of being paid out to stakeholders."
"Women reinvest 90% of their paychecks back into the household and community expenses."
"You should be reinvesting at least 30 percent of the profits that you're making from advertising back into your online store."
"Every money that I make, I'm gonna reinvest into my company and I'm gonna try to make this thing as viable as I possibly can."
"The company is looking for ways to reinvest in their business."
"If you roll over these options each week, you can purchase more shares of the ETF and then sell more call options."
"Instead of just relaxing and living easy, he reinvested it back into another company."
"All the money we made we put it back into things that would make more money."
"My biggest piece of advice is to always invest back into your company."
"You have to have discipline when it comes to the reinvesting part of your business."
"Sometimes the big reinvestment you make isn't buying time, it's just committing some time to try to get a breakthrough and move forward."
"If you want to keep growing and scaling your online business for an even higher return, you have to be prepared to reinvest at least 30 to 50 percent of profits that you make back into your business on a day-to-day basis."
"Every time I sold something, I always took a percentage of my sale and put it immediately back into art materials."
"David has conditioned his audience to be like, 'Yes it's a sponsored video I'm so excited,' because when they see that he reinvests a portion of that brand deal into the actual content itself."
"Thank you guys so much, once again. I put everything that this channel has given me, I try to just keep putting in, like reinvesting in fun."
"Get rid of all those items that you're not using, sell them, make the money, and then buy something that you are wanting or needing on your list."
"This tells me that this company does a good job of reinvesting the capital in its business."
"We need to support this because we'll be able to put money back into our communities."
"I define success as making enough money from sales to pay for new items going into the store."
"Let love prevail, you both are reinvesting in this wholeheartedly."