
Human Capital Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Investment in human capital is obviously important because it helps citizens provide even greater value to their country and can help develop the economy."
"The most valuable thing on the planet today is human capital."
"The game changer in India is... our natural resources are actually all of you. It's the people."
"Rwanda knew the most valuable resource it had was its people."
"Singapore's economic success relied on attracting foreign investment and fostering human capital."
"The common denominator of all of it is human capital... the ability to spot the opportunities, create opportunities, market, make is something that lots of people talk about but they don't really understand the full mechanics of it."
"The most resourceful resource from Nigeria is not the crude oil, it's the human."
"Investing in people and skills is always a good thing."
"Workers are considered human capital, and they produce more when healthy and educated."
"The number one greatest asset a company or nation has is the intelligence of its employees or its citizens."
"Beyond the cash received from remittances, labor migration can also have a beneficial impact on human capital."
"Human capital and education is becoming more important for the advancement of the US economy."
"Money only creates wealth when it's combined with human labor."
"It's stupid for a businessman and today a president to reject such a fantastic asset. Great human capital, massively produced."
"Human capital is the lifeblood of the semiconductor manufacturing industry, where the right person can bring immense value to a company's competitive edge."
"We truly underestimate the impact that will have in unlocking wealth, in unlocking human capital."
"We have to have a long-term investment in our human capital so that they can be the growth driver of the economy long term."
"The most important capital is human capital."
"There are crucial differences between human capital and other forms of capital, such as physical or financial capital, justifying the need for specialized study."
"This is a story of a massive and increasing investment in human capital through Education."
"The most valuable thing is human capital."
"Of the two, the case for human capital perhaps has more merit...Japanese Carrier air crewman were at the time among the most highly trained aviators in the world."
"You need to be able to tap into that human resource and mineral resource."
"See people as an investment... not an expense."
"Human capital is as valuable, if not more so, than capital."
"...the net benefit of... being a people capitalist, a people venturer, and he would place bets on people."
"...economists call their human capital... the most important determinant of how much people earn."
"Making investments in people themselves, what economists call human capital, should be a top priority for almost any emerging economy."
"Investing in human capital and green infrastructure."
"The best natural resource that the Philippines has is us Filipinos."
"The first obligation of any organization, particularly an organization that does work that's socially important, but any organization really in the human capital sector, is to make its people better."
"I think it's very much the case that human capital has a role to play in crypto networks and it's part of the production capital that they're comprised of."
"Great power status or national power essentially comes from a number of things: your human capital, your economic base, your military strength."
"What's really important is human capital."
"Human capital may be more valuable than physical capital like equipment or technology."
"We are not forgotten about the many resources that we have... but we want to see those as a means to develop our human capital."
"We are investing in human capital to create an inclusive society through equal access to technology."
"A nation does not become great because of the wealth of its natural resources, a nation becomes great because of the wealth of its human capital."
"The most precious resource is actually the human resource."
"The wealth of nations lies in its people."
"Our biggest resource is our people."
"Human resources are an asset to the company."
"Investing in our human capital... is putting the people at the center of everything we are doing."
"Human resources are the country's biggest assets."
"One of the most important determinants of the wealth of a country... is your human capital base."
"Human capital is investing in the worker to make that worker more productive."
"The strategic execution of a series of human capital systems is not the administrative kind of staff support role traditionally associated with HR."
"Select and develop people who have an appreciation for human capital of human development."
"Those play an important complementary role in terms of development."
"By going to college, you are sacrificing consumption goods... in order to accumulate what we call human capital."
"As we move into an age where everything's about AI and deep learning, human capital is going to be like a secret weapon."
"Human capital is part of our intangible capital valuation."
"Invest in the people, not in the infrastructure."
"Our number one asset is our people, so how we invest in our people for their health, for their education, for skills... is the only way."
"Investing in your people... that will be the difference between doubling next year and 5x in your business."
"We are in the business of humans because human assets and human capital is all we are developing and that's what we sell."
"Human capital is what creates innovation."
"Marx is kind of saying, both in terms of the human capital theory but also in terms of rational consumption, that's not going to be the case given the nature of the capitalist class relation to labor."
"Encouraging the domestic industry, strengthening human capital, and building an entrepreneurial spirit will be critical to keeping India's chip design industry strong in the years ahead."
"Everyone has human capital; there are certain random events that can occur to individuals to damage their human capital."
"We don't just look at doing business; how do we spend time investing in human capital?"
"Your only sustainable edge is your talent, your human capital."
"Pleasure is largely based on appetites, when you take your appetites and you add human capital, learning, thought, it becomes enjoyment."
"The central importance of human capital in all aspects of long-term development process."
"Invest some of their money in the human capitals and invest some of their money in the younger generation."
"Human capital as the key in reducing poverty and addressing inequality."
"Education human capital are fundamental drivers of economic growth, of standards of living, of prosperity."
"Investment in people, that's the single most important thing for a company."
"The most precious resource of any country is its human resource."
"The importance of human capital, all these new industries of the future, the main determinant is the quality of the human capital."
"Improvement in human capital can cause the curve to shift outwards."
"Human capital is the scarce resource right now."
"Skilled, healthy, and productive human beings are the pathway to global access, success, and prosperity."
"It is critical that people invest in education to prepare the human capital."
"People are really a strength for a company's performance."
"What's your biggest asset if you're McKinsey? People. And what you spend recruiting and training those people is equivalent to capex."
"Businesses have the ability because of the human capital, the financial capital, the intellectual capital to adapt and evolve."
"Focusing on your human capital and earning potential first can make everything about the money coming into your household feel less scarce."
"The vast majority of the relationship between human capital and the company's bottom line is actually explained by the links between the individuals in the company."
"Investing in your own human capital can potentially be much more lucrative than all those other kinds of more traditional investments."
"The last safe investment: why investing in your human capital outperforms everything else."
"This country has been a magnet for human capital for generations."