
Meat Consumption Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"A high-fiber, plant-based, all-natural vegan diet with a calorie deficit works, but the thing is, I think and love meat. I'm not giving that up."
"Meat is more energy-dense than plants and is high in B12, zinc, and iron, which are all crucial for brain development."
"The disproportion between that little bit of extra pleasure you might get from eating meat and the phenomenal amount of destruction required to produce it should surely commend it to anyone as a stupid thing to do."
"It's blatantly obvious now that we do not need to consume animals to be healthy. We will be far healthier without them."
"The link between meat and cancer is such that even the Journal of Meat Science last year asked, 'Should we become vegetarians?'"
"Ethics of eating meat...this is just as important a conversation that we need to have."
"If I eat meat, I feel like a million bucks. I'm ready to rock."
"Scientifically speaking, meat is being linked to disease of all kinds: we cholesterol, or basically heart disease and strokes."
"Your best strategy there is to be as thin as possible, and how are you gonna do that? Probably two to one red meat."
"I still eat meat because it tastes good, but I'm not against veganism."
"If it's better, I will never eat meat again."
"If you read the studies, you realize nothing has changed. Meat is dangerous."
"Eat a proper human diet consisting mainly of fatty red meat, if you want some eggs throw some eggs in there, if you want some chicken or pork within reason it's probably fine."
"Eating meat on the scale that America does it is bad for the environment, it is ruining the earth."
"I don't think it's weird of me to point out that eating meat is wrong even if I'm still doing it."
"Particularly as people get richer they tend to eat more meat."
"It's important to be aware of the environmental impact of eating meat."
"If we could come up with a solution to this problem without taking meat away from meat lovers, then we could probably all live in harmony."
"The biggest problem is the difference between the small amount that we've consumed probably through most of our history and how we're now consuming meat over the last particularly 50 to 100 years."
"The awful effect of meat consumption on the environment is shocking."
"For him, the bottom line is that he doesn't feel good when he eats meat."
"Yes, people do eat meat because it tastes good. That is really their justification people have when it boils down to it."
"Concentrating on nutrient-dense, high-fat sources of meat won't steer you wrong in that initial period."
"I'm never going to stop eating meat. I don't care what these fools say."
"It's really difficult to see how we can do that with 10 billion people eating meat on the planet."
"The case is pretty clear that less meat eating is good in almost every way."
"It's chicken it's pork it's an animal it's delicious."
"For dinner, I'm a big fan of grass-fed red meat... meat has been in the dog house for so long."
"It's getting a lot easier to have one less meat meal a week."
"We need drastic cuts in meat consumption and flying, but we're not asking for individual change."
"It's generally good advice for people who eat meat to stop being so disassociated from the food that they eat. If you're eating meat, [__] know what you're doing and respect the animal that you're eating."
"There's no scenario in which meat just disappears off the planet."
"It takes life to give life, and to know that, you have to take the life of an animal."
"The standard diet of a meat eater is blood, flesh, veins, muscles, tendons, cow secretions, hen periods, and bee vomit."
"I don't think that I am making any sacrifice in terms of my longevity by eating meat and organs in fact I think I'm improving it on a day-to-day basis."
"Meat solves a lot of problems, properly cooked meat liberates a lot of nutrition."
"Meat eaters get some B12, and the B12 came from bacteria in the animal's gut."
"Eating less meat is much more impactful to the environment than what you drive."
"You're better off if you don't eat any meat."
"Lean proteins and higher grade. I am a fan of eating leaner cuts of meat and I know people hate on me for it but it links with exactly my philosophy here."
"You can have a perfectly healthy and active lifestyle while not eating like a ton of meat."
"Red meat has been shown multiple times to not promote inflammation."
"We are all obligate carnivores; you're eating meat every single day."
"Meat is very nutrient dense... very healthy."
"Cutting out meat products for a while... wasn't that bad."
"The optimum amount of meat in a healthy human diet is precisely zero."
"People want meat, it's in massive demand, it needs to be done nonetheless. There's no stopping it, it's just you may as well carry on with the way it is."
"No the damage of heme iron is not just an association with carb consumption."
"There's so much benefit that comes from eating meat."
"Meat meta-analysis after meta-analysis show that higher meat consumption even unprocessed red meat is associated with increased ischemic stroke."
"We didn't start eating all the meat, we started eating some meat, and this is the path to being more vegetarian."
"Red and processed meats are class 2A and 1A carcinogens."
"If you're a red-blooded American and you love meat, don't sleep on this."
"We are not herbivores, we're not even really omnivores, we require meat, we do not require plants at all."
"You don't understand biology from a fundamental level if we've been eating meat for two million years even if we didn't start out as it being optimal for us it definitely would have become optimal for us."
"Red meat is a net contributor to meeting human protein requirements."
"I don't function properly when I don't have meat."
"We're perfectly adapted to break down and absorb meat."
"People love eating meat, and we wanna be able to keep eating meat for thousands of years coming up."
"High level takeaway for me is eat meat, eat grass-fed meat."
"I really do and that's I agreed with a lot about what you said about meat."
"97 percent of Americans still eat meat, and around the world, it's very similar. Any country that can afford to do so does."
"Dear meat is some of the best meat you might be missing out on."
"We eat meat, and in order to eat meat, I personally believe that it's important to know how your meat is prepared, where it comes from, what animals needed to be sacrificed in order to enjoy that meat."
"The best thing you can do as an environmentalist which I always was was just eat less meat don't eat meat and when I heard what he was saying it was just different than anything I'd heard before."
"I find, when people eat so much meat, it’s just because they haven't had the chance to find their favorite, good, vegetarian thing yet."
"It actually puts them amongst one of the most healthiest meats that we actually have."
"I am eating one cow and we can get enough meals to feed almost my whole family from one cow."
"Several big names ate meat throughout their entire healing process and during the times that I ate meat it did not inhibit my healing."
"Eating meat will help fix the calorie problem. It will also make intermittent fasting easier."
"As long as the four gut microbiome optimizing principles are being followed, moderate consumption of meat can be included from the beginning of the healing process."
"If you are going to consume meat more poultry has a way lower carbon footprint then beef does."
"Meats are classified as carcinogens."
"There is no substitute for meat being able to like choose to be a vegan is such a like first world luxury I mean it's just it's not a real in my opinion just practical thing if you're actually going out and living off the land it's just yeah."
"You can start making meat history today."
"I'll sit sometimes I'll, I mean, I'll put a whole pound of meat down in one sitting."
"A lot of people have an issue eating meat because of how disconnected people are from where they get their food."
"Meat eating is probably one of the most important things that come along."
"You get everything you need in the proportion that you need it from eating meat."
"The highest life expectancy from birth is Hong Kong that eats the most meat per capita on earth."
"As long as you're moving towards the direction of eating a lot more meat and eating a lot less garbage, it's going to be really, really beneficial to you."
"Reduction of excess meat consumption is among the most effective measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions."
"Avoid fried meats which angry up your blood."
"It may well be that totally eliminating meat from your diet is just not viable."
"People exclusively eat meat, they don't get heart disease."
"Choosing leaner meat options and adopting healthier cooking methods can contribute to a more balanced and health-conscious approach to daily nutrition."
"The question of meat is very, very important."
"We didn't evolve to eat meat; we evolved because we ate meat."
"I like knowing that if I'm eating meat, it's really high quality or I know exactly where it came from."
"If you're gonna eat meat all the time, at least make sure that it's tasty and delicious."
"I like their Animal Welfare certified, like it's important to me when looking for meat sourcing meat that it's treated humanely."
"If we are going to eat meat, we should look after our animals well."
"I'm thinking about reducing the amount of meat in my diet."
"If you do choose to eat meat, then you should be choosing ethically farmed animals."
"Our love of meat is harming our planet."
"Low consumption of meat can benefit every aspect of society and it has a huge effectiveness to the sustainable development of this world."
"It's really hard to get fat eating meat. If you take a normal healthy human being and say just go eat as much meat as you want, they're not going to get morbidly obese like people that are eating cheesecakes and Doritos and Twinkies and ice cream."
"We've been eating meat for what, three million years as a human species. What other animal on the planet that has been eating meat its entire existence gets chronic disease? None."
"Beef contributes by far the most carbon pollution and other kind of methane and nitrous oxide to the environment."
"If we could make a bit of an effort to reduce the amount of meat we eat just a little bit, that will help."
"Meat and organs are incredibly valuable for humans."
"We're designed to eat meat, and that's a fact we've been eating meat for millions of years."
"Meat consumption globally is projected to continue rising, not fall."