
Life Coaching Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Life coach is somebody that helps others to meet their goals, gain confidence, become motivated, find their purpose and meaning in life."
"Many Self-Help Gurus and Spiritual Teachers have taught their disciples this and then proceeded to lead them on the path of taking personal responsibility for their life and their relationships."
"What are your values, what are your motivations, what are your roadblocks, what are your goals? And like dismantling those roadblocks and starting to make forward progress, that's what coaching is about."
"I'm Aileen and I'm here to guide you to become a master artist of life."
"My job is not to just empower you, my job is to watch the things in your life cut out that don't need to be there."
"Channel the fight or flight into flow. Flow can be applied to anything in life, it is often described as the Zone by athletes to me it is a place of optimal engagement with life."
"Here's the thing. There's one simple hack to achieving the life you've always wanted. And it's just, it's mindset."
"Do you need help finding your happiness? Are you looking for positive reinforcement? Then you want serious joy. Serious joy."
"Serious Joy is a predictive astrology and life coaching service that is so incredibly accurate and helpful, you'll have to try it to believe it."
"We're all about teaching you how to become a better man, a better protector, better provider, and a better leader over yourself, your family, your business, your community - every area of life that is important to you."
"You want to live a life you love so I'm gonna teach you how to go out and get it for yourself."
"We offer more value than all these other channels because we're helping you guys actually change your life."
"Your right to exercise your free speech doesn't come at the expense of someone else's."
"We help people build a life that builds resilience."
"Simplify your life until that drawer is tidy so you can come home, put things in it, close the door, and then later, open it up and find out exactly what you need from that drawer and get it out easily."
"Peace in your history, purpose in your talent, and optimism in your future are all things I can help you with."
"I help you live your best life financially, emotionally, and in every other way."
"My real job is to help you make real changes in your life."
"Let's help everybody get their head screwed on straight when it comes to their life, their relationships, their money."
"Release your past and start a new journey, you are a teacher and helper of others to find their way."
"Your strategy is fine, but the energy behind the actions is what's giving you the opposite effect."
"Bitcoin never drops below its production cost."
"This is 'Magnetize Yourself' where we talk about life, love, spirituality, and of course, the law of attraction."
"Life coaching isn't backed by scientific research... it can be kind of dangerous."
"Life coaching certification school for $7,400... that's crazy to me."
"Watch me grow, grow along with me, build your life, follow these techniques, go actually embody this stuff, act on it, and then stick around for more theory."
"Create level 10 success in every area of your life."
"Life coaching is like being the sound and light technician in the background, always making sure that the best conditions exist to create the most awesome results."
"We're just growing, we're just evolving, and I challenge you all to do the same. That's what life is about."
"Tim Ferriss possesses an uncanny ability to help people unleash the full potential of life."
"Life coaching is a fundamentally unregulated industry it's not to say that all life coaches are bad it is entirely possible for licensed clinicians to also be life coaches with the appropriate legal separation between those two things."
"If you don't star in your own life, who's going to?"
"That's me asshole consulting com we have we have saved thousands of young boy's life some women too but men are the only ones ironically that listed to me uh and I've gotten the email that hey captain thank you for Omega"
"It's a much more positive, forward looking goals focused activity where we get clear about what you really want in your life and then take steps to make it actually happen."
"So if you're ever going to start mentoring somebody you want to be a life coach or anything just make sure that you've actually done it and i don't mean read about it i mean been through it experienced it"
"I help you to rewrite those stories in a more truthful kind of way, where you know your worth."
"My goal is to help you create a really passionate life."
"I want to give you the mindsets and the tools that you need to go out there and live an extraordinary life."
"I want to show you the light side. I want to make you the Jedi of your life."
"We're here to help men improve get better in life okay so we want to help you improve financially in the sexual Marketplace and just win in life."
"We're going to talk about how we magnetize favorable resources circumstances and situations in our lives."
"This person's going to help you get more organized and be someone who helps connect you to your purpose in life."
"I live for helping people feel empowered to create the life that they imagine."
"...my ability to see out-of-the-box solutions and match those with your life is uncanny..."
"A life coach helps you dream big and stretch your horizons to create a compelling vision for your life."
"As your life coach, I'm here to help you take those steps and make each moment matter."
"Someone who made perfect choices their whole life is not going to be a good life coach."
"But, we learn that that's actually nothing to be afraid of. It's actually a good thing. And, the next time we have an issue with something, we might want to call our life coach."
"Our job and our desire is to make sure we walk with singles in this season so that they can live their best life ever."
"Can you be my life coach? That would be honored. Thank you."
"Help people find that balance between 0 and 300,000."
"Mindy's passion for life shone through every day as she encouraged all the people to live their lives to their fullest potential."
"I'm always coming from a place of love and wanting to see you live your best life."
"I mean, you're using discernment, prayer, wisdom, encouragement to handle. The bottom line is you're in their life and you're figuring it out."
"I want to do life coaching. We'll help you out."
"I'm essentially like what I'm doing here working away in the background is like planning how I can guide and help people within this space navigating life and love from a more heart-centered space."
"I've helped thousands of people just like you go from lives of drama, trauma and chaos, to step into lives of freedom, possibility and purpose."
"I've basically dedicated my entire life to helping people figure out ways that they can live life on their own terms."
"Peter devotes his life to sharing insights and strategies to create an inspired life and find true freedom by awakening new levels of awareness."
"Let us normalize seeing life coaches."
"It's different when a qualified counselor offers life coaching as a service."
"If you're serious about playing to win at life and you want to live a fully optimized life as best as you can, I'd recommend it."
"If you use this method, trans surfing, then you ride on a wave of success."
"This isn't a 'how to make a channel'; we're going to show you things to improve your channel, things that's going to improve your life."
"We're like a lifestyle therapist, we help you identify what are the habits that are going to transform your life."
"It's where we help you win in your life, specifically winning with your money, winning in your work, and winning in your relationships."
"We're here to help you find strategies that work in your day-to-day life and to find relationships that will help make it possible to make these changes with strength and resolve."
"What I teach you to do is journey, transform, decide, talk, open up, make decisions that will change your quality of life."
"I like to coach people on how to live a full flipping life."
"I will give you a schedule that will change your entire life... it's a $25,000 a month schedule."
"If you are having any confusion here today, or in general in your path, your journey, your life, I am here to give you clarity."
"Learn to help people not just with their jobs but with their lives."
"I'm so excited I officially well it has to get approved but I've officially filed for my life coaching business."
"My meaningful mission is to help people build a life they love."
"He focused on some different aspects of his work, he gave life counseling."
"I've been helping people over the age of 40 live their potential."
"You're at the right place if you're looking for ways to improve different aspects of your life."
"I help you create the life and relationship you've always wanted."
"I'm the guy known around the world who helps men in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond get in the best shape of their life."
"I'm trying to help you move forward in life and have a more satisfying life."
"I'm here to help you get the most out of life."
"I'm interested in helping you change your life."
"There's still a lot to celebrate, and that's something that my life coach always made me really try and notice."
"As a life coach, I make sure that I motivate people not just physically but mentally as well."
"We help you win specifically with your money, your work, and your relationships."
"I can help you optimize your life."
"I'm trying to get people to feel more activated in their own lives."
"My purpose in life is to help you find your purpose."
"I think coaching should be a part of life."
"I just would say, man, simplify. It's what I say to every person I do consulting with."
"I really hope that I've made you feel better, more confident, more relaxed, happier in all aspects of your life."
"As always, we're building champions for life on this channel."
"You are made for more, and I'm gonna help you embrace the life you deserve."
"If you're an ambitious woman who is ready for more, life coaching with me is designed for you."
"It's not just about winning, it's about helping these guys be better at life, enjoy life, and be happy."
"They possess an uncanny ability to offer advice that resonates not just with the situation at hand but with the deeper aspects of a person's life."
"Let me teach you how to boss your life up, it's never too late."
"You know me, just trying to help the people get their life together."
"Join us to learn the cutting-edge techniques to take control of your body, your brain, and create your greatest life."
"Therapy Gecko is doing right, teaching you how to live your life."
"I could talk to her about my life, and she coached me into getting a better car."
"I help people organize their life, their money, and their business."
"She assists others to recognize and release the patterns and limiting beliefs that create the foundation of life."
"I'm a life coach now, and the reason I got into it is just because I'm fascinated with people."
"Life as a game, you want to make the best out of it, so let us help you get better in life."
"I wanted to be doing work that dealt with people's inner lives and helping them create the lives and careers they really wanted."
"Helping you live your dreams in career, hobby, and in life."
"I'm going to help you with your finances and life goals."
"This program is an awesome compliment to anything you're currently doing and it will give you an incredible ability to change people's lives, including your own."
"Your job is to show other people what is possible in life."
"Reframing your mind has helped me a lot in my life and I bet it could help a lot of you as well."
"He's coaching life and using football as his tool."