
Antagonism Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"There is no better way to impress upon an audience the strength of your protagonist than to show how the villain fears them."
"There's no better villain that embodies that darker antagonistic half of the tale than the fourth Espada. Cold, calculating, clinical, and statuesque, Ulquiorra is in my mind the ultimate Hollow villain in the series."
"The villain, while being super cliche, also super hateable, which is a great thing."
"Changing minds is more likely through friendly relationships than through antagonism."
"Helga actually serves as an antagonist for most of the series, but all that is actually a foil for how she truly feels about Arnold."
"There's probably no greater antagonist than that of the chaos gods. But what if I was to tell you that everything we think we know about them is wrong?"
"In terms of showcasing the true opposite end of the same coin in reference to Batman, he truly does it the best."
"The wow factor for me was the Mandarin aka Wenwu, which was our antagonist of the film."
"Maleficent is cool as [__]. You deal with me, oh Prince, and all the powers of hell."
"And despite our antagonist being so fierce in his opposition, he is without doubt one of those people."
"There is no inherent biologically necessary antagonistic relationship the way there is for a carnivore versus a herbivore."
"Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague and we are the cure."
"Excella Gionne is a Resident Evil baddie you love to hate."
"I've been a journalist for 28 years. I'm an antagonist by nature."
"There's no adequate way to explain how much it hates us."
"These pattern screamers are hateful reflections of us."
"Is Jake the bad guy? Yes, Jake is the [__] bad guy."
"The Joker has been the Dark Knight's deadliest arch-nemesis."
"Give the impression she doesn't want our pity. She'd rather make us hate her."
"And wouldn't it be so satisfying to see Dio just cockily sauntering over to Jotaro and just be like 'Oh, you look tired, Jotaro. How does it feel to be killed with your, you know, your great-great-grandfather's body?'"
"Machines eventually develop an urge to slaughter humans and the DVS are no exception. They will stop at nothing until JD and his friends are dead."
"Teen Titans comedy was gold, the villains were unparalleled."
"Imagine it's very easy to invigorate a movement if you have somebody to hate."
"People who speak the truth will be hated more and more and that's what we're headed to very rapidly."
"You're right, Thanos! Resources are limited! If only you weren't a genocidal asshole."
"The mainstream media is the actual enemy of the people."
"Devin Butler will become the main enemy in this series."
"You know you've made an incredible antagonist when you hate their guts anytime they do something on screen."
"You can be an antagonist without being a villain."
"He's trying to spite me. I don't know why, like he's evil."
"I want to have that clear bad guy where I'm like okay, [expletive] them, we need them out of our way."
"Listen here Agent Smith, I'm gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck."
"Evil Morty's plan is to destroy that curve, kill all the Ricks and Mortys in the Citadel, and escape to a new reality."
"The aggressive Force looks to destroy traditional civilization or Sauron and Saruman both destroy nature and despise it."
"Hell's Paradise really doesn't leave anything to be desired outside of a compelling antagonistic cast and great fights."
"Creating a villain that stands in the way of the player's goals is a great way to instantly build up animosity."
"The Syndicate was a pack of murdering cowards, each civilization's last hope."
"Unlike you trainers, I do not make Pokemon my friends or partners. Instead, I make the power of Pokemon my own."
"A villain serves as the primary motivator for the events of every story ever written."
"Do what we want or we will come get you. I don't like you people, I don't like you very much."
"I think that's the most interesting way to go about Superman, that he becomes the bad guy."
"My goal is to not die and my second goal is to make sure that the people who want me to die do die."
"You might get mad, you might get frustrated, you might want to beat up Skylar."
"Remember guys, every single good roleplay, every single good TV show, every single good movie you ever seen has to have villains in them."
"The film's antagonist, PAL, is pretty aptly named..."
"I will kill any who oppose me," Thanos roared.
"This is antagonist for the entire series until this point has become a character I genuinely felt for, devoting his everything and his very being to this one thing."
"The fact that they are in league with Hell makes them the doom Slayer's enemy."
"I've been looking forward to destroying all of you for a long, long time. Who wants to go first?"
"Tony Stark himself is the biggest bad in the MCU hands down."
"It's our duty as Anderson's to be a thorn in his side."
"Thanos the great tyrant is still enough for you."
"Wow, was that powerful. It's just absolutely crazy seeing the two major antagonists of the series from both sides being buried together."
"Putin is the only enemy... Plucky little Belgium... shields down this end." - Chris Brown
"Heath Ledger stars as the Joker, who sets out to prove humanity isn't worth saving by exposing all the hypocrisy, greed, and selfishness beneath the surface of Gotham City."
"The eldari still seem to be the big bad of Warhammer 40K to beat."
"I think Dr. Maruki is easily Persona 5's best antagonist for me."
"Marquis is not only a character that works really well as just like a villain but he's also just a character that you end up liking beforehand."
"If you're not human and don't worship the Emperor, then you are the enemy, a heretic, and must be exterminated; diplomacy is almost not a thing for the Imperium."
"That's a tough contender to get by if you're a bad guy."
"That's what why we're gonna put my finger on like why I think the first movie is so I love it and then why I think the movies were diminishing returns is like the antagonists in this movie or the dinosaurs."
"We are a group of baddies, look at how bad we are."
"Despising each other is packed with delicious tension, sexual and otherwise."
"but now there's something else loose on the streets something worse than you number 15 doomsday batman vs superman dawn of"
"Yo, good little too good, nothing good, all those heroes out there can't stop us."
"I want the Sith to win, I want the acolyte to come and take over, I want red lightsabers and every other color gone!"
"Anyone can stop him... and he controls all the clones."
"The literal antagonists of the planet... decided Gamestop, at long last, your defenses have been weakened to the point of no return."
"In every universe that has the turtles, there's an iteration of the villainous Shredder to serve as their foil."
"Classic Batman would be nowhere without the Joker."
"Why do you hate us so much? Because it's fun."
"I feed off their hate like a professional wrestling heel."
"Everybody's a villain and every in somebody else's story."
"Villains should never see themselves as evil. They should see themselves as the heroes of Their Own Story."
"Heroes and villains are equally matched because of the Guild of Calamitous Intent."
"The devil's hatred towards God and especially Jesus is so great."
"Stop being sloppy about this... there is something antagonistic to our interests out there."
"Any villain that kills Beerus is a statement. That is a statement."
"How do you fight this underlying predisposition for people to believe the worst about your chosen enemy?"
"It's impressive how quickly an antagonistic force becomes a strong ally."
"The purpose is to create conflict and increase antagonism in society."
"Kobe was made to be the villain, and now that the block is here, he's going to be the one to take down this evil empire."
"The antichrist will hate and oppose God... everything that God is, has done, and will do."
"Rick is the bad guy of somebody else's story."
"Characters like Gwildor would be rolled into the toyline and Frank Langella's Skeletor would set the tone for He-Man's rival in New Adventures."
"The real enemy of Walking Dead is the other humans that are surviving right."
"I do like the idea of monsters banding together against the Doctor."
"The only thing that will remain from this, will be the rage that he stirs up in his opponents’ hearts which will make them go out and vote him out of office."
"He will be the anti-Jesus if the Bible says it, he's going to absolutely hate it."
"The villains are often cooler and more memorable than the hero themselves."
"We will continue to drag these vampires into the sunlight and show the world who the true villains really are."
"Bradford goes full throttle, however, and persists on getting rid of Scrooge and everyone else around him once and for all."
"Dabi wants to expose the hypocrisy of the hero world, specifically Endeavor."
"There ain't no real beef other than me wanting to beat the [__] out of them."
"They want to put an end to humanity, these truly evil ones."
"Quite frankly, you're an enemy of yourself, not just us."
"The Republican party offers a theater of cruelty where your enemies are made to suffer."
"Attack these people for who and what they really are."
"Evidently, Jason is holding some type of grudge against Dion, his whole comment session and all his viewers have turned on this clown."
"Monsters is what I'm saying, they're worse than the people they're trying to defeat."
"The Titans are introduced to us as the primary antagonists of season 1, but as the series unfolds, we realize that the true antagonist was conflict and that the Titans were as much a victim to it as the people they consumed."
"Protecting the innocent from people like Mori."
"He's essentially what the devil is, he's trying to create chaos, he's trying to bring panic, he's trying to instill fear."
"They are the Justice League, and I hate them." - T.O. Morrow
"This one is dangerous. She's a threat and must be ended. Beware this one. She seeks the death of all things, all possibilities."
"Yuha does come across slightly more as your standard big bad boss."
"If you want to ruin a Sugar's day send some sugar books my way you know they hate that kind of support from you guys towards megi so yeah now we know that the sugars in the chat you really want to R them up game on guys game on"
"Cobblepot is ruthless, vindictive, calculating, inventive, and perhaps the most brilliant man he's ever fought."
"This is the most definitive heelish thing he's done but it's Edge's actions that have put him in this position."
"All For One knows just how to push Deku's buttons, and it is glorious."
"That evil wants something other than your life. It wants Palm Bear."
"Good people should drive evil people berserk we should bring much pain and suffering into their lives because they are evil."
"What does it mean to be a villain? This topic is mainly covered in the story of the main antagonist Tamura Shigaraki..."
"For the longest time Microsoft was basically saying screw you open-source community."
"Ganondorf's mocking of the would-be hero and blade is so good."
"Help the channel out in the process or maybe you unveil yourself as my new hated personal villain."
"We're Team Rocket, we like to cause trouble. Are you scared? You know honestly, Team Rocket guy, I'm really not scared, you douchebags were pretty low level."
"Anton Ego is of course the overall antagonist for most of the film as a critic."
"I have to kind of write in situations where it's kind of antagonistic, where things are coming at me, and that's when I do my best writing."
"The natural heels were foreign wrestlers, you're only talking about being 15 years away from the end of the war, they were just the natural bad guys."
"For over 30 years, this malnourished, unempathetic millionaire has served as Springfield's resident antagonist, whether it's random acts of organized violence, theft, bribery, manipulation, and probably every other criminal activity under the sun."
"He was quite an antagonistic character as well because he was also like even the name of his book, how would you translate it, the boast of black people over white people."
"His total disregard for life and everything the Pokemon World stands for makes him the ultimate antagonist to the ideals of the series and the purest idea of evil we've ever seen"
"He took Gotham's White Knight and brought him down to our level."
"He's going to take out all of the devil's men one by one."
"Let us hope Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day." - Lucius Malfoy
"The main villain of Superman is shockingly Lex Luther."
"Once I can't hurt you anymore, I'll find something else to hate."
"My tactic is to be a villain. I'm just going to continue being the bad guy."
"Frieza finds it very amusing when Gohan cries for Piccolo."
"...there's even a villain Tammy, the theme park Boss's Daughter, an entitled Brad who despises Skipper and tries to make her life hell."
"He hates the church, he hates believers, he hates the truth."
"Armilust, he's the son of Satan, he's the anti-messiah and he's in a battle against the Jewish messiah."
"He's playing with you, he's antagonizing you for his entertainment."
"Honestly, every movie needs a villain, and in this movie, the villain is not the shark, the villain is the fucking mayor. Hate that guy."
"My enemy says, 'Why so serious?!' - Batman!"
"The world is full of terrible people. We're going to show them to the Kingsman."
"I'm glad Mr. Freeze lives. [__] that Belson guy. Whatever. He sucks."
"Dio wanted to usurp the Joestar family, in particular taking out his aggression on the young Jonathan Joestar."
"Shane McMahon is the number one heel on WWE television."
"Joker exists to be an antagonist to someone else, and he is acutely aware of this fact."
"Kizaru is trying to kill them, obviously."
"Fear and hatred fueled Elizabeth."
"I'd love to get Lucius Malfoy for something," said Mr. Weasley with grim satisfaction.
"Having a good villain is one of the strongest advantages a film can have over its competition."
"He's the one villain who somehow manages to push Superman's buttons more than anybody else, even more so than his own arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor."
"I love when this is like a constant thing where it's like there's always like Dudley being Harry's bully and then there's like Malfoy being way worse than Dudley."
"The Dominion is basically the Federation, just evil."
"A movie is only as good as the motivation of its bad guy."
"He argues that the deep alienation and antagonisms in society have persisted and pose a danger to American democracy."
"The Cankers are just straight up the villains."
"The Cankers are the villains of this show."
"Mojo will destroy the Powerpuff Girls some other time."
"Love wins. This was like a poison to Grimsley. Bad fairies do not like love."
"I really didn't know how the [__] they were gonna make it out that [__], bro. Lotso's such a little [__]. I hope they find him and they jump him."
"A story of a powerful alien who just wants revenge on all Kryptonians and he's coming to Earth to get rid of all the Kryptonians. Of course, his immediate targets are Superman and Supergirl."
"Johan Liebert himself is a monster, the monster of the series in Monster, the main antagonist which uses peoples inner dark selves and hidden weaknesses against them."
"Antagonists are always full of themselves, yeah. They think, 'Like, come on dude, they're gonna win every single fight, yikes, and then they're gonna have the surprise."
"I hate the king more than any of them."
"Vince loved to be hated. I [__] reveled in that [__] heat is life."
"Blood and fire. That's all you guys ever bring to this island."
"Let them know you hate me so bad you gotta pay me to see the rest. You don't get to come back for free."
"In order to create some conflict, and then he puts the worst person he can think of to be in that role, in that role."
"Kill him. Do it. Kill All Might, kill the symbol of peace."
"When it comes to trolling, reverse flash is getting the job done and he will manipulate the battlefield in order to get the job done."
"Literally, reverse flash murdered Barry's mom just to secure the bag and having a rival in the future like dude, how much of a douchebag can you be?"
"Vice Admiral Rampart remains one of the more despicable adversaries the Bad Batch has come across."
"Don't give me orders you damn insect but you're right I'll use everything I have on this wretch."
"For our plan to work, we will have to make Cell even angrier."
"Sometimes the best antagonists are the villains that say things that you know are true but you just don't want to hear them."
"You need people like me so that you can point to me and say that I'm the bad guy."
"Somebody wants to be the villain in your story, they don't care. Somebody wants to be the villain in your story."
"You demon, Dominus will be very happy if I take care of you."
"A hero is only as good as his villain."
"Everybody needs a heel now, everybody needs somebody to hate on."
"She's one of the scariest female antagonists I've ever seen."
"Darkseid had a hand in both of their creations and they've proven time and again to be the New Gods most capable of opposing his might."
"Spider-Man, I will hunt you from the north side to the east side to the south side to the dark side."
"Understanding specifically around these two nutrients inside the plant, calcium and potassium, are intensely antagonistic."
"I don't know, you need a super bad guy, you already got the Imperium of man."
"The society at large becomes more and more antagonistic between individuals, between groups of individuals, and the society at large."
"The shark's starving right now. You know I need Lila to be the enemy."
"Yo, these humans is idiots. Why do they even think that I was gonna spare 'em? We eat y'all, have y'all ever spared a cow or a pig that was begging for its life?"
"Harry's about to be my villain origin story. He is so ugly. I'm not coming for his looks, I'm coming for his personality."
"Whatever classic Ben 10 villains we use, I want to make sure that they challenge the protagonists and function as a mirror of their respective Heroes."
"You are no match for the power of the dark side."
"Violence is never the answer, but he was trying to be nice, this guy was just like kept antagonizing him."
"The Great Intelligence's ultimate goal was to hijack the Doctor's timeline so it could erase all his past victories, essentially dooming the universe to a dark fate."
"The enemy is so perfect at first, I didn't know how to feel about this, but I realized more and more why it's a perfect kind of enemy."
"It could be a way of the world government defining an enemy of theirs like Dragon."
"Evil is subjective, and I don't think Blackbeard is that bad compared with some of the other antagonists in the series."
"Darkseid became obsessed with finding its opposite force, the Anti-Life Equation."
"She's the absolute worst, and people are gonna hate her more than Voldemort."
"We need Crocodile, our first Warlord of the series, and not only is he a great Warlord, he's also a really good antagonist and villain."
"We believe that Master Ash is none other than Kvothe's true enemy amongst the Chandrian, Cinder."
"The demons in Kimetsu no Yaiba... are the villains of the story because they eat humans to gain power."
"A reoccurring villain can really add a level of moral ambiguity to a campaign or moral black and whiteness that you really need."
"Reoccurring villains are honestly an incredible thing to have in your campaign; it gives your players motive to continue, it gives them something to hate, it gives them something to look forward to."
"Does today's global capitalism contain strong enough antagonisms which prevent its indefinite reproduction?"
"There tend to be these emotional forces that pull us toward adversarial relations, even when it doesn't make sense."