
Community Role Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"We all can play a role in the future of health and medicine."
"Everyone has got their role to play, whether it's directly involving healthcare, maintaining essential services, or simply staying at home."
"Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread and transmission of the virus."
"It's up to the community, the family, the parents to try to push their son in the right direction."
"Finding the joy in being that person for other people."
"We as citizens always... have to police the police."
"Each of you is a solution for the other. Everybody plays a role here."
"The power of example is amazing... there's a role that we all as a society and community can play."
"And I always felt like we needed something like that in the astrological community, so I’ve tried to a certain extent—amongst many other roles—to play that role."
"What kids actually truly need is guidance. I think they need purpose and meaning given to them by their parents and by their community."
"We're your emotional support Canadians up here."
"Christian communities can help shift convictions and attitudes."
"Every pub is a parliament... it's where we debate things."
"Decrees are a part of what we, as the ecclesia, are supposed to do."
"Each of us as individuals have a role that we can play."
"Lamies tells Boxo that she believes that he has become a necessary part of this place."
"You often think the leader is that other person over there with the big title, but it isn't. It's you, it's me, it's all of us."
"Small businesses play an absolutely vital role in securing our nation."
"For the people here, even for the young kids, you know, I think probably many of the parents they tell them, 'Look at him, also a kid from here, studied, fought for his life, for his success.' And I feel some responsibility."
"The fate of American society does not rest with conservatives, it rests with people in the middle."
"Teen drama channels actually have an essential function within the beauty community."
"What is something that people always come to you and ask for help with?"
"I really appreciate you having me on, and I guess this is sort of what I feel like my role is here on YouTube or in this community as sort of being a resource."
"We do need more parents to be like levar ball Trustin we need we need the brothers brothers we need you we need you you got to be there."
"It takes a village to raise a child, but it is the parent's responsibility to set the parameters."
"My big point is this where is the church in chapters 4 through 22?"
"Football has a role to play in the community."
"Schools are essentially an extension of the home in that sense, providing sanctuaries of learning of nurturing and care."
"Without you guys, we wouldn't be where we're at."
"We all need to rise up together. We all play a different role."
"This is about as perfect a mod candidate as they come."
"So this is a real status marker that we've got on our mummy. It really flags him up as an important individual within his own community."
"The church was left here to fulfill the plan."
"We are called to follow Jesus, to be salt and light."
"We've just got to rise to the occasion and do that, and I think within that we'll be able to unlock a lot of ways in which institutions like Morehouse and Spelman can be that thing that they actually think they are within the black community."
"A job is about dignity, respect, your place in the community, more than a paycheck."
"They become a center of intellectual discourse as well."
"I'm so glad that I've been able to be an escape for some of you during this time."
"But I do know that we have a man here in the town that I live, he is a DJ at the radio station here in town and he has Asperger's."
"We're to be the light that's not to be kept under the bushel basket."
"Halo is special because unlike most other games, the communities within Halo big or small all play a role in elevating the franchise beyond what its creators are capable of doing."
"This is my therapy, you guys are my therapy."
"This is what being a firefighter is all about."
"Guardians are the foundation for a race to stand upon."
"God's up to something. You're not part of just the church, you're part of a move of God."
"Socialization is a process, and it takes a whole village."
"Vaughn prepares for his coming-of-age ceremony where he aims to become a recognized hunter and adult in the village."
"This is more than a hair salon. It's therapy. It's spiritual guidance. It's a chance to shape hearts and minds in our hair journey together."
"The secret to peace is us. It's us who act as a surrounding community around any conflict, who can play a constructive role."
"Don't underestimate your power or your contributions, you are part of something bigger."
"I know it sounds like, 'Oh, Stephanie, you're blaming everybody, it's just the parents' fault, um, it's, you know, Maya Jones's fault,' absolutely, 100 million percent agree with you, but there is more that people can do."
"This has been everything from a ballroom, a billiards hall, Sunday school, some say even a funeral parlor."
"Truth is, someone has to keep them on their toes. I do my part even when it's less inconvenient."
"I don't want people to hear that you have to be out in Kenosha like you are every single Christian has a part in pushing back against darkness with the power of the gospel no matter where God has placed you."
"Flitter loved her job most ponies thought they knew what flitter's job was just another part of ponyville's weather team naturally those ponies were stupid."
"The black church definitely plays a big role man in our communities man and it's like I don't understand why we can't like see what's right in front of us like the obvious."
"You can never have an impact without a portion."
"I want the miracle over the money. I live off a miracle because, man, I feel like God is our reparation. I feel like God is holding special black people. That's our reparation trap bars."
"Because we had a structure just to give you an idea. You know, I was entrusted with the position of the Imam."
"An unexpected benefit of third places is their utility in an emergency as Community hubs."
"I'm trying to be the best husband I can be, the best dad I can be, trying to be the best... Town celebrity that I can be."
"I do pray that God is using the Salt and Light of the church, the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit."
"Outlaw dip has an important place there for a lot of people."
"I will protect my village at all costs and become the greatest villager ever."
"It's the Sweet Spot of the church, I'm telling you."
"We need their support and we appreciate your role in bringing that support."
"You guys are the most important part to everything, like the memes, the things that are happening."
"The mayor said Patsy Ann should be called the town's greeter."
"The key to the transformation be creating post-industrial education is to recognize who the critical players in the community are: the kids."
"...she felt exactly like the spinster of the village, cats and all."
"We have made you Believers a middle Nation so that you may bear witness to the truth before others."
"You are destined for success and stability in home, family, and community."
"You're such an ambassador to the city."
"Think about getting a proper education, think about having a talent, a gift, think about what you want to be in the community, think about your position in your family and those that are behind you."
"To them, you might be their favorite YouTuber, their big sis, the one you can't wait to watch every post notifications on."
"Becoming an icon of dawa in the community, a reflection of Islam for everyday people to see and interact with."
"There will be better days ahead, and we believe Comic-Con museum will play an important role in San Diego's recovery after CO19."
"A very important part of being in eco village is also the educational aspect."
"The role of music, the role of community, and maybe most importantly the role of taking it seriously."
"Each believer is given a gift so that he may function in the body of believers in a particular way."
"Empowering women who can play an important role in the community."
"The tradition of bonnets... signifies a woman's acknowledgement and embrace of her role within the Amish community."
"The obligation to raise a family... viewed as divine blessings and form the central aspect of an Amish woman's role within the community."
"These sanctuaries are meant to teach, uplift our people, make them the backbone and the vanguards for the truth."
"She contributed the idea of there being a Clan lore-keeper who would be an information and resource gatherer."
"We are the life bearers and we are important to our people."
"Don't forget how valuable you are to people in your life."
"I kind of want to be that house for the kids out there that they're extra excited about."
"It's only you that can keep them here."
"Tinker is a Booster Club mom known around Duncan as the casserole Queen."
"A Rams cheerleader is a great community ambassador, a great role model, and more importantly, just a great human being."
"We each have a role in the new belter nation."