
Great Depression Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Because of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the confidence in the capitalist system being able to solve its problems as they arose collapsed."
"Of Mice and Men is a really dark story about two friends trying to survive the Great Depression."
"We could be in a sustained Great Depression if we don't get money into the hands of the people now."
"I don't know what the word 'compromise' means if working families are living today in more economic desperation than since the Great Depression."
"Let's jump to 1930. As you might remember from history class, the main event from the 1930s was the Great Depression."
"You drew some really interesting parallels between the 1929 crash and the thirties recession."
"FDR saw the United States through a period of economic disaster and global war."
"The president's fireside chats lifted the spirits of the nation during the depression years."
"We might not be creating a frugal decade; we might be creating a 1929-style depressionary decade."
"Symbolizes American resilience and ambition during the Great Depression."
"In contradiction to the popular notion that the population of America was passive for the most part during the worst days of the great depression, the opposite was true."
"You're looking at a 1930s type of great depression."
"His social policies were very bad for the economy... lengthened the Great Depression by up to eight years."
"By the time FDR became president, the unemployment rate peaked in 1933 at 25.6 percent."
"Our choices are another Great Depression or another Weimar Germany hyperinflation."
"The plot tells how, during the Great Depression, the love of horse racing in America reached its climax."
"By the early 1930s, the Great Depression meant economic disaster for the entire United States."
"The Great Depression was caused by a Federal Reserve."
"The fair was more successful than Rufus or Charles Das could have hoped, given the depression."
"It covers one of the most devastating epics in our national American history, the Great Depression."
"The people that lived through the Great Depression figured out how to survive because they had no choice."
"Silver Falls State Park originally opened in 1933 following the Great Depression."
"...oh everyone is starving we should give people jobs and just have them build stuff for a while until this Great Depression thing shakes out."
"Perfume was a luxury that many women clung to during the hard times of the Great Depression."
"It helped to drag the US out of the Great Depression and galvanized American production."
"The crash of 1929 was devastating to the US economy, to say the least, and ushered in the Great Depression."
"Hallelujah, the great depression's over."
"a struggle of one small Alberta Community to care for its residents during the Great Depression marks a tiny step in the evolution of Canada's Universal Health Care system"
"The Great Depression had a deep and profound effect on global society."
"What stands out though about the period is not just the severe economic devastation it caused"
"We have had, for example, a crash in 1929, a terrible crash that gave us a depression that's what it's called that lasted for 11 years roughly from '29 to '41..."
"The taking affirmative action to meet the depression and give people back their own sense of self-confidence."
"The trials of the high desert hardened them, and they would not only survive during the Great Depression, they would thrive."
"The great depression and the new deal represented a watershed moment for African Americans throughout this country and reshaped the 20th century's trajectory of black life in the United States."
"When the city actually got people who were out of work during the Great Depression, they paid people to do work."
"She didn't like to waste anything. She grew up in the Depression."
"He supported everybody in my family during the Depression like nothing, and he's just the finest man I ever knew."
"We can learn a lot from the Great Depression... to be more conscious about our things and not wasting, as well as saving money."
"During the stock market crash of 1929, the Dow Jones index fell 89% when it bottomed out in the summer of 1932."
"Packard was the only independent luxury American brand to survive the Great Depression."
"The Great Depression played into the mafia's hands, granting them control over liquor, transportation, major industries, and local elections."
"The Four Winds is a historical fiction that is a depression era tale following a family striving for a better life."
"The three major policy mistakes that they made during the Great Depression were a reflection of the fact that policymakers then simply did not understand how the economies operated."
"One of the best historians of the Great Depression, Charles Kindleberger, used to argue that ultimately the Great Depression came about because of failure of economic leadership on the world stage."
"The Great Depression was the result of a failure of intellectual will, the consequences of simply not understanding how the economy worked."
"A country seemed to have done better if they went off the gold standard sooner in the depression."
"The link between currency and gold is probably a pretty significant cause of the Great Depression."
"Keynes's written works sparked a revolution in economic thought that provided inspiration for the American and British responses to the Great Depression."
"With poverty and homelessness at such a high, shantytowns had risen up known as Hoovervilles."
"The body style of the truck suggests a 30s ERA model, consistent with the time when the Great Depression spawned an increased number of Prospectors."
"Carl Perkins was born in April of 1932 during the Great Depression."
"Because of how people felt during the Great Depression... he was a rock star before there were rock stars."
"The Depression years of the '30s was often, as with the medical profession, a hand-to-mouth existence."
"Almost nothing in American history is as misunderstood as the Great Depression."
"The persistence of the Great Depression due to failed efforts by President Hoover led to support for the New Deal programs."
"The Depression destroyed the relative prosperity of the world economy from the 1920s."
"The famous 1929 stock market crash that wiped people out and the initiation into a period of great depression."
"This one is a really beautiful story that takes place during the Great Depression."
"The more I am researching the Great Depression, the more I am realizing how relevant the way they lived then is to now."