
Weather Conditions Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Bangladesh have won the toss. What will you be doing and the reasons for it? I like to bowl first, looks a little moist on the wicket and expecting some swing."
"Of the four major American pro sports, the NFL stands alone in its willingness to play through brutal weather conditions."
"According to the commentary, it's the hottest it has been so far. Both teams look tired."
"Definitely the weather is perfect this weekend."
"He's dealing with that changing conditions doing a great job, see what the weather does I don't think anybody knows."
"Excitement doubles as rain falls, adding to the challenge."
"You might have one [winter], I've heard it gets wintry here and dark sometimes."
"The hotter the weather, the better your chances of seeing Ogopogo are," witness Leslie Kerry put it.
"The weather can really just descend and the fogging in can get Gary thick."
"Fog not a constraint for launch, just a constraint for being able to see it at liftoff, but hopefully it climbs above that fog and into the blue sky."
"Thank god for me it wasn't very cold clutched this is good thank god for me."
"A sensational drive in the wet, a sensational drive in the dry."
"If you're going to line up on the parade route early, yeah, it'll be a little chilly to start your day."
"How insane was it that Vinatieri, Vinatieri that won Super Bowls with the Patriots kicking in, you know, snowstorms?"
"Conditions are favorable; the threat for tornadoes will go down the further away you are from the Gulf of Mexico."
"They're excellent, there's a surprising amount of grip in the wet."
"When you're transplanting it's best to transplant on a nice cloudy day with a little bit of rain or something."
"Now it was communicated the upper level winds have been verified acceptable winds are green for today's launch opportunity so good news on the winds hooray."
"The Flasher can be used not only in sunny weather but also in Rain, fog, and snow."
"That's super reasonable but the catch with this explanation is that there were no reported storms or thunderstorms or rain in the area that night at all I'm just saying something here clearly isn't adding up quite right."
"Everything was cold and wet, but it was stunningly beautiful."
"I would never hike in freezing cold temperatures in rain again without an umbrella unless somebody made me."
"It's all about how you dress, there's no such thing as bad weather."
"No rain check, no refund on the afternoon wave, so we played. But we knew it was threatening. We got it in no problem at all."
"Conditions got gradually worse with the wind picking up."
"It's wet, we were very much struggling for traction there."
"It's always windy in South Texas. That's one of the wonderful things about Boca Chica, no matter if it's 110 degrees and 300 humidity, there's always a little sea breeze."
"Gas is free, surely outside my apartment is 930 degrees."
"This year's flag bearers for Team USA might be the coolest ever Tokyo can get pretty hot and humid."
"As long as it's not lightning, we'll get right out there in the middle of it because that is when you see your low-pressure situations occur."
"You don't have a healthy storm unless everything is stacked on top of each other."
"Rainy days in New York call for ACG Mountain Fly."
"I adore dogs, but if it's too hot for the dog in the car, you run those errands later."
"Chiefs looked awesome in this game, handled the elements great."
"No experienced parachutist would have jumped into the pitch black knight in the rain with 200 mile per hour wind in his face wearing loafers and a trench coat. It was simply too risky."
"It was torrential rain and of course I managed to get stuck in it for like the two minutes that it was pouring down."
"Campaign weather affects battles and movement on the campaign map."
"Fall offers a respite from the intense heat of summer and has some of the best extras that Disney World offers."
"We have this place all to ourselves, there's a little bit of wind but I think we're gonna be okay."
"One, earplugs. I can't tell you how many times I've been camping and it's just been super windy."
"I hope the wind though doesn't pick up too much."
"Snow ushered in the new year of 1907. It piled higher and higher around Kirwin."
"The wind is up and the back nine gets pretty tricky when the wind is up."
"If we had a dry track, man, this thing would rip."
"Guys, it's been perfect. The music, like OnPoint, the weather is actually pretty dang good."
"The fog and rain rolls in and the dark coast truly lives up to its name."
"Feeling good today, I really am. The weather, it's feeling a little bit brisk but it's starting to heat up."
"So keep an eye on weather right now. China's experiencing a whole lot of issues with the rainy season that's a little bit more intense than expected."
"Thankfully we missed hurricane Ian, and we got back to New York without really any bad weather."
"It's very slushy but hopefully it'll stick it up over the next 30 minutes."
"The weather looks great and best of all it's dynamic."
"Iceland's piercing gales are some of the most frigid on the planet; that wind chill is second to none."
"This car is really good in the wet I can't explain it but this car just comes alive in tricky conditions."
"I'm so incredibly proud of all of you to push through 42 km in very typical London weather."
"It's not surprising that rain races are becoming more common; it's a challenge that could decide championships."
"Number one rule in your forward drive: don't do the CB track if it's raining, sucker."
"That's a perfect ball in really rough conditions... absolute mudder came into his own in this game."
"Honestly, when it's heavy rain, I like to enable autopilot because I do trust it more."
"Gasly is an absolute animal in the wet conditions."
"That is nuts, they're going so fast! Also, they had to move the pool chairs, they were flying."
"Launch has not been scrubbed it has not been scrubbed to this point the count is is proceeding but at the moment conditions are not looking the best."
"Kudos to the cast members even though it's been raining all night they've been doing a great job."
"It's about 4 p.m., the rain just started, we're fishing in a literal storm."
"We came in here today and we freaking did it. We didn't mess around, we didn't care about the snow."
"We're starting with 254, we're in a 21 Tesla Model Y, um, it's been terrible weather in Texas."
"It's pretty limited as far as where you can get... isn't like snowed out and that isn't shut."
"No matter the weather, no matter the sunshine or the rain or the thunderstorms or the diet, it doesn't matter. We're gonna kick this game's butt today!"
"I'm not completely crazy, guys. The sky's only G dark 'cause it's raining."
"I'm very very happy for that it's raining but otherwise I would have also had this little hat that I love so much."
"I just love this weather so much, so I feel like... this winter hasn't even been winter here."
"Scattered showers will feed further south across the far east and west of the UK."
"Weather does not affect them. They would stand in the snow for hours just watching me."
"This track is coming towards us and it is getting wetter and wetter."
"Even going into the wind or having a heavy crosswind."
"Windy, far more windy than I think we expected, but otherwise gorgeous weather."
"It's so dependent on like have you had wind, if it's been windy you probably need to do it longer, has it been dry probably need to do it longer, has it been raining, you know, maybe you got a little bit of rain."
"Conditions are absolutely prime, it's been so dry and it's just had a little dusting of rain."
"Look how little spray there is as they come down the pit straight; it is drying fast."
"...renting a car and driving around yourself...only recommend this if you're comfortable driving in snowy conditions."
"I think it's just so hot outside the fish there just I mean at all the ponds we've been to we should have caught way more so it's kind of concerning."
"...wind howling off the lake, nothing but a straight headwind putt to get us started with the R Pro for the day."
"Well, it certainly saves you fuel driving in those conditions in this car."
"The radar satellites can work at night and they can work through clouds."
"In driving rain and with speeds of over 110 mph, Kariola lived up to his reputation as the rain master."
"It's really hard to tell your friends especially your black friends uh like yo you got to do this blah blah blah blah blah it was so fun and then you tell them like it was 9 degrees right like no I'm not doing that."
"Brighton stands out thanks to exceptional snowfall totals throughout the season."
"We're trying to find a weather window to escape and sail out across the South Atlantic."
"There'll be no cheating, so the third round, the wind which started from the west, today blows more from the north. It isn't a gale, but it may render the links more difficult."
"Look at that, perfect conditions. No wind, not a ripple on that lake."
"It was torrential while we were off the air for that almost hour and a half."
"Very slippery out there today, don't know why, just seeing this slide and catch it with those backs hanging out, front understeering a bit."
"Following distance is calculated by the distance between your vehicle and another moving vehicle or object if you are driving in adverse weather you should always increase your following distance in order to give yourself more time to avoid a conflict if needed."
"When driving in foggy conditions high beam headlights will make it harder to see low beam headlights or fog lights will help with the decreased visibility when driving in adverse weather conditions giving yourself more time to reach your destination safely is ideal."
"We got to get about 12 months of work in about eight months of good weather up here because we can't pour too much concrete outside like this from December, January, February, and March."
"It's incredibly hydrating, enough occlusivity as I mentioned at the beginning, good for dehydrated skin but this is really so airy, so light, it's so good on super hot, super humid days when you're over-producing oil, this is a dream."
"I fought the wind all the way there, there were several times I could only do about 35 miles an hour just because those crosswinds were hitting me so hard."
"Just gotta be really smart in that first corner, you know, there was a lot of spray water."
"Temperatures were just too high to allow for the snowmaking that nearly every Midwest hill is dependent upon."
"Extra care should be taken in wet weather; your stopping distance could be double that in dry conditions."
"Those dry winter south westerlies make for epic beach days."
"Well, it seems we just gotta wait out the hurricane, but waiting is so long. Waiting takes forever."
"Neither team could generate much of an offense in the mud as a receiver often resembled a baseball player stealing home."
"It's like he just does his best work when it's cloudy."
"The enthusiasm of the competitors and the fans not dampened by the elements."
"Rocco Landers is on full slicks... he's taking a big chance right now... what's even more uncomfortable than being on a wet track with a slick tire?"
"You can lose championships on days like today."
"Sunset is just about 30 minutes away... conditions for weather are simply fantastic... humidity about 70%... storms are being kept away by nice 12 to 14 knot winds... NASA operations manager has set the triage points... based on the conditions."
"San Francisco International Airport: Weather delays, long lines, and foggy conditions."
"No star watching tonight, too cloudy, but we'll try again tomorrow."
"It's been a really good season; we've had a lot more rainfall than normal, a lot less wind, and a lot less 100 plus degree days."
"Topping off of the cryogenic fuels continues at this time, and our weather for launch time continues to look good."
"I drove all the way back from Asheville, North Carolina to Knoxville, Tennessee to escape the trajectory of the hurricane and tropical storm coming through."
"With a bit more breeze tomorrow, it'll be a good chance to see what some of the other teams can do."
"It's rather windy, we've come down a little bit so we're not so exposed, and the weather is quite nice, quite pleasant, a bit of sunshine, yeah, all good."
"Hello Brisbane, we have made it, today's a sticky one."
"Temperatures steadily dropped from -30 to -40 and topped out at -50° C."
"Perfect day for rugby, wind wasn't too bad, the sun is out."
"Hey guys, this is Steve from Cookout Coach live on location in a very hot and humid Georgia today."
"We're right above the clouds, so this should be a pretty clear flight."
"The conditions are kind of crazy; we've had a lot of rain, all that stuff that was up north, it's all coming right down the river."
"The key is to just, you know, don't let yourself go into IMC; stay clear of those clouds."
"The benefits of flying in a busier airspace and in multiple different kinds of conditions of weather outweighs the potential risk of cancellation."
"Nice clear skies, just a little bit windy, but we can do it."
"It's blue skies above, but man, there's a lot of clouds to be able to be doing a good circuit in here."
"It's definitely humid, it's definitely muggy, but we are getting a video done for you guys today."
"That nice crisp yellow just cuts through that rain, gives a really nice contrast especially off of those wet roads."
"There are lots of factors to consider when driving in the rain, as your following distance and braking distance need to be doubled."
"Contrary to popular belief, you can smoke in just about any weather."
"Weather tonight should be excellent for liftoff."
"Fires only get out of control when it's very hot, very dry, and very windy."
"I would like to have a car that does 300 miles for real, actual 300 miles in the rain, when it's windy, in the winter."
"The deep south and Dixie Alley are in a lot of ways a lot worse for tornadoes because they're HP, high precipitation supercells, they're rain-wrapped, oftentimes they're nocturnal."
"I'm super late on doing this review video but it's just been raining and raining."
"The Christmas winds are really piping in the Caribbean at the moment."
"The rain has slowed down quite a bit, there is still quite a bit of wetness on the track."
"When the roads are slippery, it's important to increase the space between your car and the one in front."
"In severe weather, do stay in the center lane to avoid rain and ice that collects at the curbside."
"It was pretty cold, about 37 below Fahrenheit wind chill."
"Roads can get slippery, especially on rainy days like this one, so drive carefully."
"What better ending to this, we had the threat of onshores, but it's just this light little whatsoever, what a final."
"You will freeze to death much faster under windy conditions than under non-windy conditions."
"I was really glad that I was prepared for any type of weather."
"We had great conditions, we had small conditions, and then we had the rising swell today."
"This has been a real teacher to me as far as how fish react to weather and water conditions."
"Are there any specific weather conditions that contribute to severe accidents?"
"By reducing the time of the test, it should mean that the wind conditions and the prevailing weather conditions are much more consistent through the test."
"It's nice and warm though, but it's windy."
"They may say VFR flight not recommended. That's worth paying attention to."
"In front of us, we have the port, right? So beautiful port, obviously it's a little wet today so a little hard to see everything but gorgeous."
"The rain added a technical bit, and I think that's something to be said because, well in the end, it makes the racing more interesting."
"Bright days, bright lures; dark days, dark lures."
"It's snowing, I can't do anything about it, let me find ways to embrace the season."
"No stoplights, no rain, just getting fit, staying fit, losing the fat."
"Drive safe and just slow down, that's the biggest thing when you're driving in very extreme weather conditions."
"Great conditions, sparkling conditions out west."
"To make the most of stable weather conditions, these tests were scheduled to begin at dawn."
"It would just be mean to leave you out there in the storm."
"What a fantastic game of sevens in these conditions."
"Conditions are good, snow is firm, it's probably 30 degrees, light wind maybe 5-10 miles an hour."
"Incredible what you can do with a drone when the weather's good."
"We go out in all weathers, and I think it's another part of training that's so important."
"The Germans were stopped in Stalingrad initially by the resistance inside the city but also the weather conditions."
"If it wasn't for the wind blowing out here, I'd probably be out here in some shorts and flip-flops."
"It's quite unique and rare, so I'm taking advantage of the dry spell."
"It's not about making six birdies, it's about good shots one shot at a time, just handling the conditions."
"I love that it became overcast like this; this is great, this is absolutely fantastic."
"We've had a little bit of overnight rain, so the field has been a bit slippery."
"I don't know if we can shoot in this wind; this move's probably not gonna work with a gimbal."
"The food was delicious, but the wind was insane."
"It's a rainy, windy day to be testing an e-bike, but that's actually a good thing."
"Go through a cold cloud only if you have an escape route of warm air below."
"It's a real important skill as well when you are driving in poor weather conditions to learn to look through the rain."
"I love being outdoors, but today said no way."
"It's cool, it's overcast, but it's not windy, and that makes an elephant happy."
"It's Supercross, rain or shine, the show is going on."
"Takeoffs are imperiled by the heavy seas."
"We need the ingredients called SLIM: Shear, Lift, Instability, and Moisture."
"It's so cold, my mouth is hard to talk because the wind is constantly hitting our face right now."
"Technical clothing can cool us or warm us if we're in sort of outdoor cold conditions."
"As well as seeing which shoes I prefer, I'll be able to tell you how they feel on the completely wet road."
"Welcome to Masai Mara, and it's a bit rainy, but it wouldn't hinder us from bringing you this live safari this afternoon."
"We've got a much windier day today, so tougher conditions. Excited to watch it unfold."
"It's a beautiful Saturday, maybe just a little breezy offshore, but it is a sunny warm day."
"When you have a clear sunny day with a high ultraviolet index... you want to start looking for your fish."
"I think the notion about Jared Goff not playing good outside we can put it to rest."
"I am taking the Pittsburgh Steelers in a low scoring, cold weather game."