
NHS Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Since its creation in 1948, the NHS has become the symbol of the country that a lot of British people are very proud of."
"Thank goodness we've got the NHS because that means that everybody knows that the system, society as a whole, if you like, will be doing everything we can to help people according to clinical need, not according to any other consideration."
"Johnson was absolutely categorical that he will not allow privatisation of the NHS as a result of his Brexit deal."
"The NHS does some things well, some things badly. It's a service, not a deity."
"The NHS is performing with distinction, and I'd like to thank everyone who's working so hard to keep us safe."
"NHS staff are pulling out all the stops in an unprecedented response to this global health emergency."
"We must be sure that the measures we take do not risk a second spike that would overwhelm the NHS."
"The innovation and fearless campaigning of Victorian medical reformers laid the foundations for the National Health Service we owe them a great deal."
"The NHS represents the absolute best of us, so this Christmas let's give them all a silent night."
"The constant underfunding of the NHS across the board is disgusting."
"I just want to send that out there right now me and all the lads are behind the NHS so grateful for everything that you lot do."
"Love to all NHS workers. Keep up the good work."
"The NHS becomes a political weapon, a political football, and it employs a lot of people as well. It's like the second biggest employer in the entire world."
"The most important thing is that the formal face mask that clinical face mask should be saved for people in the NHS."
"The NHS, it would be the quickest suicide note in political history to end the principle of healthcare that's free at the point of services."
"The NHS was the first healthcare system in the world to deliver a COVID-19 vaccine outside clinical trials."
"Through my own experience, the NHS service is fantastic but the support given towards mental health is not acceptable."
"The staff across the NHS have done an absolutely brilliant job."
"Our NHS, like any world-class Health Service, has only limited numbers of doctors, nurses, and specialist equipment."
"We need to have a root and Branch reform of the NHS and I think that includes possibly looking at the way that it's funded."
"The NHS is a wonderful thing and a lot of people in Britain are very passionate about it."
"The NHS's vaccination drive is going very well with 4.6 million people vaccinated in the UK."
"The NHS facing its greatest existential crisis since its foundation."
"The ethos behind the NHS and what it stands for has to be preserved."
"So, I rang up one one one, if you guys don't know, one on one is the UK's national free health line run by the NHS, and it's great."
"I'm so thankful for the NHS as an institution. I'm so thankful that I was not having to pay any of this."
"The UK is also the home of the wonderful NHS."
"Hospital beds in the NHS have never been under more pressure."
"Under no circumstances will we allow any deal, any free trade deal, that put the NHS on the table."
"The NHS is not for sale, never has been, never will be."
"He was responsible for the creation of the NHS."
"The NHS is not for sale and it never will be."
"NHS staff are exhausted and demoralized."
"Hello, yeah, is that the NHS smoking outline? Need help giving up? Call 0800 169 0169."
"The NHS is the best thing about this country and we need to view it like a sacred cow."
"At the heart of the NHS long-term plan is the largest expansion of Mental Health Services in a generation."
"I urge you 100% to apply and work for the NHS because the opportunities are endless."
"NHS staff are at the heart of what makes our Health Service work."
"There wouldn't be an NHS without them, their skill, their expertise, their dedication."
"The objective strategy here was not to completely suppress the virus, it was to make sure that the NHS was not overwhelmed."
"Our objective remained the same, which was to protect the NHS and save life."
"Our priority was to protect the NHS and save lives."
"It is so obscene and so absurd to suggest that the difficulties the NHS faces are somehow caused by or exacerbated by hardworking men and women desperately trying to improve the working conditions."
"Pharmacies are at the center of our communities, an accessible front door to our NHS for millions of people."
"This week marks 70 years since the NHS was founded; it's rightly one of the nation's most loved institutions."
"We're going to train 1,500 more doctors every year to ensure that the NHS has enough doctors to continue providing that safe, compassionate care that we all want to see."
"I just wanted to say how grateful I am to the NHS."
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the NHS."
"We share in the risk of ill health together; it's a joint project we fund together, we share that cost fairly. That's the essence of the NHS."
"The National Health Service was not a gift from above; it was conceived In The Blood Sweat and Tears of Ordinary People."
"The National Health Service really revolutionised the medical healthcare sector in the UK."
"The NHS provides a range of health services most of which are free and accessible to everyone."
"You get so much of hands-on experience over here in NHS."
"Rather than unwinding the NHS we should seek to improve it, and there is a lot to learn from other countries when doing so."
"The NHS has saved my life, no question."
"The NHS in the UK is fantastic; we are so lucky to have this service."
"It's just brilliant, so well done NHS, and thank you all the staff at Bart's."
"Our NHS are incredible, shout out to you if you work for the NHS, you are doing wonderful things, you magical person."
"The BBC is second only to the NHS in its cultural importance to this country."
"Invest in the NHS and social care; we need to keep investing in these essential and treasured public services with more medical staff and less waste."
"We need to prioritize it when we're budgeting for the NHS."
"Nursing associates know how the NHS works; they have a better understanding of the nursing role."
"The NHS is the National Health Service in the UK; it is basically the UK's healthcare system."
"The closest thing to a national religion that the UK has is the NHS."
"Healthcare in the UK is provided through the NHS, which covers all of your consults and most of your surgeries or any treatments that you need."
"We're providing 15 million extra money for the NHS Ambulance Service in London."
"That's what's happening in our NHS because we made the decisions to reform the NHS and cut the bureaucracy."
"Teamwork is so important in healthcare because there's just so many different patients... it's essential to help optimize the care that the NHS offers."
"I definitely think that the NHS could benefit in some areas with AI and artificial intelligence."
"The National Health Service is not for sale, not now, not ever."
"District hospitals such as St. Cross play an excellent role in the NHS."
"Healthcare for anyone who's not familiar: in Scotland, we have a national health service, the NHS, and everything is free when you access it."
"Your normal pension age is the earliest you can access your NHS pension without penalty."
"The NHS is very efficient... they give you the best quality of care that you can ever imagine."
"We are obviously British, and that makes us really lucky in the fact that we have the NHS."
"The NHS is responsible for all aspects of healthcare in the UK and it is completely free."
"I'm so freaking appreciative of our NHS."
"We should move towards a system whereby the NHS and the healthcare system is governed by an independent board, a single leader, and a group of people who have a deep understanding of Healthcare systems."
"The NHS, a free form of medical care at the point of consumption, was paid for by taxation."
"If you are able to get your supporting statement right, you are going to land yourself a job with the NHS."
"We're really clear about the strategy here, it is to save lives by flattening the curve and building the NHS with capacity."
"We're making sure that our NHS staff are the best paid here than anywhere else in the UK."
"For every bad apple, there are thousands of people working their socks off to make the NHS work."
"I would love one of my legacies to be an NHS that considers patients as people and really considers the whole person."
"Imagine our NHS still free at the point of use but transformed for the future."
"I love our NHS dearly, I love it so much."