
Concealment Quotes

There are 612 quotes

"Those who conceal somebody else's sin, Allah will conceal yours on the day of judgment."
"God told the prophet Daniel that many of the things he had seen in his visions would be concealed until the time near the end."
"The more you hide it, the more prevalent it becomes."
"The British military to conceal their true nature as terrifying armored assault vehicles referred to them as 'tanks' in official documents."
"Throughout history, there are numerous examples of those who used ingenious means to baffle prying eyes and hide deadly weapons in plain sight."
"That's why I had a chair sitting on the side of me that was towed needs to cover up the fact that I had a shock device on my ankles."
"I'm pissed that so much of our history has been covered up."
"The truth is a really hard thing to cover up."
"I covered it up. You did cover it up, good job. All right. Yeah, good job."
"If I were to do something like that and I'm looking to get away with it, I don't want to be traveling around with the person after I do whatever I'm trying to do."
"The informant admitted that at the instruction of her boyfriend, she had thrown the murder weapon off a 300-foot cliff."
"He killed mike and he married mike where no one could ever find him. That is the truth."
"The crime isn't that Trump was incompetent, it has to do with concealment, destruction, mutilation, and obstruction."
"Physically you can't really tell anything on me, but the question is, did I consume alcohol? The answer is yes."
"Why do you have to hide the weapon, New Orleans [__] could rib for..."
"Let's be clear, Mr. McConnell doesn't want a Senate trial, he wants a Senate cover-up."
"It will come a time where the Believers will hide themselves from the because of the amount of the corruption that's out there."
"What we see here is somebody who's covering up something what we can tell about this person is they're not reacting normally."
"Thigh tattoos are very easy to hide, making them perfect for any situation."
"The dark side is meant to be avoided, it's a byproduct of the concealment necessary for independent realities."
"It originates from a concealment, it's meant to give you the independence and the ability to choose."
"You definitely have a lot of love for someone here, but you're not showing it."
"He either concealed it hoping that no one would ever find it or he did ditch it."
"This is why they have to hide history, but it's bullshit, plain and simple."
"Crits are an incredibly powerful addition to your build, as long as you can get the right concealment for your weapons through low blow and unseen strike."
"He'd been speaking about the best way to kill someone to numerous people including his nephew in fact he once told him if he ever killed someone he'd wrap them in chicken wire and chains with bricks on them and he'd put them in the lake."
"It's absolutely nutty within that regard that it can hide in bushes against everything that isn't pretty much even proxy spotting it."
"Time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened."
"The cover-up in many cases is by far worse than what the issue was."
"The precursor is loved to be hidden for the most part."
"The smaller the gun and the single stack variety, the less rounds it holds but the easier it is to hide."
"He needed to get rid of her, and definitely in a way that no one would be able to identify her."
"I can't imagine how hard it must be to feel you have to hide who you are and who you love."
"I think if more people show initiative like that, there's no way they're gonna be able to hide suppressed technologies."
"The greatest cover-up in history is the cover-up of history."
"Always style with larger decorative boxes; they can hide a multitude of sins."
"Well, look, I think the pattern is pretty clear: the left seems to be completely aware that if they let the truth get out, they couldn't be in charge."
"We must take them somewhere where the Sith will not sense their presence."
"Camouflage: an act of hiding anything from your enemy."
"Robert Baldwin knew what he was doing was wrong and went to great lengths to hide what he was doing from the authorities."
"I'm trying to hide and I don't know what to do."
"The enigma conceals a little better than using the same holster with belt clips."
"if it weren't for the twisted cones of men there would have been no obvious clue that he was even here."
"I hope my secret room is camouflage enough this looks like normal kitchen and playing with me."
"The most dangerous forms of abusers are often the most hidden."
"Abuse is bad enough, but to hide it is unconscionable."
"It definitely, definitely covers up everything."
"They could have asked him to cooperate and give up all of his things that he was hiding."
"I think these were observation holes so that the creatures could watch the field and remain concealed."
"Sin is like a disease, if you cover it, it will fester."
"It's not about how you look but more so where you hide."
"You were only showing like half of yourself."
"Voila, instant safe, instant hiding place."
"We will always hide the Divine truth from them, that we are all one."
"That's ultimately what camouflage is supposed to do, is to help blend in."
"Emotions of the heart can't just be tucked away in a closet."
"They pretend to kiss to hide from soldiers, her heart racing as he leans in close."
"He tries to hide it from everyone around him."
"You throw the rock and you hide your hands."
"He uses it very often by concealing it, in fact."
"Can't take what they don't know you have."
"Write some random letters on top of what you're trying to hide; now no one will be able to read it."
"We're hiding here, we're hiding here."
"Something hidden in plain sight can be so hard to find."
"The best way to hide something is to keep it in plain view."
"I'm just looking for a place to hide."
"They don't want to reveal to you that they see you that way quite yet"
"I think that rubbed out inside this box somewhere."
"The camo patterns cover up and hide imperfections a lot better and easier."
"Their thoughts are so intense and so they hide what they feel from you and they hide the gestures that they want to give to you or take with you."
"They had a fake door covering it, no joke."
"You feel like a strong connection with them, but they also kind of hide that sometimes."
"You have to try for a tug. Even though I knew that our situation was uncertain, I could not show him or else everyone would start worrying and that would lead to panic."
"They struggled with expressing their passions towards you, they had to cover that up."
"He covered his tracks far too well, shutting down the entire system."
"It's more jewelry than it is actually used for a gun."
"The Atomic Bear Cobra survival bracelet exemplifies versatility, concealing a wealth of crucial survival features beneath its stylish exterior."
"...but when in actuality it's you that's sick. Oh yeah and you're trying to cover it up, bravely attempting, uh attempting to cover it up."
"...we can't give anything away okay we just gotta act like it is a totally normal day..."
"Exceptional concealment and extensive adjustability."
"You can still flex it and concealed carry and you can even use it for home defense."
"We live in the shadows, we live in the shadows."
"Stella. Her tattoo is right on her wrist, and there's no way her parents won't notice it immediately."
"Pretend you didn't see anything today."
"Honeybees have been hiding the true problem in the ecosystem."
"Walk out the door, you see someone that you know and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."
"If you're part of this crew and you're part of this group, you know the signs but nobody else does and it's just hidden in like Plain Sight."
"made it home but did not tell even my uncle or the family"
"They said that they actually put it all inside somebody made it the Home Depot trash with the plaque with the trash bags by the way."
"I spent years... I hid the fact that I was a veteran."
"My tears may be falling, but you won't see them on my face."
"I couldn't leave such clear evidence of foul play behind."
"He was found with 17,000 in cash cling wrapped to his leg inside a girdle."
"He did exactly what he should have, was soundly positioned, allowed himself to have not only concealment but cover."
"There is not one person that knows I'm addicted to Kratom. People know I have taken it before, but they do not know anything past that like the extent and frequency of my use."
"If you're going to try one give it time get a design that's going to work best for you and for your clothing you will definitely want the the outer garments to be one size large to conceal the gun this high up on the torso."
"...believing that if there were no body there would be no conviction."
"This is the dynamis belt. There's a little couple little secrets to this thing. There's some coins in here, so you can turn this into a sap if need be."
"Nobody here knows I've no father and they don't know about the other thing."
"Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All the toil and practice that go into them, and also all the clever tricks, must be concealed."
"Many others simply go under the radar due to limited or withheld information."
"I could hear the consternation in my expression despite my best attempts to conceal my growing Panic."
"Neck gator, good for concealment."
"The uploader's identity and the elusive footage's fate remained concealed."
"Google Maps provides a window to almost every nook and corner of the world, but there's some things it conceals."
"Jin Hook said they needed to hide their existence on the fifth floor."
"A blade sheathed inside the ivory for easy concealment."
"We lost them we shook them you guys they're not gonna find us and they're never gonna find out what their gifts are"
"Those of us that don't want to be pitied or provided sympathy, we tend to hide it."
"Awful conceal, don't feel. This movie did it first. Elsa could never."
"I recognized what the problem probably was and she didn't want anybody to see the condition he was in because it was terrible."
"Psychologist Carl Jung once described the Persona as a kind of mask designed on the one hand to make a definite impression on others and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual."
"I've been known to just keep them in a backpack or a purse 'cause I forgot that they're there, so they are very concealable."
"Their smiles mask secret heartbreak."
"Great dispositions for action must be carefully concealed from the enemy."
"Just because you're trying to cover up what you did, that doesn't mean you're forgiven."
"He stopped it for me, he stopped it from me."
"I may have beautiful thoughts, but you certainly hide them."
"This person feels a lot of shame and it's hidden."
"A corpse in solution is always harder to track down than one in the flesh, no matter how mangled about it might be."
"...sometimes we just got to get an empty water bottle, pour some vodka in there, shake it up a little, and it looks like water."
"A ring you could just put in your pocket, why do you have to bring the dark side smuggling?"
"Masks conceal one face but they reveal another."
"You can sweep that under the rug, you know? Not my best moment."
"This guy could be so camouflaged, he could be hiding in some ditch somewhere."
"This is like the worst vehicle ever, but it's so tiny, I can hide anywhere."
"You would never know that Harry lived there."
"The added weight of the spectroflage gives the hide its own life and makes it look like it has a mass to it."
"The whole hide retains the same camouflage capability and keeps the user hidden in their position without looking like you're just going trick-or-treating."
"The added scrim bits not only add to break up your overall outer shape under standard vision but then also break up the inner silhouette under thermal."
"Secret hideouts are supposed to be secret, so instead of placing that button to your secret entrance in plain sight, consider tossing it behind a banner instead."
"He could hide it better than Oliver Reed. He could hide it really well, don't get me wrong."
"I don't want anyone really to know. I want to just get over there and look as normal as possible."
"You were in our bag, bro. Really good of a hiding spot, bro."
"I think it makes a great concealed carry pistol."
"He knows he's not this person, he has to hide the music that he actually wants to make."
"We decided from that moment to keep it a secret."
"He's clever enough to put the bodies of his first two victims in water so as to destroy forensic evidence."
"Perhaps attempting to conceal the corpse once more."
"It makes you wonder, did the suspects create this big chunk of concrete hoping that it wouldn't be found?"
"You're not going to tell him it was me."
"Most of this is going to end up getting covered up."
"And Fatima loved the idea because it helps conceal her body shape."
"Behind the mask was raw pain which he refused to share with anyone."
"Because we think we're the only ones struggling with this particular thing, we get pretty good at covering it up, leaving it hidden, and then putting out a good front."
"Recognizing that his captors had removed his weapons but not this hidden one, he decided it was wise to keep the sword concealed in his ear."
"Back on Cybertron, didn't have to sneak around in these ugliest disguises."
"The bomber used local delivery services and the U.S mail, making the parcels difficult to trace."
"You didn't do anything wrong by concealing your true identity."
"Once you did get down and you laid, you were laying in water, but at least with four feet of reeds over your head, they couldn't tell exactly where you were."
"This form of hiding depression symptoms, or one could even call it masking, is pretty common."
"My dad didn't want to let on that he was quite nervous."
"To cover their tracks, some killers go to great lengths to hide their vicious acts of violence."
"It's a good thing this place is so green. At least we'll have some cover."
"Myra did, and for 20 years no one ever guessed that her famous Shawls were clutched by pitiful maimed stumps."
"Masking is not necessarily a bad thing. It's all about balance, right?"
"I'm going to hide in plain sight as much as I can, get as many bonus points as possible."
"...we have this shirt pretty much covering it the whole time and in the scene he's going to be sitting down so we're not going to see that at all so I all have to do is lift it up plug it in wrap it up really quickly and it just disappears right there..."
"Flash hiders hide the muzzle flash."
"Not only didn't tell us, but has never admitted to that and to me, it was just very disappointing."
"...we just simply covered it up with some wood."
"Water does a lot of things to the body, it washes things away, it puts microbes on the body, it accelerates some types of decomposition, and it's a good place to hide something for a period of time."
"Concealing your intentions: keep people off balance and in the dark by never revealing the true purpose behind your actions."
"It is a crime concealing a crime, a black plaster on a blacker wound."
"Camouflage was not a common practice."
"So, they're wonderful. They're coat approved. They can be hidden inside walls with no concerns. So, they're a great product."
"In general, it does hide a multitude of sins."
"If you try to hide it, you will be sued for all the damages."
"The luxury aspect is when it's hiding, you know what I mean?"
"I think I just put a lot of stuff in the walls to like make people not look at the floors."
"it's tough enough to hide your secret identity from the people you live with."
"We drowned him in the river, and nobody will ever know except the three of us."
"It's like the iceberg, you only see the tip."
"If ever there was a perfect place to hide a secret life from the world, Rio Vista Texas is a standout choice."
"Jason is an example of how the carefree and positive people you see creating content on YouTube are potentially the ones with the most to hide."
"Oda continuously hides the fact that Usopp has always had a devil fruit from the very beginning."
"If you're looking for deep conceal look at either the rugers and there's a couple others out there but the rugers seem to be consistently the smallest of these in a real legitimate competent caliber."
"It's different for different people, but a lot of people, when they have problems, that's something they're going to try very hard to hide."
"If you're going to hide something, don't just change the file name."
"My heart could be burning, but you won't see it on my face."
"How better to conceal her murder than by sending some big stupid wench from Tarth to find her?"
"What you have if nobody knows you have it, people who have less than you will occupy the space you should occupy."
"Leave no trace, you wouldn't even believe we were here."
"They don't want us to have the footage and see what was said."
"And there we have it. This is the finished product. Looks beautiful. No one would ever know this is actually a concealment table."
"Suffocation a tried and tested method for taking the life of your enemies it would seem to be an effective way to conceal a murder if indeed a murder did actually take place at all."
"Remember what you had said about um is like a blanket it's covering the weed up. Remember what you had said about that [__]."
"You never know what's behind someone's mask."
"After you commit a massive heist, don't buy anything fancy... Lay low for a little while."
"This meant that many of these secret children would be handed over to Hilda behind closed doors and no one would ever be the wiser."
"It might have been that covering the face wasn't enough for the judgmental parents, for the adults who would know that this was an unspeakable horror, and so they had to be erased completely."
"The smoke grenades act as a bit of a camouflage for us."
"It's a cover-up, you know. It's, that's the word. It's a cover-up."
"Hiding a body so that it naturally decomposes before it's located is a great way to conceal evidence, isn't it?"
"It's a way of kind of hiding the fact that this is a minivan."
"He told you to step back, but there was no gun. It was hidden in the one thing every doctor carries: a little black bag."
"Everybody wears a mask. They're not going to tell you everything they've done in life, but everybody wears a mask."
"Why keep it a secret? Well, naturally, after what happened, I didn't want to be questioned."
"It just blurs imperfections and just makes everything a little bit more even without hiding the skin underneath."
"Alright, so we're hiding right now."