
Lockdowns Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Lockdowns only serve one purpose and that is to give you a bit of breathing space so you just stop everything, the virus stops moving, and while you've got that breathing space, you should be really building up your testing, building up your contact tracing, building up your local organization."
"Remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."
"Lockdowns now represent one of the most draconian aspects of the perverse new normal that has metastasized amid an atmosphere of seemingly endless emergency."
"Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."
"I didn't think lockdowns were the right answer, and that we should be focusing our attention on the elderly."
"Lockdowns had failed to contain the spread of COVID; at best, they temporarily protected the laptop class who could work from home without losing their jobs, perhaps 30% of the population, while being served by the working class."
"I wasn't on the side of literal nazis because the last time this happened that's who was doing it."
"These lockdowns aren't based in any science."
"John Tierney: 'We still have no convincing evidence that the lockdowns saved lives.'"
"The present COVID-inspired forced lockdowns on business and school closures are counterproductive."
"Lockdowns crushed poor people, they crush the middle class."
"I do not want a nanny state locking things down because they won't be able to do it effectively."
"Government like in Florida, in Texas, in South Dakota, uh didn't have any draconian lockdowns, uh measures. Hmm, interesting. Okay, so..."
"Lockdowns are effective in reducing the spread of an infectious disease."
"I advocate for lockdowns as one tool to fight the pandemic. My concern about lockdowns are shared with the World Health Organization about the effects of lockdowns on working people and economically vulnerable people."
"Lockdowns get people cut off from the essence of being human."
"Lifting lockdowns has done very little to spur economic resurgence."
"The media is largely the driving force behind these lockdowns."
"If you can lock an entire society down for one year, you convince the population that society is anatomic, it's not real."
"The lockdowns are creating far more damage than the virus that they are meant to address."
"When you hear people screaming to the sky about lockdowns, no lockdowns, understand: nobody knows anything."
"Lockdowns are psychologically abusive... If you don't talk about the mental and psychological suffering, you're not a health advisor, you're just a jaby salesman."
"These measures are not another national lockdown. The whole point of them is to avoid a second national lockdown."
"The lockdowns were not justified... that to me has been the biggest failure."
"We're seeing these climate lockdowns coming. We're already seeing it they're forcing it upon us."
"Lockdowns destroyed every single strata of society."
"The economic consequences of continual lockdowns... drives me crazy."
"Lockdowns may not be a very useful tool in the long run."
"We cannot continue to go down this path, you know, we are now it take the U.S uh Refinery capacity it's not that we don't have the production capacity but during lockdowns during that period capacity was taken off the line."
"We can't live in a perpetual state of lockdowns."
"Lockdowns originated on the order of Xi Jinping... with little analysis or logic."
"A policy of never-ending lockdowns month after month would ultimately do more harm than good to public health."
"There was not scientific consensus for lockdowns."
"Lockdowns were ill-conceived and based on scientific guesswork, not science."
"There is now mounting evidence that when you weigh the negative consequences and side effects of lockdown up against its negligible benefits, the whole thing was an error."
"The people pushing the lockdowns don't believe in them."
"Coincidentally, the only politician in all of Washington to stand up against the lockdowns is also the only one."
"Lockdowns were always going to end in this, it's a temporary fix."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself when you look at what's happening with these lockdowns right."
"If there were no lockdowns, small businesses would have pretty much gotten [__]."
"Forced lockdowns are not things that people will basically Stand By and endure any longer."
"The Great Barrington Declaration aimed to tell the public that there was a scientific debate, not a unanimous consensus on lockdowns."
"Lockdown will become a dirty word people will look on on the idea with absolute horror."
"The stats are in and they show that Covid-19 targeted the elderly but lockdowns targeted everyone."
"He says Sweden worked, he says we shouldn't have lockdowns."
"Lockdowns are the biggest public health mistake we've ever made."
"Lockdowns were a massive government intervention."
"Lockdowns were not in the pre-pandemic playbook."
"Lockdowns were trickle-down epidemiology, essentially a classist policy."
"Lockdowns were ineffective... The cost of lockdowns are at least 10 times higher than the benefits."
"Lockdowns and working from home made things worse, giving perpetrators an almost free run at their victims."
"The use of the lockdowns as experienced in this country have been disproportionate to protecting us from COVID in relation to the harms that they have caused."
"There would be tens of millions of people who would starve as a consequence of the economic dislocation caused by the lockdowns."
"Let's learn from this; let's figure out a way to be targeted with our lockdowns."
"Lockdowns specifically hurt the poorest amongst us in this world, creating larger wealth income inequality gaps."
"When there's no data, when there's no science, when there's no evidence behind continuing to lock down people, and you just choose to do so, you're making judgment calls that have a severe effect on the lives of humans."
"The sickness didn't create the lockdowns; politicians created the lockdowns."