
Cautionary Quotes

There are 533 quotes

"I think I'm Dustin Hoffman, and this is like a virus outbreak. A huge cultural shift is taking place right under our noses, and this could end badly for a lot of people."
"It's always a slippery slope and bad things always happen."
"If you're half a doctor, you'll kill people, and if you're half a scholar, you'll mislead people."
"You do not want these folks controlling your life."
"Just because you can do it doesn't mean anyone else can or should."
"Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the Blind, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch."
"Greed and arrogance can cause you to overplay your hand."
"It's all fun and games until mama bear eats your face."
"If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for everything."
"You were warned, somebody opens the door for pleasure when they should have kept it closed because of their peace."
"Will we continue to repeat the exact same mistakes over and over again?"
"While it's cool to see an F-16, it probably means we're doing something wrong."
"Your star sign says you might make a mistake when working or transacting online."
"Beware the fury of a patient man. In the battle of self-control, the enemy is you."
"Ultimately in the wrong hands this will diminish your power and increase their power."
"You're not building towards anything. You're going to crash into a wall by the time you hit 30."
"Don't fear competition or anything like that because you could actually self sabotage yourself at the end of the day."
"Your scientists were so busy trying to think or determine whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should."
"The most dangerous words today are 'this time is different'."
"Sacrificial beast, take heed, for a crown cannot sit upon two brows."
"This is the start of something that gets really, really bad."
"Don't act surprised if you take a stone, throw it out of a beehive and then you cry because the bees came and stung you."
"Inappropriate sex talk before children isn't just improper; it can lead to very dangerous things."
"It's the story of a monster, and there's a lot to be learned."
"The road to hell is paid with good intentions and with open AI having more power and influence than ever before while actively trading their AI to lie, Elon Musk decided it was time to sound the alarm one last time."
"She's the type of woman that will get you locked up for sure."
"This is a Pandora's Box we will never ever be able to go back."
"This right here, ladies and gentlemen, is why you shouldn't play God."
"The season of mercy runs out. So it is what it is, pay attention to your circle before they hurt you. We out."
"Pride goeth before a fall or as we know it these days in modern parlance, f around and find out."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"Don't eat tide pods or make your own jet boots."
"There's a war coming, one day your father knew. I just wanted to destroy. Listen, there's a way out of this, no termination sequence in there."
"Do not buy the dip in Alibaba... if you listen to this advice, you have avoided the disaster."
"If we cannot... destined to end up destroying everything."
"Eventually someone will do something stupid."
"We're failing to prepare, so we're preparing to fail yet again."
"A cautionary tale for companies that don't ever move with the times."
"It's a cautionary tale about how we all engage online and weaponize."
"Money from heaven will be the path to hell." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Don't be, don't bite the hand that feeds you."
"This is why you shouldn't go on the metaverse, you guys."
"Living a certain lifestyle, you are very likely to become a victim or a suspect."
"I've always said it's not a matter if you're going to get caught it's a matter of how and when you will get caught."
"Let's not let young people go up to Hollywood thinking, 'Yeah, be blinded by celebrities so they could put you in orgy scenes.' That's [expletive] up."
"If anyone ever laughs in a negative way about something you say, that's the red flag."
"You don't want to miss this, you don't want to be left behind."
"This is a lot of work, it's a cautionary tale."
"Stay out of lockup. Don't find yourself in a position where you're searching for things to do because you've gotten yourself locked up and you're now bored."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions sometimes."
"Just remember this on a cold dark and stormy night before you make that decision to open the blinds or jerk back your curtains there may be someone just on the other side of that thin glass looking back at you."
"Telling people to not do something makes someone do it."
"One of the greatest dangers faced by humanity is that of the heretic."
"Letting the stupidity prevail can be deadly."
"Let's imagine just for a minute someone constantly looking over your shoulder, seeing everything you do on the internet. It's already happening."
"Hard drug use only hurts you and kills your family from the inside out."
"Think about this line in relation to Paul: 'Beware that when fighting monsters you yourself do not become a monster.'"
"Fortune favors the bold and the jerk issue. It's got to not make the same mistake I did."
"Those who forget their failures will fail again and again."
"Pride goes before destruction and a holy spirit before a fall."
"It's all fun and games until your money starts getting funny."
"Success is liable to become our master, and we its slave. It is important that we choose the highest form of success if we can."
"What do we not do, everyone? We do not buy future updates." - Sarah Dietrich Renzo Peachey
"The footage is both terrifying and sad, serving as a poignant reminder of the myriad of unknowable dangers of deep-sea diving."
"Revenge is dangerous, a very very dangerous game."
"You play stupid games, you win super prizes."
"You know, it don't take nothing but a second to mess your life up. So five seconds can mess your life up and make you have to do 50 years."
"Nothing worse than life than wasted talent dude."
"Expect disruptions in infrastructure Services wherever you are."
"Don't do a deal with the devil if he comes a knockin'."
"These words are very dangerous things to say to a kid."
"Jesus says in Matthew 7:13 that wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it."
"War is hell. War should be avoided at all costs."
"The road to hell is paved with works in progress."
"Before you embark on a journey of Revenge, dig two graves."
"Never invest in a business you don't understand."
"To confront the Lord of Change is to wander through a mist of lies, ever unsure of one's own actions, one full step away from complete corruption."
"If you don't take care of your teeth, you are going to regret it, I promise you."
"The story of Urahara in this timeline is a cautionary tale of the dangers of unchecked power."
"A warning that you're about to go off the cliff, that's love speech."
"If you have a big family dinner for Thanksgiving, can you expect a small funeral for Christmas?" - Ed Young
"If you give up your rights just so things could go easy for you, you won't have rights, your children won't have rights, and your grandchildren won't have rights."
"We create life with light and a smile, but if you're not careful, your ghosts will come back to haunt you."
"Be careful what you wish for, you and everything you love might just die."
"When things burn bright, doesn't mean it's gonna last."
"Tasha K in this Cardi B situation is a cautionary tale for all bloggers, media outlet people, and all that in the third."
"To go into an alliance, that's because you're going into the lion's den."
"Information is power and holding information is like holding a smoking gun."
"This man is not an answered prayer; it's a big no."
"Give a man a poison fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
"Calvin's response to the situation has pretty much been a step-by-step guide of what not to do when you get called out."
"There's going to be a negative consequence of many of these laws."
"Success could be the death of you, yeah. It is harder to manage success than it is failure."
"It's the little things that cost you."
"Join us as we look at the top 21 crossbreeding experiments from hell."
"Lies can get you in the jam of situations and it also could be detrimental to your life."
"This video isn't supposed to be a deterrent to breed reptiles, it's a deterrent to just jump into it rather than think about it."
"It's giving very much Harvey Weinstein-like type of situation."
"Drivers ignoring winter conditions may be subject to natural selection."
"If you're thinking AI is doing it all for you, you're not going to have the best of luck."
"there's often an incremental way that that little bit of extra whether taken on experimentally intentionally or thoughtlessly can become an inch by inch transformation into dependence on spectacle and hype in our churches."
"The fear of loss is the path to the dark side."
"If the older Prius was a good enough f-shack for Dirty Mike and the boys, let's just say I wouldn't leave this one abandoned under an overpass anytime soon."
"Catfishing almost never ends out good."
"The lesson we learned today: do not catfish."
"Now imagine what happens if you're filling up your car at the filling station and there's no clicker that stops fuel from going into your tank."
"Beware, for this chilling tale reminds us that sometimes real-life horrors can be closer than we think."
"Don't become like the children of Israel."
"Those children celebrating the MayDay Parade would fall ill, their quick metabolism absorbing radioactive iodine."
"Deaf noodles is a perfect example of how to ruin your career."
"the moral of the story here is even if your partner is 100% squeaky-clean Goldin he still might murder your ass"
"Imagine don't bully people guys. Someone might name a famous film monster after you."
"You can lose the kingdom through Pride."
"Hopefully, you have learned something about how those in power can create speculative bubbles."
"It's a pretty dumb thing right there. So, yeah, don't buy a leader bike."
"Mankind should have stayed away from Mars." - Jay Group
"Y'all comment below what y'all think. Have you ever had somebody that was so desperate that red flags went up? Tell your story, save somebody else from the same situation."
"So hopefully this little video has probably warned a few people off from buying from non-authorized outlets because you're not gonna save much money and you're gonna end up with something that's pretty much useless."
"Bro, I'm like sick of it. I'm sick of it. Don't watch one day on Netflix, this is what it'll do to you, spare yourself."
"Dream College dream house dream vacation dream car you're getting ready to get in a wreck."
"La will ruin your life. Do not move to LA guys, it will ruin your life."
"They've got to be some cautionary. Rhino the victor in the first-ever elevation X match."
"Momo is the most powerful Spirit you can come in contact with through Ouija board."
"This is why you don't get into relationships in the office."
"The controversies that marked their careers, from Ruffin's tumultuous exit from The Temptations to his battle with addiction, serve as cautionary tales."
"Nothing good ever happens there, people do weird and crazy out-of-character things, commit heinous crimes, die, or just lose their minds."
"Remember, vice is a monster of such awful mean that to be hated needs but to be seen, yet seen too oft familiar with his face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace."
"This is for the youngins watching this to know that this is what's going on in the prison and that's how easy you lose your life."
"Gwyneth Paltrow's company Goop got hit for a huge settlement in a lawsuit this week. Don't fuck with science, Gwyneth Paltrow."
"So, moral of the story: if you're ever in Japan and you see a gacha machine that says 18 plus only, if you are not 18 plus, if you are a bold 15 year old like I was, do not buy the gacha machine. Don't do it, okay?"
"Let’s look at this example, for instance – look at the girl on a scooter, as you can see – she’s following the car pretty close, and as car starts braking – she panics and just grabs the front brake, which results in immediate lowside."
"...ropes and string in the water are evil things they are always out to get you and just tie you and Tangle you up."
"All the rules and all the safety codes are Written in Blood."
"It's fiction but you learn yeah you learn and then also it encouraged you not to break the law because you really don't want to get involved you do you do now know how to survive in prison like what what you have to do."
"Greed will get a guy's ass in a crack quicker than anything."
"Remember Lot’s wife; she looked back to the comfortable life they were leaving, yet a life that was going to be judged by God."
"The inner circle is like a perfect PSA about cults and how to avoid them at all costs."
"A movie that makes me never want to go kayaking down the river."
"This is how horror movies start, exactly like this."
"Even love when it becomes a god could become a demon."
"If you are listening to this story, don't play the elevator game for nothing."
"This is not a good start to your life, kid."
"Don't get involved with crazy. I don't care how hot they are, how great their body is, how freaky they are in bed."
"Maybe the purpose of your life is merely to serve as a warning to others."
"If you play with fire, little girl, you're gonna get burnt."
"We are running the 21st century equivalent of the Matrix, giving everybody everything they want all the time without telling them that it is killing them."
"The story of Irena, Jenny, Misty, and Oscar is a cautionary tale about the dangers of obsession and the power of suggestion."
"I make this video for the sole purpose of warning people what could potentially happen to you if you decide to put your trust in people or imos that do not have your best interest but rather their own."
"'Drake he, he for sure flew too close to the sun!'"
"If you cast it out and you don't replace it with what needs to be replaced, then it will come back when it sees the house empty. It'll come back in and bring seven worse than it was with it."
"I shared this story to hopefully prevent people, both women and men, from repeating my terrible, life-altering mistake."
"Be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it."
"There are many who long for heaven yet miss it altogether through their own folly."
"Buckle your seat belts kids, things are about to get wild."
"You play with fire long enough, you're going to get burned."
"This story should be a wake-up call for the law-enforcement community and the area farmers."
"Discovering remnants of an extinct alien civilization could serve as a profound warning for Humanity."
"The fear, the true curse of that April Fool's Day lingered, a testament to the darkness that awaits us all just beyond the light."
"Macho is quite the climber and has gotten stuck in trees a couple times back when he was allowed outside."
"Anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side."
"Trust your enemies and your guard will be down. It's like the Red Wedding, they shut the gates."
"At some point, this is going to happen. Some young man is going to walk into a situation thinking his doesn't stink, and it's going to turn badly for him."
"The theme for today's video is expensive mistakes."
"Don't give him an inch, he'll take a mile."
"The story of Babel is like they'll do what they want to do but it's actually to their own destruction."
"The nice thing is it's a cautionary tale for both sides: the creator and the fan."
"Never do stupid things with stupid people at stupid times of the day in stupid places"
"...if you fight fire with fire, the fire just gets bigger, you know? It just makes everything worse..."
"We shouldn't be saying these things to the young."
"Just be careful if you're swimming in the north pole like even santa claus is not safe."
"Pride goes before the fall, right?"
"Good design can save lives, but bad design can kill."
"Eventually everything you build up at the top slowly starts to crumble before the whole thing falls apart entirely."
"The broad gate will always and only lead you to the broad way... it's like a lamb led to slaughter thinking that you are headed to the promised land."
"Jackson’s presidency was the first to demonstrate the inherent dangers of American populism."
"Complacency about making mistakes is damaging. Complacency blocks progress."
"There was only one law: 'Do not play God.'"
"Never corner a weak man; you will regret it."
"Curiosity can indeed kill the cat."
"The moral of the story is how dangerous gambling is."
"Don't do drugs kids, you'll end up like this one."
"I hope people take away from the story that it's very difficult to quit smoking and you shouldn't start in the first place."
"Lesson learned, folks: if you are married, don't lie or hide things from your significant other; they're gonna find out."
"When you lived by the sword, you best be ready to die by it."
"Don't be greedy. Greedy people will always get fed, but sometimes it's a dish you may not like."
"The cause of the calamity was clearly the concoction of alcohol and cavalier choices."
"A gruesome tale told to children living in a gruesome world."
"The way that leads to destruction is broad, and the way that leads to life is narrow."
"A great sword doesn't make a great swordsman, but the wrong sword will make a dead swordsman."
"Too much of a good thing makes it an addiction."
"No one should have that kind of power."
"A brief encounter with them will take years to recover."
"Once you let the genie out of the bottle, it's very difficult to stuff it back in."
"Overthinking is one of the number one things I see that will just cause people to not only fail but also like literally just never get started."
"One Bad Apple can ruin the whole bunch."
"Well, that's a warning to us all!"
"Water before beer, you're in the clear."
"...a cautionary tale of the Perils of passion and the Relentless March of time."
"Everyone in town seems willing to make a deal at Needful Things, but there the devil is in the details."
"I write this memoir as a warning against those who wish malice against humanity."