
Literal Interpretation Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Harry Maguire's 31 in March, and Varan is 31 in April. So they're 31. I love it when people are so literal."
"If the Bible said that Jonah swallowed the whale, I would believe it because what I've learned throughout all of my time in the word of God: when it says the apple's red, you go get the bucket."
"Sometime in the 1920s, Sigmund Freud was quoted as saying, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.'"
"People tend to fear anything that they fail to comprehend."
"City begs for these kinds of debates; it is undeniably literal, a flawlessly honed crater carved out of the desert."
"Bottom line: if he says 'take this all of you and eat of it, this is my body,' you've got to take him dead serious at that point and do what he says, believe what he says."
"Everything that Groot utters actually has a very literal meaning behind it."
"Is it fix broken, fixed actually spelled out broken that I need to do?" - John Hammond
"I don't know where he gets this idea. I don't know whether all attendees really saw it as a literal statement."
"Technically, he can’t be awake before anybody because he never really sleeps to begin with."
"Use your Emperor-given ears to listen. Using any other organ is heresy!"
"He's the literal king of literality, bringing you what you literally say to life, like literally."
"False advertisement is fittingly enough exactly what it says on the tin."
"Heroes beware: dark clouds are gathering on the horizon. Not metaphorically, the bad guys literally."
"It's a chess position, not a life philosophy."
"With King at least probably with Queen as well but with King the fire epithet actually means literal fire."
"I can't drown you with a pillow, it's not a liquid."
"Your fireworks made fire, Iowa fireworks, fireworks, right?"
"It's like they found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, literally."
"You know, I could just point to the president literally saying out loud, with vibrations from his throat and tongue, that he's not going to shoot immigrants, but shooting immigrants would be 'very effective.' End of quote."
"500 miles in the 500, that's why they call it that."
"Literally having a verbal conversation with it."
"Unlikely no, never. It's actually the answer is literally never."
"The Bible describes Leviathan...it's clearly describing a crocodile."
"Space exploration isn't a metaphor for growth or a journey of personal enlightenment. Space exploration is about space exploration."
"It's a gift to me, I don't just spit flames lyrically but literally." - Dan Bull
"If you get a group that says their name is Black Lives Matter, and a regular person can understand the distinction between that doesn't literally mean they think that."
"I had no horse in this race. I had a big fat horse. I had a one horse in Zelda that you get in, it's really big horse in Breath of the Wild."
"Well, Danny the Streets abilities may seem obvious—he is literally a living stretch of road—the character is a wee bit more complex than that."
"It really takes the open world idea or label and treats it quite literally."
"That means Rock. Rock, of course! Look at who's saying it."
"Generally, when you hear about a politician leaving their supporters out in the cold, it's a metaphor. Yeah, didn't really happen. But in Trump's case, it's literal."
"Aquarium beds: a literal take on 'sleeping with the fishes'."
"Nachos aren't a metaphor for life, nachos are nachos!"
"Unlike anime cliché, they literally slept together."
"Two thousand dollars means two thousand dollars."
"Prophecy is real prophecy is literal... something's going on here, something very real."
"Looks could be deceiving." - Subtlety: non-existent.
"They obeyed the fourth commandment literally upon the seventh day of the week."
"It's not cognitive space, it's actual space."
"Now this is a truly malicious compliance, spirit ignored, letter conformed."
"...the cries take on a more literal sense."
"You don't understand a saying so take it literally and try to correct him you're not the one who looks intelligent in this scenario."
"Then you get off your boat to discover that the island isn't nicknamed Snake Island ironically, but rather, quite literally, as the island is home to thousands of one of the deadliest snakes in the world- the golden lancehead viper."
"It takes things a bit literally, that's all," Miranda laughed, referring to the ship's AI.
"I got paid to cut the cheese literally."
"I'm embracing her fungi. I love you, maybe you're killing it literally."
"Isn't that a little literal, a little black and white?"
"Only if you go inside of an actual building."
"It's a very literal record; it's pretty much you can take it as it is."
"I believe in a natural interpretation which means it is as literal as the context makes appropriate."
"You are the universe; this is not a metaphor, it's literal."
"It's not a Sesame Street boogeyman big bird, it's literally a big bird."
"He was a Renaissance man figuratively but also somewhat literally."
"Phrases like 'my other half' and 'my everything' are cute, but I think we've taken it literally."
"I thought that is an amazing image to be a part of the language, just if you take it literally, like a bat out of hell."
"Some people call this part of the bike a kickstand, some a leg stand, and some take it too literally."
"It's heat, it's fire, it's literal."