
Content Delivery Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The content team is on it. They have heard the community. They know where the game is, and they are delivering some incredible content so far."
"We've got a much bigger budget this year and we're going to try and really make the experience awesome while also delivering the great content." - Speaker
"Let's just go ahead without further ado, get into it."
"We just need to get the content out to the people, and it's so important that you just keep getting your message out there."
"You've got less actual content... just more rips of that content..."
"Our plan is to deliver a steady drumbeat of new content every nine weeks through free seasonal updates."
"Speaking of continued support that adds value stay tuned at the same same channel same place you're watching this for up at noon at 5:00 which we found out is noon in Fiji so if you're watching from Fiji it's still up at noon."
"Unlike the Heart of Thorns... everything all at once."
"Is your main goal to bring people into the stream or simply reach them with content?"
"Success on YouTube is essentially making a promise in the title of your video and then delivering on that promise in the video."
"It's super exciting for all of us... just more stuff with fewer gaps in between."
"How cool is that? We're returning all four videos!"
"That's right, no ads, just hours upon hours of uninterrupted horrifying, creepy, and all-around spooky content."
"Deep Rock Galactic feels like a live service game if the developer actually delivered all of the promised content on day one."
"Experience pure fear and an anxious atmosphere that put the players' survival instincts to the test."
"Let's go full screen here, so he'd watch my stream, obviously. I'm having a meeting, I don't want to say a bad word or something."
"It wasn't just like giving us around a bit of everything, everything that they gave us was relevant to the pack and the pack theme."
"Our goal is to bring four or five big games to the platform every year."
"So that is pretty much all I have for you. Thank you very much for watching."
"I know it's a little bit of a longer one... we actually covered a ton of information."
"It's been severely condensed." - "If you haven't pulled the trigger and joined the Daily Wire yet."
"I mean, if the shoe fits, today we're going to be doing the entire history of Olive Specter, not the entire history of the Specter family."
"Make sure you guys stay subscribed over here on YouTube to make sure me and Teddy keep your cup full with all the tea."
"This same video... could have been delivered in five minutes."
"Thank you very much for watching folks, enjoy the music, and I will see you next time."
"It felt long to me... just get right into the thing."
"Internet humor isn't just about being loud it's also about pacing and never lingering for too long on a punch line."
"We're so grateful for you we're going to have some content for you over the weekend too including our continued partnership with daily poster."
"If the majority of your audience wants something, give it to them."
"That ensures that you get all my stuff sent directly to your sub box, very, very important thing to do indeed."
"The YouTube algorithm turned around and gave them everything they asked for."
"I really feel like the content team can just deliver more."
"That's just a theory a game theory no interruptions this time thanks for watching."
"You guys are amazing, man, but like what I'm telling you, dude, it is my job to get this info up as fast as possible."
"I hope all of it made sense, I hope you guys enjoyed it."
"Thanks so much for watching, thanks for your time. I know it was a long one but I feel like there was a lot of important stuff to say about this."
"The game has weekly updates and pushes new content and changes so quickly."
"Absolutely crushing it in terms of just games that are fun games that deliver in terms of content and then deliver after launch."
"Without a doubt, they will do a phenomenal job on this DLC."
"I always feel like I'm right around the corner to giving you guys a lot of stuff but we're still not quite there."
"But I did my best to talk about some interesting things here."
"A CDN is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and data centers for fast and highly available content delivery."
"The content can be fantastic, but if the delivery as in the whole deal, whole shebang thumbnail title description if the delivery is not good, no one's going to see the content."
"The main advantage that it provides is that it will globally distribute your static content, meaning that your pages will load faster."
"We're not the best. We're not the biggest. We don't intend to be either of those things, but we're just going to bring it to you the way we see it."
"My job is to bring the content to you guys and to make sure that we don't run into some huge problem down the road that we didn't see coming."
"Seconds count, and we need to deliver our content to our clients as fast as possible."
"I'm happy I was able to deliver this today and hopefully, you guys do enjoy it."
"With Azure CDN, you get the ability to deliver your content with reduced load times, fast responsiveness, and less bandwidth."
"The content is being served to me. How terrific is that!"
"I just really like Ghost, I like how simplistic it is, just very effective for what it you're supposed to do which is get people to subscribe and then send them content."
"You can't be lazy on the channel either; you gotta push that content out."
"Content delivery should be as close to the edge as possible with the least delivery time."
"No medium is right for everything."
"Did you notice how I adapted my note-taking approach based on how the content is delivered and what content is delivered?"
"It really helps the channel continue to grow which helps me continue to deliver you guys valuable content."
"Our job is to make sure we deliver enough content for you so that when you go back to work, you're able to get more done, your companies are more successful."
"If you're building a content site, a marketing site, a landing page, an e-commerce, anything that's about getting content to the user as quickly as possible with some interactivity on it, that's where Astro shines."
"We need to make sure that we will always be delivering high-quality educational material."
"This channel is all about giving people the help that they need and delivering what they want."
"We're going to be hosting your videos, optimizing your videos for you in real time."
"Wow, they actually did it. They delivered a chunk of content that I could consider as a whole to be good."
"It's just so convoluted. I just want to get rid of all that and be like, 'Look, if you want to watch Corridor Digital videos plus extra stuff that we've never been able to make before... keep it simple. Why can't it just be simple?'"
"Turn on your notifications, and you'll get a lot of valuable content every week."
"Yes boys, you voted for it and I am here to deliver."
"Recently, AWS LightSail introduced the ability to create content delivery distributions... this basically runs on AWS CloudFront underneath."
"When people go to something on YouTube, they want to know that they're going to get what they want."
"Don't force users to ask for more content, just give it to them."
"My goal is to try and bring great content as often as I can; today is no exception."
"Our goal is really just to make sure we're showing content ASAP so that it feels responsive and fluid."
"The web has always excelled in providing content on demand."
"The audience have asked for it, and we are delivering it."
"As of late, I've been trying to explore a few things, I've been trying to figure out what is the best way for me to deliver information and content to my clients."
"Getting the right content to the right people in the right place at the right time."
"YouTube is able to feed out such a large quantity of content instantly."
"CloudFront allows you to restrict access to content based on geography of the requester."
"The end result of using a content delivery network is a large amount of scalability."
"The people who run the site care more about making sure that real users see their content."
"As the web gets better and better, content gets to the screen much faster and seamlessly."
"The idea is to deliver content or games to the broadest audience in the most efficient way."
"Amazon CloudFront will edge cache your static content so that content is much closer to the customer."