
Waste Quotes

There are 435 quotes

"That's a waste of people, a waste of potential, and a waste of resources."
"Every year, Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Year's."
"This incredibly wasteful misunderstanding is something the food companies have no desire to dispel – if you throw it out before you finish it, you’ll go buy more and they make more profit."
"Clothing is one of the top contributors to waste in our country."
"It's a tragic story, a disgusting waste of human life."
"As Americans, we make a ton of trash, the most in the world. We actually have made more trash by three times since 1960. We keep buying more and throwing it away."
"The squandering and waste of resources is no longer a societal taboo, but an active part of the capitalist machine."
"It would be a waste, yes, we shouldn't be wasteful."
"No one needs that much makeup and it's so wasteful as well"
"An untapped star isn't a pretty object but rather a monstrosity akin to wasting a campfire made of books and food."
"Most people have a full measure of life, and most people just let shit slowly drip away."
"It's a huge waste and a bad thing for the industry."
"The most important thing is balance. If this balance is missing, all talent, all competence, all genius, all you know, whatever exuberant things you have will go to waste."
"Forgetting about your ultimate talent is such a waste."
"Our incarceration is wasteful, it's economically wasteful, it's socially wasteful."
"People are wasting a lot of money on supplements that don't work, they're not bioavailable, they can't get in your bloodstream so you're just peeing them out."
"What an absolute waste of everyone's time... I'm just moving on..."
"I mean, you're throwing your miles away. You're like a philanthropist at this point."
"You're wasting taxpayers' money, you're a creepy old guy following me around."
"Fast fashion is an incredibly wasteful industry it's very harmful to the environment."
"A giant pulsating mind is a terrible thing to waste."
"Brands like Burberry and Louis Vuitton have actually admitted to burning their unsold merchandise."
"Did you know the average two-person household wastes thirty pounds per month just by throwing away food they've already bought?"
"I don't believe in spending money on something that you're just gonna throw away."
"Wasted crop is perhaps the most apt, indicating there was at least the intention to do good."
"Nothing is wasted, not even the corpses left behind by the nightmare alien monsters."
"From all those returns, there's now nearly 6 billion pounds of landfill waste generated a year."
"All of your taxpayer dollars were absolutely wasted."
"The worst part of all of this is he didn't even keep the yu-gi-oh cards bro he was like so ashamed of them that he ended up throwing them away"
"What a waste! Many of these machines had little to nothing wrong with them."
"This food just walked up and threw about 400 million dollars away."
"What a waste of time, money, and talent. People lost their jobs over this, a lot of people."
"Painful it is when your money goes to waste."
"Why would you waste your energy typing something out to somebody that it doesn't affect me?"
"Why not watch another video where I waste a ton of money?"
"Remember, paying interest on these credit cards is like taking money and throwing it out the window."
"It seemed like a waste when there's people around the world that have nothing."
"I hate wasting stuff. It's my biggest pet peeve ever."
"Did you like that? Do you know how much we wasted for 20 years in Afghanistan? Nobody says that right off the bat."
"In theory, the more people, the more leftovers they're gonna create."
"All kids have tremendous talents, and we squander them pretty ruthlessly sometimes."
"Don't buy name brand clothes, it's a big waste of money, what you're buying when you're buying that name-brand stuff a lot of times you're buying that."
"So, never ever lease brand new cars, it's just tossing your money into trash."
"Space missions have always involved components that have been discarded during the voyage to orbit."
"People throw so much crazy crap away, all this stuff was just thrown away at some point."
"Look at all this amazing material they just threw out."
"All that stuff that you accumulate is going to end up in a landfill anyway when you pass away."
"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."
"We're so wasteful as a species, so wasteful."
"I think we're spending way too much time, resources, and all that on something that is completely redundant."
"Throw them on the floor to Garbage Island."
"Anything you buy and don't use, anything you throw away, anything you consume and don't enjoy is money down the drain, wasting your life and energy."
"The average American throws away about 82 lbs of textile waste per year."
"It was a complete waste of time, waste of resources and everything."
"We are wasting these resources every single day."
"I'm not going to wasc 1,600 bucks on a 45 bad."
"Waste is when a thing full of life and promise, a thing of beauty, is obliterated before its full potential is realized. Waste is snuffing out a light in our darkest hour. Waste is death, and he is going to kill it."
"There is nothing more annoying than buying a bunch of healthy food and having to throw it out or it sits in your fridge or freezer taking up space because you don't know what to do with it all."
"Bitterness is a waste of time. It's a waste of energy. It's a waste of brain cells. It's a waste of blood pressure."
"If something is expired, you should throw it in the trash. I get a lot of people like, 'Will give it to me, girl,' and I'm like, 'No, stop.'"
"It's so frustrating to feel like so much time wasted."
"It's amazing the amount of these worldwide that must be thrown away."
"I almost feel like we have gone from a two-car family to a one-car family because we have the truck but we're currently not using the truck. It seems like such a waste."
"Is that garbage? Is that a garbage planet?"
"You would have had more fun just throwing that six thousand dollars in a [ __ ] drain."
"Fast fashion is not becoming more sustainable, it's increasingly overproducing and generating waste that we currently have no solution for."
"People love to use makeup, I mean, believe it or not, people do not throw it away at all."
"Lean focuses on maximizing value to the client and ensuring waste is minimized."
"The great tragedy in America today is not the waste of our natural resources, though that is a great tragedy. The real tragedy is the waste of our human resources."
"The biggest issue of all... is not just the squandering of physical resources but the squandering of Human Resources."
"Lean speaks about eliminating waste and focusing on value streams."
"In today's world, consumers often spurn oddly shaped produce, stringent regulations even dictate the perfection of fruits and vegetables, leading to massive food waste."
"There is nowhere near as much a waste of it."
"Over consumption leads to a culture of disposability."
"I'd like anything that can be used to be used and not to be trucked away 'cause I don't like to see things wasted."
"It's just noise and clutter and money and energy spent."
"It's like WWE gave us a cake and then threw it on the floor."
"I hate food waste. I think it's the worst thing in the world. I'd eat things off the floor just to make sure there's no waste."
"Just use it, go down the toilet and flush it. Use a box of matches with you."
"Life promiscuity is like sexual promiscuity. The promiscuous person throws his own life away."
"One man's waste really is another man's treasure."
"What a missed opportunity there, man, what a waste."
"What a story! And a waste of a tower."
"I can't believe somebody threw all this good stuff out."
"There's this stigma around wasting food."
"You don't want to create plastic waste."
"There is nothing more offensive to God than wasting the gifts he gives us."
"We're talking about millions and millions and millions of pounds of waste a year that is coming from these systems. It is destroying rivers, it is destroying the environment, it is not good for the animals."
"Having said all that guys I have nothing more to offer you on this particular 54 at this time other than an oil splashed Exxon vald pointless waste of time mess."
"Furthermore, in situations in which companies are creating more hazardous waste liabilities than good to society that they're producing, these companies should not be in business."
"Fusion power is highly sought after because it produces no radioactive waste."
"Fortunately though we were able to nip it in the bud and we didn't prolong the pain of how much money we were wasting."
"Encouraging people to drop insane amounts of money on something that won't even help them, it's just absolutely devastating."
"Fifty percent of all gift cards go unused."
"It's exploitative towards women and it seems like a lot of guys waste time and energy on porn that would be better spent with real live women."
"Americans throw away as much as $68 million worth of change every year."
"Recycling is the last resort, only one small step up from garbage."
"There's so much that we waste in our everyday lives that we don't see the value in, but you take those kind of things and create a use for them and an importance for them."
"...if you don't have the correct structure in google ads, you will actually be wasting a lot of money."
"It's not a matter of if you're creating waste, it's how much waste are you creating and why are you creating it."
"This is a complete and total waste of human life."
"It's amazing what people throw away."
"We seem hellbent on producing more and more disposable stuff."
"It's not about saving money, it's about saving food and not wasting."
"An entire rainforest has died to provide the amount of paperwork I've submitted."
"Life goes by like this, bro. Like, that's why I don't want to waste it on any [ __ ]."
"There's less waste. I think Americans especially have kind of fallen into that trap of more is better when really more is just more."
"Anything that does not increase value in the eye of the customer must be considered waste."
"We are the only species on this planet without an exception that has invented designed this concept of taking resources out of the ground molding them into shapes and forms and giving them functions that are not reverse-engineer able I recyclable that's called garbage."
"It's a waste of plasticity if you ask me."
"Fatbergs usually didn’t have thick spiderwebs clinging to them."
"And finally, fatbergs didn’t usually have dead deer protruding from them. Let alone dead deer with other bugs living in them."
"Why go playing around on the moon? Such a waste."
"The climate crisis is a manufactured crisis. The energy crisis is a real crisis and I believe we shouldn't intellectually waste this crisis."
"She seemed to her that all the trash that the world had outgrown had been dumped here."
"If we consume less stuff, we produce less waste."
"Fear is a complete waste of emotions and time."
"It's that boomer mindset of like we can't let this go to waste."
"Taxpayer dollars were wasted on this mess of a hearing."
"That's the thing about garbage, it shouldn't cost anything at all."
"Why such waste? It's a really interesting little epic."
"I kind of feel like that might have been a waste."
"Is nuclear waste really waste? Well, I would say no. I don't think it's waste. I think there's a lot of very useful things in it."
"You don't want to live in your own waste."
"Every time that company pushes a button and they decide to say yes, we're gonna change the battery design, they're literally throwing thousands and hundreds and millions of batteries in the trash of people's homes."
"A repository for waste, a controversial venture."
"I thought that's what's going on here but no, every day they just cook up 15 dishes that have to go in the trash. So what's my point? Today we're going to be having Churrasco."
"Celebrate Eid with moderation and avoid wasting food."
"A once thriving second-hand clothing market is now creating mountains of waste."
"If you're not reusing your old content, it's basically just going straight to waste."
"I mean we bought these waiters after the last flood and we're actually really happy we're getting to use them otherwise they would have been quite a waste of money."
"Worry is waste, and the greater the worry, the greater the waste."
"Taxpayer dollars are just being wasted."
"The true opposite of conserve is waste, squander."
"It would be a crime to let talent as good as Benjamin's go to waste."
"I'm tired of food waste. Every time I go to the grocery store I end up with about half a bag of carrots that just never gets used."
"We spend trillions of dollars on things that are just bad."
"It's complete illusion that war pays for itself. It's a complete waste of money. You gain nothing by it."
"what a waste right what a waste right"
"Just keep in mind one thing: do not take a lot of meat out because if you do, it's just basically like throwing money away."
"It's very daunting when you go to the bins on a regular basis and you realize how much is going to the landfill."
"The plastic pollution, mismanagement of waste and garbage in the oceans are now becoming intertwined with geological material, that is really bizarre, crazy."
"Nothing is a waste until it runs out."
"You've just wasted 11 people's effort out there."
"There is a deep contradiction between usefulness and pure waste."
"If you put that same drink through a juicer you throw away the pith and the pulp. But the pith, skin, seeds, and pulp of every fruit and vegetable contains more nutritional value than the juice alone."
"It's terrible how much water's getting wasted."
"So, after we're done filming here, it's going away all the way from New York to a Kansas salvage yard. Weird."
"Don't be that guy. Buying something you don't want is pointless and a waste of money."
"I love not wasting money. I can give money away, but I cannot waste it."
"Gluttony refers to the overconsumption of food or anything to the point of waste gluttony is considered as the over-indulgence in food when you should spare some for the needy or in this case the radiator."
"What a waste our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once."
"We live in a disposable society, but a lot of what we throw away is worth keeping."
"There's so much stuff out there that could eventually become discarded and fill the landfill."
"Don't waste your breath on people who don't care if you live."
"It's always better to donate than to throw it away."
"People throw out broken things without a second thought, even appliances that can still be fixed."
"Plastics have been a sort of great Savior and have become the symbol in many ways of a modern personal world now was going to be consigned to the rubbish dump."
"Waste is actually resources not yet put to use. How do we see waste differently? See opportunities."
"Seriously, some of the stuff that people throw away...wow!"
"What's the point? You're wasting all the money."
"When we don't see the big picture, the organization will become an engine of waste and errors."
"That reunion was a waste of time it was a waste of time they had a Q&A with chalkboards at the end."
"The aftermath of constant capitalist Innovation is the permanent production of piles of left over waste."
"Everyone was saddened and even angry at the waste of life."
"There's always something that cannot be fit into the system, which is to say there's always waste in a system."
"It's amazing what people throw out."
"Overproduction refers to producing more than is required, for example, a customer needed 10 products and 12 were delivered."
"How do you waste yourself? Not teaching, not explaining to the people."
"I'm personally on the side of the person who took the hamburger that was already going into the trash."
"The world is too much with us late and soon, getting and spending we lay waste our powers."
"Smoking is just a waste of money, man."
"I hate seeing creativity wasted like that, man. It's one of my pet peeves."
"Walmart is taking my money for stuff I can't use."
"Keeping things often makes us feel like we're not wasting. But we still are."
"Letting something rot inside your house is not any less wasteful than letting something rot in a landfill."
"That was just like horrendous horror show everyone loses it was just a waste of potential."
"I see waste as an opportunity. To me waste is really one of those untapped resources, just waiting to be harnessed."
"Guys, this is a waste of resources. They're not going to cuff us from here."
"Well, I'm a bit horrified by the lack of packaging."
"It's very easy to feel like, 'Oh, I wasted my time,' but every experience teaches us something."
"I'm tired of buying stuff from Fashion Nova real quick and wearing it once or twice and throwing it away. It's really a waste of money."
"I really do hate bootleg rubbish like this. All of this is landfill waste. Imagine how many millions of these they pump out just to be used for about a week or two and then thrown away."
"You're looking at a maximum five years imprisonment for dumping of waste."
"As long as you're getting rid of your waste consciously, then compost is a good way to go."
"What's disgraceful is 14 million pounds of public money has been wasted on this investigation."
"Big trees have been in pots for five years, junk wasting money."
"The 600 million is really important but more it's not just about jobs. 40% of agricultural produce in Africa is wasted."
"If material is money, every time they sell something they throw money in the bin."
"You can take those gifts, talents, and education and piss it away."
"It’s worth pointing out that both paper and food waste are biodegradable, and under the right conditions will break down completely in as little as 6 weeks."
"Well, that's probably gonna go in the bin to be honest but never mind."
"$1 of every $11 you spend pays for the cost of packaging, and one third of everything you throw away consists of packaging materials."
"What a terrible shame it would be to waste the light indoors."
"I've never thrown an orange away because every time it's in one piece, it's in one perfect peel."
"It would be a huge waste to neglect a hidden talent like that."
"Saddest thing in life is waste of talent."
"Such a shame that so many of these models are thrown away."
"It just makes me go cold, just sad really, it was just a life wasted."
"Remember the saddest thing in life is waste of talent."