
Personal Relevance Quotes

There are 447 quotes

"If we're going to be focusing on education, I think that education that actually matters to the individual when they're trying to make their way through life should probably be the focus."
"I feel like these are valid things I would ask if I was in this situation."
"I believe that you clicked on this reading for a reason, and it could be something specific for you."
"You may say, well, I'm in this discipline or other. I don't think biology is going to have anything to do with my future career or career opportunities. But it has a lot to do with your life."
"Just take what resonates. It won't resonate for everyone."
"Always follow your intuition. Don't try and make these messages fit into your individual situation."
"Anytime you see this reading, it will be the right time for you."
"Please remember, this is a general reading for many people at once, so please just take what you feel is for you and leave anything that doesn't seem to ring true for you."
"Most Bible believers know that the Bible is filled with promises from God and they know that it's for them."
"Take every opportunity that speaks to you personally, not just any opportunity."
"A bullet journal isn't supposed to be perfect; it's supposed to be useful in your pursuit of what matters to you."
"This is a timeless reading, so whenever you are watching this, it applies to you."
"Great artists are out there, find them, don't be stingy, take care of it once you've got it, and get something that means something to you so every time you look at it you're never bored, just inspired and happy that you had it done."
"A deep exploration of a theme can be just as powerful as a message, especially if it's one you relate to."
"Boredom is caused not because an activity is inherently boring but because it's not meaningful to the person."
"I feel normal, and so whatever that is, whether it's a book or an actor playing a role, or an author or a director, that allows you to feel connected, a connection to humanity."
"I find something even like really cool about that method because that's kind of the method."
"This whole launch seems like it was made for me, it's perfect."
"For the first time in my life I feel like the content that I'm putting out is actually important."
"When you find a promise that relates to your situation and meets your need, that promise is God's will for you."
"When you strip away the noise, what's left are the issues that genuinely affect your life, your family, and your country."
"We get to keep God, that inner urge to have something more Transcendent than we are, that will give us a destiny that has the solution to our problems."
"This characterizes something called personal relevance attribution."
"It really spoke to me. It's exactly what I was after."
"I hope this reading was helpful for you. Take what resonates, do not let the rest take from you."
"These people don't matter if their opinion is nothing."
"You don't need to have the epic scale world-ending threat, you just need to have a threat that is legitimately scary to the protagonist or to you, yeah."
"If it's so important, they gotta make a video to talk about me. They're talking about people who make streams that are three, four, five, six, ten hours long. Trust me, they know how to make their ass over here."
"At the end of the day, this is important to me because it's kind of like remixes."
"It's not just about saving SB Tactical, it's your problem too."
"Avril Lavigne gave me hope that maybe what people like me could still be relevant at 40."
"It was right up my alley and taught me something about my own reading."
"It's important to deliver. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't."
"It felt like a personal call out for anyone who's ever worked a dead-end job."
"Does your house have a master bedroom? It does. Not one minute have I cared."
"People always say Nate you're living in Saskatchewan Canada why do you care about what's going on in Russia because I'm not psychic but I can see the future."
"I think what the album means is very much up to the listener."
"If you never liked me, then why would you matter?"
"I'm fully aware I am not the most relevant man in the world but I'm happy and grateful for what I have."
"It’s odd, because on some level this game feels made for me."
"Please take what resonates with you. If it doesn't sound like your story, then it's not."
"The entire series was always focused on giving advice about the little things, the kind of stuff that will only matter to you during this time in your life."
"You need to educate yourself so that your perceptions are formed by yourself with your own family in mind, not by the greater fools on Wall Street."
"If it’s personal to you, you’ll remember it."
"Your brain will remember what you learn because it’s relevant to you, your life, and your feelings."
"I feel like if I look at a show like David Makes Man, I felt very seen in that season."
"I was shook because some of the things in my horoscope were extremely accurate to what I'm actually feeling and going through in my life."
"We hope there's something there we love that there's so much you can apply to your own life."
"This is exactly what I needed to hear today."
"If what you've been doing forever is cool now, that's sick."
"Chances are for a few of you that chose the first group that could be what's happening."
"I didn't change, I'm gonna still do that in the doctrine and covenants. Watch me do that in your time and with your conditions."
"There is no better feeling than when a piece of art meets you exactly where you are when it just hits you at the perfect moment and scratches an itch in your brain."
"So if you're listening to this and you agreed you were like okay it was good but it wasn't like I mean go read it or you just don't have trauma in your life."
"One of the reasons why I love talking about this is if you take all these different areas, healthcare and genomics is the one that is guaranteed to affect you at some point."
"Consider the possibility that these are the words of God and consider the possibility that these are the words for you."
"If a reading makes you feel really bad, it's probably not your reading."
"If it matters to you, you're going to feel a type of way moving forward."
"Step three relate it to yourself and something about the future, 'Man, I really hope I'll be able to go bowling like you did one day in the future.'"
"Do you understand that this isn't just about the news lying? It has a direct impact on you."
"Self-relevance is like the glue of cognition how things are relevant to me is how cognition and agency get glued together and work together and become integrated."
"If you think anything like that, PrizePicks is the app for you."
"Eclipses are not just any full moon eclipses, it's something fated, pivotal, when it's connected to your imaginary world, your inner soul activity."
"Whether or not it turns out to have been true love, this ends up being sort of a key element."
"For some people, it's something that's very important, for other people, it's something that's giving us a lot of information potentially about their health."
"Me using NA: 'NA' is not applicable, my entire life."
"I'm always gonna keep it real with you guys and talk about things that are important to me because you are watching this on your screen right now and I want you to be getting something from it that it's gonna make you a better person."
"I still need that intrinsic human connection to tell me like, okay, like what does this mean to me as a person."
"If you're not Iranian-American if you have never experienced that culture if you haven't grown up with like Persian culture around you in a Persian household and family you're not going to get the same thing out of this book."
"It's because Aggretsuko talks about all the same stuff that a 20 something like myself is going through, and marriage, ah dude, these are the questions you wonder about, is it too late, like my parents met in college and what am I gonna do?"
"Superheroes are figures that help readers process events in their own lives and the world at large."
"People actually care about their own stories, not my story."
"If you see yourself in those images, it's easier to swallow. It's easy to go forward."
"I've never gone for a movie where from beginning to end I felt like it related to my life."
"Whether I understand it or not is immaterial and irrelevant."
"I really hope that this resonated and made sense for you."
"When you trust the Lord Jesus as your Savior, everything in the Word of God that applies to us, also applies to you."
"It's one of those situations where if it don't apply, let it fly."
"Sports dude it becomes part of their identity."
"Emotional adventure that strikes close to your heart."
"Every single path led to the same inevitable location... both paths converge to the same thing, and that same thing is you."
"The only person who needed to hear it heard it."
"You can create any reality that is relevant for you."
"We now have a need to understand our relationship to meaning."
"It's one of those rare pieces of media that just shows you exactly what you need to hear when you need to hear it."
"To him, this is not an esoteric issue. It's not an abstract issue. It's very real."
"For me, Star Trek has always mattered so much. But I never got to really see myself in the show."
"Real issues that affect you, your family, our country. Not just politics but culture, faith, current events. All the fundamentals. If they matter to you, come check out the show."
"I only talk about things that personally affect me. That's why I'm talking about it."
"Not every message will be for you, and that's okay."
"Wouldn’t it be good to get to the bottom of these stories, especially the ones that really matter to you."
"SAO does some things right that are going to be more important for some people than the things it does wrong are for me."
"I truly don't believe in coincidences, so if you found and felt drawn to this reading, there is most likely some message here for you."
"Does that make sense? How important is the narrative self-fulfillment to people?"
"Once you have tens of thousands of people that really [ __ ] with you and everything you do, yeah, then you cater to what, you know what I'm saying?"
"Even if something is irrelevant to you, what it matters to someone else makes it important."
"Fictional heroes like Agent Venom mean more to me than the average Joe."
"I don't even know what that means, in my life."
"Always use these readings only if they are helping you. Use your discernment. If you feel it's truth for you, if you don't feel like it's what's going on for you, just drop the reading. Turn the reading off, no big deal."
"Look to your ancestors' wisdom look to the cultural practices that they retain and maybe those ancestral wisdom will apply to you."
"Visions and signs are for you; they're personal."
"It's hard for me to imagine that people actually want to listen to what I say."
"Remember that the most important part of any tarot reading Gemini is you."
"Creating zones for your stuff makes a huge difference."
"Trust the intuition, trust how you feel, trust how it sounds, the tone, and all of that. That's going to be super important."
"A story is more than simply what happens; it includes the meaning of what happens."
"I might be one of those people... this might actually be a magic pill for someone like me."
"For individuals who have been molested sexually turned out had some trendic experience or they just identify with that understand something their sexuality matters to them more than Blackness does more much more."
"It changed the way that I perceived games... and the experiences I could have with them."
"Everything an astrologer says is not going to come true because this is not personal."
"God wants to touch you exactly where you are."
"If I can't understand my dream, I don't want to waste my time fooling with it."
"What does it point to? Who knows and who cares what I think."
"Energy is timeless, so if you come across this video at a future date, just know that the message was meant for you."
"The problem with ideology is it's a universal set of solutions and you think, well, that's great... except it'll eradicate the particularity."
"Excuse me if you felt drawn to watch it, then spirit has a message for you."
"I don't care what anybody thinks about me, it's irrelevant. What they think about God is very relevant."
"The tinted glass is so cool. I really want to use that a lot this season."
"Congratulations to you if this applies to you because it's beautiful."
"I felt like it was meant for me to stay here."
"It's difficult because we all want to be accepted, but really does it [__] matter?"
"Ask yourself: Will I wear this? Will I actually wear it in public?"
"What is for you may not be for him. What is for him may not be for you."
"It's always wonderful to see how different people identify with different openings for a wide array of reasons."
"It's not just a story of old times, it's something that applies to you and me now."
"When we imagined a world in which all that we know could unravel, for me that's not some history lesson, that's my own life."
"They didn't mention my name, which makes me think that these people only know part of the story or they think they know part of the story."
"By the time I get to Phoenix anymore, so obviously we connected with the title in relationship to coming from Phoenix, but it also connected thematically in those ways."
"You have a purpose, and you may not have found it yet, but you will and you can and you should."
"Your worship and your religious practice is not there to make you smile; it is there to make God smile."
"How do we protect ourselves from social contagion? By having a greater sense of why what we are doing is important to us."
"Make a movie for free for girls to be into something they can look back in 20 years and go that movie was about me and my life at that time."
"This next feature is really, really awesome and useful for me."
"He has tased Rama ties so many of the things I write about in this book."
"If anything that I've been saying has even been even half happening in your life then you know you know this message is for you."
"MMO Junkie tells us that no matter how our society wants us to live or what decisions we think would be best for the people around us, our lives matter."
"Escape pods, now you're speaking my language."
"The purpose of a present is to be meaningful to the recipient, not the giver. This is sort of elementary logic, right?"
"Black lives matter to me means my life, this my existence because the only life that I get the chance to live is black."
"It's almost like it's designed specifically for certain type of people and that's certainly you."
"Does that really matter? Does that impact your life?"
"Nobody really cares about anybody's opinion and the opinions don't matter at all."
"This story truly meant a lot to me because it's something I can relate with."
"The only thing that's interesting is the thing that you care about a lot, you know what I mean?"
"Number seven is your lucky number this week."
"God speaks to us in different ways that we can comprehend."
"Such fragments from the past allow us to get closer to the real car Merri."
"Remember, just take the messages that resonate, leave what doesn't."
"School is not the be-all end-all to everybody."
"Coinciding your content with your interests, and what's happening for you in real time is really important to your happiness as a creator."
"Truman sharply tells him that Hiroshima isn't about him."
"People tend to like the deep cultural stuff that appeals to their hearts."
"If He did it for Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, if He did it for Solomon, why not you? Why not me?"
"In all honesty, this couldn't have come at a better time for us."
"I find when I understand the history behind it there's just so much more meaning."
"The reality is for most people... it doesn't matter."
"What doesn't resonate for you will resonate for someone else."
"They both serve different needs and they probably will for you too."
"You know, people assume the economy means the same thing to everybody and no, of course, it doesn't. It means different things at different points of time and to different people."
"Don't forget please only take what resonates and leave the rest."
"It depends so much on your own personal circumstances."
"I want you to imagine that you're gonna have to speak to every single person in the audience and every single person there is yourself at a younger point in your life as the character."
"Every single thing I've ever been sent has been so spot-on."
"I have not done a lot of movies that really reflected my own personal life the way Adam Project does."
"Some of the things in your head that are the most important aren't actually either the most important or even relevant to other people."
"The battle is going to come to your town, your state, your household."
"We need a little more thought on it. Approaching this, is it correct for you? And that will answer it. Should answer any questions you have about what to do with this feeling which is sizable, I grant you."
"Ask me about the things to come... concerning my sons and the works of my hands."
"This song touches home with me, reason being this was like an eye-opener."
"Each Zodiac sign will experience the energy differently; check your rising sign for accuracy."
"Blocking out the noise and focusing on what matters."
"Who cares? Why is it so important to everybody? I've never understood it."
"Your opinion matters more than mine. What I think about a show shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things."
"As long as you've got my interest, that's all I care about."
"Let's say you don't have a preference, well this is a non-conversation for you."
"If I could relate to it and then give me chills from some [__] I've seen did been through like that's what's in my playlist with some substance."
"Anger brings the statement into the subjective and the subjective is where it belongs."
"Every time we read the Bible, the word of God comes to us and meets us where we're at, as a father speaks to his children."
"Take what resonates and leave what does not."
"Pluto is entered our house right we aquarians feel this this is important we are leading Humanity in aquarium matters."
"I can't believe I've been doing this shit for half a decade. What the fuck? Why am I relevant in any way?"
"Only take what connects with you personally. I do Channel many different people situations and connections and at the end of the day it's really your own intuition that is the guiding Compass of your life."
"Is it going to fix something in climate change that I think is important?"
"I am going to cry at this next song because it is titled 'Chosen Family' and that is something that hits very deep with me."
"For most people, the motto motto is absolutely useless."
"I just think we're living in a world where things are getting a little oversaturated... our voices matter."
"I wanted to feature it here. This is exactly what I didn't know I needed."
"Evangelion is one of those rare pieces of media that has a unique voice for whoever interacts with it."
"I just felt like so many parts of this book were written for me."
"It's irrelevant, none of the other companies I've applied for have said anything about it."
"Did I have fun on set today? Did I feel like I did a good job? Everything else is irrelevant."
"The story you tell is the one that matters to you. You tell The Good Parts. That's how you change lives."
"If God responded to Cornelius, how much more to you? Was the spirit of God who knows the ways..."
"If the person doesn't care about you, then their criticism isn't as legitimate criticism and more just insult."
"Just take what resonates. It's not going to make sense for everyone."
"An elegant gut punch, a puzzle box that unwinds itself in its own way, in its own time. I didn't know I needed to read this until I did." - Seanan McGuire
"Now this really spoke to me because I'm just like yeah, that's so true."
"Take it with a grain of salt since not everything will necessarily apply to you, so just take what rings true for you and your situations."
"I think it's gonna be a breakthrough for the large language models... your assistant tells you the most important things going on for you."
"I actually really needed this, this is really good."