
School Life Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"If we want to make the overall environment of school life better for all students, we should... make that environment more accepting for all students."
"Imagine being in the dark at school at 6:00 p.m."
"Oh yeah, that was so much fun, but we almost got caught escaping school."
"What stays with me more than anything in this case is that image of him in those last days before his death, sat on the periphery at school, too exhausted and helpless and broken to engage with any of his peers."
"I just so desperately wanted to be like the girls that I saw at school."
"Every girl at my school is beautiful and I'm just here like, 'I exist but that's it.'"
"A nine-year-old kid apparently got caught selling hot Cheetos for 25 cents in bags at school."
"But I was, you know, always getting suspended for, you know, I was, I was a bad kid, a straight-A drug dealer, yeah, exactly. It didn't make much sense."
"From this moment on this school is your home your life all right come on I'm gonna keep this up yeah bro you got it's okay scare the heck out of us go ahead real the trick now I'm gonna trick."
"Karen turned out to be a very sweet and kind girl and told me all about the school."
"That brings our entrance era module closed. Please enjoy your abundantly dreary school life and see ya."
"The day drew to a close, a tense maddening day that saw the deaths of three classmates."
"School is fun, school is awesome, we love it."
"I got into so many fights from primary to early high school, you won most of them right?"
"If your school cafeteria didn't have a freezer built into the lunch line then you were missing out."
"I wanted to have a normal enjoyable school life with my friends."
"People who sell snacks at school... y'all really are the underrated gods of school."
"Thank you so much for coming along for my first day of senior year. I hope you enjoyed it and had a lot of fun."
"More importantly than any of that, we actually got a honey buns in the cafeteria now."
"Moral of the story is don't mess with the Quiet kid, man."
"She's cute, intelligent, and has a cool attitude. She's like the queen of the school."
"One more day of school and then bada bing bada boom, we got this."
"I'm the one who has to thank you. If I hadn't met you, I would have had a lonely school life."
"High School is easy. It's like riding a bike, and the bike is on fire, and the ground is on fire, and everything's on fire because you're in Hell."
"Goodbye and don't forget to behave yourself, your school days, love them, loathe them, oh I hate school, you never forget them."
"With her by my side, school may just be a fun place to be."
"We're legends at this school, no one comes up with schemes like us, exactly."
"You mean the matter concerning your stolen school memories. I mean a no-good person like me actually spent time with everyone else at Hope's Peak Academy."
"Teens desperately miss their friends; their school is their life."
"It's a time for you to gain confidence... and it shouldn't be a time for you letting other people judge you."
"By dressing how I wanted to in high school... it really kind of changed my life."
"I'm up my school, I get felt love in the lungs."
"It's cool, Nathan's. Don't stress, you're okay, bro. Just count to three. Don't be scared. You own this school."
"You should be out dating girls. I know, but I've been bound up by the hottest girl in my school as her minion."
"School is a unique experience. For some, it's the best time of their lives, and for others, it's a living nightmare."
"Madison's first full official day of school."
"I have never seen a video like this where you're really invited to intentionally reflect on your school life."
"Hey, let's go to school together. We better get moving."
"The incident quickly grew into Legend amongst the students."
"Would jump off in the morning and they'd be like after school. That's why like on our campus if only time it happened at Burger King."
"School bring on that Society like you're a Savage side."
"I can't live without my long lashes, the teacher didn't even notice."
"Aaron throw broke the fire alarm... set it off for the whole school."
"If you guys can't like low-key you have schooled shit dude don't you dare worry."
"President of the eighth grade class, now you're not president of the eighth grade class unless you have a lot of friends."
"School advice: Surround yourself with people that love you and want you to do the best for yourself."
"We completed a journey that took us through these three years of school that finished us on an open end of where this group is off to next."
"A stylized take on kids trying to navigate part of their school life."
"The superpowers also allowed for the ongoing school drama to be illustrated in a fun, heightened action-centric way."
"Teen events like prom, again, this could also tie in revamped schools. I'm going to discuss this further in a further slide."
"I may not be the prettiest girl at Miami High, but when I put my mind to something, I tend to get what I want. And that, my friends, is called confidence."
"Your school life is shaping up to be fantastic."
"He was definitely becoming the most popular kid in school."
"Principal Buzzkill, uh, another I like the I like playing ball."
"Since there's only two weeks left of school, now's the perfect time to confess."
"She can't wait to see him after school."
"Magical mishaps and a touch of mystery, just another day in the school life of Asano and Sakuya."
"I would trade all my strength for a chance at just a normal school experience."
"When you have a rolled textbook and the exercises are already done."
"Middle school ends and all the kids scream at the top of their lungs and trash the whole way. High school ends and everyone's just like, 'Mind if we keep sitting here all day?'"
"Rules at Alfia get stricter after the head mistress Farah dling goes missing."
"Anyway, moving back to Jiu Jitsu High for the past month..."
"He discovered a girl in his class that never seemed to bring a decent lunch."
"If you've ever watched an anime that takes place in a school setting, chances are you've seen a Bento or two."
"It just sort of sent me back there and this whole anime feels like it's going to do that like it's gonna just like ignite school life memories for people."
"Talking about anxiety and the pressures students face has become part of everyday school life."
"I had no life outside of school...rinse repeat...I had no energy...it almost puts you in this depressed morbid State."
"High School wasn't that bad" - a relatable sentiment for anyone who survived those tumultuous years.
"Everybody in your school is going to be talking about this movie because it captures the boarding school experience better than any movie that I've ever seen."
"Assuming the role of a side character at school."
"Nothing particularly exciting happens at my school, except for the few kids getting caught vaping or having sex in the bathrooms. That sounds exciting, that happened where I taught as well."
"I love at school. I feel like I have a schedule. I have a routine."
"Bro, this school is literally so crazy. My next school, I'm going to go to India. I'm joking. It's sea. So, make sure you po nice. Make sure y'all po good."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video of my first day back at school, I'll keep you all updated this semester."
"I got hooked into the game, so much that during school I couldn't wait to go home just to play it."
"The vibe of school is actually Immaculate."
"Just don't wish your school life away guys it's honestly really fun when you look back it on."
"So much goes on that bus before you even enter the school. So this is a perfect introduction."
"We were here for most of the school year."
"You really see the runnings of a school and how the school functions from morning till night."
"She's fitting in a new school well and she's happy as ever."
"One day at school, Insu finally gets the courage to stand up to Ms. Bully and stop her from bullying one of their classmates."
"Just have fun because you're only in ninth grade once, you're only in tenth grade once, you're only in eleventh grade once, and you're only in twelfth grade once."
"It's a very social school as well."
"I felt like the new kid at school that got invited to a sleepover."
"You might be someone who was popular or is popular in school, maybe you're just a popular person overall."
"The bond between them went beyond the school premises, and they started spending more and more time together outside of class."
"Everyone knows that all the girls have a crush on the fastest person in school."
"We must protect our children from this persecution; they have a right to enjoy their school days."
"It's like the last day of school."
"He was the largest boy in school, he protected the younger children, and he was the most popular child."
"Dawn was a cheerful, bubbly girl, about to start in fifth form at the local Grammar School."
"It was a real walk, like you needed 30 minutes to walk to school."
"I became a real jock, we were getting our brains blown out."
"Pretty much the start of high school sucked, as it always does for everyone."
"This is what school is all about: learning and learning and learning."
"This is a fabulous school for a lot of reasons, not just for the fellowship and the education that you get, but for the memories that you'll have the rest of your life."
"I'm in middle school now. I've been waiting all day for this."
"Life at school was going great. I was doing well in classes, I had friends, and a hot boyfriend."
"I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses."
"You're the only person in this school that I feel completely safe with."
"What are you all looking at? Don't you know what we got here? This kid's the biggest damn hero in all of Midtown High."
"The one who handed me the soccer ball was the most beautiful girl in school."
"I've been to the same school for like 7 years, so imagine the amount of stories I have."
"I hate using public bathrooms; throughout middle school to high school, I only used the bathroom about five times."
"Best place in the whole school to watch the sunset."
"He told me one morning on the bus that everybody at our lunch table liked me."
"It's brilliant. It really feels like we ended the arc of being here at the school."
"Diary of a Wimpy Kid follows the humorous and relatable experiences of a middle school student named Greg Heffley."
"I wore camouflage clothes to school all the time; there was a good chance I was gonna paint my face before I went to class."
"You're the only person in this whole school I can talk to who isn't trying to compete with me."
"Most students are scared of senpai than teacher."
"I absolutely love being at Malory Towers, and I can't wait to get back there," Felicity declared.
"My three best friends are amazing; they're always there for me, and we laugh in class so much it's unbelievable."
"School, there they have to go there whether they like it or not."
"Everyone loves being in the host club. We really do. Even me, senpai. I love being part of the host club too."
"It's time to leave for school. Would you walk beside me this morning?"
"She was called the school flower of her grade."
"I'm glad that you had a good day at school."
"Drama is the essence of high school."
"Good morning, you guys. You guys know what I'm doing before I get to school because it's going to be crazy."
"This is the eighth year he wanted: carefree mornings, laughing with friends, while the worst thing waiting for them was lessons."
"You will always be able to find cool people that you can get along with at your school."
"I had to wear the nerdiest clothes... my dad wore those and guess what, he knew it was embarrassing and guess what, he made me wear them to school."
"He gets so pumped if I pick him up from school."
"Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe; let me know what you guys want to see when I film in school next."
"If you wore a uniform in school, please let me know, did you tie your tie every morning?"
"Throughout the remainder of the first season, Zach attempts to gain the affections of his fellow school student named Angela."
"You're going to be the prettiest one in our school now."
"I felt the teenager's fear when I hadn't done my homework and suffered her agonizing need to be liked."
"It was fun while it lasted; school has officially started."
"I'm grateful to have joined a school filled with all sorts of crazy but fun people."
"As he crosses the school gates, a wave of excitement washes over him."
"All he wants is to live his life as a mob character peacefully at school."
"One spring break, she did my hair, and I kid you not, I went back to school that next Monday very popular."
"Eric was the hottest guy at our school, hell, Eric Knight might be the hottest guy at any school."
"I think he needs me to just continue being myself because god knows everyone else in this whole damn school has no clue how to act around him."
"Thanks to my best friend Reena, I was able to enjoy my school life."
"I enjoyed school to a great extent."
"If you ride a horse to school, does the principal have to take care of it?"
"I'm buying chocolate milk for the entire cafeteria, I'm at the cool table, the act a fool table, class clown, but asking around, we all do good in school, thank you."
"Peace has returned to school life, and it feels good."
"And… that's how Class F traded their coffee tables for cardboard boxes."
"It's creepy to think that for all those years I spent in that school, there was a strange person living just below my feet."
"I think the hardest thing in school is probably making friends."
"You ready for this? Middle school, the best years of your life."
"I've never seen as many more happy and content actually ever, especially coming out of school."
"Yamato is well liked at school and a decent guy."
"He didn't even realize she was a girl until he saw her in high school wearing a skirt."
"Enjoy school, like the real world sucks? No [expletive] way."
"Very small, very portable, and very easy to carry around school and look cool."
"There is a victory for common sense in Waterloo Road."
"The best days of school are the first day and the last day."
"I really, really like how Buffy just goes through school and is trying to be a normal student."
"I'm the funniest kid in the school."
"Honestly, like school can be so boring, but once I see my friends, I'm in such a good mood."
"Check out how well we vibe; maybe it's time to be the raddest couple in school."
"Wow, he did awesome, yeah, ate everything, even his quesadillas, so that's awesome, that's really huge for him."
"I was overjoyed to know that we were in the same class."
"I really want to experience the feeling of going to the same school with the members again."
"We understand being in school with your friends, the teacher, your classmates, the walk to school, the lunch time, all that comes with being in school is an important part of your foundation."
"Dakota really seems to be loving his school."
"I'm out of class and it was so silly and fun today, we had a dance battle and it was iconic."