
Magnification Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Money just magnifies who you really are; it don't change you, it just magnifies what's in you."
"These things are heavy like you could burn a bug with these."
"Money and power only magnify the person you really are."
"Take your dreams, multiply them by a thousand."
"Money does not change people, it magnifies what you are."
"LPVOs provide the functionality of a red dot but with the ability to magnify up to 6x."
"Making love is the way to magnify everything we're talking about today."
"You magnify something, does it get bigger? Yes."
"Magnified 100,000 times, tiny specks of submicroscopic gold can be seen embedded in the rock."
"Macro photography involves close-up shots that capture small subjects at a high magnification."
"Persist and endure and stay with it magnifies the power of whatever aspect you're talking about."
"The gravitational field was magnified times ten."
"Money and power and fame only magnifies what's already there."
"The subconscious always magnifies what you give attention to."
"The gospel wins and Jesus will be magnified he will be magnified."
"Sending love only magnifies it, it doesn't take anything away."
"Magnification is king here, and it makes you more capable."
"A magnifying lens is a special piece of glass that is thicker in the middle than on the sides. It bends the light that passes through it, and that is why if you put this kind of lens between your eyes and something small, it looks like the thing got bigger."
"Whatever you magnify on will always be made bigger."
"8 times what you see with your eyes and a power binocular if you can see something and you put these binoculars up and look to it it will bring that in 8 times closer than what you see with your eye."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is like a magnifying glass."
"It's like looking at it 300 times closer than what it really is."
"I'm not gonna say you're going to shoot 50-yard f-class on rimfires with it but if you had to take a very precise shot it just goes to reinforce that you can use this thing efficiently at its maximum magnification from 50 yards to as far as you can possibly take your cartridge."
"The whole point of the relationships I have with my friends is for Christ to be magnified."
"Extenders shine when they bring something already large in your frame even closer."
"If you Magnify Him, it releases him."
"We were created to magnify, and we will either magnify the negatives in our lives or will magnify the true nature of God."
"We bless you, Jesus. We worship you. We magnify you."
"The gospel is only preached when Jesus is magnified."
"When God is magnified, fears go away."
"Everything is a spectacle, everything is magnified."
"Our purpose extends beyond the gate; it's to praise and magnify God."
"It appears to give you a genuine 25 to 75 power magnification."
"Welcome to a country where God is so much bigger, and he's bigger because we need him more."
"If you see anything with the magnifier that is suspicious, you might then go on and use dye penetrant."
"I behold a strange, most glorious mystery: Heaven the Cave, the Virgin the manger, the place where Christ lay, the uncontainable God whom we magnify in song."
"Money too is a magnifying glass; it makes you more of what you already are."
"You now have separate minimum focus distances for both the 70mm and the 200mm end, and both of them are closer, and as a byproduct, you get a higher magnification level."
"Resolution is more important than field of view, so if your resolution needs demand a higher magnification objective, we can increase the field of view later on by using the tiling feature in Zen."
"The focal length of a lens determines its angle of view or field of view and thus how much the subject will be magnified or reduced for a given photographic position."
"Digiscoping is the coupling of any imaging device with the massive magnification of a spotting scope to get these super telephoto lens equivalents."
"That's an extremely useful magnification figure."
"Good glass is incredible; it's like looking through nothing and getting a magnified view."
"A regular pair of like seven by fifties will give you seven times what you can normally see with your unaided eye."
"The result in Warrior from Potara Fusion is more powerful than the equivalent Fusion Dance result."
"Oh magnify the Lord with me, which means make God bigger than the problem."
"Magnification is how big we can make this image for us to see it."
"My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior."
"When you see red flags before you get married, if you don't iron them out, those problems magnify a thousand times more when you get married."
"Don't magnify your problems, magnify the Lord."
"Type A athletes have tendencies to look at that small percentage of something and we magnify that into something that it really isn't."
"This lens system is a real lens; this is a real microscope lens... it is an apochromatic, high magnification system that will rival most any microscope objective you're likely to come across."
"Lord, we pray you are magnified, that you are glorified in this place."
"When we worship, it's a bit like we swap the microscope for the telescope."
"This type of situation magnifies all existing inequalities."
"Make little experiences big ones."
"A faithful worship leader magnifies the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit by skillfully combining God's Word with music, thereby motivating the gathered church to proclaim the Gospel, to cherish God's presence, and to live for God's glory."
"Christ be magnified in our lives."
"Love has its own point of view; it sees things larger than life."
"Oh magnify the Lord with me, let us exalt His glorious name together."
"What we do in Material Science is we like to zoom in... all the way down to the scale of the atom."
"The magnifier within tooltip focuses on a smaller part of my map and brings that as a zoom."
"But that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death."
"Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified."
"My soul would magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior."
"It's not in our success that Jesus is magnified, it's in our weakness that he's magnified."
"It gives you a long focal length to work with so that means planets can be a little bit bigger, a little bit more impressive as far as image scale goes."
"Maximum resolution means the clearest image possible; minimum magnification means that the image is as close to the actual size of the object as possible."
"Magnifying Him for all that He is to us."
"This is basically like a giant magnifying glass, and when the sun hits it, the temperature rises in here incredibly quickly."
"One X magnification ratio means it's one to one."
"The scanning electron microscope uses electrons instead and so we can magnify things thirty thousand, fifty thousand times."
"Whatever you focus on, you will magnify."
"With electron microscopes, you can get a total magnification of up to a million times."
"The total magnification is the objective lens times the ocular lens, which is 10x."
"Your efforts will be magnified in the lives of the people you serve."
"They're really good at working toward a goal and magnify your intentions; choose a specific goal to work toward."
"According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death."
"My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
"I want you to be glorified, your son to be magnified, the saints of God to be edified, and the enemy to be terrified because of the word that is coming forth on tonight."
"You need to do it with a good magnification, just to see clearly what you are doing."
"We are eager to pursue God’s active presence in all its breadth, that Christ may be magnified in our lives, in the church, and among the nations."
"The gravitational lensing not only distorts the light, it also magnifies it."
"When you look with a loop, it's a whole new world."
"Christ be magnified, the author of my life."
"Using the universe as a telescope, to magnify that light."
"Take over Holy Spirit and be magnified, glory to the Father and Spirit in Jesus' name."
"It magnifies the screen to make it look two times as large."
"Money doesn't solve problems, it magnifies them."
"We come to magnify you, we come to speak well of you."
"O magnify the Lord with me; let's exalt His name together."
"Magnification is image height over object height."
"Using that highest power lens on our microscope, it is able to magnify an image a thousand times what we see with the naked eye."
"Whatever you focus on, you magnify."
"We came to praise Him, we came to magnify Him."
"The world's most powerful electronic transmission microscopes can now magnify an object up to 50 million times."
"This is the Primary Arms Platinum line one to eight variable magnification optic."
"It's incredible how well this thing performs in the lower magnification range given its size."
"A hand lens is invaluable, times 10 magnification is the most useful."
"For viewing coins, it's best to get a magnifier that is 10 times magnification or less."
"A plastic water bottle can act as a lens, magnifying the sun's rays and starting a fire."
"The magnification starts out on two and a half power and goes up to ten power."
"The magnification of the microscope is referring to how many times larger the image that you look at is compared to the actual size of the object."
"Lord, we magnify you and we lift up your wonderful name."
"The electron microscope is a compound microscope, meaning that given an object, the first lens might produce a first real image of that object at perhaps a hundred times magnification."
"Most modern electron microscopes can deliver images at one to five million times magnification."
"The 25 millimeter eyepiece will give you a 16x magnification; the 10 millimeter eyepiece will give you 40 times magnification."
"Her compassion is her Achilles' heel, and everything is magnified right now."
"The best Pleasures on Earth are perfected and magnified in heaven for us the redeemed."
"Under the right circumstances, an object can be magnified by over a thousand times."
"Modern compound light microscopes can magnify an object from a thousand times to two thousand times the specimen's original diameter."
"Your gifts and abilities are being magnified."
"If he can do it, you can do it. It just depends on what you're going to magnify."
"The property of glass that makes paperweights so nice is that thick layer of clear glass that magnifies everything underneath."
"That focal length can really boost the magnification and the power on homing in on those details."
"Earendel appears directly on or extremely close to one of the critical lines."
"Whatever you focus on is magnified."
"This is an eye of a gecko, and this is very high magnification, this is 20 times life-size."
"God does all of these things so that his name will be magnified."
"The magnification of a lens is simply going to be the size of the image divided by the size of the object."
"The magnification of a lens can be calculated by the distance of the image from the lens divided by the distance of the object from the lens."
"We want to give you honor and glory today, God. We want to magnify and worship your name."
"We have come to magnify you, you are worthy to be praised."
"Optically at any magnification, it has more pop, more punch, more brightness, more resolution, more everything."
"For under 300 bucks, you get a very very good 1x magnification."
"The angle between the center of the Moon and its edge has changed and has increased, and so the angular width of the moon is greater, and that means that the moon has been magnified."
"The magnification of a telescope is equal to the ratio of the focal length of the first lens divided by the focal length of the second lens."
"...and fear fell on them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified."
"The Nimrod lens has been hailed by some as the world's first telescope; it's certainly capable of magnifying objects."
"Focal length is the angle of view and magnification of the subject or scene."
"The longer the focal length, the higher the focal length number, which means that that's going to result in a narrower angle of view and a greater magnification of the subject in scene."
"I testify the Lord will magnify every small effort."
"And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days."
"This lens does one-to-one magnification, that basically means that the subject you're shooting is going to appear that exact size to the sensor."
"Thousands of years ago, magnifying glasses were made from clear gemstones."
"Our hearts cry, be magnified in this your Holy Temple."
"His eyes are like a magnifying glass, any little good quality that is seen in the character of his devotees, he just magnifies."
"The aim and the outcome of every Bible study must be a magnified and a purified form of worship."
"In prayer, you have to choose to magnify God or magnify your problem."
"You're being restored; what was taken from you is being given back to you, but ten times greater."