
Destructiveness Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Drunk driving is a terrible, destructive crime."
"Envy is the motivation to destroy or attack what someone else has because you don't feel you can get it for yourself."
"Their agenda to me is the most self-destructive economic agenda that I've ever seen for this country."
"I can't see any positive telling people you'll never make it because this group of people are after you so we have to destroy these people and these people are irredeemable. I can't think of anything more evil."
"You can love somebody so much even though it's a terribly destructive relationship."
"Broly exists in this form to cause as much damage as possible without reason."
"Let's make a big structure and then when you're done, just knock it down. Destruction is inside all of us."
"There's a self-destructive streak in everyone."
"Some of the criticism was just so unnecessary, petty, and destructive."
"When you're destroying things and stuff, it's not getting your message across, it's just destruction."
"Weather events can be breathtakingly beautiful but also extremely violent and destructive."
"Wokeness is fire. It eats away at and destroys and consumes."
"Joe Biden is out of his mind. These people running this country, they are going to destroy everything."
"It's amazing how destructive love can be, how it can actually make you crazy and ruin your life."
"I personally think gambling is manipulative and destructive."
"What makes this bomb the deadliest ever created?"
"Conceptually, this game kicks ass. I mean, robots destroying a city by engaging in rap battles? How awesome is that?"
"Overall I'd rate the hell blasters as being a fun potentially really quite destructive unit."
"Humans are still a lot more destructive than the machines."
"Earthquakes are one of the most destructive and unpredictable forces on the planet."
"Violence will not bring change, it'll only bring destruction. It's wrong in every way, it divides instead of unites, destroys businesses, only hurts the working families that serve the community."
"Thor's hammer Mjolnir never misses its target when thrown and destroys everything it hits."
"We dive into music videos, YouTube videos, movies, TV, and whatever else we find and put it in a wood chipper."
"He has no remorse, no ability to feel sympathy for his victims. His only way to elevate himself is to destroy others. He is evil."
"I believe that bureaucracies can be incredibly destructive."
"Religion poisons everything. These congregations and their religions and the filthy texts on which they base themselves earnestly desire that everything we call civilization and everyone in this room be destroyed."
"Violence in all forms is poisonous and destructive."
"It's a sad commentary for us, destructive to our democracy."
"Sometimes you gotta do you, even if it means being a little destructive. But it's a beautiful type of destructiveness."
"It is incredibly destructive for anyone to look at another person and say you are not good enough."
"Sexual sin is something that's super super common right now but it's very very very destructive."
"Why heroin is so potent and so destructive and addictive."
"Fundamentalism, whether religious or atheist, exhibits a very simplistic take on the world and has alarmingly destructive impulses."
"The negativity that we can generate within ourselves, it can be very destructive."
"How could a Genin have this much destructive power?"
"All the emphasis on self, on existence, on taking care of yourself, it is so destructive."
"Anger, while sometimes justified, can be extremely dangerous and destructive."
"One of the most destructive elements in our society is this notion."
"what's more black Air Force energy than blowing"
"This is a time for thinking and all this hyperventilating and name-calling everything it's highly destructive."
"There is nothing more painful or destructive than living a narrative of pure victimhood."
"The opposite of order is chaos, and chaos can be just as destructive as tyranny, or maybe it can be more destructive."
"Altruism is destructive to both weak and strong."
"Dwelling on the past is the second most destructive tendency, almost as bad as jealousy."
"Jealousy is something that just eats your soul."
"The use of imagery such as 'broken mosaic of bone' presents just how violent and destructive war is."
"I don't want anything destructive."
"Anger is cruel, wrath is like a flood, but who can survive the destructiveness of jealousy?"
"Our uniqueness is also our unique destructiveness."
"Our destructiveness has nothing to do with the animal in us; it has to do with the uniquely human in us."
"Judaism and Christianity never attributed human destructiveness to the animal; they never naturalized it."
"Violence in all forms is poison; it is destructive."
"Worrying is not helpful and worrying... it's actually destructive."
"Anger is anger. It can be very destructive, very self-destructive."