
Bribery Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"When was the last time you had to pay a bribe in America? That is so common in the world in so many countries."
"She's offering to pay somebody for a false statement to the police."
"Fanny Willis hired her lover, her paramor, to be the lead prosecutor in this case and then paid him 650 Grand to do it."
"In a world where cash is king, Jenny's silence could not be bought."
"A check in your hand could change the voting dynamic of the electorate on the eve of the election."
"It does start to look like bribery, doesn't it?"
"It's a bribe if she wins, she's going to consider extending the Attorney General, and you know what I'm saying? I'm not knocking the Attorney General, but how can you say that? It's a bribe!"
"I'm not into that but uh, you know, bring the doctor a little gift, he likes it."
"In certain countries you can grease palms and get things done quicker and bigger and better for a fraction of the price. That's just, again, that's a dirty little secret about our industry."
"Free today my good sir, slides 100 bill, thank you."
"We got some stuff that you might want to see and uh it's gonna be fifty thousand dollars if you want us to keep it silent."
"We've legalized bribery and yet no one in power will talk about it."
"Would you pay Toomey $750,000 to be your good servant if you were going to get billions in return?"
"It's called corruption and we've legalized bribery."
"Everyone has the right to go to college, but not everyone has the right to bribe themselves into college. Bribery shouldn't be in the picture at all."
"Bribe everyone. It's a lesson we've learned here."
"Sometimes it's bribery, not cash, that speaks volumes."
"Springette offered two to three million dollars to let just let him walk away from the scene."
"You give me a bunch of free [ __ ] I will say nice things about your city."
"All you gotta do is give the right dude the right amount of money."
"Let's talk frankly about it and have anybody say why it's not bribery, because it is."
"The jet engine maker is based in Paris but the case centers on its U.S subsidiary Monogram Systems. The company allegedly paid bribes to obtain lucrative trained laboratory contracts with Chinese authorities."
"The office of legal counsel has said the offense of bribery applies to the president."
"What part of 'I can't be bought' don't you understand?"
"An investigation into alleged corruption within the California Department of Motor Vehicles uncovered a bribery conspiracy."
"What do you say to three shillings and we forget the name? Well, bribery works."
"...if I was secretly working for the government, I would get my Illuminati or government or deep State salary, right? I wouldn't need to be given a big bribe."
"Tipping is more of a please-don't-spit-in-my-food-the-next-time bribe."
"Wasn't it Jang Beacon who bribed him?"
"I got some treats. Are you willing to talk?"
"Where bribes are welcome and honored and pay dividends on. Is that in your way? I'm sorry. Oh no no no no leave it right there you don't want to mess your mojo up put it back."
"What if Terry could pay off the cops?"
"We were the biggest drivers of corruption because we were throwing so much money at this country."
"If that is not quid pro quo, sir, what is? I will tell you what it is and America agrees with me, it's bribery and it's impeachable."
"It's become a system of legalized bribery."
"To stop the corruption, you've got to remove the money."
"No amount of money they could pay would convince me to say yes."
"Bribe the dealer, thank you very much."
"He finally said yes after they slipped him a couple drinks and $20,000."
"I'm pretty sure I just paid my first bribe ever in my life."
"I heard him and Mr. Edwards. Here's another fifty. Keep the mouth shut."
"Either this or someone at the that's higher up in the government or multiple people end up taking a payoff for Microsoft."
"The corruption, the bribery, call it okay because ultimately that's what it is."
"The whole system's bribery in my view."
"The bribing is the poor man's tool, if that makes sense, right? Because in any place across the world, even the most like, 'Oh, you know, prim and proper, we don't take bribes here,' um, at the big political stage and whatnot, they do take bribes. They're full of shit, oh yeah."
"What do I pay my cleaner not to go to the police?"
"But how? Why would the prophet of God bribe you with strings?"
"She thought that bribing me would maybe spark some more motivation."
"Always, always, always have a bribery snack or candy."
"I truly thought they'd maybe give me a wee something under the table."
"A gift in secret pacifies anger and a bribe behind the back strong wrath."
"None of the parents were any better. One of the dads of the miners was arrested during this trial. He flew from China, got arrested. He tried to bribe the victim to say something nice about his daughter."
"They are designed to prevent bribery caused by mistrust between police and people."
"Rewards are good, bribes are bad."
"We've had so many emails and letters about this competition. People trying to bribe you with things. It's been great."
"Officer pulls up, you just slip a 50 out the window. Yeah, okay, we're good, keep it."
"I don't want police pulling me over asking for bribes all that kind of stuff because I'm running something that's illegal."
"If you're going to pay anybody off to do anything, you pay small, last minute, and local."
"You shall not show partiality, and you shall not take a bribe for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous."
"The laundry's bought their way out of a trial. We will likely never know."
"I'm bribing them with doughnuts right now because it's Saturday, you've got to do a doughnut on Saturdays, that's how we do it."
"Capone attempted to bribe the warden on several occasions, but he was denied."
"Bribery isn't just tolerated at the Palio but celebrated."
"You would rather kill this kid than get money? I would have just took the bribe and left."
"I slipped the doorman a five, and he says, 'Is this a bribe?' and I said, 'No, it's my ID.'"
"Money buys a man's silence for a time."
"I'll give you 50 bucks if you can help me out and keep it quiet."
"Bribery is when you've got a hold of critical information and you use that information as leverage."
"A bag of dragons buys a man's silence for a while, but a well-placed quarrel buys it forever."
"You couldn't get a better, smarter woman... refused to lie, left, and then was offered bribes and refused."