
Conversations Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Having those conversations with someone gives them clarity, so it's a different kind of grieving because you have closure."
"Conversations are what's likely to produce change, particularly conversations between people that don't automatically agree on the most significant issues."
"Technology... is a tool. It does not have a moral value in itself... it must take its place relative to a higher order series of conversations."
"Engaging in conversations exposes learners to different cultural perspectives and communication styles."
"I think there's no such thing as winning in conversations nor in life. My goal is to learn and to have fun."
"I tremendously enjoy conversations like these. I find them a lot more fun and interesting."
"You could have some really awesome conversations during these random moments."
"I've been having these quiet conversations with members of Congress for the last two months. I'm tired of being quiet."
"I always enjoy our conversations, unfortunately, I have to go. I will be back. Maybe."
"As a father of two boys, I have like conversations that you don't get to have with them."
"I've never walked away from a conversation saying, 'I don't like that guy's tone.'"
"I love these conversations at the bud. It's like Tuesdays with Maurey over here."
"You just don't know when a great conversation is going to happen."
"You never know what one conversation can do to somebody's life."
"We have three years ago with Maya we handled it this conversation at the library about three years ago."
"I love these kind of in-depth conversations where I can talk to people that have a real impact."
"You had a conversation when you were young, young boys had a very different conversation."
"I'm loving these conversations more and more."
"Having a conversation about standards and why you should raise them is super important."
"Progress is about difficult conversations, and I think Manchester United are progressing."
"So, I'm hopeful that conversations about regulation and really how to approach this in a responsible way will yield some fruitful outcomes."
"Important conversations, emotional conversations are going to happen."
"One conversation can change your entire life."
"Having these hard conversations gives us the space to be the people that we want to be on the terms that we set."
"I personally have an interest in having interesting conversations."
"Thank you so much for starting these kinds of conversations."
"It's like a little Saturday afternoon together having deep conversations."
"One of my favorite things about doing this honestly is just meeting folks and having these conversations."
"Every time our family is at the dinner table, poop comes up. Oh, gross, it just gets talked about. It's natural, it's very true."
"Let us move with dispatch, not for song bites, but for difficult conversations."
"I really appreciate the conversation... thank you so much for setting it up."
"Jesus helped me to spend this time with your mother so that I can talk to her about very important things."
"Never let anybody suck you into conversations of church slander."
"Elliot, you're inspiring a lot of wholesome conversations. I hope you know that."
"These conversations are starting to be normal within our community now."
"I like talking to somebody that's trying to stay true to their morals and their philosophy."
"It is wonderful that you have these conversations because they need to be had."
"When you talk to everyone, even random people on the street, about 95% of them is talking about augmentations."
"There's a lot of intensity here now... a bit of a surprise... difficult or intense revealing conversations..."
"Everybody that Jesus had a conversation with he did one thing: he poured love into them."
"Change your conversations, change your life."
"Why do I care about these []? But at the same time, ooh, people talking []."
"Heart-to-heart conversation with someone who genuinely wants to know how you are."
"It feeds on the evil that seeps out during conversations between people."
"I just want to talk to as many people, have conversations with as many people as I can."
"These are the conversations that are gonna bring change."
"I didn't want to leave her company... we just started chatting again for another three hours."
"We don't have the diverse conversations that we could have."
"I've got a feeling I'll be talking about this for a long time... We'll be talking about DiCaprio movies and 'Saved by the Bell,' walking at the store with the musicals and stories we tell."
"I think that as black women in particular we got to hold the space uh to have the difficult conversations."
"Crypto solves this conversation ever happening again."
"Connecting with new people and having deep conversations."
"Now to call you a friend and be able to have this personal time together where we have genuine conversations."
"I find myself sometimes randomly recalling those conversations out of nowhere, just driving in my car, I'll just hear that person's voice, you know, just in my, in just a memory."
"This was awesome. It's fun to have these conversations."
"I think beautiful things come out of conversations when you say I'm feeling nervous right now I'm feeling a little bit sad today I'm feeling and just sort of expressing yeah you get you unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."
"A person's success or failure is determined by the amount of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have."
"Don't be afraid to have tough conversations rooted in the Bible."
"Always hang what speaks to you, especially in a guest bedroom. It's always a great conversation starter."
"It's all about inspiration, everywhere, one conversation at a time."
"I don't think the general public are idiots. I think people are capable of having deeper and more nuanced conversations even on difficult topics."
"Race to dinner allows us to have radically honest conversations."
"I am pretty reasonable and always end up striking friendly conversations with my tables."
"Even in Christian relationships, there's going to be times where there's going to have to be some tough honest conversations."
"Sometimes the weirdest conversations would just happen and you would get such an important golden nugget."
"A super interesting conversation."
"We are the result of the conversations we have. If our conversations are scarcity-based, we will live in the paradigm of scarcity."
"People had conversations about black comedy and black comedians that I don't think they were having before."
"Important conversations could lead to positive changes in relationships."
"It's great to have conversations like this that open us up to other ways, other possibilities."
"I feel like you guys will have a lot of deep conversations."
"I have some of the best conversations I've ever had with you or three in the morning the dining room table just talking back and forth"
"FOMO is when you worry that you're gonna miss out on some good conversations, some good fun."
"We personally had some of like the best conversations."
"That's what makes the music dope, those conversations."
"Everybody's got a story, everybody's absolutely fascinating to talk to."
"...to know that these conversations are truly making an impact in the best times of your life but also challenging is such an honor..."
"Conversations were associated with a better quality of life near death in the last weeks of life."
"You know, every man in this town needs to have this conversation with their kid at some point."
"Real quick shout out to GrubHub for bringing us together to have good conversations with great people. Thanks, GrubHub!"
"When you're on vacation, it's about family, friends and conversations, and this island is perfect for that."
"You know what I mean not freaking out about things not being to your expectations or to your desires it just lowers the pressure in conversations."
"Keep the conversations with the FBI limited."
"Most people are horrible mind readers... people don't ask for enough... how can we have conversations with people?"
"I couldn't imagine living in a house with a white person and not having conversations about race and how it affects me."
"If that ever got leaked of like the conversations and stuff that was said in that player group oh my gosh it is nuts what some people complain about it really is it it is pretty crazy."
"If you just say, 'Okay, what do you believe and why do you believe it?' it leads to a lot more fulfilling conversations."
"'She's like, Daddy, when I die, I don't wanna be stuffed.' And I'm like, Wasn't gonna, but I'll make a note."
"Those late-night conversations are the realest conversations that ever happened."
"What happens in these conversations is stories change."
"What's going on guys and welcome back to the channel; it's champ and it is time for more wealthy conversations and important information."
"Can you imagine nationally how many of these people are having conversations about Indigenous and Black people?"
"Think about how many conversations do I need to have with other entrepreneurs to identify those four."
"I was actually thinking that when we're in the kitchen, somebody needs to do like a kitchen series and just mic everybody up, 'cause we're having like the best conversations in the kitchen."
"God's going to give the Apostle Paul a capability to have millions if not billions of simultaneous private one-on-one conversations."
"Shallow people can't have deep conversations. The reason is it might unmask their pretense."
"I finally found the one person in life that I want to have these conversations with."
"When I was a kid, I walked around Vegas with my dad and we had the same conversation."
"I always loved the conversations we have in the comments of like sharing stories and things like that."
"Chat GPT: Your ideal companion for valuable insights and engaging conversations."
"Chat GPT: Your AI companion for engaging conversations and valuable insights."
"I always feel like I come out of these conversations much smarter than I went in."
"Maybe that's why he started having conversations with her in his head."
"They're having real conversations, you know, it's not surface level."
"I invite on artists, band members, other Roadies, and anybody else, and we just have conversations about whatever."
"Smartphones replaced cigarette breaks, but we lost long conversations in the process."
"...it's actual everyday life conversations which is what I really like."
"...those are the best conversations."
"Conversations are always good. I love having conversations."
"Encouraging conversations... felt like those he had all throughout the month of September."
"I feel like we're the luckiest people in the world to be able to sit down and have these really fun conversations."
"Have healthy conversations with people in your inner circle and talk to God about it while working as hard as you can to be great at the very thing that's in your hands."
"The true gems that we get from our experiences are having conversations that are just casual like this."
"Having children is just like, it's a thing to do. So I really like this conversation, and I feel like we should be having more of this."
"It makes it that much easier to zone out into your conversations. Thank you."
"I have more interesting conversations with my cat than I do here."
"I love talking to these guys every time we have a conversation with one of these Engineers we learn a ton."
"We will be back with some more big ideas and conversations."
"We're on the right side of history having these conversations."
"Hard conversations make a stronger marriage."
"I love having conversations with you and I'm always excited to talk to you because you dig deep."
"Get ready for thrilling conversations about struggle and triumph with those in pursuit of making a positive impact in this world."
"Two conversations with Damon by a fireplace change the Seven Kingdoms forever."
"This has probably sparked off more jokes and conversations and spin-off videos than any other riff ever."
"DC: Political on steroids. Brace yourself for conversations you didn't sign up for."
"You're asking about a parent with a child whenever this question comes up in conversation with parents it's always the point I come back to."
"I don't know man, listen, I was thinking about that in the car."
"It would be so boring if we all just agreed with one another and believed the same things. Like, it's interesting to have these conversations."
"I just want the fandom to evolve and make better debates, you know, better conversations."
"It was truly so cool to see the ripple effect that it had on conversations in the anime community."
"Having conversations about change is really what motivational interviewing is about."
"His downto Earth conversations about life and how it can be simplified or looked at through a different lens with from his world, very interesting."
"There was three topics of conversation, right? Like, what are you running on your gun? What are your optics? What do you have, girls? Which chick are you nailing?"
"It takes practice to have those difficult conversations."
"I think maybe normal wasn't for us, you know what I'm saying? So now that we are having monumental things change and we're having uncomfortable conversations with our kin and our friends, maybe normal can be something that we actually look forward to."
"So it's important for us as parents to pay attention and observe our children and have conversations with them and ask them what do you like."
"...I always wanted to be the guy that everyone liked, I wanted to be able to go in any room and have great conversations and make people laugh..."
"Yes, I'm so grateful for the book community, I'm just so grateful for all of the comments I've had, all the conversations I've had, the friends I've gained from it."
"...it might come down to needing to have hard and potentially anxiety inducing conversations with the people you're stuck in an unfulfilling or catchup friendship with."
"You talked to each one of them. Learned more about them as people. Talked about things with them you've never talked about with anyone. It was embarrassing, a bit... But it made you feel so warm. It was nice."
"One of my favorite things to do is to have meaningful conversations with people."
"I had hundreds of these conversations with people, hundreds of people who told me stories of their spiritual beliefs."
"Every couple weeks I talk to someone interesting in the travel field."
"I've just had some amazing conversations in my travels."
"You have to earn an opinion, you have to do the research to be able to have these conversations."
"There's a lot of really great conversations in this book about Womanhood in general, like motherhood, what it's like to experience misogyny from family members."
"Those conversations change your life."
"It's all very humbling, isn't it? Those kinds of conversations, you realize, take every moment and just live it because you're lucky to be able to."
"The best feedback I've ever gotten in my entire career has always happened in these two-minute conversations."
"This person craves long conversations."
"Interesting times we're in and even more interesting conversations."
"People grow into the conversations that you have around them."
"If we can't have difficult conversations, we can't solve difficult problems."
"This is the series where I get to sit down with artists, band members, other roadies, and anybody else in the music industry, and we just have conversations about whatever we want to."
"We had some fantastic conversations, it was really good about life in general."
"The house was full of people that were... the conversations were very genuine."
"We're not in that era of changing women, we're in the era of creating conversations and bringing awareness."
"It's always a vibe, love the fact that we have time to always have these very amazing conversations."
"Participate in conversations that make you better."
"I don't take myself too seriously; I enjoy these types of conversations."
"I have really meaningful conversations and I love them."
"Your last words, your last conversations... you got to make sure you leave that on a positive."
"I am happy to be here and I look forward to my conversations."
"College is the only time one gets to read books and have great conversations because the outside world isn't friendly with that."
"At the end of the day, it often comes down to one-on-one conversations that you have with people."
"She didn't know it, but those easy conversations had meant the world to him."
"I feel like I got into better conversations and got further along in terms of actually someone who I might want to have a relationship with."
"Investing in relationships and creating opportunities for deep conversations is what's going to fill you and help you create meaningful friendships that last."
"Your success in life is directly proportional to the number of uncomfortable conversations you're willing to have."
"Conversations with other people, where you just feel very connected, that brought me the most joy."
"We talk about those kinds of things... this feels like the sister I never had or these are the conversations I wish that somebody would have had with me."
"It's all about those conversations."
"I've had the best conversations in a car."
"A person's success in life can be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have."
"My vision is for these conversations to not only just help me expand my knowledge but you, the listeners' knowledge too."
"I've had conversations with people while I was sleeping."
"So much of that is mitigated when you have in-person conversations... that's when you have real conversations."
"Over the years, I had made it a point to talk to as many people as I can about this topic."
"Free-flowing conversations are the best."
"We had deep and meaningful conversations together but always had a good laugh too."
"I love meeting and talking to people that I meet at the campground."
"We stay up late and we talk about girls, even though mom tells us to go to bed."
"Plug in your favorite conversation or an interview that set your imagination off in new directions, and you'll be offered a constellation of kindred conversations to keep going deeper and farther."
"It's just nice having conversations with family, with friends."
"All of my friends are so damn clever, the things we talk about when we get together."
"There's something about quality time, deep conversations that seems to be coming up right now."
"I really like those kind of things that happen, you know, they could be conversations that you have with people that you've never met before."
"Having some really interesting conversations and just kind of seeing everybody's perspectives has been super interesting."
"We're also going to start bringing on different kinds of guests and having shorter conversations about what notable people do to be happy."
"These small conversations that you have with anybody can change your life."
"Talking to people that have lived life is the most interesting and amazing thing that you can do."
"Those tough conversations help draw a closer, a bigger sense of intimacy."
"These are very much real, legitimate conversations going on in the world we live in right now."
"No matter who I talk to in the future... you've made my life just really fun."
"Actually having these deep meaningful conversations, ones where you're vulnerable, those are the ones that really increase well-being."
"God will allow you to hear conversations about you, God will allow you to hear what other people say about you behind your back, but this is where discernment is needed."
"We don't really see conversations like this on shows like this between men like us."
"Those types of conversations and connections with people who actually matter in your life are very therapeutic in their own way too."
"Toughness is leaning into hard conversations."
"Those sort of conversations always buoyed my spirits and made me smile."