
Aesthetic Value Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"There's a beauty to these functional attributes and what allows us to live and have a good quality of life. Destroying that to just look a certain way for some very twisted reason just doesn't sit well with me at all."
"Visually, it starts to not matter because this is just so pretty."
"Armor is more than just fighting equipment, it's turning the wearer into this extraordinary work of visual art."
"This is beyond... it's like artisanal, it's edible art."
"Mothra is the first one down. Too pretty for this world."
"Physicists believe in beauty because they've been taught that's what you're supposed to do."
"The paint is peeling, the walls are unkept, but the bones of the house, it was beautiful."
"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless."
"I know this isn't a crazy good deal or anything like that, but it is a really cool, nice looking keycap."
"And the writing is just stunningly beautiful."
"It's just a beautiful, beautiful piece of art."
"This gown will look good now and in 50 years."
"The beauty of a proof matters, even if it's not practical."
"Choose quality: Well-constructed items last longer and often look better with age."
"They are bizarre, still inherently good value and beautiful designs."
"It has a sort of timeless elegance that a lot of bags today don't have."
"Grain is the reason that I like to shoot film to begin with as opposed to digital because of the unique and randomness of the grain that I get."
"Jobs was obsessed with design, with elegant design."
"There's something cool about the imperfections."
"If you're looking for a nice decorative piece of art hanging on your wall, I highly recommend the frame TV."
"It may not win any awards for gameplay, but you gotta admit that the visuals are incredible."
"I kind of wish other companies would put a little bit of effort into having that sense of taste."
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Narrator
"The song itself... dare I say is like objectively beautiful."
"Film will always have this wonderful richness, the analog color it has, the superior resolution."
"It's very understated, it's not shouty by the looks, but it looks really good."
"There is something about having a fireplace... it elevates the home and makes it look more expensive."
"Georgian food tastes about even 4x better than it looks."
"It's not the size of the collection, but how you display it that counts."
"Even a small collection can shine with the right presentation."
"Even if something aesthetically is not really my taste, I always love when something feels very intentional and it feels like it really serves a purpose."
"Art doesn't have to have some deeper meaning to have value - an aesthetic attraction doesn't have to be diminished or demeaned for deeper meaning to be significant."
"That is so worth it for the sake of the aesthetic."
"The convertible version of the F-Type is incredibly gorgeous, and well worth the extra cost."
"Looks great, you know why? Because nothing's out of whack."
"If it's aesthetically pleasing, if it looks cool and it's functional, there's a good possibility that it's gonna be worth money down the road."
"Some games are just works of art despite their flaws."
"Armor looks great. This is a really cool armor mod that makes an excellent addition to Fallout 4."
"Everybody wants the top performing camera stuff but maybe we want something that appears to look a little bit more slender."
"This one's very special, illustrating the extremity of cost and aesthetics."
"The original is one of my favorite horror movies of all time... it's visually stunning."
"That's why it matters so much in our Catholic tradition."
"It's not about space, sometimes it's about the aesthetic, it's about cute."
"Come for the chicken, vinegar, stay for the sauce."
"I thought this would be interesting enough to put up if anything it's beautiful right can we all agree on that I think this is awesome."
"It's labeled, it's clean, it's precise, it's organized, and it's beautiful."
"Animation could be beautiful and entertaining while also containing dark moments and heavy themes."
"But it's like our lifestyle is aesthetically beautiful, like I feel like we're waking up every day and we're just like, 'Wow, like I love my life.'"
"It's just cosmetic? No, it's not. Do you know how important cosmetics are to people? Cosmetics are huge."
"It's not just the aesthetics, I think the rarity and the importance of this watch will be in its favor down the line."
"This feels so expansive and if you want to have this on display and get the biggest bang for your buck just on display with it up against the wall or something this is the way to do it."
"Sometimes it takes effort to look effortless."
"I mean, it's a pretty good-looking mount, right? It's got leaves for wings. Is that worth seventy dollars or is it eighty?"
"It's not like us to repeat points on The Jimquisition, but here's a point worth repeating: If cosmetics didn't matter, Fashion Souls wouldn't be a thing."
"If they could get rid of that, you know, and just have hits like [__] Ovechkin, I mean that's how, how can you get mad at that? It was a thing of beauty."
"I just feel like it looks so much more expensive than it is."
"This art is gonna look so good no one's even gonna want to eat it."
"Having a personality is more important than the looks."
"The basic litmus of how we think about our products is... usability on the inside and the outside are very important."
"In my opinion, nobody designs toys that are as beautiful as Julie's."
"This dress reminded me of something you would find on like a really expensive website like the quality looks so good it just looks expensive."
"These are absolutely beautiful... really rare to see."
"Are you kidding me girl this purse is so beautiful."
"It's truly gorgeous, like I'm not, I'm really not just saying that, it's a beautiful beautiful coin, beautiful coin."
"Many of us also do this because we like the underlying mathematics and its beauty."
"Fire opals often reach high prices on the international gemstone market, with their brilliance, base color, internal play, and translucency dictating how much they're worth."
"Art is a subjective term, but I don't know, this beats looking at a junk pile to me."
"I like how worn down they are, looks like it's still a very, very strong wood."
"I think that's sick, like it's really trying to keep it pretty and authentic feeling."
"Forestry, probably the most pretty of all the industries."
"It's just beautiful... it's absolutely a beautiful tool."
"IKEA has affordable products that look more expensive than they are, perfect for boho."
"Not only is all of that awesome, but also their products are freaking beautiful."
"The greater aesthetic significance of tragedy over comedy lies in its ability to evoke empathy and sympathy."
"Invest in a nicer yarn just so it's nicer, you're wearing it on your body, you want it to feel good, you want it to look good."
"It's good quality though, the palette is good quality."
"Velvet texture is super hard to beat. A velvet leaf is always going to look nice."
"A speaker or just any hi-fi product that you don't mind having out on display is one that is more likely to be used and enjoyed."
"Distressed wood furniture...the key is the distressed part."
"It's not so much about the score... it's about the beauty of what you're watching."
"It really matters that it works visually."
"What a wonderfully designed set, again it's just one that I think is beautiful."
"There's a certain charm to it though."
"They really value natural beauty... they value beautiful surroundings, serenity, and peace."
"When a design is beautiful, or a song is good, it's good forever."
"We want it to look good, be aesthetically pleasing, and functional."
"Doesn't matter how cheap or how plain looking a coral is, if you let it grow out into a colony, it's gonna look fantastic."
"Sometimes squat, plain, or appearing roughly made, the Japanese tea bowl is enigmatic, grounded in its function but communicating something well beyond its utility."
"I love how it looks more and more used."
"Detailed images like this one aren't just beautiful, they're also a valuable tool for scientists."
"If you're looking to have display purposes be the driving force behind your purchase, no question, hardbacks take the cake."
"I'm like so happy with this, it is beautiful."
"I love how high-end these pieces look."
"There's something about Minecraft's simplicity; it makes it beautiful."
"It's worth it because look at this, it's gorgeous."
"Beauty is what you're optimizing for, and that's the thing that appreciates with age."
"It's so rare to get it on the snow white quartz like that."
"We have made everything upon this Earth as an adornment for it."
"Trust me, when we decorate it, you're gonna be like, yeah, it's worth it."
"I'm actually honestly more impressed by the decor than the actual merchandise in some cases."
"It's a beautiful piece, I think it's stunning."
"A cool atmosphere will make a cool car ten times better."
"Beauty is infinitely preferable to truth."
"...the most memorable scene in these films is not the one that is the most aesthetically pleasing; it's the one that carries the most meaning because it stays with you, it's memorable."
"This cylinder looks really good, although on the outside it's less aesthetically pleasing, but hey, at least what matters is in good condition."
"This is one I'm going to 100% keep together because it is just so, so pretty."
"I think the look that we're ending up with is well worth it."
"It's not just a shape, it's a really nice model."
"Our testers are a big fan of this puzzle; they say it is really beautiful."
"They're just very aesthetically pleasing in my eyes, and I love them."
"Isn't this beautiful? Wow, made in New York, 400 bucks, huh? It's gorgeous though."
"This doll is so gorgeous, if you get a good Natasha, wow you won."
"All three categories are interesting, attractive, meaningful; it has nothing to do with which category it belongs to."
"These things are gorgeous and seriously going to make a statement."