
Financial Status Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Your self-worth is not defined by how much money you have or make."
"He says that I deceived him by giving him the impression that I was financially well off."
"I wouldn't say she's rich, I'd say like you said, rich in other ways."
"The lack of meaning is probably a better predictor of whether you're going to make solid decisions in your personal life than whether you earn a lot of money."
"And you're not a guy who is destined to be poor because his parents were, no. Or a bankruptcy or whatever, you know, all that kind of stuff."
"You'd have more liquid cash than most billionaires."
"It's hard to believe Banks is worth literally hundreds of millions of dollars."
"The nickname billion dollar baby seems to be getting more and more accurate each and every year."
"Money is one specific kind of wealth... a lot of people who are extremely rich don't have a huge amount of money."
"Just because you have money, it doesn't change the insecurities that you have."
"We're not funded by a billionaire... we don't have that"
"You're not ugly, you're just broke. It's just really comforting, I think."
"So much of this doesn't seem like something a billionaire would do. I mean, this is not the action of somebody who seems to be cash poor."
"Bill Gates has regained the title of the world's richest person because Microsoft stock has hit a five-year high."
"They're already a multi-million dollar company."
"Suddenly everyone is very eager to raise taxes on the 26-year-old doctor who earns $150,000 a year."
"You can be a good parent and be poor, that's true too."
"It's 2022 uh like where the bands at the 2022 [ __ ] like what if you don't got that you might as well just let it go"
"Bitcoin has officially regained the status of being a trillion dollar asset."
"Getting money don't change you. It might change your area code, your zip code, your bank account, but it doesn't change the person. Not at all."
"His total wealth is over 100 million dollars."
"But with Treyarch at the helm with Vaughn back at it you better believe there's gonna be some crazy crazy stuff with that coming and I can't wait bro."
"I honestly think it's more of a societal stigma where society just kind of like says that women have a problem being with a man of a certain financial status."
"It's not a feeling. Well no one should, it's not a should. Million dollars isn't that much any it doesn't matter, it's not a moral construct."
"You should be able to be happy broke or rich."
"This whole bag is full of nothing but money."
"Poor thinking habits keep most people poor, not poor working habits."
"You're brokest millionaire that I know, like you're a straightup broke millionaire."
"You could be broke, an irresponsible person, who has goals and a dream and is intelligent and no criminal history."
"At the time of writing, Ronaldo is believed to have an estimated net worth of $500 million."
"Nobody's really backing it, and it's because they're simply catering to a demographic of weirdos that are broke as [ __ ]."
"The NRA's claimed financial status has finally met its moral status. Bankrupt. Got him."
"The right thing to do is not the most popular thing to do."
"Most of them have quite a bit of cash as well."
"Wow, I'm worth about eight hundred and fifty-five thousand fucking dollars."
"Last year we had two quarters in a row of negative GDP... so it looks like we're in a recession anyway."
"If you've got your credit score set up and you've got just a little bit of money, you're the elite."
"First of all, this is not true. I did make more than a million dollars as a professional chess player, so let's start there."
"So if he's low vibrating then chances are he's really broke."
"Being broke is a temporary situation, being poor is a mental condition."
"You could be broke as a joke and be happier than a mother freakin Kardashian with all the money in the world."
"Better than I deserve because I'm a multi-millionaire."
"Stop judging yourself and other people based on financial outcomes."
"We got a boatload of cash and we're frothing at the mouth."
"When I had $10,000 in one place, I felt absolutely rich."
"Ever since I got money I just started hating broke ass like I'm allergic to him like if you're not getting no money you might as well jump off a clip."
"We've got just over twenty thousand dollars to our name."
"Just holding 0.28 bitcoins will put you in the upper one percent of the population."
"We were kind of broke back then. I mean, it looks expensive, so that's the story."
"There's a lot more wealth and historical wealth as well still residing here."
"Financially things are fine, but spiritually, they feel something is missing."
"Whoever it is to be able to drop three billion means they have to be worth at least 50 billion."
"I started this morning at five o'clock in the morning I had thirty million dollars how much money the a Benaglio zero dollars"
"At this point in time my bank value is 80 mil."
"As you get worth more and more, the only thing that really changes is that your worldview is so much bigger."
"The balance in the account was 45 million dollars."
"Now the singer's fortune is estimated at $200 million, making her one of the richest singers in the world."
"If you are worth a million dollars, then you are a millionaire."
"We're done. They still, you know, hundreds of millions, hundreds of million are just not billionaire anymore, so he'll be fine."
"You could be a millionaire net worth and still be poor."
"Trump's net worth hits 6.5 billion, making him one of the world's 500 richest people."
"Crypto rich is certainly the best way to be rich."
"If you have cash you're you're winning right now and you're in no rush to wait."
"I'm a millionaire, $1,129,000 or just 1.0 million."
"I only wrapped beef with people with more money than me and I guess that's why I never rap beef."
"My dogs don't know we're poor they think we're Rich As [__]." - Unconditional love.
"You ain't got nothing to do today? I haven't heard from Jack in months. He said Irv got money again, y'all better relax man."
"I'm at 700 billion right now, guys, 700 billion."
"If you hang out with four broke people you will be the fifth."
"Trump is now richer, maybe than he's ever been in his whole life."
"Financial situation today: I would put myself at like a 1.52."
"Don't let this distract you from the fact that sodapoppin is still poor."
"I can't beef with nobody that's not on Forbes list bro like, ew, stop trying to beef with me, ew."
"You just, we're really rich pieces at all time."
"How much money do you have, Laurie? Oh yeah, 500... 866, that's Icarus."
"It's still mind-blowing just how much money Robert Downey jr. is actually worth."
"Connection is very important, so you can be broke with a connection."
"People with poor credit scores can be hard-working middle class people."
"I even have some inside, don't tell me you're broke."
"That's why he's the richest guy in the world."
"There is zero connection between net worth and self-worth."
"I deserve a 'yo, look like you have more than a couple hundred dollars in your bank account' real today."
"Your income will become within ten to twenty percent of the average of your ten closest friends' income."
"I'm tired of going on dates with broke guys."
"Rich or poor, it's nice to have money."
"Sometimes people are spiritually bankrupt and sometimes people are financially bankrupt."
"I'm fairly certain that I am financially better off than most people I know."
"A man who's looking for love, a man who's looking for real love, if he's flat broke and he meets you, he wants you to be with him and he wants you to be his wife."
"I'm back out, I got a lot of money now."
"Pay attention when people pay the bill. You can tell whether they have more or if that's their last sprinkle."
"Men don't care about financially established women in the same way that women care about financially established men."
"They don't feel like they're worthy enough or they don't feel like they have enough money."
"If you can call your parents to pay your rent, you're not broke."
"Broke people are not blowing up and becoming famous YouTubers."
"I'm not talking about you at this point, it's with ch boy. If I'm broke, I can't associate myself with broke."
"Honestly, being broke isn't that bad. It's kind of like an adventure."
"I thought that being rich was gonna be the best thing ever, but I like being broke better."
"They may feel like you're even doing better now financially."
"I'm not saying I'm making millions and millions of dollars, but I'm in a decent spot in life."
"This right here is a $600,000 position which already puts me at $2.1 million."
"If your social security number was the amount of money you had, how rich would you be?"
"Going from that to like I got 30,000 in my bank account so I don't think I don't fault him for that."
"people couldn't go nowhere and people had lost their jobs but it seemed like people had more money"
"I'm vegan. I thought you were just doing that because we were poor."
"Only broke men want women to submit to them. Remember that. If they have that mentality, they're broke."
"Just two years ago, I had about 5 to $10,000 to my name."
"She's basically broke these days."
"The only thing is we're not at their money cat, you know, status, you know what I mean, we don't have any money but pool's a great game."
"You thought I was broke all my life."
"You better go to Target until you get Louis Vuitton money."
"We got enough money to be all right. And you ain't got to wear a dope suit. We wear Zara suits. Everybody wear Zara suits. You can't spend over $150 for your suit."
"Broke guys really are not intolerant of anything. Broke guys, a [__] that didn't accomplish anything, would date girls that smacking them in Walmart and that's treating them bad because he didn't build himself up to be able to be intolerant of her inadequacies."
"Poor people live week to week, middle class live month to month, the rich live year to year, the wealthy live generation to generation."
"I was debt-free for about 14 hours."
"You're a pauper on paper and in your pocket."
"If a business is about to go bankrupt, they may file for Chapter 11."
"But there could be a relationship no you like him for that reason it's a fact he ain't taking himself like given this crazy example you won't even [ __ ] with a [ __ ] in the first place if you made that much more money than him."
"But what adds the value to her looks in the market let me tell you where he going he's going Komodos where sis can afford Komodos and he's gonna pick up tomorrow's girl walking around singles he ain't gonna."
"My identity was in the finances, my identity was in the neighborhood I lived in."
"For most people being broke is the standard they'll accept."
"Your future spouse wants to break this chain if they come from a family that doesn't have a lot of money which I feel like for the most of you it is actually like that."
"You're not broke. You're not broke. You're just close."
"I make [ __ ] money. That's okay. I have a one-bedroom apartment. I eat Twinkies and smoke cigarettes."
"So, not necessarily another person making your income but just slightly under you're in a position where your affordability makes sense."
"You're too smart to be this broke."
"This really is the number that tells all about her wealth, doesn't it?"
"We're not kids with deep pockets, we didn't come from silver spoons."
"This is the guy that - he's the paying cash guy, not the - not the W2 every year guy."
"Bies: Be back when I am out of money."
"New York City is the greatest place in the world to be when you’re young and broke or when you’re old and rich."
"You never get friend zoned if you have a lot of money."
"Twenty years ago his parents were only making like $100,000, poverty level."
"Excuse me, I'm firing you. What? I can't have broke people working for me, it looks bad."
"You don't need to worry, honey. I'm not so much rich, but I really love you."
"If they were broke, they'd be miserable."
"It's easy to be independent when you've got money, but to be independent when you haven't got a thing, that's the Lord's test."
"I've got no money but I'm not in debt."
"With a jaw-dropping net worth of around 260 billion dollars."
"How much money you have has more to do with whether you have the psychology of a rich person or middle class person or a poor person."
"In terms of money, we have no money."
"If a billionaire loses a $20 bill, so what? But if a man who is living from paycheck to paycheck loses a $20 bill, it's serious."
"The collected worth of these four men in today's dollars was well over a billion."
"I don't have a dime in my pocket but it doesn't matter, I'm happy right now in this moment."
"I am who I am. I can't pretend to be someone who makes twenty-five thousand dollars a year."
"I don't have any money. I'll always be your friend."
"I'm broke, not broken. There's a huge difference."
"The world's best paid footballer is the world's best footballer."
"Being rich is lower on the totem pole than being wealthy."
"My financial status in life is based on what I've been saying."
"I'm rich in love, I might be poor financially or broke financially but I know that I'm rich in love."
"Real mean net worth rose to $1.8 million among 65 to 74-year-olds."
"No matter how much you have in the bank or don't have in the bank, you're still worthy, you're still worth it."
"But how do we stand now financially? Well, I admit a man could wish his bankbook made better reading."
"I'm broke and that's fine, it's fine not having money."
"I don't do that though because I feel people should have access to good information regardless of their financial status."
"New York's collective wealth exceeds $3 trillion."
"I have less money now, but you know what? I have a cleaner heart and I can sleep good at night."
"Select your age and/or the amount of money you have."
"It's better to be a broke noble than a broke person."
"Japan is still the largest foreign net creditor in the world."
"I don't have the kind of money that Allan has, but I love money."
"Your car matches your money, not your personality."