
Existential Themes Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The entire Barbie movie is about her contemplating the inevitability of death."
"The characters' struggles with existential dread and their respective triumphs over existential dread are so poetic and so positive that they are arguably unmatched."
"Chrono Trigger gives great significance to this human peculiarity, to our desire to assert our will no matter the circumstances."
"It was Nietzsche, it was Buddha, it was Christ, it was themes and levels, it was dualities, modalities, realities, dreams, will, destiny, freedom, slavery—of the mind, of the body."
"Tragedy depicts things contrary to our will, contrary to our desires, and so the particular part of me is made to feel emotional pain. However, because tragedy, like all great art, reveals something universal to us, it engages our universal side which transcends our desires."
"Having the aspect of death, nothingness, or nihilism, emptiness, Ulquiorra, in my opinion, is the true epitome of what makes a Hollow... someone who is missing something vital to themselves."
"And when a story is about death, it's also inevitably about life."
"Companionship, love, and the human struggle against mortality continue to resonate."
"There's always a lighthouse, there's always a man."
"Lucatiel's questline shows the horrific reality of the undead curse, a poignant narrative within the game."
"Unitology's appeal lies in affirming connection and meaning in a bleak world, cleverly blending humanistic ideals with outlandish science fiction."
"Characters aren't just saving the world they might be fighting for the very foundations of existence itself."
"This series draws so many parallels to our own existence."
"Grasping for hope amidst a life they knew would be hard, short, and painful."
"Re-imagining man's place in the universe remains a pivotal theme in sci-fi, which questions our significance by positing outside worlds that make ours seem small."
"God is blackmailing us and using our own children to get what he wants."
"The reason why the androids are here is because they express what it means to be human in these robotical terms."
"Struggle, contend, endure; that alone is the sword of the one who confronts death."
"In Toy Story, the toys are the ones that are observing and aware of the gods and the gods lack complete awareness of what the toys are doing."
"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."
"You're moving into a land of both life and death, of mourning and celebration."
"Hope and despair, the children of desire, the ultimate motivation to achieve, or destroy."
"Death isn't a novel concept. It's just having the ability to face it."
"Sometimes the only ending is death and madness."
"Wreck-It Ralph presents an engaging existential crisis while also making way for a lot of laughs, creativity, and video game references."
"There need to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"The game's ending is so powerful not just because Nova breaks free of her purpose and becomes her own being that gets to experience the wonders of a meaningless life with all the freedom in the world."
"Pisces is our own simultaneous inconceivable union and separation with the source of all things and with everything else in creation."
"That's what it means to be alive and... the church... will destroy those things."
"Death for you literally says freedom, balance, reciprocity, and truth to thyself."
"Life has tragedy and sometimes there's no good choice."
"Instead of cheap jumpscares, Too Many Cooks and Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared induce a kind of existential horror."
"Sophia's failure tears her apart, just saying that Joy Division is Gnostic scripture sometimes."
"This universe should be gone, someone is keeping it alive."
"Facing death doesn't bother me. What scares me most is spending the rest of my life alone. I can't let myself believe that."
"This is it, this is the part in the game where you try and figure out what it means to be human."
"Free will has been such a huge, if not one of the most pivotal, elements."
"Ultron is tormented by the idea that he is nothing but a soulless photocopy of Tony Stark."
"No longer fearing death, you're building a relationship with Allah."
"Ever since I sold my soul, I haven't been happy."
"Meaning is given to him through understanding what it means to hold another in the palm of your hand."
"What if I told you this reality was only one of many?"
"I am the Alpha and the top, the beginning and the end."
"When death becomes an afterthought." - The First Curse
"It's a case of the hosts realizing that even though they've escaped, they're still stuck in this manufactured reality."
"It's become a very popular trope... thinking about your existential existence on the earth."
"It's just a metaphor for the alienation we all feel."
"You're walking towards the light, and what can you expect."
"There is no mercy or salvation, only punishment."
"Being an atheist is a luxury you can afford... but not for long."
"Luck is the least tangible component of survival."
"They're both alone in this world of heroes and monsters where they're completely disassociated with everyone and it's this disassociation that brings them together."
"Every single game proves that humans will make meaning out of meaninglessness but there's one game that rises above all the rest."
"To Dante, the underworld isn’t something that you can just pop into and out of, because the underworld, ie: death, IE: Exile, is a much more permanent deal that he needed to come to terms with."
"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
"Preaching is about life and death, in heaven and hell."
"The game programmed it to go on forever and ever. Is this like a secret, like, it's basically telling us, like, this whole thing might be just a dream."
"Gaslighting into belief: giving you a threat of eternal hellfire and a bribe of eternal happiness."
"I understand that the death was for a purpose, his life was for a purpose."
"Superior beings define their reality through misery and suffering."
"This is a series about life, about death, about life after death."
"Every idea in this has promise that ties into the meaning of life."
"His films have true symbolic meaning they have a spiritual seriousness - as if they're imploring the viewer to transcend to some higher plane of existence."
"It's all part of something we can't wrap our heads around, and it exists in spite of how we feel about it."
"The Truman Show gave the world the first glimpse at Jim Carrey's dramatic acting ability and the profound meta story of a man as the oblivious center of audience attention still has much to offer."
"Rick and Morty deals with existential conflict and mental health, resonating with the generation."
"Dark Souls explores fatalism and existentialism through its detailed story and boss fights."
"Science fiction offers us the extraordinary opportunity to ponder the profundity of existence."
"Life became about salvation from death and mortality."
"Here I've found humanity in its purest form."
"Nier Automata suggests that life is more than just hardship."
"Barbie is going to be the existential struggle to find the meaning in life."
"Dark Souls subverts by confronting the player with exactly what they are: a largely insignificant being with the power to improve only their own existence..."
"In the end, he longed for that flaming doom whose brief instant was better than eons of mortal life."
"Driver: San Francisco is sort of permanently trapped between life and death, and there's something a little romantic about that."
"This story is neither an accusation nor confession, and least of all an adventure, for death is not an adventure to those who stand face to face with it."
"In some respects, Rust and Humus is a story where everything eventually disappears, dies or is forgotten."
"You and your crew are very likely the last humans in the Universe."
"An existential thriller that offers thought-provoking ideas."
"It's a weird feeling in here, built on a foundation of beliefs, religion, faith, life, death, and tragedy."
"Adventure Time is famous for many things, 'quote unquote saving Cartoon Network,' evolving into an existential dread piece..."
"No cost too great, no mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry. Suffering born of god and void."
"Random Access Memories explores what it means to be human and fit in."
"It seems everyone goes to Hel, nothing matters, we all go to Hel."
"Human freedom, in the authenticity of human decisions, was a crucial value."
"Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd: it explores of a essence what it is to be human and to navigate the pressures of modern life."
"No Man's Sky is about homelessness and the need for purpose in a world where home and purpose don't exist."
"The sun exploding is utterly beyond us it is it is completely and absolutely beyond our ability to reconcile outside the abstract it's yeah it's a feeling of cosmic insignificance."
"It's a lot for a kids movie to take on...appreciating life and existentialism."
"Death Stranding... has a powerful message that applies to every last mortal." - Death Stranding
"This is your kind of film because it goes into these existential problems and philosophical questions."
"Death plays a crucial role, character's relationship to their own impermanence."
"It's both a visually and existentially harrowing watch."
"Life is a test. You're being tested right now. I don't know how you're being tested right now, but somehow you're being tested."
"No one escapes their past. No one escapes judgment." - V
"This game is just an existential crisis of the game."
"Death of one thing and the rebirth of another."
"Under the Skin provides an opportunity for us as an audience to more objectively look at what being alive in the world can mean."
"What a great trilogy, clerks too especially hit me in those existential feels."
"Death cannot be avoided, death must be conquered."
"Exploring, surviving, evolving - that's the essence of our journey."
"Kefka's nihilism grows stronger... as a monument to the pointlessness of existence."
"Existence, life, experience - each one has a sigil that rules."
"It's about fear and love and how they seem to go hand in hand most of the time. Most of all, it's about time while we still have it."
"The album's title hints at his feelings of isolation, alluding to both a fatalistic worldview about the inevitability of death and also the peace found in the night by insomniacs."
"With this demon being symbolic to an existential awareness, once you reach adulthood and realize death is coming for you, you no longer have time to appreciate life and live in the moment."
"Desiring intercourse than having intercourse followed by the Primal urge to escape an existential Shadow causing the cycle to immediately Begin Again"
"Billions upon billions of souls are blinking out of existence... they're all a part of death now."
"They're all dying... billions upon billions of souls."
"A writer is often addressing himself to ultimate concerns... a religious quest."
"Deals with the loneliness that you find with a loss of purpose."
"It's a beautiful book, sort of about what it means to be real."
"If Luna Lovegood made music, you know, very spiritually charged, very existential."
"Berserk may be a series that shows us the true realities of what it means to be human and facing the never-ending struggle of choosing to move forward despite horrific surrounding circumstances."
"It has so much to say about life and love and mortality, and finding your happiness in the unlikeliest of places."
"Animation is the perfect vehicle to tackle big themes of the universe, of who we are."
"The focus of my story is not what God created, but that which God did not create."
"We're the most relevant thing on the planet; we're talking about love and death and life and tragedy."
"It's a story about relationships, life and death, religion, and what humans really want on a fundamental level."
"It's Shakespearean in a way that it's always dealing with life and death, the highest things."
"The Silver Surfer's adventures often center on philosophical conundrums as much as physical challenges."