
Prison Quotes

There are 604 quotes

"I'm sorry that your parents put you in a situation where you felt so lonely and abandoned that you had to call your mom from prison just to hear her voice."
"One in five of the convicts here is serving time for murder, but there's a killer on the third floor of house block three who's not what you might expect."
"He was begging to go back to prison because he'd rather be in prison with things that he's familiar with than this crazy world."
"Prison hasn't always been the preferred method of punishment for those convicted of crimes; it only goes back a couple hundred years to the French and American Revolutions."
"Prison is the least effective place to rehabilitate offenders."
"This is an outrage... everyone should be concerned... demand answers about what is happening in that prison."
"By the time I get out of here, I will be the most sophisticated ramen technician in the solar system."
"If it came down to it and I was going to have to spend a significant amount of time in prison that I'd rather die."
"Prison is appropriate when confinement is needed to protect the public."
"In prison, you get your own toilet; at work, you have to share."
"Actively recruiting members while behind bars."
"Prison tattooing: where artistry meets ingenuity behind bars."
"Prison style tattooing could give him a lucrative career on the outside."
"Prison tattoos forged in adversity, these marks of identity can have a dark side."
"He went back to prison when he decided he was going back to prison."
"I wanted to be in control of myself... I thought going to prison... was... the worst thing could happen to a human being... I had a ball in prison."
"Johnny Cash performed live at California's San Quentin Prison, leading a rowdy crowd of inmates."
"When it opened in 1991, HMP Belmarsh was the first male prison to be built in London for over a hundred years."
"Keeping people out of prison for low-level crimes is obviously ideal."
"He ain't coming back. They're gonna kill him."
"Would anyone really oppose Tommy in it? Locked in prison, gonna make some good content."
"When he was awaiting trial he actually asked if he could be moved to a single cell because he was having these fantasies about gouging the eyes out of the person whose cell he was sharing."
"When you go to prison it's not worth it I promise it's not worth it."
"One in three families of inmates reported going into debt to pay for phone calls or visitation, which is terrible."
"Days later on December 2nd, 2012, Israel was found dead in his cell after taking his own life."
"There's something really important about Antifa going to prison that needs to be talked about."
"The imposing facade of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia may once have struck fear into the hearts of some America's most violent and dangerous criminals."
"You did your time like a man, you didn't rat no one else, tough little bastard."
"Overcrowded prison...55 executions...a woman named Selena...still haunts the grounds today."
"Dozens of people are going to prison and most of the names are well-known."
"That was the moment that was the reality check that I could, I said I looked back at the at the prison and I knew right then and there that that's not a place regardless of how I feel that I ever want to be again."
"For anyone who thinks prison isn't that bad, this story right here will make you think otherwise."
"Staging a prison break where the characters are imprisoned or need to free somebody from prison is going to be cool in any of these prison locations."
"Brazilian gang leader has been caught trying to escape from jail disguised as teenage daughter."
"I've legitly been in every single cell in Greensville Correctional Center."
"Prison was the best thing that ever happened to me. It changed me."
"Prison can absolutely change your life forever and in some cases you may never get another chance to have your life again."
"It's a bunch of homo thugs in jail right now, let's just call it what it is."
"Dorothea Helen Puente passed away in prison from natural causes aged 82."
"I manifested myself in jail and once I got to prison and I figured that out I started manifesting myself out of prison."
"Imagine getting sent to prison in the year 2000 and then getting out in 2020."
"The doors of the pod began to shake as the men in their cells just banged on their doors as a sign of support, love, affection."
"I'm gonna put a light in every single cell because I'm nice like that."
"The utilizing of dummy faces, the making of the life jackets, the making of a raft-- I don't know of any escape from a prison which had more ingenuity utilized."
"Prison is the stupidest thing you can ever do in your life."
"Constantly locked down, going to the hole every time."
"In prison, reading, discussing, trying to figure out."
"Nobody is facing the pain more than somebody who's in lockdown."
"It was Europe's most escape-proof prison, but the IRA had something to say about that."
"Melvin's the one who brought the pickaxe to prison."
"I don't take my cheeks. I'm too pretty for prison."
"Arkham City was unique in its concept in that it's a giant super prison."
"I decided that I wanted to spend my time in prison purposefully."
"Politics when it comes to the feds: you can't steal, you can't do certain things on the yard like gambling and owing debts."
"To me, prison was a lot like criminal university."
"In prison, you got to be kind; you've got to say excuse me if you bump into somebody."
"Prisons and jails are scary places, they run amok with negative emotions, often times violence, and definitely regret."
"There's no way we could describe prison to a free world person. There's no way that you can have context or understand until you've been there."
"I still gotta bring you guys that only fans story about this only fans person who is still working in prison."
"Behind a ring of lethal razor wire stands one of the most secure prisons in the world."
"Can you say the name of the prison?"
"Mental health is a big deal in prison and I don't know if prison's the right place for them, man. Maybe they should be in a mental hospital, you know what I mean?"
"Prison basketball, oh, and look, my favorite parallels are coming up."
"If you break the law if you get put in prison like you are just a criminal you are you you are an individual a bad individual who needs to be reformed."
"The facility is housing over 12,000 prisoners with thousands more being transferred."
"This is low class, this is that prison spread."
"Alcatraz: The end of the line for criminals."
"Alcatraz: The inescapable island."
"The Battle of Alcatraz: Six hardened criminals overpowering correction officers and taking control of the cell house."
"Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary: Meant for the worst of the worst."
"Alcatraz: The toughest prison in America."
"Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary: Inmates fought regularly, with murders happening regularly."
"How do you visually portray a void, a place that's not even a place, just a prison of the mind?"
"Season one finale of The Prison Talk."
"Prison kind of... it didn't break him down spiritually, but kind of, if it did."
"I used to F guys like you in prison."
"In your rap career, the penitentiary is like a fresh new air."
"He reminds me a lot of the guys in prison, like how just naturally funny they were. We'd be at the table playing dominoes or whatever and people would just be snapping on shit, yeah, you know?"
"The best thing about jail is this thing called Chichi what it is is ramen noodles yeah."
"They start to think that going back to prison and recidivating and reoffending is just a normal part of life."
"I did half of my life in prison, so I'm thinking when I get out, I don't work. But there's not enough time in the day."
"Common misunderstanding is that it's an easier option being in forensic psychiatric care compared to being in prison. I would argue that in fact, this is the tougher option."
"Do these prisons really rehabilitate you anymore? No."
"Prison never broke me. What broke me was when my daughter died."
"Prison isn't his goal, it's humility."
"We must remember that it does happen because an Australian man was put in prison for making such videos unless you're sick to the bone this is not the kind of thing one wants to see in life."
"Prison was worse than the streets. In the streets, you could have a punch-up. In jail, you're going to get killed."
"Prison is not only full of convicts, inmates, guards, gay guys, shanks; prison is also full of birds."
"Joshua Phillips is in prison, and he's actually said to be a model inmate."
"Prison is the place where that [__] comes out."
"When you think of prison jobs, you probably think it's somebody mopping the hallway, somebody cleaning sales or toilet bowls, somebody in a child hall passing out food, somebody with a book card passing out books. When in reality, it's much more than that."
"The prison actually had the largest library in Arizona at one point."
"The supermax prisons now make no pretense at reform. That is, it's considered a quarantine to protect the staff and the inmates from their behavior."
"Most people don't understand the extent to which prisoners, first of all, almost all work."
"The public demanded hoodlums like Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly be locked up in an escape-proof prison."
"What is the hole? It's just another part of the prison, just a part of the process."
"So, my father was in prison at the time. So, when my father, before my father went to prison in Florida, he was doing real well."
"Try to imagine yourself trapped in a prison cell, convicted to death, no chance of an appeal, and you know you're gonna die soon in some horrific painful way for something that you didn't even do."
"Escape at damura which was a a limited series about a prison escape a true story that happened like in 2015."
"Thanks for having me that's a big compliment I was kind of a mom in prison too to a lot of people so I take that as a compliment for sure."
"Prison taught me how to be a man, and I mean that by respect and boundaries."
"'They buried them all here,' he then said grimly. 'All of them. They turned this place into a prison for the dead.'"
"Escape was supposed to be impossible, but escape is exactly what Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin aimed to do."
"We're all prisoners here, even her,"
"Prison was far from civilized. It was doggy dog where the strong survived and the weak succumbed."
"The Shawshank Redemption: a prison drama that wasn't so much about prison as it was about freedom."
"If the towering walls of this mighty prison could talk, they would tell Tales of unfathomable horror."
"I mean, up through about 1970, we said the purpose of prison was for rehabilitation. But there's a turn in the 1970s, and this happens for a number of reasons."
"The grading of Crosshair's prison cell is the same shape as the map of the prison facility, a subtle way of showing how the facility itself is like a large set of prison bars."
"Penitentiary rules is in effect and if you ain't never been to the penitentiary I advise you to never go to the penitentiary."
"He just kind of gets more committed because when you when you do prison time for a cause maybe you wind up reading about it."
"People who are somebody outside are usually nobody in prison, and people who are somebody in prison are usually nobody outside."
"The environment of a prison for someone who never had structure... it's like a break from the battlefield."
"An evil man, no matter how long he is in prison, never changes, cannot change, no more than a leopard can change his markings."
"So just as you walk down this main path here gets you to the back where the fence starts but this house is directly next to it, look it's unusual living that close to a prison."
"Diddy look at Lil Kim like a business deal that's why he never showed her love while she was in prison"
"A quarter of the prison population are people who are picked up with marijuana in their pocket."
"As soon as I come out in 2012 it just erupted with gangs."
"Suddenly to be hit with a reality that you're going to prison for three years."
"Many visitors and locals believe that the abandoned prison is haunted by the spirits of former inmates who suffered and died there."
"Las Sabaneta prison in Zulia, Venezuela earned a notorious reputation for its extreme levels of corruption and just deplorable conditions within its walls."
"The prison's haunting history and the countless lives that were affected by its harsh conditions make it a pretty forboding and unsettling place for sure."
"The prison's first inmate was committed but actually managed to escape just a year later."
"One of the most haunted prisons in the United States, if not the world. Reports of paranormal activity have surfaced over the years."
"My name is Ken. I've been convicted of a crime. I've been sentenced to 10 years. This is the final 24 hours of my freedom."
"Hello, everybody, and welcome back to our Highway to Hell series. Tonight we are at the West Virginia state penitentiary, the most violent and haunted prison in North America."
"It was known for 10% of prisoners to be satanic worshippers. Visitors, especially women, have felt things touch them as they roam the halls."
"The 8th floor especially is the most haunted place in this prison."
"You're like an empty cell for example. Feeling that sort of thing should be good for you, but because of the way that the system is set up, the people who go to prison lose, essentially."
"They don't feed you, they feed you bologna sandwiches."
"I couldn't picture a spookier scene, being in an abandoned prison."
"Prison for me, it was a wakeup call."
"To be successful in anything right or wrong requires a degree of intellect you understand what nobody tells you is that prison is filled with a lot of non-critical thinkers."
"Most American prisons utilize what many call the slavery loophole in the 13th amendment."
"And with that, let's talk a little about the prison industrial complex."
"Don't ever look at the number. Double, triple, it doesn't matter. You're in 'til they don't want you. Get straight with that."
"This former prison is best known for being one of the first prisons to use solitary confinement, the severity of which drove many inmates insane."
"To stay in police cells it costs £1800 per prisoner per night. That seems like a lot of money, but it includes dinner, breakfast, and tickets to a West End show."
"In that cell, you found something that mattered more to you than life."
"Welcome to Hunit at Colorado's Federal supermax prison, otherwise known as hell on Earth."
"The commonly held belief that joining a gang is the only way to survive prison is one that I sincerely wish would forever go the way of the dodo."
"Huge marketing start, bro, going back into the prison, yeah, that was being paid to go back to prison and just leveraging off an opportunity that most people where we come from don't ever get, bro."
"Prison just really gave you the time to practice."
"In order to survive in prison, you gotta have that rep. Otherwise, you're gonna be eating somebody's food all the time. And the way dudes are nowadays, if you eat a fool, they're telling on you."
"It was fun while it lasted, but the reality of living life in prison is final."
"No prison is free of danger, but few outsiders can comprehend the level of violence that prevails in prison."
"The Aryan Brotherhood formed at San Quinton prison in the California Department of Corrections in 1967 to protect white convicts from predatory gangs."
"I never thought I would find true love inside a prison cell."
"Being in prison is the nearest thing to dying without dying."
"Prison should be for violence. Violent offenders should be in prison. Nonviolent people should be dealt with in a way that helps them because they're only hurting themselves, they're not hurting anybody else."
"It was an interesting time although it was in prison."
"Prison is the answer to crime? Listen to this startling, even outrageous admission from the U.S. government today: A notorious drug thug known as the Al Capone of cocaine managed to turn his prison cell into the headquarters for a drug ring."
"Every time that I constantly try even when I wake when I was in penitentiary I wake up and I used to say okay I got to do this you know."
"I feel like prison in America is a handout in a way and that can be very frustrating because, you know, we're paying taxes and I feel like it's not benefiting anybody."
"At that time so this was 92 Pablo's not in his custom-made prison at this point."
"They just let them stroll around unguarded. Yeah, what is this? Which means prison at that point is just a hotel, isn't it? You just live there free of charge, eat their food, and every weekend you come out and have some fun. Wait, that actually sounds pretty good."
"What happens inside those prison walls often stays within those walls, but the horrors and harsh facts do creep out from time to time."
"No matter how hard you bang on the streets, when you land in prison, people are gonna hear about you. That rank gonna make you, you know what I'm saying?"
"I hate prison, jail, dude. I hate it. I hate just the people in there, I hate just the whole situation, I just... I hate it all, dude. There's nothing fun or good about it at all."
"Imagine a world where a man sentenced to 20 years in a Mexican prison for murder and drug trafficking slipped through the grasp of Justice not once but twice."
"you definitely got some racist ass guards and you don't want to get caught at the wrong prison because they will just um you know they will just handle you any kind of way they'll whoop your ass."
"It was Pablo Escobar's personal prison."
"It's amazing how I learned about Christmas by going to prison because it was a bareback Christmas, food, and laughter. And that's what it's about."
"Pray for anyone you know that's inside a prison or anyone you know facing any time. Let them know it's not a game."
"I'm literally walking into the prison right now."
"Prison hit different, man. It make you rethink what the [__] you got going on in life."
"He had the shank with him, you know, but I feel like all I know is like from prison is what I've seen in like movies and stuff, obviously my favorite is 'Shawshank Redemption'."
"Store makes money because I sell my store to other inmates."
"Sending a letter to an inmate, especially an inmate who's been in for a significant chunk of time, can be a life-changing experience for them."
"I read top-notch books in prison."
"I hope you enjoy the food in prison. Enjoy the gruel."
"The Aryan Brotherhood, responsible for 20% of prison murders, has a required reading list for potential members."
"I just spent 20 years in prison. I'm doctrinally tied, and now I'm getting ready to have freedom. Like, what am I going to do next?"
"I took everything for granted before I went to prison and in prison I don't think I took anything for granted because there was a scarcity or a rarity to even moments outside or fresh air or Breeze or seeing..."
"You want to take me to prison with those punches?"
"After being in prison and seeing all those families torn apart, my dream today is to live a very clean life."
"That shook the entire prison," Torico realized.
"It was the first time I was kind of scared in prison."
"In prison, I turned back to Allah, got onto the Deen."
"Prison is like the toughest, most gangster, most dangerous, ruthless environment that you could ever be involved in."
"Prison changed my life for the positive."
"The greatest myth of masculinity is that we have to do it alone, and that is a prison in itself."
"Excuse me, but have you ever heard of style in jail?"
"Some of the best meals I've ever had in my whole life were in federal prison."
"Prison isn't people's minds from television, and it's an image they've made a lot of bad characters for inmates. You know, they actually feel like there ain't many good people in prison, when they got some real good people in prison and a lot of innocent too."
"In prison, they make us all dress the same, so there's only so many ways you can express yourself."
"Having spent time in the prison's rehabilitation programs, Cheryl reveals why her drug addiction began."
"He will never harm another human being because he is rotting in prison where he belongs."
"Your heart was meant to be a well, not a prison."
"I didn't think 10 years in prison was going to be the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Prisons gonna do two things long-term, especially long-term in the SHU and/or Ad-Seg. It's gonna do two things: it's gonna make you or it's gonna break you mentally."
"You two actually escaped from Baxel's prison. That's impressive."
"He was labeled category a... placed in a maximum security Wing... he was deemed to be a threat... and was regularly moved from prison to prison... to prevent him from escaping."
"Every prison we've ever been to is literally a portal to Hell."
"I used the time in prison to study, you know, in prison a lot hold you there and say take a good look at yourself."
"When the people went west in the 1800s seeking gold, they found it in the dirt. Prison is the dirtiest place in the country."
"I had never been in prison before and I was forced to do what anybody else had to do: survive."
"Hooding: this is a method that has been seen and used all over the world but in more recent years certain areas have placed bans on it being used in any sort of prison setting because of the severity of the method and its potentially lethal effect."
"On February 6, 1997, Victor Ferrega, a convict serving one to four years for drug possession, was supposed to be on the way to the mess hall when he wandered off from the Maria shock incarceration facility, a minimum security prison in Mineville, New York."
"Prison is like a big Monopoly set. The only thing about this big Monopoly set: you don't get no 'get out of the jail free' card."