
Universal Impact Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"This topic and this subject affects everybody's household and peace."
"Their image is an inseparable aspect of our culture."
"We are meant to heal it here consciously in our human DNA and in our soul DNA and transcend it, and then send a ripple wave effect to the entire universe."
"It doesn't matter if they're white, black, whatever. They are not here for us."
"I care about high gas prices because it affects everybody."
"If we're not alone in the universe, all boats rise."
"Climate change will kill us all, every single person, even the billionaires who are going to space. It literally does not matter, everyone should give a [__] about climate change."
"Understand that the love shared with another is amplified and has a ripple effect across the universe."
"When you see things that are anomalies that don't make a lot of sense, that's where you need to pay attention."
"Honestly, it's just been such a tough year for everyone. No one's been safe from that."
"I think music is the most powerful force on this planet. It could defeat anything, really."
"All we care about is free speech; if they can target any one kind of speech, then they can target all speech."
"We affect the whole and we're affected by the whole."
"Thanos formulated a new plan, one that would take not eons but perhaps only a few short years: use the unlimited power of the six infinity stones to simply erase half the population of the universe from existence with a snap of his fingers."
"There is much hidden from the perspective of the Seeker within the third density... for there is no single iota of the creation that doesn't infinitely impact the rest of the creation."
"It's incredibly powerful, so just important to know that this can show up anywhere and find a really powerful path."
"But who builds in stone seeks to alter the structure of the universe."
"The snap felt by half the universe has actually been given a proper name: the decimation."
"Time is the mightiest force in the world, or even in the universe."
"That means it could have already taken place somewhere out there in the universe, and the end of not only our world, but of everything we know, could be racing towards us right now."
"All you have to do is shine brightly and you will be helping the world and the universe."
"Some big changes are going to be coming down the pipeline, and this is going to affect everyone."
"Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody."
"You're the chosen one. Your destiny is not only yours, it is the destiny of the whole universe."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"Love is indeed the most powerful force in the universe."
"There needs to be a wake-up call for young people that this just doesn't affect older people; it affects everyone."
"This moment transcends all political questions."
"Half of the population of the universe, not the people of this planet, brought everyone back with a snap of a finger."
"Once you transform earth and move into the golden age, it will alter the rest of the universe. It will take one or two thousand years for you to know the change that will move over the whole universe."
"An injustice that happens to one man anywhere is an injustice that happens to all men everywhere."
"Mental health can affect anyone in powerful and sometimes severe ways."
"One wrong move could result in cataclysmic damage to the Multiverse."
"Domestic violence is prevalent in every community and affects all people regardless of age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, or nationality."
"One drink is the same whether you've been drinking for 20 years or you've never had a drink in your life."
"When injustice comes to one man somewhere, it's coming to every man everywhere, including you."
"It's not looking great for the heroes, it's an enormous worldwide and actually universe-wide catastrophe."
"So you know like we're all this is weird time dealing with it it's affecting everyone whether they're rich or poor famous or non famous."
"The love shared with another is amplified; it has a ripple effect across the universe."
"I think it's really hard in the wake of the blip, there's this worldwide universe-wide event that happened and in truth everybody would be Stark raving mad at this point."
"Maintaining peace in our minds in our societies in the world around us is of paramount importance because once a battle happens it's not selective it will happen to everybody."
"Everything I think, say, and do teaches all the universe."
"...news of his death spread so far in the universe that she came back to mourn the loss."
"I want to feel like I'm making the world better for everyone, not just a select group of people who value the planet or the environment. You know, not just like my kind of people."
"Partition has affected and infected everyone."
"Consciousness is such a sublime invention that if it was ever lost the universe would be severely diminished."
"Every question we have is a blessing and every prayer that we offer is a huge blessing for the entire universe."
"...one small change that will Ripple throughout the entire universe."
"There's nobody that wasn't touched by Robin Williams at some point."
"Sexism and misogyny affect everybody, regardless of your gender."
"By attacking their side, Indira Gandhi didn't just attack Sikhs, she attacked everyone."
"Everybody and everything makes a mark on the universe."
"A dream of a person can affect the entire universe."
"Music could transform lives, whoever you are, wherever you come from."
"It's the ideas and the way they penetrate the universe that matter."
"It would be arguably a tragedy on a universal scale if we were to go extinct."
"This love, this transformation, this self-acknowledgement of how you are changing is going to be felt universally."
"Cancer is an awful thing, and everyone gets affected by it."