
Government Spending Quotes

There are 456 quotes

"The more it spends on government schools, the less education we get; the more it spends on medicine and healthcare, the less healthy we end up being."
"Inflation is an addiction once the government gets down the path of spending money to solve its problems."
"The world's largest, most well-funded military under the direction of several different presidents and with a budget exceeding two trillion dollars successfully achieved regime change from the Taliban to the Taliban. Congratulations, everyone, mission accomplished."
"Enabling people to do better reduces the chance they'll rely on other government spending while also increasing their earnings and therefore their taxes."
"The real recovery from the American depression was brought about by massive state spending."
"American politics is defined by the formula x minus y equals a big stink, where X is what people want from government and Y equals what they're willing to pay for government."
"American philanthropy is now $410 billion a year being given away, which is starting to approach the level of nonmilitary discretionary spending by the federal government."
"Quiet as is kept, our taxes go everywhere that we ain't got no control over."
"The fact is that massive government spending has kept workers on the sidelines and has fueled inflation."
"The cost of warfare, it's the most expensive thing governments ever spend on."
"They want to take more money from the citizens... and use that money to pay for something that doesn't benefit the citizens."
"The cost of inaction and doing too little is greater than the cost of doing too much."
"Don't ever let America tell you they can't afford shit ever again... These niggas found two trillion dollars from some goddamn where."
"Most of the money that he is now spending is not going to impact how Americans live."
"Recycling tax dollars does not create economic growth."
"Money is a creature of the state and as such, there is no financial constraint on government spending."
"MMT kind of comes in and says actually, both [government spending and tax cuts] would work, provided that you're spending on things that will materially boost economic activity."
"The United States has started spending more money in interest to cover the national debt than they are on defense."
"All American presidents love to spend our money. But if you're going to spend it, spend on things that are appropriate."
"China's large economy demands a level of government spending which requires a large and broad tax base to fund, unfortunately, the country does not have that."
"The willingness of Congress to fund foreign adventurism when they won't fund the most basic stuff in the United States, astonishing."
"If you're fed up with inflation, with the cost of food skyrocketing...it's because politicians in Washington cannot stop spending money that we don't have."
"Government spending isn't investment; it doesn't grow the economy."
"We've got $34 trillion of debt and governments on both sides that want to spend. How about we come up with some revenue ideas?"
"The 1.9 trillion being proposed now, about 90 percent of it's got very little to do with COVID. It is a liberal wish list."
"Most Americans believe now is not the time to load a bill up with a bunch of stuff unrelated to COVID because we need every dollar to hit the mark."
"Human stupidity: Consider that the U.S. military budget is over 30 times higher than that of NASA."
"Qatar's government has spent more than 300 billion dollars on infrastructure projects."
"The Pentagon just lost another 2.2 trillion dollars. They don't know where it went."
"If countries spend money on economically stimulative programs, they can create growth."
"What I'm saying is, over the long term, if the government spending is economically stimulative, it will help to grow the economy."
"I don't think we've seen the end of direct payments. This is an emergency, a challenge to the conscience as well as the budget of our country, and every dollar that we spend is an investment in the lives and the livelihood of the American people."
"Our tax money should not fund people's drug habits."
"The federal government should spend money on the things that it needs to keep the economy up."
"Zero dollars going to be spent on the border." - Pat
"The bill funnels billions to upgrade public transit, improve water supply, and expand broadband internet to rural communities. It aims to put hundreds of thousands of Americans to work rebuilding roads and bridges."
"I don't believe in two trillion dollar infrastructure program I think that's nuts."
"It's literally giving money to people in other countries for things that have no value for most Americans."
"The beauty of going back to a gold standard is that the government then does not have the capacity to inflate itself out of bad spending habits."
"If you can't tackle discretionary spending, you're not going to tackle mandatory spending."
"Government deficit spending is inherently a good until it's not there just like credit card spending is good until it's not."
"While unemployment benefits are being cut, Republicans have managed to find 1.75 billion dollars to rebuild the FBI headquarters."
"Britain alone gave the banks more money than it cost to put a man on the moon 6 times over."
"I think smarter government spending is the answer."
"The defense budget gets trillions while the American people get screwed once again."
"They just wrote a two trillion dollar cheque for that GOP tax cut."
"Interest will consume 100% of government tax revenue, which means all our taxes will go to just paying interest on the debt."
"The Biden administration clings to the lie that more spending means lower deficits."
"Once expenses get above 100% of tax receipts, there's two choices."
"Only 4% of the budget is spent on public safety."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'Government can get the economy moving again.' What reality taught me: 'Government does not spend money better than individuals do.'"
"When the government spends the money into the market, it goes right into the market, it doesn't get trapped in the banks, and that will be inflationary."
"For the vast majority of people... the single biggest expense in their life is government."
"Every dollar spent on the IRS is actually returning more dollars to the American government's coffers."
"Subsidies, you just take money from someone and you give it to another person in the hopes that second person is going to use the money better."
"The choice has never been clearer. Where David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler stand for a strong national defense, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock want to cut our national defense to fund their big government program."
"It's not clear to me that making spending cuts actually reduces public debt because ultimately public spending can be good for people, can be good for the economy, and when you cut it, you create a vicious cycle."
"The cost of government is what government spends, so every dollar of government spending needs to be paid for. If it's not paid for through taxation, it's paid for through some other means, and that is inflation."
"Great Barrier Reef Foundation: Malcolm Turnbull gifted 444 million dollars to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation."
"Flood relief: They pork-barreled flood relief even the New South Wales Liberal Premier Dominic Perite publicly dressed them down for it."
"Pool fund: 150 million dollars was used to construct pools in purely marginal coalition seats."
"Bold action now to get people jobs back is not wasteful spending it's critical."
"10 trillion over 10 years would be a hell of an expenditure, yet would it be good? Yeah, it would absolutely."
"We're showering money on Americans, that's kind of amazing."
"Every single dollar that they give the American people goes back into the economy... It's all going back to the bank and it just fixes this whole problem."
"We're talking about sending checks. The vast majority of which will be going to people who've had no loss of income whatsoever."
"We saw all sorts of disgusting ridiculous pork in the bill."
"The Affordable Care Act is still in existence and this administration has cut the advertisement budget for the Affordable Care Act." - Dr. Patrice Harris
"We're now spending actual taxpayer dollars on it."
"The government is addicted to spending. That reckless spending is driving up costs on everything. That inflation rate is extraordinary these days, the highest of my lifetime." - Ben Shapiro
"He was correct and right why the US taxpayers have to pay money for nothing."
"An ounce of confidence... is worth a ton of taxpayers money."
"The government comes in and spends money into the economy like a drunken sailor, the Fed monetizes the debt..."
"Modern monetary policy... we can spend our way out of it."
"Just like how we found 17 trillion for covid... the money must be there somewhere."
"It looks like spending is going to go up, it looks like tax receipts are going to come down, and I think both of those are going to happen at the same time."
"Biggest government expenditure ever approved to fight climate change."
"This bill is not targeted, timely, or tied to Covid. Only nine percent of this massive 1.9 trillion dollar package goes to fighting Covid-19."
"A 10% increase in the size of government spending equals a half a percent to one percent reduction in economic growth."
"So when they come to you and talk about big spenders, let them know... almost two trillion dollars in deficit reduction. I don't want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending. We're changing people's lives."
"I just think it's important for everyone to have this sort of independence."
"The debt ceiling is a symptom of Washington's spending problem."
"21 trillion missing from the budget sparks media attention and attempts at distraction."
"We're going to spend as much as it takes to build as much wall as we possibly can." - Governor Abbott
"The Chinese government is spending billions of dollars annually on foreign information manipulation efforts."
"They actually attached spending bills to raising the debt limit."
"Elon Musk just in the past couple of weeks has shown us we don't need that all of that apparatus was a waste of money."
"Billionaires spend their own money politicians spend mine." - Jenna Ellis
"Adjusted for inflation, governments around the world have now spent more money fighting the Covid pandemic than they spent fighting the Second World War."
"For just the increase in the military budget that we had in one year we could pay for free college for everybody in the country."
"The deficit last year, a record-busting 3.3 trillion dollars."
"I am effectively ending the practice of draining public coffers to spend on allowances for useless activities."
"Government spends about one-third of the GDP."
"I don't know much, but three and a half trillion dollars seems like a whole lot of money."
"Passing the 1.7 trillion dollar Omnibus spending Bill – a massive win for the nation's future."
"We can't waste money on a new museum... but you're okay with bombing people in the Middle East?"
"They should have cut government spending is what they should have done, they should have eased the burden of government on the economy realizing that the economy was dealing with the burden of the pandemic so it needed less government."
"That giant growth that they saw was really after 2020 when all of the stimulus money and the insane spending by the government started to flood into the economy."
"The British for the last half-century have spent annual sums equal to the revenue of a small Kingdom."
"I think my taxes are a little too low and I don't think we needed the last round of tax cuts."
"I'm embarrassed for the taxpayers of this country."
"When does our Pentagon get told no when they want to spend some money on something they don't need an alien threat we got plenty of of real life Earthbound threats that they get all the money that they need."
"President Biden coming out saying this is proof that we need to spend more money."
"Governments have to spend money. The American government spends money on defense, roads and bridges, Social Security checks... We can't be exporting around the world if we are not militarily making sure that nobody else is out competing us."
"There will be bills unpaid if the debt ceiling is not raised."
"The Trump Administration definitely could have done better on spending by a lot."
"People are living off of credit...people who are just collecting money from the government...so all this government spending is being financed by debt."
"Money is not backed by anything and that they can write blank checks just like they write a blank check to Ukraine they can write a blank check to reparations too."
"Behind you is what your taxes are paying for. If my taxes went to that instead of bombs and all that other [__] that my money goes to, I would be so much happier."
"Gold and silver will hold a government accountable and not allow them to overspend."
"It'll be a great day when our schools get all the money they need and the air force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."
"If he's doing this at cost, there's no profit. In theory, as he's arguing, it would be a better deal for the country and the taxpayers."
"The government's goal: continue spending beyond the 1st of January."
"Spending will remain slow, while stimulus checks and a hike in the federal minimum wage will have some stimulative effect on the economy."
"The basic idea of modern monetary theory is we spend a lot of money people continue to buy our bonds because we're still the best bet on the Block and until that ain't true anymore we can just continue to spend money."
"The answer is always the same you fight inflation by spending more money and then you fight not inflation by spending more money and you fight everything by spending more money as it turns out."
"If you spend more it reduces the deficit because you know."
"Trillions of dollars have been spent on costly and massive failures."
"They saw that the trillions of dollars of government stimulus... was just stealing the value from their cash reserves."
"Biden is going to unveil a major new spending plan as Democrats eye a bigger role for government."
"We just passed a 1.9 trillion dollar rescue plan that's going to make a massive difference in the lives of people."
"We've already seen states use their aid money to fund other stimulus programs like state stimulus checks, hazard pay, and vaccine incentives."
"You know, the $1,000 toilet, the hammers that cost $100 or things like that—if we used the criteria of misspending, the Defense Department is illustration number one."
"There's never been a bill that has been three and a half trillion dollars in spending."
"Now, what is Trump saying? He would be willing to send $2,000 stimulus checks."
"This is not asking for a handout it's asking for our taxpayer money to actually go back to the American people and help us."
"Directly spending, what do you mean by that? Let's just go to 87,000 IRS agents."
"Senator Joe Manchin said he's willing to do at least two trillion dollars."
"I don't care about no stormy Daniels I don't care about no hos no prostitutes no slots or no tramps what I care about is how Congress is wasting our money."
"So if the government runs a deficit, the private sector actually has more cash."
"Military Keynesianism: government spending vastly focused on the military."
"They don't have economic relief... especially when you see people driving Nissan patrols costing like 50 rack and you're using government money."
"You don't actually think they spend twenty thousand dollars on a hammer, thirty thousand dollars on a toilet seat?"
"The US is in the hole by $34 trillion and yet we keep printing money."
"A border wall is an ineffective use of taxpayer dollars."
"I will print as much as it takes for these guys to spend."
"The American people don't want this. They're sick and tired of it. They're paying for it through the nose with inflation." - Senator Rand Paul
"The answer is not more work, the answer is proper usage of our taxpayer money."
"Open source was almost a political movement... taxpayer money should only be spent on open source software development."
"We have money for war but can't afford basic programs to help struggling families."
"Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people is a terrible way to get help to families who actually need it."
"You cannot tell me that the federal government does not have money for toothpaste and soap."
"Joe Biden has advocated for greater spending on education and has detailed plans to both increase teacher salary and upgrade school infrastructure..."
"The country is in desperate need of infrastructure spending."
"We've spent 21 trillion over 20 years on militarization, but for less than a quarter of that, we could have a fully renewable energy electric grid."
"The president proposed the $1.9 trillion size because he felt that was what was needed to meet the moment we're facing."
"Almost 200 million pounds spent solely on defense. It's been absolutely wild."
"Isn't it amazing how this country was real quick, real quick Congress was able to find the money for major corporations, airlines, and others who were impacted by COVID?" - Dr. William J. Barber
"We do need to have a very adult discussion about all of these issues."
"Policing is the number one area the voters want to see more spending in."
"This economy has taken off on its own... we warned that if you do this massive amount of spending... you're going to overheat the economy and risk increasing inflation."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: 'The relief package is the most important thing we could do to get on a sustainable path.'"
"It's become the billion dollar question: How big will the federal deficit be?"
"Inflation is absolutely the result of two things: crazy government spending and crazy national debt."
"Higher fiscal spending, higher debt to gross domestic product, higher investment spend in general."
"Half of all federal expenditures are three big programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"We do need to spend our way out of it and it needs to be significant money."
"It determines a lot in theory about how money gets spent and stuff like that, but in practice, corruption determines that."
"Can you imagine spending 850 billion dollars on a thing and the next year if you don't spend even more your country is going to utterly fall apart?"
"The government has already spent nearly 800 billion dollars helping the unemployed throughout the pandemic."
"It's your money. I mean, the $900 billion dollars, where do you think the government gets their money from? It's your labor, the taxes you've paid, and the government just basically money printer go bur, as it were."
"This bill is for $900 billion. Guess who's getting that other $700 billion? Hint, it rhymes with crony corporations. Oh, and guess who's going to pay for it? Hint, it rhymes with you, your children, and your grandchildren."
"It's not about the spending, it's about the will to use it." - Economist John Cochran
"Remember that $350 billion dollars went out to states here from the last stimulus package and um they're now deciding to use... some states are deciding to use it."
"Governments can spend money... it has so far ameliorated the extent of what the downturn should be."
"Running our economy at its full potential almost always requires the government's budget to be in deficit."
"You may be enjoying your stimulus checks right now, but on the back end and every single day after that, you're going to pay for it."
"These EV incentives are not only unnecessary but a complete waste of money."
"If you're worried about how indebted the country is, you won't be happy to hear the government broke a new deficit record for the month of December: $144 billion dollars."
"All of your taxpayer dollars were absolutely wasted."
"What if instead of bailing out these airlines and these cruise lines, what if we said we're gonna build the most modern transportation system the United States has ever had with that money?"
"The biggest stimulus packages in the world come from the US."
"The ultimate way to curb inflation: stop overspending."
"Where are you going to cut it from? You know where he will take it out of. It’s coming out of health care and Medicare and Social Security."
"It's less than one penny of your tax dollar that goes to NASA."
"The economy is being kept alive by unprecedented government spending."
"The American taxpayers will pay for this money laundering again through their upper arms."
"Don't ever think that you got money because the government was trying to be like, 'No.'"
"This incredible increase in the size of government is gonna cost somebody, somebody has to pay the bills for all the bailouts and all the stimulus."
"Everybody who's gotten money has gotten it from government."
"Late in 1937 he backed another massive government spending program and by the middle of 1938 the crisis had passed."
"Inflation is the price you pay for all of the programs the government told you were free."
"The question on the table isn't can we do too much, the question on the table is can we afford to do too little."
"Let's get rid of this idea that stimulating the economy can be too big because at the end of the day all this money is imaginary anyway so let's just give it to the people who need it."
"For the hundred billion dollars that we spend now on the drug war we can have a world-class network of recovery options."
"We need to make sure that we're good stewards of the taxpayers money."
"Tonight, a potentially fatal blow to President Biden's massive social spending and climate plan."
"Take away half those responsibilities, put that money, those resources elsewhere."
"We're basically printing a trillion dollars in treasuries every year forever."
"Lifting the debt ceiling doesn't cost any money. It doesn't add any debt. It merely allows the government to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up."
"The less of my money the government is prepared to waste the better."
"Canada's debt is growing massively, spending is out of control, and Canadians are feeling the pinch right now."
"We moved to this next effort which I've heard as much as four trillion dollars really cloaked in the idea of infrastructure spending."
"We keep pumping cheap federal dollars into this system and there's no accountability whatsoever where the money is being spent."
"The FBI is spending millions on social media tracking software. They want to be able to see everything. Is that surprising? No, I mean, how did we not already know this?"
"On tax and spend, that is about as fundamental rebellion as you can get."
"Failure to fix Washington DC spending today will mean our children will have to live at lesser standards."
"The bill is said to include funding for roads, bridges, and public transit as well as electric vehicles, clean energy, and high-speed broadband."
"Of that 6.5 trillion, 1.9 of it is listed for discretionary spending."
"We're gonna have to stay on top of every dollar spent through the American Rescue Plan and that's what we're going to do. We can do this, we will do this."