
Serialization Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The War of the Worlds was originally a serialized story released in multiple magazines throughout 1897 then published in hardback a year later."
"Television now, especially because it's become so serialized, has that luxury that novels have: they can take their time."
"This is some huge breaking news... Jujutsu Kaisen will be resuming its serialization."
"We're looking at publishing in a serialized series of installments."
"Comic books are largely a serialized format, with a new issue every month, so the creators of comics can tell ongoing stories with regularly released installments in much the same way the creators of TV series do."
"Shonen anime, though the word basically means adolescent boy anime, the term has come to mean serialized action anime over here in the States."
"Anytime you have like an array or even if you have an array of a type that has lists in them, then you would kind of go deeper and deeper into all of your serialized properties."
"I personally like saving things as strings generally because then it's readable and it's more easily debuggable."
"YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language and is a data serialization language for writing configuration files."
"The introduction of mini-series within the show provided a stronger sense of serialization."
"Making Scooby-Doo a serialized show ends up working in its benefit with changing up the formula and making it stand out apart from the rest."
"Because Json is so ubiquitous and doesn't contain any additional information other than raw data, nearly every language has very strong support for serialization and deserialization."
"One of the biggest struggles of Season 20 was the serialization format."
"Even though it looks like in this session, it did, it's kind of the toolbox. There was the toolbox slide that I showed and a lot of serialization libraries are just not using the toolbox."
"Will this finally be the time we break the curse of no serialized Lord of the Rings?"
"The weekly release and central mystery worked together perfectly."
"One Piece is simply just too massive and dense to try and dissect in just one video."
"...there is a real sadness behind it right because getting serialized in weekly Shonen jump or any magazine means that someone saw value in the story and that there was potential for it to grow..."
"It took me about three years to write 'The Martian,' posting it a chapter at a time to my website."
"If you're fetching data on the server side and passing data around in your server component, they don't need to be serialized. But anytime that you're passing it to a client component or crossing the boundary from the server to the client, they need to be serialized."
"...setting aside some time to sit down and reading it without having to wait for a chapter to drop could do some benefit for the purposes of hindsight but your week toe feelings are still as valid as someone who enjoyed it week to week."
"There was an excitement when you watch it week by week."
"Serialization converts data into a string of bytes for transmission."
"Before sending data to clients, we need to serialize it to JSON."
"From JSON serialization to regular expressions, source generators are becoming an integral part of .NET development."
"Ulysses actually started out in a serial form, and Joyce later decided he was going to put it together into a novel."
"Serializing data into JSON is crucial for APIs."
"Serialization is the intersection between quality and speed."
"Translation of comic book storytelling structures to cinema has shown that audiences can handle way more dense continuity and serialization than Hollywood had given them credit for."
"That's what I want, I want a serialized episodic adventure series with Volga."
"The story of Naruto is an iconic story that lasted for 14 years of serialization."
"Can't we just take our tree and maybe every subtree and serialize it in a way that it can be represented with a text or a string?"
"YAML Python libraries are also capable of serializing whole Python objects and not just raw data."
"Converting a Python object hierarchy to a byte stream is called pickling."
"JSON Convert as a class offers lots of simple methods for serializing and deserializing objects."
"From now on, please look forward to a continued serialization that would be based upon Masashi Kishimoto sensei's original draft."
"Serialization is nothing but transforming any kind of object you have in memory into byte stream which can be stored into files."
"Serialization is converting the state of any object into a byte string."
"Becoming a successful weekly serializing mangaka is insanely hard, even with elite illustration ability."
"He has a successful long-running serialization in Hikaru no Go right now; he was the exact answer to Yusuke's struggle."
"The process of converting an object to a byte so that it can be sent over a network is called serialization."
"Serialization is when we want to convert a data structure into a form that can be stored."
"Decades have passed since it began to be serialized, the whole story now still fits everyone's taste."
"Berserk was written and drawn by Kentaro Miura and began serialization in 1989."
"Well, serialization is the process of converting a data structure into a series of bytes."
"Object serialization and deserialization via the JSON format."
"Once we have the user saved in the database, we can then start doing stuff like serializing and deserializing the user upon every request."
"SQLX is going to create some struct objects that we've defined out of it and with those structs, we're going to serialize it into JSON so we can send it back."
"We can actually use a generator to create a new airline serializer and a review serializer."
"With JSON, you can represent complex data types really easily, so when you serialize your object to JSON and deserialize it back, you're getting these complex data types built into your document."
"Don't value also comes with JSON serialization support automatically built into it."
"Use IExtensibleDataObject to preserve unknown elements during serialization and deserialization of data contracts."
"The cool thing is the upper and the lower are both serialized so that you know it's a matched pair."
"Text is just the wrong level; it's a perfectly good serialization medium for our programs."