
Absolute Value Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The absolute value will make any number and change it into a positive number."
"Love was the only principle, the only absolute."
"The absolute value of X is the distance of X from zero. If X is negative, make it positive."
"If you're going to positive infinity, absolute value of X equals X. But if you're going to negative infinity, absolute value of X equals negative X."
"Absolute value equations make it always positive, so we got to consider the negative event, kind of where if just this inner piece was negative."
"The key thing to hold on to is that what's inside the absolute value can be positive or negative, we don't know, but afterward, when it's gone through the absolute value, what the absolute value actually equals will always be positive."
"Absolute value is the distance of a number from zero and is always positive."
"The absolute value of a number and its negative counterpart are the same."
"When dealing with the absolute value of a difference, the order doesn't matter."
"Absolute value can be a measure of distance."
"Take the positive square root of x squared, I'm actually just going to get the positive version of x, so really what I'm getting is the absolute value of x."
"The absolute value of x is continuous everywhere on the interval from negative infinity to infinity."
"If you took the absolute value of all of the terms from sine \(x\) and all of the terms from cosine \(x\), you would get \(e\) to the \(x\)."
"If you have an absolute value, it is always going to be a V."
"The absolute value of x on its own is a function that's continuous everywhere."
"If the absolute value of the series converges, then the original series will also converge."
"This should be the absolute value of x, which gives us a very simple way to write the absolute value of x in terms of powers and roots."
"The square root of x squared gives you the absolute value of x, which is handy and worth paying attention to."
"Absolute value takes a positive number and keeps it positive, takes a negative number and makes it positive."
"The area is given by the integral from A to B of the absolute value of F of X minus G of X, DX."
"The absolute value of a plus bi is equal to the square root of a squared plus b squared."
"The absolute value of negative 3 is also going to be 3."
"The absolute value inside those vertical lines is always going to be positive."
"The absolute value of X can be written in three parts as a piecewise defined function."
"The absolute value of X is the distance of X from 0."
"Every complex number z can be written as its absolute value times some phase."
"The concept behind absolute value is that if a number is negative, absolute value will turn it positive, but if a number is already positive, absolute value will just leave it alone."
"Mod of a plus b is less than or equals to mod of a plus mod of b."
"Finding the absolute value of a complex number is like finding the distance of that point from the origin."
"When you have opposite signs... you always subtract the numbers and then the sign of the answer is just whichever one of these is the bigger absolute value."
"The absolute value of \( x \) is just \( x \) if \( x \) is a positive number."
"The definition of absolute value is effectively the distance a number is from zero."
"The absolute function returns the absolute value."
"When you take the absolute value of a number, the answer is the distance that number is away from zero."
"Absolute value functions... they give you ultimately the distance a value is away from zero."
"The absolute value function says or explains/describes how far a value is from zero on the number line."
"The absolute value is X plus plus X minus."
"Now the absolute value function tells you how far a number is away from zero on the number line."
"If you take the absolute value of a number, we define that to be the distance of the number from zero."
"The absolute value of minus a is the same thing as the absolute value of a."
"If the absolute value of x is less than 1, then in fact this sum... is 1 over 1 minus x."
"In order to find the absolute value, you're basically trying to find the distance to zero."
"Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that the end result of any absolute value will equal to either 0 or a positive number."
"The absolute value of negative three is positive three because it's three places away from zero."